Super Tuesday: March 1, 2016

Rubio is getting slammed, Trump is victorious. So now you can decide if the OP is right, or if I was right.
Rubio is a loser. He wears fag boots and acts like he's coked out most of the time. He reminds me of those punks in grade school who make a stupid joke, thinking it's cute, then looks around the room to see who's laughing. He's a petulant child and has no business running for POTUS.
He might be OK one day, and Cruz has some soul searching to do after this, because if he has a working relationship problem, then he needs to work to fix that part of it and run again. In fact all shouldn't give up totally, and instead see it as a learning experience for the future.
Abortion has been described as a "holocaust" and Planned Parenthood as something akin to Nazis. I guess we continue to "kill" the "babies" because we have Mexicans to hate on. Social conservatives are frauds.
I think your analytical skills leave much to be desired.

How is that? Trump supporters are choosing banning Mexicans and Muslims over the lives of "children". How am I wrong?
"Over the lives of children?" What the hell does that mean? How are any American children harmed by banning illegals or Muslims?
Meaning 54 percent would be satisfied if he were.

Meaning 48 percent are okay with Trump.

The 52 percent are split up between Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, and Carson.

Advantage: Trump.

you do just love the Democrats, don't you?
No, I love facts. How the fuck do you get that I love Democrats out of that post?

Goddam, you are seriously retarded.

The primary results are proving me correct, dumbass. I guess those Trump voters love Democrats. Right, idiot?

Serious question? Really?
It never fails to amuse me you retards associate facts and truth with Democrats. You don't even realize you are shooting yourselves in the foot when you do that.

PROPAGANDA OUTLET: The moon is made of cheese.

PARROTING RUBE: Breaking:The moon is made of cheese!

G5000: The moon is not made of cheese. Here are multiple links proving it is not made of cheese.


So you're a Republican who insults me who isn't a Republican by calling me a Republican. I've pointed this out before. You're not a rocket scientist, literally, are you?
I called you a retard, not a Republican.
In Georgia, Virginia and Massachusetts, early exit polls showed 50 percent or more of Republicans surveyed said they want an outsider.

That would appear a positive sign for a candidate like Trump. But in Georgia, 46 percent said they’d be dissatisfied if he were the nominee; in Virginia, that number was 52 percent.

Meanwhile, late-deciders in several states appeared to be breaking for Marco Rubio, including in Virginia, Georgia and Oklahoma.


Super Tuesday exit polls show divide among primary voters | Fox News

Rubio/Haley 2016 :eusa_dance:
Screw they! Trump/Palin 2016! Talk about a blow out for Hillary/whothefuckcares 2016!
It never fails to amuse me you retards associate facts and truth with Democrats.
Kaz speaks solely for himself, I'm sure.
He doesn't even speak for himself. He's a parrot.

And he is far from the only one.
Actually, you're a parrot for the Obama Administration. You spend 90% of your time repeating their talking-points and calling everyone who doesn't agree with Obama a Rube.
you do just love the Democrats, don't you?
No, I love facts. How the fuck do you get that I love Democrats out of that post?

Goddam, you are seriously retarded.

The primary results are proving me correct, dumbass. I guess those Trump voters love Democrats. Right, idiot?

Serious question? Really?
It never fails to amuse me you retards associate facts and truth with Democrats. You don't even realize you are shooting yourselves in the foot when you do that.

PROPAGANDA OUTLET: The moon is made of cheese.

PARROTING RUBE: Breaking:The moon is made of cheese!

G5000: The moon is not made of cheese. Here are multiple links proving it is not made of cheese.


So you're a Republican who insults me who isn't a Republican by calling me a Republican. I've pointed this out before. You're not a rocket scientist, literally, are you?
I called you a retard, not a Republican.

You forgot the rim shot
Abortion has been described as a "holocaust" and Planned Parenthood as something akin to Nazis. I guess we continue to "kill" the "babies" because we have Mexicans to hate on. Social conservatives are frauds.
I think your analytical skills leave much to be desired.

How is that? Trump supporters are choosing banning Mexicans and Muslims over the lives of "children". How am I wrong?
"Over the lives of children?" What the hell does that mean? How are any American children harmed by banning illegals or Muslims?

When Trump spends zero time making abortion illegal.
Trump is giving a victory speech, and Christie is standing behind him to his left.

And his right.
It never fails to amuse me you retards associate facts and truth with Democrats.
Kaz speaks solely for himself, I'm sure.
He doesn't even speak for himself. He's a parrot.

And he is far from the only one.
Actually, you're a parrot for the Obama Administration. You spend 90% of your time repeating their talking-points and calling everyone who doesn't agree with Obama a Rube.
No, I spend 90 percent of my time debunking the manufactured bullshit you retards parrot.

See, JimBowie? What'd I tell you? There is more than one dumbshit who conflates facts and truth with Democrats.
That's too bad. I like Rubio.

Trump not so much.
I understand... There are some who vote based on the looks....
Really? Who? Besides shallow Obama supporters?

That's the same Obama supporters who are voting for who now?
Whoever the party tells them to. Or they will stay home.

See how quick you guys abandon your points?
What points? I said I liked Rubio better than Trump. And I haven't abandoned that opinion.
When Trump spends zero time making abortion illegal.
Trump cannot overrule SCOTUS, Trump cannot legislate a law by himself for himself and for you. He cannot legislate at all. Take it up with your congressmen and let's see if Trump would sign it, better yet, get a veto proof legislation. Then, still comes the SCOTUS hurdle. Be patient grasshopper, one step at a time my little single issue voter... you need a hug?

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