Super Tuesday: March 1, 2016

I understand... There are some who vote based on the looks....
Really? Who? Besides shallow Obama supporters?

That's the same Obama supporters who are voting for who now?
Whoever the party tells them to. Or they will stay home.

See how quick you guys abandon your points?
What points? I said I liked Rubio better than Trump. And I haven't abandoned that opinion.

I understand... There are some who vote based on the looks....
Abortion has been described as a "holocaust" and Planned Parenthood as something akin to Nazis. I guess we continue to "kill" the "babies" because we have Mexicans to hate on. Social conservatives are frauds.
I think your analytical skills leave much to be desired.

How is that? Trump supporters are choosing banning Mexicans and Muslims over the lives of "children". How am I wrong?
"Over the lives of children?" What the hell does that mean? How are any American children harmed by banning illegals or Muslims?

When Trump spends zero time making abortion illegal.

You mean just like both Bushes and Reagan did?
1. He had a huge night, winning at lest 6 states, if not more. This makes him by far the dominant candidate no matter what lies Rubio tells.

2. Cruz won Texas and Oklahoma, and with Iowa, he has won three, and that is three more than Rubio, the establishment bitch. Since Rubio will never drop, and Cruz has the better claim of being the Trump Slayer in this election, this means that Trumps opposition will stay divided at least until the end of March and probably into April.

3. Rubio's record of 0-14 makes it crystal clear that he is nothing but a loser. And so all his jokes on Trump just make him look stupid.

4. This will build Trumps momentum and he will pad another 5-10% in the polls through March 15, it looks like to me.

Edit: oh yes, and 5. Sanders is basically done and he was Trumps biggest threat, believe it or not. Trump will easily beat Hillary in a landslide.
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PROPAGANDA OUTLET: Obama blew up the sun.

PARROTING RUBE: Breaking: Obama blew up the sun!

G5000: Hey, retard. Take five seconds and look out the window.

PARROTING RUBE: Obama lover! You voted for him twice! (*Gets back in line for refill of piss cup*)
Little Marco will not drop out until he loses Florida. Even then he might stay in a bit longer, on the hope of winning NY, Conn. or Maryland. I don't see him as a viable candidate at this point. I predict that by mid April Trump will have the nomination sewn up. Then he can turn all of his attention and guns on the cankled cuckquean. :popcorn:
When Trump spends zero time making abortion illegal.
Trump cannot overrule SCOTUS, Trump cannot legislate a law by himself for himself and for you. He cannot legislate at all. Take it up with your congressmen and let's see if Trump would sign it, better yet, get a veto proof legislation. Then, still comes the SCOTUS hurdle. Be patient grasshopper, one step at a time my little single issue voter... you need a hug?

I'm not anti-choice. You pro-lifers who whine about all the little babies being killed while many want to deny birth control to women can't even bother to at least try to get a constitutional amendment. It's just not worth it to avoid this ongoing holocaust.
Really? Who? Besides shallow Obama supporters?

That's the same Obama supporters who are voting for who now?
Whoever the party tells them to. Or they will stay home.

See how quick you guys abandon your points?
What points? I said I liked Rubio better than Trump. And I haven't abandoned that opinion.

I understand... There are some who vote based on the looks....
Yeah. Like Obama supporters... They voted for an empty suit with no experience.
He might be OK one day, and Cruz has some soul searching to do after this, because if he has a working relationship problem, then he needs to work to fix that part of it and run again. In fact all shouldn't give up totally, and instead see it as a learning experience for the future.

Yeah, I like Cruz more than Trump, but he does have a problem with his arrogance. When a person has no problem with losing his friendships and allies to the point that no one will endorse you for higher office among those you work with, that has to tell you something. I suspect Cruz is cognizant of this, and the fact that Sessions endorsed Trump I think really hurt Cruz.

He has to work on building friends, alliances and relationships in the Senate.
When Trump spends zero time making abortion illegal.
Trump cannot overrule SCOTUS, Trump cannot legislate a law by himself for himself and for you. He cannot legislate at all. Take it up with your congressmen and let's see if Trump would sign it, better yet, get a veto proof legislation. Then, still comes the SCOTUS hurdle. Be patient grasshopper, one step at a time my little single issue voter... you need a hug?

I'm not anti-choice. You pro-lifers who whine about all the little babies being killed while many want to deny birth control to women can't even bother to at least try to get a constitutional amendment. It's just not worth it to avoid this ongoing holocaust.
Deny? PP gives it away for free. Go get some.
That's the same Obama supporters who are voting for who now?
Whoever the party tells them to. Or they will stay home.

See how quick you guys abandon your points?
What points? I said I liked Rubio better than Trump. And I haven't abandoned that opinion.

I understand... There are some who vote based on the looks....
Yeah. Like Obama supporters... They voted for an empty suit with no experience.

The sad thing I can't tell if you are having a laugh or just not that aware.
He might be OK one day, and Cruz has some soul searching to do after this, because if he has a working relationship problem, then he needs to work to fix that part of it and run again. In fact all shouldn't give up totally, and instead see it as a learning experience for the future.

Yeah, I like Cruz more than Trump, but he does have a problem with his arrogance. When a person has no problem with losing his friendships and allies to the point that no one will endorse you for higher office among those you work with, that has to tell you something. I suspect Cruz is cognizant of this, and the fact that Sessions endorsed Trump I think really hurt Cruz.

He has to work on building friends, alliances and relationships in the Senate.

He'd make an excellent Supreme Court Justice. Maybe if he is nice, Trump will appoint him?
Yes, but even if he somehow ended up getting the nomination, do you honestly believe he could win the general ?
I sure the fuck don't.
When Trump spends zero time making abortion illegal.
Trump cannot overrule SCOTUS, Trump cannot legislate a law by himself for himself and for you. He cannot legislate at all. Take it up with your congressmen and let's see if Trump would sign it, better yet, get a veto proof legislation. Then, still comes the SCOTUS hurdle. Be patient grasshopper, one step at a time my little single issue voter... you need a hug?

I'm not anti-choice. You pro-lifers who whine about all the little babies being killed while many want to deny birth control to women can't even bother to at least try to get a constitutional amendment. It's just not worth it to avoid this ongoing holocaust.
People ought to pay to avoid their own potential fuck ups... InStead of expecting others to pay for the horseshit...
I think Rubio is waiting for the Florida primary on March 15.

That will probably be too late to stop Trump by then. Rubio needs to bow out immediately.
He'd make an excellent Supreme Court Justice. Maybe if he is nice, Trump will appoint him?

I think Cruz needs a federal bench appointment on an appelate court at most, so he can build his experience as a judge, prior to going to the Senate as a nominee for the SCOTUS.

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