Super Tuesday: March 1, 2016

When Trump spends zero time making abortion illegal.
Trump cannot overrule SCOTUS, Trump cannot legislate a law by himself for himself and for you. He cannot legislate at all. Take it up with your congressmen and let's see if Trump would sign it, better yet, get a veto proof legislation. Then, still comes the SCOTUS hurdle. Be patient grasshopper, one step at a time my little single issue voter... you need a hug?

I'm not anti-choice. You pro-lifers who whine about all the little babies being killed while many want to deny birth control to women can't even bother to at least try to get a constitutional amendment. It's just not worth it to avoid this ongoing holocaust.
People ought to pay to avoid their own potential fuck ups... InStead of expecting others to pay for the horseshit...

Even if it reduced abortions? Such hypocrites.
Federal government shouldn't be in the business of abortions to begin with, it should be none of their business whatsoever

Nobody brought this point up. Trump wants to continue to fund Planned Parenthood as we currently are.
Rubio is screwing up his political future IMO. The longer this goes the more he ingrains an image of a scared kid trying to talk like a wise guy. I like the guy but it's not his time.
I am just wondering if Rubio even has a choice right now. He may be so obligated to the Establishment that he has to keep running whether he realizes he cannot win or not.

Rubio: Look, it's over. I can't win, America clearly doesn't want me, and I want to stop.
Priebus: Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.
It never fails to amuse me you retards associate facts and truth with Democrats.
Kaz speaks solely for himself, I'm sure.
He doesn't even speak for himself. He's a parrot.

And he is far from the only one.
Actually, you're a parrot for the Obama Administration. You spend 90% of your time repeating their talking-points and calling everyone who doesn't agree with Obama a Rube.
No, I spend 90 percent of my time debunking the manufactured bullshit you retards parrot.

See, JimBowie? What'd I tell you? There is more than one dumbshit who conflates facts and truth with Democrats.
Yep....and you're the only motherfucker here that knows what is fake and what is real.

Where does that knowledge come from if not from the source.
Rubio is screwing up his political future IMO. The longer this goes the more he ingrains an image of a scared kid trying to talk like a wise guy. I like the guy but it's not his time.
. How does he bow out gracefully I wonder ? People best get ready to get behind Trump, because they sure don't want that low down polarizing devider Hillary Clinton to win the presidency. That would be a nightmare far more worse than any Trump could ever be. To much water under the bridge with Hillary, and her devider strategy is as sick as it gets. The woman will stoop to the lowest means to win, and I mean worse than Trump could do any day, and that's saying something.. Giving power of this sort to radical reformers just shows how bad off this nation is.
Hillary's base is the SJW tumblr lunatics.
Trump cannot overrule SCOTUS, Trump cannot legislate a law by himself for himself and for you. He cannot legislate at all. Take it up with your congressmen and let's see if Trump would sign it, better yet, get a veto proof legislation. Then, still comes the SCOTUS hurdle. Be patient grasshopper, one step at a time my little single issue voter... you need a hug?

I'm not anti-choice. You pro-lifers who whine about all the little babies being killed while many want to deny birth control to women can't even bother to at least try to get a constitutional amendment. It's just not worth it to avoid this ongoing holocaust.
People ought to pay to avoid their own potential fuck ups... InStead of expecting others to pay for the horseshit...

Even if it reduced abortions? Such hypocrites.
Federal government shouldn't be in the business of abortions to begin with, it should be none of their business whatsoever

Nobody brought this point up. Trump wants to continue to fund Planned Parenthood as we currently are.

Planned Parenthood isn't the issue you think it is. Immigration and national security is.
He might be OK one day, and Cruz has some soul searching to do after this, because if he has a working relationship problem, then he needs to work to fix that part of it and run again. In fact all shouldn't give up totally, and instead see it as a learning experience for the future.

Yeah, I like Cruz more than Trump, but he does have a problem with his arrogance. When a person has no problem with losing his friendships and allies to the point that no one will endorse you for higher office among those you work with, that has to tell you something. I suspect Cruz is cognizant of this, and the fact that Sessions endorsed Trump I think really hurt Cruz.

He has to work on building friends, alliances and relationships in the Senate.

He'd make an excellent Supreme Court Justice. Maybe if he is nice, Trump will appoint him?
Trump was nice to him tonight...
When Trump spends zero time making abortion illegal.
Trump cannot overrule SCOTUS, Trump cannot legislate a law by himself for himself and for you. He cannot legislate at all. Take it up with your congressmen and let's see if Trump would sign it, better yet, get a veto proof legislation. Then, still comes the SCOTUS hurdle. Be patient grasshopper, one step at a time my little single issue voter... you need a hug?

I'm not anti-choice. You pro-lifers who whine about all the little babies being killed while many want to deny birth control to women can't even bother to at least try to get a constitutional amendment. It's just not worth it to avoid this ongoing holocaust.

No one wants to deny birth control to women. They just don't want to be forced to pay for it. IF they want to go slutting around, they can pay for their own birth control.

Ok, so you're OK with not reducing the number of abortions because women are "slutting" around. Hypocrites who put their wallet (though it costs you next to nothing) over this supposed holocaust.

Well, it's exactly as I thought.
The only person it should be costing is the one foolishly fucking... Why should anyone else be on the hook for such fucked up behavior?? You socialists are all the same you have no responsibility for anything, because you're a bunch of fuck ups...
No wonder this country is so fucked up...
Rubio is screwing up his political future IMO. The longer this goes the more he ingrains an image of a scared kid trying to talk like a wise guy. I like the guy but it's not his time.
. How does he bow out gracefully I wonder ? People best get ready to get behind Trump, because they sure don't want that low down polarizing devider Hillary Clinton to win the presidency. That would be a nightmare far more worse than any Trump could ever be. To much water under the bridge with Hillary, and her devider strategy is as sick as it gets. The woman will stoop to the lowest means to win, and I mean worse than Trump could do any day, and that's saying something.. Giving power of this sort to radical reformers just shows how bad off this nation is.
Hillary's base is the SJW tumblr lunatics.

And Gyno-Americans. Let's face it, she's campaigning on "it's time for a woman to be in the WH" as her main selling point. She has a uterus and is counting on the 50% of the electorate with the same parts to just vote for her because of identity politics.

Hillary has so much baggage that the only thing that can save her is the ax wound between her legs.
When Trump spends zero time making abortion illegal.
Trump cannot overrule SCOTUS, Trump cannot legislate a law by himself for himself and for you. He cannot legislate at all. Take it up with your congressmen and let's see if Trump would sign it, better yet, get a veto proof legislation. Then, still comes the SCOTUS hurdle. Be patient grasshopper, one step at a time my little single issue voter... you need a hug?

I'm not anti-choice. You pro-lifers who whine about all the little babies being killed while many want to deny birth control to women can't even bother to at least try to get a constitutional amendment. It's just not worth it to avoid this ongoing holocaust.

No one wants to deny birth control to women. They just don't want to be forced to pay for it. IF they want to go slutting around, they can pay for their own birth control.

Ok, so you're OK with not reducing the number of abortions because women are "slutting" around. Hypocrites who put their wallet (though it costs you next to nothing) over this supposed holocaust.

Well, it's exactly as I thought.

I'm not anti-abortion, so it's not an issue for me. I don't want the government using force against innocent people, whether it's to make them pay for someone else's birth control or to prevent them from having an abortion. If you want to pay for some irresponsible slut's birth control, go right ahead. Just don't get the government to point a gun at my head and make me pay for it.

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