Supermajority Of Americans Feel Biden has Botched Afghanistan.

In 2013, U.S military must have withdrawn from Afghanistan completely.
What a retarded comment. That's the stupidest comment I've ever seen. I pray there was some point you were trying to make there, and that you're not just completely braindead.
You have 4 days left to masturbate to forever war, snowflake. You'll have to watch porn like normal people after that.
When I want sex, I have a woman who accommodates me. You should try it some time, if you can find one skanky enough that is or you've got the money.
Okay, so you're a blame the victims kind of person. "Wow, I guess that woman really had it coming to her."

Why would Americans not assume their Government would keep them safe? How stupid of them.
They didn’t count on Cut-N-Run Joe bugging out so fast and leaving them behind.
Here is an active duty Marine officer putting his career on the line by exposing the incompetency of the administration's senior leadership.

Video at link

A cry from the heart​

Addressing “the American leadership,” Marine Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller has posted the video below to his Facebook page. Making a point I have made repeatedly in my comments on our withdrawal from Afghanistan, Lieutenant Colonel Scheller seeks accountability from senior leaders. Obviously made at substantial risk to himself, it is a powerful statement that is likely to be suppressed before long. Perhaps he himself should have resigned from the Corps before he made it. I don’t know.

A reader writes to point out that “Marine leadership is as of yet unaware of it – but they will figure it out shortly.” Watch it while you can.
Yes, she really enjoys it, but I do it for my pleasure also so not altruistic. You wouldn't understand.
Good keep doing it to distract you from voting to murder our soldiers in far off wastelands. God bless her.
Good keep doing it to distract you from voting to murder our soldiers in far off wastelands. God bless her.
Do you think I would stop having sex when I am supposed to be so inclined because of Biden's clusterfuck?! Seriously?

You're quite a prig.
Do you think I would stop having sex when I am supposed to be so inclined because of Biden's clusterfuck?! Seriously?

You're quite a prig.
If it stops you craving the deaths of our soldiers you can go ahead and have sex with as many dudes or women as you like
If it stops you craving the deaths of our soldiers you can go ahead and have sex with as many dudes or women as you like
This has long gotten silly.

There are those that suffer fools gladly, and those that don't. I am of the latter.

Good luck
I agree he botched it.

I think it was a no-win situation that we were avoiding for 20 years. I’m glad we’re finally getting out of there, but I have to believe there was a better way of handling that than what we saw.

Biden deserves criticism for how this unfolded. It’s not all his fault but much of it is.
I agree he botched it.

I think it was a no-win situation that we were avoiding for 20 years. I’m glad we’re finally getting out of there, but I have to believe there was a better way of handling that than what we saw.

Biden deserves criticism for how this unfolded. It’s not all his fault but much of it is.
Well said, but it on Biden's hands and something I doubt he'll survive.

Biden was a spent force when he took the presidency, even more so now.
I'll just stand over here and LMFAO.

Holy shit are you dreaming. I doubt anyone will forget the mess he made in the Stan. Nor the mess he made at the border. Hell we have 1 million more illegals in our country. Many with the Chines virus. Illegals who cost we tax payer billions every year. I doubt the voters will be forgetting that.

I doubt the economy will be going far. Not with all the green shit that bubbling boob has in store for the country.

Oh yeah. Talk to us in a year. I sure hope the country can survive the incompetent boob you voted for.

Cheering for your country to fail demonstrates your true motives.

A year from now Biden’s Afghan withdrawal will be hailed as a huge success and the chaos will be forgotten
They are dying their now because of Biden. He and Obama had eight years to straighten shit out and did nothing. Biden is an imbecile.
I notice you conveniently omit Trump (who had four years and just made things worse) and Bush who started it.
Because politics is what's important, not 12 dead US service men and 15 wounded. Got it. Why don't you and Biden fly to Kabul tonight, lead by example, be on the last flight out.
What's important is that the party is always right. In that case perhaps we really do need taliban and ms13 style terrorists here.
oh there'll be plenty of young dying in Afghanistan soon...young, old, middle aged, girls, boys, children, babies, new mothers, newborns, women, men, christians,....... i'm sure you'll enjoy it.
As long as it keeps them from coming here. Take a look at what the v Afghans have done to Europe.

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