Supermajority Of Americans Feel Biden has Botched Afghanistan.

Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden as Vice President deserve massive blame for this. I hope we don't forget about this shit like we forgot about Vietnam.
there ya go blaming Trump, when it's trumps deadline that biden is abiding by
I thought you guys were blaming trump for that.
The red head with the crazy eyes that is on every day blaming the "prior administration."

Who fucked EVERYTHING up he touched???? Donald J. Trump.

When Trump took office, you have the lowest number of illegal border crosssings in 50 years. By 2019, Donald Trump declared a National Emergency on the South Border as illegal crossing spiked under his policies, to the highest levels in more than 20 years, and the illegals are now crossing at the highest levels in decades.

Fortunately, the Biden Administration is shipping nearly all of those who cross illegally back to Mexico. That's something FOX News fails to mention. The Biden Administration returned 200,000 people to Mexico last month. Fox News implies that all illegal border border crossings means that 200,000 illegals entered the USA and are still there.

When Border Patrol tells you there were 200,000 illegal border crossings, those are people they intercepted AND SENT BACK. When Donald Trump caught people crossing the border, he put them in his concentration camps and left them there at your expense. Joe Biden is sending them back to Mexico.
I'm glad we have a President for the 1st time this century with the balls to end a forever war without caring if it costs him politically.
....or costs thousands of American civilian lives and tens of thousands of Afghanistani lives.
Who fucked EVERYTHING up he touched???? Donald J. Trump.

When Trump took office, you have the lowest number of illegal border crosssings in 50 years. By 2019, Donald Trump declared a National Emergency on the South Border as illegal crossing spiked under his policies, to the highest levels in more than 20 years, and the illegals are now crossing at the highest levels in decades.

Fortunately, the Biden Administration is shipping nearly all of those who cross illegally back to Mexico. That's something FOX News fails to mention. The Biden Administration returned 200,000 people to Mexico last month. Fox News implies that all illegal border border crossings means that 200,000 illegals entered the USA and are still there.

When Border Patrol tells you there were 200,000 illegal border crossings, those are people they intercepted AND SENT BACK. When Donald Trump caught people crossing the border, he put them in his concentration camps and left them there at your expense. Joe Biden is sending them back to Mexico.
Seriously, just STFU with your Trump obsession. He hasn't been in office for 8 months.

Nothing you piss your depends over regarding Trump will make Clusterfuck Joe look better. He owns this debacle 100%, and the debacle on our border.
So do you. Lying about Democrats, undermining the government, and trying to bring back a lying conman. Anyone who calls themselves "Welfare Queen" isn't very bright, and you demonstrate that every single time you post.

Ronald Reagan's "welfare queen" stories were made up lies. Your whole "personna" is based on Reagan's original racist lie. Anyone who calls themselves "Welfare Queen" is admitting they're too stupid to know the truth.
You just assumed any woman on welfare is black. How racist of you, you KKKanadian Fuckwit.
I'll just stand over here and LMFAO.

Holy shit are you dreaming. I doubt anyone will forget the mess he made in the Stan. Nor the mess he made at the border. Hell we have 1 million more illegals in our country. Many with the Chines virus. Illegals who cost we tax payer billions every year. I doubt the voters will be forgetting that.

I doubt the economy will be going far. Not with all the green shit that bubbling boob has in store for the country.

Oh yeah. Talk to us in a year. I sure hope the country can survive the incompetent boob you voted for.

Cheering for your country to fail demonstrates your true motives.

A year from now Biden’s Afghan withdrawal will be hailed as a miracle, and the economy will be humming.

People are now waking up to Republican lies about vacccines and getting vaccinated at the fast pace since the vaccines became available.,

....or costs thousands of American civilian lives and tens of thousands of Afghanistani lives.

150,000 Afghanis have been killed in the past 20 years of war. You had ZERO concerns for those deaths, or for the more than 2,300 American military people who have ALREADY died. Now that there are casualties at the war's end, you care.

The ONLY deaths conservatives care about, are those they can use to their partisan benefit. You didn't care about American lives lost for 20 years and suddenly you care so deeply, about them.

No one believes you at all. You've never cared before, why now FuckBoi?????
Cheering for your country to fail demonstrates your true motives.

A year from now Biden’s Afghan withdrawal will be hailed as a miracle, and the economy will be humming.

People are now waking up to Republican lies about vacccines and getting vaccinated at the fast pace since the vaccines became available.,

150,000 Afghanis have been killed in the past 20 years of war. You had ZERO concerns for those deaths, or for the more than 2,300 American military people who have ALREADY died. Now that there are casualties at the war's end, you care.

The ONLY deaths conservatives care about, are those they can use to their partisan benefit. You didn't care about American lives lost for 20 years and suddenly you care so deeply, about them.

No one believes you at all. You've never cared before, why now FuckBoi?????
You didn't care about American lives lost for 20 years

Quote my post saying anything remotely close to that. Failure to quote such a post is an admission by you (yet again) that you are a lying sack of shit.
#AFG So many Afghan SF guys are left behind, one Coalition SOF guy told me that beside betrayal it is actually dangerous to leave these guys behind since they know so many of our tactics and procedures.

BILAL SARWARY (@bsarwary) August 27, 2021
Who fucked EVERYTHING up he touched???? Donald J. Trump.

When Trump took office, you have the lowest number of illegal border crosssings in 50 years. By 2019, Donald Trump declared a National Emergency on the South Border as illegal crossing spiked under his policies, to the highest levels in more than 20 years, and the illegals are now crossing at the highest levels in decades.

Fortunately, the Biden Administration is shipping nearly all of those who cross illegally back to Mexico. That's something FOX News fails to mention. The Biden Administration returned 200,000 people to Mexico last month. Fox News implies that all illegal border border crossings means that 200,000 illegals entered the USA and are still there.

When Border Patrol tells you there were 200,000 illegal border crossings, those are people they intercepted AND SENT BACK. When Donald Trump caught people crossing the border, he put them in his concentration camps and left them there at your expense. Joe Biden is sending them back to Mexico.

Where on earth do you get your information? Biden reversed all of Trump's border polices and border crossings have gone through the roof. What do you NOT understand about that fact?
It just keeps getting uglier and uglier. You Gov completed a poll before the attack today at the Kabul airport. 84% of Republicans, 76% percent of Independents, and yes even 55% of Dems feel Biden is responsible for the fiasco in Afghanistan. It really can't get much worse, except it will. This is just the beginning. The video that will be coming out of Afghanistan for months and months will continue to be increasingly horrific. Meanwhile, Joe Biden hides in his Fuhrer Bunker and never answers questions or takes any responsibility. This is the worst foreign policy disaster for America in my lifetime. It is incredibly sad and tragic. God help any Americans or our allies still stuck in Afghanistan.

Key Quote: "Sixty-eight percent of Americans and 55 percent of Democrats believe that the Biden administration’s evacuation of U.S. troops, civilians, and allies from Afghanistan has been handled “badly” according to a new YouGov poll. Seventy-five percent of veterans, 76 percent of independents, and 84 percent of Republicans concur with the majority of Democrats and supermajority of Americans who disapprove of way the U.S. has withdrawn after nearly 20 years of military involvement there. A mere 16 percent of Americans would go so far as to say that it has been executed “very or somewhat well.”

Lefties and democrats love polls
You are free to go die for nothing in the middle east anytime you like, snowflakes. You'll have to find another source of pleasure other than sending our youth to die there soon.
That's what Biden did. Thirteen died yesterday, or haven't you heard?
....or costs thousands of American civilian lives and tens of thousands of Afghanistani lives.

American civilians have known that the troops were leaving for over a year now. Why are ANY of them still there? Why didn't they leave when Trump signed the Peace Treaty with the Taliban? Why didn't they leave when Biden extended the May 1st deadline for withdrawal to September 11th? Why didn't they leave when the Taliban first started advancing through the provinces?

Why was Stephen Miller allowed to dismantled and defund the visa program for Afghan nationals?

American civilians have known that the troops were leaving for over a year now. Why are ANY of them still there? Why didn't they leave when Trump signed the Peace Treaty with the Taliban? Why didn't they leave when Biden extended the May 1st deadline for withdrawal to September 11th? Why didn't they leave when the Taliban first started advancing through the provinces?

Why was Stephen Miller allowed to dismantled and defund the visa program for Afghan nationals?


Okay, so you're a blame the victims kind of person. "Wow, I guess that woman really had it coming to her."

Why would Americans not assume their Government would keep them safe? How stupid of them.

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