Supermajority Of Americans Feel Biden has Botched Afghanistan.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
It just keeps getting uglier and uglier. You Gov completed a poll before the attack today at the Kabul airport. 84% of Republicans, 76% percent of Independents, and yes even 55% of Dems feel Biden is responsible for the fiasco in Afghanistan. It really can't get much worse, except it will. This is just the beginning. The video that will be coming out of Afghanistan for months and months will continue to be increasingly horrific. Meanwhile, Joe Biden hides in his Fuhrer Bunker and never answers questions or takes any responsibility. This is the worst foreign policy disaster for America in my lifetime. It is incredibly sad and tragic. God help any Americans or our allies still stuck in Afghanistan.

Key Quote: "Sixty-eight percent of Americans and 55 percent of Democrats believe that the Biden administration’s evacuation of U.S. troops, civilians, and allies from Afghanistan has been handled “badly” according to a new YouGov poll. Seventy-five percent of veterans, 76 percent of independents, and 84 percent of Republicans concur with the majority of Democrats and supermajority of Americans who disapprove of way the U.S. has withdrawn after nearly 20 years of military involvement there. A mere 16 percent of Americans would go so far as to say that it has been executed “very or somewhat well.”

You are free to go die for nothing in the middle east anytime you like, snowflakes. You'll have to find another source of pleasure other than sending our youth to die there soon.

They are dying their now because of Biden. He and Obama had eight years to straighten shit out and did nothing. Biden is an imbecile.
I'm glad we have a President for the 1st time this century with the balls to end a forever war without caring if it costs him politically.
It just keeps getting uglier and uglier. You Gov completed a poll before the attack today at the Kabul airport. 84% of Republicans, 76% percent of Independents, and yes even 55% of Dems feel Biden is responsible for the fiasco in Afghanistan. It really can't get much worse, except it will. This is just the beginning. The video that will be coming out of Afghanistan for months and months will continue to be increasingly horrific. Meanwhile, Joe Biden hides in his Fuhrer Bunker and never answers questions or takes any responsibility. This is the worst foreign policy disaster for America in my lifetime. It is incredibly sad and tragic. God help any Americans or our allies still stuck in Afghanistan.

Key Quote: "Sixty-eight percent of Americans and 55 percent of Democrats believe that the Biden administration’s evacuation of U.S. troops, civilians, and allies from Afghanistan has been handled “badly” according to a new YouGov poll. Seventy-five percent of veterans, 76 percent of independents, and 84 percent of Republicans concur with the majority of Democrats and supermajority of Americans who disapprove of way the U.S. has withdrawn after nearly 20 years of military involvement there. A mere 16 percent of Americans would go so far as to say that it has been executed “very or somewhat well.”

No doubt Thief in Chief Biden will come out and say we will hunt these terrorists down so he can look good. LOL
I'm glad we have a President for the 1st time this century with the balls to end a forever war without caring if it costs him politically.

The problem with that line of thought is that Biden allowed the Tailban to make the decision for him.

That speech he made last week should have been made back in January. I'll only go as far as saying that the fact that the speech was needed at all, is on all administrations going back to GW Bush.
The problem with that line of thought is that Biden allowed the Tailban to make the decision for him.

That speech he made last week should have been made back in January. I'll only go as far as saying that the fact that the speech was needed at all, is on all administrations going back to GW Bush.
Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden as Vice President deserve massive blame for this. I hope we don't forget about this shit like we forgot about Vietnam.
You are free to go die for nothing in the middle east anytime you like, snowflakes. You'll have to find another source of pleasure other than sending our youth to die there soon.

oh there'll be plenty of young dying in Afghanistan soon...young, old, middle aged, girls, boys, children, babies, new mothers, newborns, women, men, christians,....... i'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Because politics is what's important, not 12 dead US service men and 15 wounded. Got it. Why don't you and Biden fly to Kabul tonight, lead by example, be on the last flight out.
Or Biden can put the smartest man he knows on the first flight over to straighten out the mess....
It just keeps getting uglier and uglier. You Gov completed a poll before the attack today at the Kabul airport. 84% of Republicans, 76% percent of Independents, and yes even 55% of Dems feel Biden is responsible for the fiasco in Afghanistan.

Yeah and ALL the ones that APPROVE of this fiasco and are defending the indefensible are ACTIVE members of USMB.. LOL

To quote Biden directly -- what he's doing now is what he says " ... that's not who we are as a country". That's all you need to know about the poll numbers. Could get technical and logically deduce that it's Biden who doesn't know who he is from divide between his ACTIONS and his words.

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