Debate Now Mark Levin to Biden: "Who the hell do you think you are?"

Do you know, according to the news this morning, that Biden told Netanyahu that the USA would share intelligence of where Hamas was in the tunnels if Netanyahu agrees not to go into Rafah. The implication is that we KNOW where the terrorists are and we are protecting them?
No, the implication is we don't want to be accessories or complicit in GENOCIDE!!!
i doubt our cia know more than the mossad does in their own backyard FF....

But more to your point, this is all about the US trying to dictate the rules of warfare

If Israel expects us to continue as their 'big stick', it should be under our terms , not theirs


The U.S. should be making no terms that are detrimental, let alone suicidal, for Israel. And especially not when we make no requirements of or even require an accounting of how the Ukraine uses the massive aid we send them. On that same newscast this morning I learned that at least 20 Democrats are now petitioning Biden to return to our support of Israel along with close to 100% of Republicans.
i doubt our cia know more than the mossad does in their own backyard FF....

But more to your point, this is all about the US trying to dictate the rules of warfare

If Israel expects us to continue as their 'big stick', it should be under our terms , not theirs


And most of America still backs ISRAEL. Biden doesnt care about either. He only cares about polls and power.

Oct.7 was Israel's 911. They have every right to fight til Hamas is utterly destroyed.

You are becoming more and more of a flip flopper.

You post we should mind our own business then shift to we should decide for them.

Make up your mind and get back to us.
Is there a better example of the success of establishment propaganda than the unconditional support of the authoritarian apartheid state of Israel by many Americans?

Yeah...what an awful thing.

Israel has the population of Michigan.

But it can get everyone's underwear bunched up real fast.

Wonder if Hamas has a manual for attacking music festivals ?
Pointless statement.

Leave me out of your twisted mentality.
Oh really? You mean you don’t know your beloved Israel, the nation you are truly loyal to, has slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent civilians.

Fox News really keeps you in the dark, and you like it there.
Oh really? You mean you don’t know your beloved Israel, the nation you are truly loyal to, has slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent civilians.

Fox News really keeps you in the dark, and you like it there.

I watch Israel News channels.
You stick to your own opinions and l’ll stick to mine?
If you think the way to stop terrorism is murdering 35,000 civilians, then you may be the real terrorist.

If your beloved Israel murders 100,000 civilians, will you stay loyal?
If you think the way to stop terrorism is murdering 35,000 civilians, then you may be the real terrorist.

If your beloved Israel murders 100,000 civilians, will you stay loyal?
How many died WWII, WWI,

GULF WAR. Korea. Vietnam.

People die in Wars. Hamas started this war. And Israel will FINISH THIS WAR.
Lol. I can believe that. You want propaganda.
NO she wallows In her joo-ishness- and then tells other folks- they live a miserable life? she's feeding off you? That's the gig?
don't feed it. LOL

How many died WWII, WWI,

GULF WAR. Korea. Vietnam.

People die in Wars. Hamas started this war. And Israel will FINISH THIS WAR.
So you’re a proponent of war crimes. Imagine if some nation did that to yours.
So you’re a proponent of war crimes. Imagine if some nation did that to yours.
You thousands of rockets at me every year since 2006. Id RIP YOU A NEW ASSHOLE.

Be glad your boys Hamas are fughting Israel
It simple. Biden thinks he's the president.

Given increasing numbers of Americans are turning against the genocide in Gaza, he's probably quite right to use aid to get Netanyahu to stop the carnage.
Genocide? You are like all Hamas fellatio experts and do not know the meaning of the word. Perhaps if you were to consult a dictionary instead of books by Karl Marx, you might understand.
Basically Levin needs to be quiet. He is a Jewish extremist who will side with Likkud. And The Likkud Party is the probem. They are such a problem that the citizens of Israel want a new government. So the real question here is "Who the hell does Mark Levin think he is?"
You do realize the opposition leader in Israel is one of the primary leaders in the government pushing the war? Oh, you didn't realize that? Typical fucktard liberal! The Israeli people are about 90% behind the war with the exception of Hassidic Jews who yearn for their own destruction on a daily basis.
No idea how many Americans are hostages. Everybody wants them back. Your problem is you think it is OK to indiscriminately kill innocent children. If Netanyahu was in charge in 1945, he would have been in favor of just bombing Auschwitz instead of liberating the innocent victims there.
Congratulations! I think we can all agree that you have won the Stupidest Post of the Day Award!

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