Superman's Eco-Magic


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I love how comic books can be used to explore socially-relevant issues such as drug abuse, nuclear weapons, and eco-pollution, which is why perhaps the American celebrity Leo DiCaprio is working on a Captain Planet film adaptation!


Superman had to deal with two nefarious villains who possessed strength comparable to his. The first was Non, a brutish visitor from Superman's planet (Krypton). Non was a criminal on Krypton and followed Superman to Earth to wreak havoc and find revenge for his imprisonment (which came at the hands of Superman's father). The second was Nuclear Man, a genetic abomination created by the criminal mastermind Lex Luthor with a strand of Superman's DNA (taken from a piece of hair from his head) stolen from the National Museum in Washington. Nuclear Man possessed the ability to shoot deadly electric sparks and boasted incredible physical strength (just like Non).

Superman was very perplexed. "How will I defeat two villains who are nearly mirror images of me without causing a panic and having people think that there are 'evil aliens' out there with the same power and focus as me?" After thinking and thinking (and thinking), Superman finally came up with an ingenious scheme. "Since Non is a force of brutishness, his pride will be hurt if he thinks someone is outshining him in brutish villainy; and since Nuclear Man is a force of genetic monstrosity, he will be adverse to allying with himself with anyone or thinking there is another creature (or brute) just like him!" Superman decided to set Non and Nuclear Man against each other!

Superman knew that if Nuclear Man was not stopped, he would devastate cities across the world and instill fear for his merciless and unethical master, Lex Luthor. Superman also knew that if Non went unchecked, he would inspire more criminals from Krypton to visit Earth for vain-glorious plunder (perhaps even Non's 'mentor' General Zod). Superman decided that he would have to resolve this situation resoundingly and without ambiguity so no one would be able to repeat this horror or find 'devilish inspiration' from this anti-human event. Superman's plan was to lure both of them to an automobile junkyard...

When Non and Nuclear Man both landed on the automobile junkyard, they found (to their surprise) Superman working on a strange home chemistry lab kit, pouring colored liquids into beakers and doing distillation tasks and performing evaporation-condensation experiments. Nuclear Man felt insulted and said, "You called us here to watch you play with your school chemistry set?" When Non started flying towards Superman to punch him, Superman jumped up and said, "No! Wait! If you kill me, you'll never know what I had planned for the two of you with this chemistry set!" Nuclear Man signaled to Non to allow Superman to pose his proposition.

Superman explained that the chemistry set he was working on was an experiment designed to see how atmospheric temperature changes evaporation-condensation rates so he could determine if eco-pollution was changing the creation-rate and wavelength-strength of rainbows. He then proposed that Non and Nuclear Man themselves conduct the experiment to see who would derive the most accurate results in the shortest amount of time. The winner could then claim, "I am more knowledgeable about eco-pollution related Earth deformity!" Non asked Superman, "Why do you think Nuclear Man and I care at all about eco-pollution?"

"I order you two to leave Earth forever. If you return and fail to perform my eco-pollution chemistry experiment competition, I will tell all human beings that you two can not resolve your differences long enough to perform even a simple school chemistry experiment to determine the natural outcome of eco-pollution. Humanity will think you two are nothing more than self-serving 'brutes,' without sense or sensibility! I know you two will not accept this challenge, so I offer you the chance to leave Earth now, and we'll forget the entire matter and let peace reign!" Superman spoke.

Nuclear Man and Non looked at each other and realized Superman had created a nearly-impossible evaluation-competition, and they'd be fools to risk any immature attempt. Non said to Superman, "We don't want to look like clowns to these meaningless humans, so we'll leave, but you must keep your secret!" When Non and Nuclear Man flew away and past Earth's atmosphere and out of the solar system, Superman gave a huge sigh of relief and muttered to himself, "I wonder what would've happened if one of those two mighty brutes actually attempted to complete my terrible chemistry test." Earth was safe from the vanity of arguably Superman's strongest enemies.

Superman went home and started writing in his diary about all aspects of his life which praised the natural processes of Earth's beautiful and majestic ecosystems. He thought about his sacred power-crystal, his ice-breath, his ability to soar like a bird, and his sensitivity to flowers and plants. He decided that he was a hero of a special 'imaginative eco-magic.' In the back of his mind, however, the world's favorite hero wondered if the arrival of Non and Nuclear Man would somehow motivate other malicious or mischievous alien species to visit Earth to demoralize humanity's age-old quest for 'eco-miracles.' For the moment, however, Superman felt the wind of victory.


I love how comic books can be used to explore socially-relevant issues such as drug abuse, nuclear weapons, and eco-pollution, which is why perhaps the American celebrity Leo DiCaprio is working on a Captain Planet film adaptation!


Superman had to deal with two nefarious villains who possessed strength comparable to his. The first was Non, a brutish visitor from Superman's planet (Krypton). Non was a criminal on Krypton and followed Superman to Earth to wreak havoc and find revenge for his imprisonment (which came at the hands of Superman's father). The second was Nuclear Man, a genetic abomination created by the criminal mastermind Lex Luthor with a strand of Superman's DNA (taken from a piece of hair from his head) stolen from the National Museum in Washington. Nuclear Man possessed the ability to shoot deadly electric sparks and boasted incredible physical strength (just like Non).

Superman was very perplexed. "How will I defeat two villains who are nearly mirror images of me without causing a panic and having people think that there are 'evil aliens' out there with the same power and focus as me?" After thinking and thinking (and thinking), Superman finally came up with an ingenious scheme. "Since Non is a force of brutishness, his pride will be hurt if he thinks someone is outshining him in brutish villainy; and since Nuclear Man is a force of genetic monstrosity, he will be adverse to allying with himself with anyone or thinking there is another creature (or brute) just like him!" Superman decided to set Non and Nuclear Man against each other!

Superman knew that if Nuclear Man was not stopped, he would devastate cities across the world and instill fear for his merciless and unethical master, Lex Luthor. Superman also knew that if Non went unchecked, he would inspire more criminals from Krypton to visit Earth for vain-glorious plunder (perhaps even Non's 'mentor' General Zod). Superman decided that he would have to resolve this situation resoundingly and without ambiguity so no one would be able to repeat this horror or find 'devilish inspiration' from this anti-human event. Superman's plan was to lure both of them to an automobile junkyard...

When Non and Nuclear Man both landed on the automobile junkyard, they found (to their surprise) Superman working on a strange home chemistry lab kit, pouring colored liquids into beakers and doing distillation tasks and performing evaporation-condensation experiments. Nuclear Man felt insulted and said, "You called us here to watch you play with your school chemistry set?" When Non started flying towards Superman to punch him, Superman jumped up and said, "No! Wait! If you kill me, you'll never know what I had planned for the two of you with this chemistry set!" Nuclear Man signaled to Non to allow Superman to pose his proposition.

Superman explained that the chemistry set he was working on was an experiment designed to see how atmospheric temperature changes evaporation-condensation rates so he could determine if eco-pollution was changing the creation-rate and wavelength-strength of rainbows. He then proposed that Non and Nuclear Man themselves conduct the experiment to see who would derive the most accurate results in the shortest amount of time. The winner could then claim, "I am more knowledgeable about eco-pollution related Earth deformity!" Non asked Superman, "Why do you think Nuclear Man and I care at all about eco-pollution?"

"I order you two to leave Earth forever. If you return and fail to perform my eco-pollution chemistry experiment competition, I will tell all human beings that you two can not resolve your differences long enough to perform even a simple school chemistry experiment to determine the natural outcome of eco-pollution. Humanity will think you two are nothing more than self-serving 'brutes,' without sense or sensibility! I know you two will not accept this challenge, so I offer you the chance to leave Earth now, and we'll forget the entire matter and let peace reign!" Superman spoke.

Nuclear Man and Non looked at each other and realized Superman had created a nearly-impossible evaluation-competition, and they'd be fools to risk any immature attempt. Non said to Superman, "We don't want to look like clowns to these meaningless humans, so we'll leave, but you must keep your secret!" When Non and Nuclear Man flew away and past Earth's atmosphere and out of the solar system, Superman gave a huge sigh of relief and muttered to himself, "I wonder what would've happened if one of those two mighty brutes actually attempted to complete my terrible chemistry test." Earth was safe from the vanity of arguably Superman's strongest enemies.

Superman went home and started writing in his diary about all aspects of his life which praised the natural processes of Earth's beautiful and majestic ecosystems. He thought about his sacred power-crystal, his ice-breath, his ability to soar like a bird, and his sensitivity to flowers and plants. He decided that he was a hero of a special 'imaginative eco-magic.' In the back of his mind, however, the world's favorite hero wondered if the arrival of Non and Nuclear Man would somehow motivate other malicious or mischievous alien species to visit Earth to demoralize humanity's age-old quest for 'eco-miracles.' For the moment, however, Superman felt the wind of victory.


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You just explained why DC sucks.

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