Superstorm Jonas Is Here!,So How Did Global Warming Create This Large Snowy&Freezing Mess?

:ack-1::oops-28: So do any of you live in the northeast corner? You obviously are aware of whats going on outside and whats to come soon. Freezing Temps! Lots Of Snow!, maybe even a blizzard or two, just plain crappy winter weather.
Well, once again, maybe someone here can explain how "Global Warming" created this storm, along with the one behind it.
Warming creates precipitation. Weather 101.

In a word NO.. Global atmospheric water content is not rising.. and neither are the temps..

Sure. Ok. Whatever.

Nice to see you deal with FACTS so well...
:ack-1::oops-28: So do any of you live in the northeast corner? You obviously are aware of whats going on outside and whats to come soon. Freezing Temps! Lots Of Snow!, maybe even a blizzard or two, just plain crappy winter weather.
Well, once again, maybe someone here can explain how "Global Warming" created this storm, along with the one behind it.
Warming creates precipitation. Weather 101.

Actually warming causes evaporation. Cooling causes condensation and thus precipitation.
:ack-1::oops-28: So do any of you live in the northeast corner? You obviously are aware of whats going on outside and whats to come soon. Freezing Temps! Lots Of Snow!, maybe even a blizzard or two, just plain crappy winter weather.
Well, once again, maybe someone here can explain how "Global Warming" created this storm, along with the one behind it.
Warming creates precipitation. Weather 101.

Actually warming causes evaporation. Cooling causes condensation and thus precipitation.

Given that the water vapor and water content is dropping in our atmosphere, what might be the cause? And could that expose the alarmist ever upward adjustments as falsified by empirical evidence?
:ack-1::oops-28: So do any of you live in the northeast corner? You obviously are aware of whats going on outside and whats to come soon. Freezing Temps! Lots Of Snow!, maybe even a blizzard or two, just plain crappy winter weather.
Well, once again, maybe someone here can explain how "Global Warming" created this storm, along with the one behind it.
Warming creates precipitation. Weather 101.

I thought it caused droughts. When are you AGW cult members going to get your story straight?
Well, even NASA said that 2015 was the warmest year on record.

Except their SATELLITES didn't.. And the satellites had agreed brilliantly with their doctored thermometer readings. That is -- up UNTIL the thermometers proved their projections to be so off course for 15 years.

The warmer faithful need to be kept in the congregation...
So do any of you live in the northeast corner? You obviously are aware of whats going on outside and whats to come soon. Freezing Temps! Lots Of Snow!, maybe even a blizzard or two, just plain crappy winter weather.
Well, once again, maybe someone here can explain how "Global Warming" created this storm, along with the one behind it.


Well, of course....'everyone' knows that a snowstorm in the middle of winter (after an unusually warm shirt-sleeve weather start to the season) is a sure sign that global warming is a 'hoax'. LOLOLOLOLOL. Damn, you're gullible. As well as extremely stupid.

In reality, mankind's alterations of the balance of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere is already increasing the temperatures of the atmosphere and oceans, which is changing previously stable climate patterns and producing more and more extreme weather events.


Clearly there is an increase in the overall number of disasters. Climatological events including extreme temperature, drought, and forest fires increase across the time period of consideration. Floods and mass movement of water also clearly increases across this time period. Storms also increase. Geophysical events on the other hand, dont. This is, of course, what we would expect if weather related events were having more of an impact. Is this weather whiplash? - (source - Global Warming and Extreme Weather)

Is Global Warming Linked to Severe Weather?
As Earth warms, powerful storms are becoming the new normal

The Union Of Concerned Scientists
Powerful rain and snow storms - and, ironically, intense drought periods - are a well-known consequence of a warmer planet.

Weather is whats happening outside the door right now; today a thunderstorm is approaching. Climate, on the other hand, is the pattern of weather measured over a number of decades.

Over the past 30 years there has been a pattern of increasingly higher average temperatures for the whole world. In fact, the first decade of this century (20012010) was the hottest decade recorded since reliable records began in the late 1800s.

These rising temperatures - caused primarily by an increase of heat-trapping emissions in the atmosphere created when we burn coal, oil, and gas to generate electricity, drive our cars, and fuel our businesses - are what we refer to as global warming.

One consequence of global warming is an increase in both ocean evaporation into the atmosphere, and the amount of water vapor the atmosphere can hold. High levels of water vapor in the atmosphere in turn create conditions more favorable for heavier precipitation in the form of intense rain and snow storms.

As the Earth warms, the amount of rain or snow falling in the heaviest one percent of storms has risen nearly 20 percent on average in the United Statesalmost three times the rate of increase in total precipitation between 1958 and 2007.

In other words, the heaviest storms have very recently become even heavier.

The Northeast has seen a 74 percent increase in the amount of rain or snow falling in the heaviest storms.

This pattern of intense rain and snow storms and periods of drought is becoming the new normal in our everyday weather as levels of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere continue to rise.

If the emissions that cause global warming continue unabated, scientists expect the amount of rainfall during the heaviest precipitation events across country to increase more than 40 percent by the end of the century. Even if we dramatically curbed emissions, these downpours are still likely to increase, but by only a little more than 20 percent.

Regardless of what actions we take to cut emissions, we must adapt to the likelihood that severe storms are becoming ever more commonplace.
and i am hearing that its gonna be very very cold after the storm passes,,,,,is that also global warming?

Are you some sort of troll-bot that just keeps spamming the same thing over and over again? Or are you just incapable of reading the reasons why this is possible and still fit into the model that the overall globe is warming?
So do any of you live in the northeast corner? You obviously are aware of whats going on outside and whats to come soon. Freezing Temps! Lots Of Snow!, maybe even a blizzard or two, just plain crappy winter weather.
Well, once again, maybe someone here can explain how "Global Warming" created this storm, along with the one behind it.


Well, of course....'everyone' knows that a snowstorm in the middle of winter (after an unusually warm shirt-sleeve weather start to the season) is a sure sign that global warming is a 'hoax'. LOLOLOLOLOL. Damn, you're gullible. As well as extremely stupid.

In reality, mankind's alterations of the balance of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere is already increasing the temperatures of the atmosphere and oceans, which is changing previously stable climate patterns and producing more and more extreme weather events.


Clearly there is an increase in the overall number of disasters. Climatological events including extreme temperature, drought, and forest fires increase across the time period of consideration. Floods and mass movement of water also clearly increases across this time period. Storms also increase. Geophysical events on the other hand, dont. This is, of course, what we would expect if weather related events were having more of an impact. Is this weather whiplash? - (source - Global Warming and Extreme Weather)

Is Global Warming Linked to Severe Weather?
As Earth warms, powerful storms are becoming the new normal

The Union Of Concerned Scientists
Powerful rain and snow storms - and, ironically, intense drought periods - are a well-known consequence of a warmer planet.

Weather is whats happening outside the door right now; today a thunderstorm is approaching. Climate, on the other hand, is the pattern of weather measured over a number of decades.

Over the past 30 years there has been a pattern of increasingly higher average temperatures for the whole world. In fact, the first decade of this century (20012010) was the hottest decade recorded since reliable records began in the late 1800s.

These rising temperatures - caused primarily by an increase of heat-trapping emissions in the atmosphere created when we burn coal, oil, and gas to generate electricity, drive our cars, and fuel our businesses - are what we refer to as global warming.

One consequence of global warming is an increase in both ocean evaporation into the atmosphere, and the amount of water vapor the atmosphere can hold. High levels of water vapor in the atmosphere in turn create conditions more favorable for heavier precipitation in the form of intense rain and snow storms.

As the Earth warms, the amount of rain or snow falling in the heaviest one percent of storms has risen nearly 20 percent on average in the United Statesalmost three times the rate of increase in total precipitation between 1958 and 2007.

In other words, the heaviest storms have very recently become even heavier.

The Northeast has seen a 74 percent increase in the amount of rain or snow falling in the heaviest storms.

This pattern of intense rain and snow storms and periods of drought is becoming the new normal in our everyday weather as levels of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere continue to rise.

If the emissions that cause global warming continue unabated, scientists expect the amount of rainfall during the heaviest precipitation events across country to increase more than 40 percent by the end of the century. Even if we dramatically curbed emissions, these downpours are still likely to increase, but by only a little more than 20 percent.

Regardless of what actions we take to cut emissions, we must adapt to the likelihood that severe storms are becoming ever more commonplace.
And Blunder wonder boy doesn't disappoint.. He uses a far left wing blog that discounts weather reporting practices and how storm damages are averaged.. They fail to take into account the lat 10 years of hyped up bull shit, naming of storms, etc. Then he piles on a whole pile of AGW shit that has no basis in reality. And the reality is:

In reality storm energy has drooped off to very low.. and damages have been greatly inflated.. More pure BS from the left wing fools..
and i am hearing that its gonna be very very cold after the storm passes,,,,,is that also global warming?

Are you some sort of troll-bot that just keeps spamming the same thing over and over again? Or are you just incapable of reading the reasons why this is possible and still fit into the model that the overall globe is warming?
Your models fail with 100% certainty.. I see your just a stupid cow with herd mentality..
it was pretty dam cold all over Florida today,,,,thats caused by global warming? so much for going to the beach to check out the topless white ladies.

Well, of course....'everyone' knows that a snowstorm in the middle of winter (after an unusually warm shirt-sleeve weather start to the season) is a sure sign that global warming is a 'hoax'. LOLOLOLOLOL. Damn, you're gullible. As well as extremely stupid.

In reality, mankind's alterations of the balance of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere is already increasing the temperatures of the atmosphere and oceans, which is changing previously stable climate patterns and producing more and more extreme weather events.


Clearly there is an increase in the overall number of disasters. Climatological events including extreme temperature, drought, and forest fires increase across the time period of consideration. Floods and mass movement of water also clearly increases across this time period. Storms also increase. Geophysical events on the other hand, dont. This is, of course, what we would expect if weather related events were having more of an impact. Is this weather whiplash? - (source - Global Warming and Extreme Weather)

Is Global Warming Linked to Severe Weather?
As Earth warms, powerful storms are becoming the new normal

The Union Of Concerned Scientists
Powerful rain and snow storms - and, ironically, intense drought periods - are a well-known consequence of a warmer planet.

Weather is whats happening outside the door right now; today a thunderstorm is approaching. Climate, on the other hand, is the pattern of weather measured over a number of decades.

Over the past 30 years there has been a pattern of increasingly higher average temperatures for the whole world. In fact, the first decade of this century (20012010) was the hottest decade recorded since reliable records began in the late 1800s.

These rising temperatures - caused primarily by an increase of heat-trapping emissions in the atmosphere created when we burn coal, oil, and gas to generate electricity, drive our cars, and fuel our businesses - are what we refer to as global warming.

One consequence of global warming is an increase in both ocean evaporation into the atmosphere, and the amount of water vapor the atmosphere can hold. High levels of water vapor in the atmosphere in turn create conditions more favorable for heavier precipitation in the form of intense rain and snow storms.

As the Earth warms, the amount of rain or snow falling in the heaviest one percent of storms has risen nearly 20 percent on average in the United Statesalmost three times the rate of increase in total precipitation between 1958 and 2007.

In other words, the heaviest storms have very recently become even heavier.

The Northeast has seen a 74 percent increase in the amount of rain or snow falling in the heaviest storms.

This pattern of intense rain and snow storms and periods of drought is becoming the new normal in our everyday weather as levels of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere continue to rise.

If the emissions that cause global warming continue unabated, scientists expect the amount of rainfall during the heaviest precipitation events across country to increase more than 40 percent by the end of the century. Even if we dramatically curbed emissions, these downpours are still likely to increase, but by only a little more than 20 percent.

Regardless of what actions we take to cut emissions, we must adapt to the likelihood that severe storms are becoming ever more commonplace.
And Blunder wonder boy doesn't disappoint.. He uses a far left wing blog...

Which one is the "far left wing blog", BillyBoobBrain?

Would that be Munich Re, one of the world's largest re-insurance companies, acknowledged experts in risk assesment, and the source of that graph detailing the increase in natural disaster level storms in the USA from 1980 to 2011?

Munich Re Group (Munich Reinsurance Company) is a reinsurance company based in Munich, Germany. It is one of the world’s leading reinsurers. ERGO, a Munich Re subsidiary, is the Group’s primary insurance arm. Munich Re has clients (insurance companies) worldwide. It assumes part of the risk covered by these insurance companies, as well as providing comprehensive advice on insurance business. In addition to its Munich head office, Munich Re has more than 50 Business Units around the world. Munich Re provides reinsurance cover for life, health, casualty, transport, aviation, space, fire and engineering business. In 2014, gross premiums written in the reinsurance segment amounted to around €26.8bn (26.8 billion Euros).

Or was it the Union of Concerned Scientists, the source of that article linking global warming to severe weather, that you called a "far left wing blog"?

The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is a nonprofit science advocacy organization based in the United States. The UCS membership includes many private citizens in addition to professional scientists. James J. McCarthy, Professor of Biological Oceanography at Harvard University and past president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, currently chairs the UCS Board of Directors.[1]

The Union of Concerned Scientists was founded in 1969 by faculty and students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The organization's founding document says it was formed to "initiate a critical and continuing examination of governmental policy in areas where science and technology are of actual or potential significance" and to "devise means for turning research applications away from the present emphasis on military technology toward the solution of pressing environmental and social problems."[2] The organization employs scientists, economists, and engineers engaged in environmental and security issues, as well as executive and support staff.[3]

One of the co-founders was physicist and Nobel laureate Dr. Henry Kendall, who served for many years as chairman of the board of UCS. In 1977, the UCS sponsored a "Scientists' Declaration on the Nuclear Arms Race" calling for an end to nuclear weapons tests and deployments in the United States and Soviet Union.[4] In response to the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), the UCS sponsored a petition entitled "An Appeal to Ban Space Weapons".[5]

In 1992, Kendall presided over the UCS-sponsored World Scientists' Warning to Humanity, which called for "fundamental change" to address a range of security and environmental issues. The document was signed by 1700 scientists, including a majority of the Nobel prize winners in the sciences.[6]

According to Charity Navigator, an independent, non-profit organization that evaluates American charities, in 2013 the UCS received $26.8 million in revenue, had $18.8 million in expenses and $39.3 million in net assets. The same year Charity Navigator gave the UCS a four out of four star rating, with an overall score of 91.19 out of 100.[8]

The Union of Concerned Scientists is a member of the Sustainable Energy Coalition.

Either way, you are clearly just as insane and clueless as ever.

And BTW, here's the actual graphs of hurricane intensity, not that bogus bullshit from that foaming-at-the-mouth denier cult nutjob Ryan Maue.

Hurricane Intensity
Skeptical Science
John Cook
To determine whether warmer temperatures affect hurricane intensity, one study began by defining the potential destructiveness of a hurricane based on the dissipation of power, integrated over the lifetime of a hurricane (Emanuel 2005). The Power Dissipation Index is found to increase since the mid-1970s, due to both longer and more intense storms. Hurricane intensity is also highly correlated with sea surface temperature. This suggests that future warming will lead to an increase in the destructive potential of tropical hurricanes.


Figure 2: Smoothed Power Dissipation Index (dotted line, a measure of hurricane intensity) versus Tropical Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature (solid black line). (Emannuel 2005).

Global satellite data since 1981 can be used to extend analysis of hurricane intensity to each ocean, looking for any trend in wind speed (Elsner 2008). Figure 3 plots the long term trend in maximum wind speed (eg - whether hurricanes are getting stronger or weaker) against different strength hurricanes. This tells us not only whether hurricanes are overall getting stronger but also how different strength hurricanes are being affected. Overall, there is a statistically significant upward trend (the horizontal red line). But more significantly, Elsner found weaker hurricanes showed little to no trend while stronger hurricanes showed a greater upward trend. In other words, stronger hurricanes are getting stronger. This means that as sea temperatures continue to rise, the number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes hitting land will inevitably increase. More on Elsner's paper...


Figure 3: Trends in tropical cyclone maximum wind speeds for different strength hurricanes. Uncertainty range is shown in grey. Solid red line is the overall trend, dashed red lines show 90% confidence range (Elsner 2008).

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