Support For BLM Protests Plummets In Wisconsin, Dropping 25 Points In Two Months


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
It appears that the riots are having an effect!!!

Public support for protests following the death of George Floyd has dropped in Wisconsin by 25-points since June, according to a poll published Wednesday.

Support for demonstrations against police killings stood at 61% approval to 36% disapproval in June, but both figures changed to 48% in August, according to a poll produced by Marquette Law School. The Aug. 4-9 poll was conducted prior to protests in Kenosha which began after police shot Jacob Blake on Sunday, and before 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was arrested for killing two people during Tuesday night riots.

Support for the Black Lives Matter movement in general also fell between June and August, according to the poll’s results. About 59% of respondents said they supported the movement in June, with only 27% of people holding an unfavorable view. Approval for BLM dropped 10 percentage points in August, the poll showed.
Biden is now tied with Trump in a state that Hillary won big....Minnesota will go for Trump and that may mean this election is already over.....

Thanks rioters!!!!!!:woohoo:
Dopes learning through stupidity that their virtue beacons won't save them from violent mobs.
Democrats don't give a fuck about the riots, violence, arson, and looting as long as they think it'll help defeat Trump. Now that it's hurting their chances, they'll change their tune. Truly pathetic. They reach new lows every day.
rioting, looting, arson =/= protesting.

Wisconsin, aside from its liberal bastions of Madison and Milwaukee is conservative, as evidenced by the fact that Trump won it in 2016. The lurch left by Obama, and Hillary's total lack of effort here, swung this state to Trump. Not a huge leap to think these same people that weren't too thrilled with Obama don't approve of a bunch of skateboard punks burning cities, under the guise of "protests", while the left fiddles.

Big mistake in places like this not to come out strong against this. Problem is, this tweaks at the left loon voters, so it's a matter of how to balance it, which really isn't possible, as the positions are diametrically opposed, so they're damned if they do damned if they don't.
It appears that the riots are having an effect!!!

Public support for protests following the death of George Floyd has dropped in Wisconsin by 25-points since June, according to a poll published Wednesday.

Support for demonstrations against police killings stood at 61% approval to 36% disapproval in June, but both figures changed to 48% in August, according to a poll produced by Marquette Law School. The Aug. 4-9 poll was conducted prior to protests in Kenosha which began after police shot Jacob Blake on Sunday, and before 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was arrested for killing two people during Tuesday night riots.

Support for the Black Lives Matter movement in general also fell between June and August, according to the poll’s results. About 59% of respondents said they supported the movement in June, with only 27% of people holding an unfavorable view. Approval for BLM dropped 10 percentage points in August, the poll showed.
its a miracle.....i almost thought Trump was in trouble -- but thanks to the riots -- he has turned it around....

reminds me of Nixon......good times to follow
It appears that the riots are having an effect!!!

Public support for protests following the death of George Floyd has dropped in Wisconsin by 25-points since June, according to a poll published Wednesday.

Support for demonstrations against police killings stood at 61% approval to 36% disapproval in June, but both figures changed to 48% in August, according to a poll produced by Marquette Law School. The Aug. 4-9 poll was conducted prior to protests in Kenosha which began after police shot Jacob Blake on Sunday, and before 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was arrested for killing two people during Tuesday night riots.

Support for the Black Lives Matter movement in general also fell between June and August, according to the poll’s results. About 59% of respondents said they supported the movement in June, with only 27% of people holding an unfavorable view. Approval for BLM dropped 10 percentage points in August, the poll showed.
Wisconsin alone is looking like they will lose 4-8 democrat seats in the House of Reps..... This one state alone is half of the seats republicans need to retake the HOR... And there are 14 other states in play... Its no wonder the dems are in full blown panic mode..
Floyd graffiti is being debauched with red paint, and pro-police graffiti is taking its place. Some new BLM-Antifa graffiti is swiftly dealt with, disappearing.

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