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Support for Congressional Health Care Reform Falls to New Low

the language of the bill makes it impossible to keep your current plan and if you happen to get insurance under ERISA guidelines you will lose your insurance 5 years after the bill is passed and will have to buy a different plan.

Please tell me which proposal currently being discussed in Congress carries this language.
I told you my exact reasons with my post, and you couldn't refute anything I said in it.

Please explain how anyone can "refute" your OPINION? You are afraid of what MIGHT happen. You have NO facts to back up your fears. You are completely controlled by said fears. However, since fear is an emotion, and there are no right or wrong emotions, I would love for you to educate me on how one refutes emotions?
Opinions are refuted with facts, and you bring nothing but your moronic attempt to troll. That's all you have because you are obviously mentally challenged to do anything else. You have brought nothing but a troll mentality to this thread. I will stand behind everything I've said about you troll.
I will stand behind everything I've said about you troll.

Do whatever you want. I bet you built a Nucular Bomb shelter in the 60's or 70's too, right? Is the boogeyman in your closet? How does it feel to be in fear of everything everyday?
Now, do you understand where I'm coming from?

I do. You APPEAR to be afflicted with the same "scared of everything" disease that the neo-cons contracted.

Nope we're just scared of GOVERNMENT. I can't think of one single government agency over the last 70 years that government didn't bankrupt.
I will stand behind everything I've said about you troll.

Do whatever you want. I bet you built a Nucular Bomb shelter in the 60's or 70's too, right? Is the boogeyman in your closet? How does it feel to be in fear of everything everyday?

You can't help but make my case about you troll. :lol:
I can't think of one single government agency over the last 70 years that government didn't bankrupt.

Hmmmm...is our military a "government agency"?

Yes, and even a brief review of somewhat recent history is rife with examples of inept organization from within the government military.

Your point is merely attempted, but without substance nor historical perspective...
The spin campaign didn't work.

They have to actually break down what is in this enormous and convoluted bill and they have been VERY reluctant to do that.

This is why they rushed the stimulous and cap & trade, both would have had similar opposition.

Because they actually knew very little of what was in the bill. Now they are getting pissed at the people asking questions, and Obama's inablity to formulate a cohesive message regarding the matter so they don't have to.

Pelosi's leadership will be challenged soon...
It just amazes me that Obama is trying to sell a bill to America that hasn't even been completely written, he hasn't read, and he doesn't even understand. He has to lie on national tv and say a group supports it that does not. That's the AARP. None of the Congressmen have even read it and it hasn't even cleared any House in Congress. So, all of these dumb asses are running around the country telling everybody that you're going to "love" this new health care program and like usual they don't have a clue as to what they're talking about. Then you get the blind Obama followers all chanting we are idiots because we won't give a bill that hasn't even been approved by any Congressional House a chance! I love it. I just love it. All I can think of it must be some really rank shit if the government is trying so hard to get us to agree to something that hasn't even been passed by either House. Now, you convience me that Obama isn't a dumb fucker...:lol:
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but I certainly don't want Obamacare

What part of "if you like your current insurance, you get to keep it" do you not understand?

the fact that you don't really get to keep it

the language of the bill makes it impossible to keep your current plan and if you happen to get insurance under ERISA guidelines you will lose your insurance 5 years after the bill is passed and will have to buy a different plan.

What about the tax on people who do not have government approved insurance?

I'm sure you libbies like the idea of a tax to force people to buy what the government tells them to buy but a lot of people don't need or want the government making their decisions for them

Skull--you should know by now that liberals DO NOT READ bills--just like the congressmen they elected. The only ones that are actually reading & studying this bill are the constituents.

So why we have all of them out there continually stating: "If you want to keep your private health insurance you can"--BUT THEY negate to talk about the clause that is written in this bill that states--if your private medical insurance changes anything in the policy--you will be forced to drop that insurance & you will automatically be picked up on the government plan. (In that statement alone--it could mean that if you change options in your private plan) you will be kicked on the government plan. They will not discuss this.

THEY WILL NOT ANSWER THIS QUESTION: it's just the same old rhetoric hype that they're trying to shove down our throats.

And if they pass this bill with the majority of Americans against it--there will be a sunami that hits the House Of Reprsentatives in 2010 that will be historic.
The spin campaign didn't work.

They have to actually break down what is in this enormous and convoluted bill and they have been VERY reluctant to do that.

This is why they rushed the stimulous and cap & trade, both would have had similar opposition.

Because they actually knew very little of what was in the bill. Now they are getting pissed at the people asking questions, and Obama's inablity to formulate a cohesive message regarding the matter so they don't have to.

Pelosi's leadership will be challenged soon...
This is the third convuluted bill she sent to the senate that people didn't read nd where expected to vote on. The first two were major embarrissments, this one is no better.

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