Support January 6th Prisoners!

. The courts were not divorced from election disputes and never have been!

BULLSHIT! They have said so! Where the fuck have you been! They want NOTHING to do with getting in the middle of deciding or overturning an election! No judge wants that on their record! They are afraid of the types of threats and attacks you assholes gave Brett Kavenaugh and the Supreme Court when they were threatened, they families and homes and lives were threatened by mobs of protesters just because they returned abortion laws to state control! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE EVER TALKING ABOUT. Every court made every excuse possible for not even hearing Trump's cases in 2020 and dismissing them outright on specious grounds. When Texas filed suit with the SC, the court refused to even hear it!
That poster is trying to get donations for a far RW militia who is headed by Jim Arroyo. These people are aligned with the Oath Keepers and that convicted one eyed guy Stewart Rhodes.

No, you are mistaken. I would like people to look at the YCPT, and do likewise. No donations. Where did you get that idea? And if you read the actual MilitiaWatch article on them, you'll see that they are NOT pro-Stewart Rhodes.

The leader of the YCPT probably did a dumb thing, which is to tell what we used to call "war stories" to a female journalist, and exaggerated his (already exceptional) military experience. If I had a dollar for every vet who has told 'war stories', especially to pretty girls, I'd be a millionaire.

I assume your factual errors here are the result of laziness and not dishonesty.
No, you are mistaken. I would like people to look at the YCPT, and do likewise. No donations. Where did you get that idea? And if you read the actual MilitiaWatch article on them, you'll see that they are NOT pro-Stewart Rhodes.

The leader of the YCPT probably did a dumb thing, which is to tell what we used to call "war stories" to a female journalist, and exaggerated his (already exceptional) military experience. If I had a dollar for every vet who has told 'war stories', especially to pretty girls, I'd be a millionaire.

I assume your factual errors here are the result of laziness and not dishonesty.
Go ahead and blow smoke up someone else's ass. I can tell what your motives are.
I wasn't sure if links were allowed, so I put 'dot' instead of a '.'
Try this:
Some of these people have very interesting stories. One fellow -- who got 30 days in a minimum-security site -- just basically wandered in to the Capitol, allowed thru the doors by the police, didn't engage in any violence ... didn't even know he was doing something wrong. Of course, he may be being 'economical with the truth', but his story sounds authentic to me.

He tells his story here: Falling Rocks
Sure. Lots of people there just wandered in. No idea that anything was even happening. No reason at all not to believe that, right?
Yes, you're right about scammers. And I'll admit that I just went on instinct with this 'Patriot Mail Project', because you could do something without sending them money. (Although, like every organization I know about, they would like you to send them money as well.)

So don't send the group money, but consider writing a letter to a prisoner.

Do it even if you're a liberal or Leftist... explain why you think what they did was wrong. Tell them Donald Trump betrayed them.

Who knows, you might even convert one. What a triumph that would be! You could set up a speaking tour for him or her -- "How the Evil Donald Trump Tricked Me into Prison".

Prisoners like to get letters, unless they're hateful. I know this from personal experience.

Also: you might think that a misdemeanor conviction and thirty days in a minimum-security facility is trivial, and it probably is if you're a 20 year old college dropout. But for some of these people, it's been devastating. I'll post a link to such an example later.
As devastating as what those bastards tried to do?
Every court made every excuse possible for not even hearing Trump's cases in 2020 and dismissing them outright on specious grounds. When Texas filed suit with the SC, the court refused to even hear it!
A lot of cases were dismissed because they lacked standing. That’s not specious. Having standing is one of the most fundamental elements of any lawsuit. If courts didn’t care about standing, the judicial system would be an absolute mess.

Texas doesn’t have standing to sue other states for who they ran their elections.
I agree. "Treason" likely doesn't apply in this situation.
But 'Insurrection" and 'Sedition" manifestly do.
I prefer 'insurrectionist'....'cause it is easier to type than 'seditious conspirator'.
But that's just me.


Well, yeah, some of them did bring guns. The record is replete with some guns being confiscated, others being observed on the person of rioters by Capitol Police. Even the J6 Committee offered evidence that guns were being carried by members of the crowd at the Ellipse. Some carriers refused to enter the area because of the metal detectors.
A little googling can bring up any number of publications reporting on the evidence for firearms at the Capitols and environs.
The confiscation of guns though......was surprisingly small. But, as the police readily admit----- they were so overwhelmed by the numbers of attackers and fending off the baseball bats, MACE sprays, nail-tipped flagpoles, tasers, various thrown objects that actually arresting and handcuffing the worst offenders was beyond their abilities and their numbers at the time of the attacks.

Those that were arrested happened late in the attack when re-enforcements finally began to arrive on the scene. It is widely ....widely ....acknowledged that many many performing criminal acts simply walked away that day. Hence, volunteer organizations like SeditionHunters* have sprung up to hunt-down those whose mugs were captured on cameras or posted on social media sites.
May SeditionHunters keep up their good work. And the FBI. And the DOJ.
Bring 'em all to justice. And punish 'em as their actions deserve.
*Oh, by the way, there was interesting reportage recently...from one of the militia trials where an officer was asked why he didn't fire upon the attackers. He said.....he was afraid of igniting a 'firestorm' of bullets as the attackers pulled out their own guns and fired back. He said there were so many of the attackers and he couldn't have that much ammunition on him. I thought that was a telling observation. IMHO
* Perp Sheet

We know.
It's called schadenfreude.


Ditto that.
Well said.
We all....all of us patriots...can agree with Care4all.
True that.

Yes, there were boneheads and fantasists who brought guns. And others who had AR15s in the trunks of their parked cars. What they thought would happen in Washington is anybody's guess. If you asked them, they might tell they were to protect the demonstration from the violence of AntiFa counter protestors. By 'they' I meant the majority of Capitol invaders, but it was a clumsy wording.

Put it this way: if you and I were planning a genuine 'insurrection' -- say against a government we both dislike, like Mr Putin's or the Iranian regime -- I assume, unless we were suicidal, that we would want the insurrectionists to be as heavily armed as possible. As I said earlier, what happened in 6 Jan was neither a 'normal' riot (expressing general discontent) nor an 'insurrection' (aiming to replace the existing government). It was an act of mass disorder, which included some violence, aimed to getting the government to do a specific thing. There doesn't seem to be a word for it.

But maybe they had fantasies of .... what? Seizing power? All x-100 of them? If so, then, as was said of someone else, they should be given a medal and then shot. (By our side. For monumental malicious stupidity. Just kidding, Mr Public Prosecutor.)

And of course, if you arrest any random crowd of a thousand normal Americans, you're going to come with handguns.... I won't guess the number but I'll bet it would be surprising ...

It's the curse of our movement, romantics and fantasists, our own version of the Black Panther Party. But ... any large movement will have such people -- one of your guys got badly wounded in Kenosha when he unwisely pointed a gun at Kyle Rittenhouse.

Seditious Conspiracy and similar concepts is a dangerous thing to have a government get in the habit of using against people it doesn't like. The Communist Party in the US had most of its main leadership sent to prison because of that way of thinking, although in their case the charges would have been about one million times more valid than any such charges brought against the Oathkeepers and their like. Fortunately, the Supreme Court knocked the main act embodying this stuff out in 1957 (incidentally allowing a friend of mine who was awaiting trial in prison under the Smith Act to walk free).
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As devastating as what those bastards tried to do?
It's not comparable. They thought the election was stolen, and wanted Congress to reverse the outcome. They used illegitimate means to try to accomplish their end -- some of them. In a situation like that, people often just 'go with the crowd', not with any definite goal in mind.

Of course, you hate them for their political beliefs, not really for what they did, so you aren't interested in any such distinctions, but I suspect that if they had been a leftist BLM/AntiFa-led group, with a lot of ordinary liberals mixed in, you would have a different attitude.
Sure, if you must insist on equivocating them. A douche vs. a turd sandwich. What's your preference?
I don't insist on equating them from the political point of view. But in terms of breaking the law, I do equate them ...well, not really 'equate' since my guys didn't throw Molotov cocktails.

But for the same of argument, let's say that burning courthouses and invading the Capitol and smashing windows are the same.

But you sound like you don't really equate them, you're just going along for the sake of argument. Don't you equate them?
I went to the I don't feel sorry for people like you school. Anyone who starts an OP with a plea to write idiots in jail is pathetic. Especially by someone who calls them patriots.
Okay. So the school you should go to is one that teaches you how to argue with a poltiical opponent. Some liberals here are able to do that, and pretty well too. You should learn from them, although I grant that this may be impossible. I get the impression that you're a kid, and if so, your inability to argue is not really your fault.
Legally challenging an election, with recounts and in the Courts, during the legal time period you are given under the law to challenge the results, is not treasonous or seditious.

Trying to overturn the legal, certified results of we the people's vote by interfering with the constitutional process of counting and entering the State elector results, and trying to replace each state's certified electors with fraudulent electors, and beating up the police, crapping in the halls of congress, bashing in and breaking windows and doors to the capitol or hanging Mike Pence is seditious, and just plain wrong.
They did not try to overturn anything. They wanted a Congressional investigation. They were denied even though they were represented by 147 members of Congress. That points to the obvious fraud they had not had time to cover up. Again the vote refusing to investigate was the real coup. It locked in an illegitimate president.
You bitches are too hung up on leftists.
For the 759th time, I am not a Liberal.

Btw it’s spelled leftist.
What are your political beliefs, if I may ask? I know that the political scene in the US is a lot more complex than a half dozen words like 'conservative', 'libertarian', 'anarchist', 'liberal', 'socialist', 'progressive', can encompass.

I don't like it when people call me 'far Right', although I know it's usually done in bad faith. So ... what do you believe?
Okay. So the school you should go to is one that teaches you how to argue with a poltiical opponent. Some liberals here are able to do that, and pretty well too. You should learn from them, although I grant that this may be impossible. I get the impression that you're a kid, and if so, your inability to argue is not really your fault.
I tire of talking to idiots with big mouths that rattle on incessantly. How do you like them apples?

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