Supreme Court Allows Restrictions on Voting by Ex-Felons...big victory for Rowdy Ron DeSantis!

6 million americans cannot vote because they are felons

1 in 10 blacks can't vote because of felony convictions

that is enough to swing the 2020 election in Biden's favor if you allow felons to vote!
6 million americans cannot vote because they are felons

1 in 10 blacks can't vote because of felony convictions

that is enough to swing the 2020 election in Biden's favor if you allow felons to vote!
I am a Biden supporter, this go around, but I don't care if felons ever get their right to vote back. If voting was important to them, they should have thought of if before they decided to commit a felony against another United States citizen.

Sotomayor, Kagan & RBG in dissent: This will disfranchise thousands of voters "simply because they are poor.”

Yes, that and the felony conviction.
So lets say some asshole Prog decides he wants to break into your house rob you of your stuff, then cut you up real bad. Okay, so now the guy goes to jail and in 20 years, you still havent got your stuff back or you scars have caused you undo pain, this guy resumes a normal life, while you.....Still havent got restitution. No vote until the debt is paid, not just to society by the prog being good in prison, but debt to you, for fucking up your life. Sound fair?
6 million americans cannot vote because they are felons

1 in 10 blacks can't vote because of felony convictions

that is enough to swing the 2020 election in Biden's favor if you allow felons to vote!
I am a Biden supporter, this go around, but I don't care if felons ever get their right to vote back. If voting was important to them, they should have thought of if before they decided to commit a felony against another United States citizen.
Wow, there is hope for you yet....Better not let the radical see what you wrote, you house and dog are in danger.
I am a Biden supporter, this go around, but I don't care if felons ever get their right to vote back. If voting was important to them, they should have thought of if before they decided to commit a felony against another United States citizen.
Punishment over rehabilitation for you huh?
6 million americans cannot vote because they are felons

1 in 10 blacks can't vote because of felony convictions

that is enough to swing the 2020 election in Biden's favor if you allow felons to vote!
I am a Biden supporter, this go around, but I don't care if felons ever get their right to vote back. If voting was important to them, they should have thought of if before they decided to commit a felony against another United States citizen.
Wow, there is hope for you yet....Better not let the radical see what you wrote, you house and dog are in danger.
You forget, my fences, my armaments and ammo stock pile, my very large German Shephard (of a two term consecutive champion of Germany) that scares the crap out of everybody that is not in the family and has even snapped at family members who only tried to wake the grand babies, 20 plus years of combat arms training & experience and my general sunny demeanor in the defense. :)

Sotomayor, Kagan & RBG in dissent: This will disfranchise thousands of voters "simply because they are poor.”

Yes, that and the felony conviction.

Right but if you are well off and have a felony conviction you can vote. The only difference? How much money you have. Hardly seems American. Or at least the theory of America, it is unfortunately who we are.
I am a Biden supporter, this go around, but I don't care if felons ever get their right to vote back. If voting was important to them, they should have thought of if before they decided to commit a felony against another United States citizen.
Punishment over rehabilitation for you huh?
Not exactly. Went 3rd party last time because both candidates were lying political scum, but seen this one in action and inaction for three years. He's got to go. Joe is basically decent, shares my values and knows how government is supposed to work.
I am a Biden supporter, this go around, but I don't care if felons ever get their right to vote back. If voting was important to them, they should have thought of if before they decided to commit a felony against another United States citizen.
Punishment over rehabilitation for you huh?

Are you fucking kidding me,. the liberal criminal thug, got 3 square a day, roof over their sorry ass, and were treated a lot better than those living in tent cities in the Democrat run cities...
Not exactly. Went 3rd party last time because both candidates were lying political scum, but seen this one in action and inaction for three years. He's got to go. Joe is basically decent, shares my values and knows how government is supposed to work.
But what about punishment vs rehabilitation...where do you stand on that issue?
I am a Biden supporter, this go around, but I don't care if felons ever get their right to vote back. If voting was important to them, they should have thought of if before they decided to commit a felony against another United States citizen.
Punishment over rehabilitation for you huh?
Recidivism rates being what they are, I have very little problem with punishment for criminal behavior. If they can be turned around, fine but second offense, hell with them.
Not exactly. Went 3rd party last time because both candidates were lying political scum, but seen this one in action and inaction for three years. He's got to go. Joe is basically decent, shares my values and knows how government is supposed to work.
But what about punishment vs rehabilitation...where do you stand on that issue?
Need both at least on first offense. After that stick them in a cell to be big burly Bubba's bitch.

Sotomayor, Kagan & RBG in dissent: This will disfranchise thousands of voters "simply because they are poor.”

Yes, that and the felony conviction.

And a big loss for two thirds of Florida voters that supported it in 2018.

Which will begin to translate into losses for Florida Republicans, including DeSantis.
6 million americans cannot vote because they are felons

1 in 10 blacks can't vote because of felony convictions

that is enough to swing the 2020 election in Biden's favor if you allow felons to vote!
I am a Biden supporter, this go around, but I don't care if felons ever get their right to vote back. If voting was important to them, they should have thought of if before they decided to commit a felony against another United States citizen.
The Supreme Court just issued a poll tax.

I don't agree with felons voting ever, but a illegal poll tax???
You forget, my fences, my armaments and ammo stock pile, my very large German Shephard (of a two term consecutive champion of Germany) that scares the crap out of everybody that is not in the family and has even snapped at family members who only tried to wake the grand babies, 20 plus years of combat arms training & experience and my general sunny demeanor in the defense. :)
Oddly, I see it the other way. Once they have paid their debt to society, they should be given all rights back. Otherwise, why are we letting them out?

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