Supreme Court Broadens Hobby Lobby Ruling to All Forms of Birth Control

Corporate Pussy Control. Let's tell those ***** where they really stand, and make them choose? It's been a few decades and they've forgotten, obviously.

And while BC is hardly the end all be all, it clearly shows that men still run the world they live in. If I had a daughter, I'd want her to know that...

I guess we can all breath a sigh of relief that you don't have a daughter. The last thing we need is another bitter woman screaming for the rights that she already has. It shouldn't be her employer's responsibility to pay for her promiscuity.

I pee standing up, thanks all the same.

Does it run down your leg?
Whew, first the SC decides that the Government can force us to buy thing they want but it's nice to see them not force us to sell things they want.

Liberals are just in ruin.....
Supreme Court Broadens Hobby Lobby Ruling to All Forms of Birth Control | Mother Jones

told you so.....
Less than a day after the United States Supreme Court issued its divisive ruling on Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, it has already begun to toss aside the supposedly narrow interpretation of the decision. On Tuesday, the Supremes ordered lower courts to rehear any cases where companies had sought to deny coverage for any type of contraception, not just the specific types Hobby Lobby was opposed to.

No matter what Alito and other justices may claim, court decisions set precedent and offer opportunities for lower courts to expand the logic of the initial case. (See Bush v. Gore.) The immediate turnaround to broaden the scope of Hobby Lobby won't do anything to dispel fears that the case has opened the way for a broad swath of businesses to object to any government regulation they dislike based on the religious whims of corporate owners.
told you so. this is what you get for a cheap partisan win. You get chaos.

Can you explain to me how they did that when the Court is not in session, oh idiot who thinks Mother Jones is a valid news source?
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Yet another far left blog site that the far left Taliban believes without question or hesitation.

Mother Jones is hack far left web site..

Wider impact of Hobby Lobby ruling? : SCOTUSblog

do a google search twat, cases are popping up left and right now.

But this is the last post ill address to you in this thread.

None of which have been decided by the Supreme Court, which means they didn't widen anything, idiot of the internet.
Supreme Court Broadens Hobby Lobby Ruling to All Forms of Birth Control | Mother Jones

told you so.....
Less than a day after the United States Supreme Court issued its divisive ruling on Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, it has already begun to toss aside the supposedly narrow interpretation of the decision. On Tuesday, the Supremes ordered lower courts to rehear any cases where companies had sought to deny coverage for any type of contraception, not just the specific types Hobby Lobby was opposed to.

No matter what Alito and other justices may claim, court decisions set precedent and offer opportunities for lower courts to expand the logic of the initial case. (See Bush v. Gore.) The immediate turnaround to broaden the scope of Hobby Lobby won't do anything to dispel fears that the case has opened the way for a broad swath of businesses to object to any government regulation they dislike based on the religious whims of corporate owners.

told you so. this is what you get for a cheap partisan win. You get chaos.

I felt the same way when they passed CFR, I knew the courts would off the wall rulings from it.

Mandated health care is also going to lead us down legal paths that we don't need to go down.

This is what happens when Congress passes bill without knowing what the hell they voted for.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
A small victory against those who wish to remove the weeds from society.

As are the liberals I am quite sure Dr. Mengele would also be against limiting anything that might allow a weed to live.

What I can't believe is how much the left is whining about this decision. It isn't even going to effect that many companies let alone any women. There are lots and lots of alternatives for BC. Most companies are more then happy to help prevent pregnancies. Having a baby is much more expensive and takes an employee away from work.

So it isn't that people can't get BC it is just the fact that the liberal left can't stand not getting their own way.
What this really could mean is that the court is saying that if their were petitions denied over the same reasons and the same drugs then the lower court needs to now reverse those decisions. Which seems more logical then what the liberals once again are having a meltdown over.
Supreme Court Broadens Hobby Lobby Ruling to All Forms of Birth Control | Mother Jones

told you so.....
Less than a day after the United States Supreme Court issued its divisive ruling on Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, it has already begun to toss aside the supposedly narrow interpretation of the decision. On Tuesday, the Supremes ordered lower courts to rehear any cases where companies had sought to deny coverage for any type of contraception, not just the specific types Hobby Lobby was opposed to.

No matter what Alito and other justices may claim, court decisions set precedent and offer opportunities for lower courts to expand the logic of the initial case. (See Bush v. Gore.) The immediate turnaround to broaden the scope of Hobby Lobby won't do anything to dispel fears that the case has opened the way for a broad swath of businesses to object to any government regulation they dislike based on the religious whims of corporate owners.
told you so. this is what you get for a cheap partisan win. You get chaos.

I felt the same way when they passed CFR, I knew the courts would off the wall rulings from it.

Mandated health care is also going to lead us down legal paths that we don't need to go down.

This is what happens when Congress passes bill without knowing what the hell they voted for.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Yeah, but didn't we "have to pass the bill before we could know what's in it?" That seems like a really sensible way to "lead" a nation ...

... down the toilet.
Supreme Court Broadens Hobby Lobby Ruling to All Forms of Birth Control | Mother Jones

told you so.....

told you so. this is what you get for a cheap partisan win. You get chaos.

Good news indeed!! Congratulations to Hobby Lobby and congratulations to the Supreme Court for earning back a tad bit of confidence from me and millions of other Americans. Take THAT Obama. :lol:

thus proving my point....
Your point being that you and your kind choose those whom have will, thought , and voice?

Liberals are inclusive only of their own. And they are exclusive to those Americans who refuse to share.

Is there not one Liberal in this country who attended kindergarten? :dunno:
Corporate Pussy Control. Let's tell those ***** where they really stand, and make them choose? It's been a few decades and they've forgotten, obviously.

And while BC is hardly the end all be all, it clearly shows that men still run the world they live in. If I had a daughter, I'd want her to know that...

I recently have I negged you?
Corporate Pussy Control. Let's tell those ***** where they really stand, and make them choose? It's been a few decades and they've forgotten, obviously.

And while BC is hardly the end all be all, it clearly shows that men still run the world they live in. If I had a daughter, I'd want her to know that...

I recently have I negged you?

No clue and couldn't care less...
Corporate Pussy Control. Let's tell those ***** where they really stand, and make them choose? It's been a few decades and they've forgotten, obviously.

And while BC is hardly the end all be all, it clearly shows that men still run the world they live in. If I had a daughter, I'd want her to know that...

I recently have I negged you?

No clue and couldn't care less...
Then I'll just settle for calling you a proglodyte fucktard right here.
Supreme Court Broadens Hobby Lobby Ruling to All Forms of Birth Control | Mother Jones

told you so.....
Less than a day after the United States Supreme Court issued its divisive ruling on Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, it has already begun to toss aside the supposedly narrow interpretation of the decision. On Tuesday, the Supremes ordered lower courts to rehear any cases where companies had sought to deny coverage for any type of contraception, not just the specific types Hobby Lobby was opposed to.

No matter what Alito and other justices may claim, court decisions set precedent and offer opportunities for lower courts to expand the logic of the initial case. (See Bush v. Gore.) The immediate turnaround to broaden the scope of Hobby Lobby won't do anything to dispel fears that the case has opened the way for a broad swath of businesses to object to any government regulation they dislike based on the religious whims of corporate owners.

told you so. this is what you get for a cheap partisan win. You get chaos.

Mother Jones?

Their second paragraph opens..."The Affordable Care Act had listed 20 forms of contraception that had to be covered as preventive services."

The Affordable Care Act did no such thing. Kathleen Sebelius mandated it, whom, you might note, has never been a member of Congress. Try a better source for legal opinions.

As to the point of 'broadening', well, arch enemy conservatives might agree, in part;

"Similarly, the Hobby Lobby decision opens the door for closely held companies to deny coverage of all forms of birth control if they can plausibly argue that doing so would violate their conscience. The decision doesn’t apply to large, publicly held corporations, but even if it did, it is unlikely that many companies would go down that path. And even if they did, birth control would not be “banned” – employees simply would have to pay for it themselves. The notion that denying a subsidy for a product is equivalent to banning that product is one of the odder tenets of contemporary liberalism."

Liberals? Hobby Lobby Doublethink | National Review Online

The last part of that excerpt deserves an additional comment. The idea that not subsidizing something is equivalent to banning it, is as silly as the idea that not taxing something is equivalent to subsidizing it.

As soon as liberals can get over these egregiously irrational concepts, we will all be able to get along a bit better.

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Supreme Court Broadens Hobby Lobby Ruling to All Forms of Birth Control | Mother Jones

told you so.....
Less than a day after the United States Supreme Court issued its divisive ruling on Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, it has already begun to toss aside the supposedly narrow interpretation of the decision. On Tuesday, the Supremes ordered lower courts to rehear any cases where companies had sought to deny coverage for any type of contraception, not just the specific types Hobby Lobby was opposed to.

No matter what Alito and other justices may claim, court decisions set precedent and offer opportunities for lower courts to expand the logic of the initial case. (See Bush v. Gore.) The immediate turnaround to broaden the scope of Hobby Lobby won't do anything to dispel fears that the case has opened the way for a broad swath of businesses to object to any government regulation they dislike based on the religious whims of corporate owners.
told you so. this is what you get for a cheap partisan win. You get chaos.

And? Is there a problem? PB, you're a guy. Stop acting like you know what's good for women. They can handle themselves without the far left telling them that.
It is starting to look more like SCOTUS isn't interested in prohibiting birth control as much as dismantling obamacare bit by bit.

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