Supreme Court Broadens Hobby Lobby Ruling to All Forms of Birth Control

Why do women have to pollute their body with hormones to keep from getting pregnant? Why is there no birth control, besides a vasectomy, for men. That's the question you should be asking.

The answer is because men don't want to be responsible for birth control. They want to put it on the woman.

Woman are more likely to get bills it's heart attacks strokes and cancer because of birth control.

I'm sure most men wake up every morning hating women...

Come the fuck on
these people act like they are going TO DIE over this ruling

man I've never seen such hysterical drama

they didn't blink when it went in Obama's favor and they burdened us with ObamaScamCare the majority of the people was AGAINST

even after they FOUND OUT HE LIED TO US
Give me one good reason why I should have to pay for your birth control.
Why should I have to pay for any of your health care. I have to pay for my own why do i have to pay for yours too.?

The answer; I shouldn't.

How refreshing. Voice being given to Americans. Whoda thunkit? :dunno:

corporations are fictitious entities used by individuals to shield themselves from personal liability they exist to allow jurisdiction to be asserted over an entity or by an entity.

they are not humans. no one ever contemplated corporations having first amendment rights.

but the rabid right wouldn't be singing the same tune if islam was the majority religion.

i'm embarrassed by the decisions being issued by this court.

i do however think if you want to claim you have the right to impose your religion on your employees, then you shouldn't be able to shield yourself from liability for debt, or the torts and criminal actions of your corporation

good luck with that.
I just followed and actually read the linked article (Scotusblog)

What do these all have in common??

Cases ordered reconsidered in appeals courts:

Autocam Corp. v. Burwell. The Catholic owners of a Michigan company

Gilardi v. Department of Health & Human Services. Two Catholic brothers who operate two Ohio companies

Eden Foods v. Burwell. The Catholic owners of an organic food company

Cases denied review, with no explanation:

Department of Health & Human Services v. Gilardi. This is one of the government appeals. It involved the Catholic brothers and their food service companies in Ohio

Burwell v. Newland. Another government appeal. This case involved the Catholic owners of a Colorado heating and air conditioning company

Burwell v. Korte. Government appeal. This case involved two Catholic families

They are all companies who are owned by families. Not public companies such as IBM, Microsoft, Ford, GM, etc.

Now, anyone applying any reasonable reading of the Hobby Lobby ruling would apply that ruling to these companies.

Any one who wasn't being a partisan fool would also realize that just because a company isn't paying for a person's Birth Control, that doesn't restrict anyone's right to get it. It simply means they have to either find someone else to pay for it or pay for it themselves.

Just as I have to pay for my own guns, my 2nd Amendment Right, they have to pay for their own Birth Control, Their Obama granted Right.
Give me one good reason why I should have to pay for your birth control.
Why should I have to pay for any of your health care. I have to pay for my own why do i have to pay for yours too.?

The answer; I shouldn't.

How refreshing. Voice being given to Americans. Whoda thunkit? :dunno:

corporations are fictitious entities used by individuals to shield themselves from personal liability they exist to allow jurisdiction to be asserted over an entity or by an entity.

they are not humans. no one ever contemplated corporations having first amendment rights.

but the rabid right wouldn't be singing the same tune if islam was the majority religion.

i'm embarrassed by the decisions being issued by this court.

i do however think if you want to claim you have the right to impose your religion on your employees, then you shouldn't be able to shield yourself from liability for debt, or the torts and criminal actions of your corporation

good luck with that.

I dont' use birth control---you're getting off <hehe > cheap.
Good news indeed!! Congratulations to Hobby Lobby and congratulations to the Supreme Court for earning back a tad bit of confidence from me and millions of other Americans. Take THAT Obama. :lol:

thus proving my point....

You've yet to make a point. Let me know when you do.

well no, i've made a few. You wanted a cheap win without thinking of the consequences. This case has become a perfect example as to why our system is broken.
told you so. this is what you get for a cheap partisan win. You get chaos.

By the way ... the "chaos" began the moment Barry and his Congressional lackeys forced Obamacare down America's throat against our will. Fortunately, the Supreme Court brought back a little order.

oooo this talking point. You can't force something that took over a year to pass through congress you moron.

You guys can never understand this simple logic, and yet you always attempt to pass this talking point off.
Supreme Court Broadens Hobby Lobby Ruling to All Forms of Birth Control | Mother Jones

told you so.....
Less than a day after the United States Supreme Court issued its divisive ruling on Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, it has already begun to toss aside the supposedly narrow interpretation of the decision. On Tuesday, the Supremes ordered lower courts to rehear any cases where companies had sought to deny coverage for any type of contraception, not just the specific types Hobby Lobby was opposed to.

No matter what Alito and other justices may claim, court decisions set precedent and offer opportunities for lower courts to expand the logic of the initial case. (See Bush v. Gore.) The immediate turnaround to broaden the scope of Hobby Lobby won't do anything to dispel fears that the case has opened the way for a broad swath of businesses to object to any government regulation they dislike based on the religious whims of corporate owners.
told you so. this is what you get for a cheap partisan win. You get chaos.

Can you explain to me how they did that when the Court is not in session, oh idiot who thinks Mother Jones is a valid news source?

again google.. Cases are popping up now about this. It will only get worse.
Yet another far left blog site that the far left Taliban believes without question or hesitation.

Mother Jones is hack far left web site..

Wider impact of Hobby Lobby ruling? : SCOTUSblog

do a google search twat, cases are popping up left and right now.

But this is the last post ill address to you in this thread.

None of which have been decided by the Supreme Court, which means they didn't widen anything, idiot of the internet.

Um..when you order lower courts to reopen cases, then naturally you wouldn't be taken those cases on yourself. I know, its a hard concept to grasp for you.
Supreme Court Broadens Hobby Lobby Ruling to All Forms of Birth Control | Mother Jones

told you so.....
Less than a day after the United States Supreme Court issued its divisive ruling on Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, it has already begun to toss aside the supposedly narrow interpretation of the decision. On Tuesday, the Supremes ordered lower courts to rehear any cases where companies had sought to deny coverage for any type of contraception, not just the specific types Hobby Lobby was opposed to.

No matter what Alito and other justices may claim, court decisions set precedent and offer opportunities for lower courts to expand the logic of the initial case. (See Bush v. Gore.) The immediate turnaround to broaden the scope of Hobby Lobby won't do anything to dispel fears that the case has opened the way for a broad swath of businesses to object to any government regulation they dislike based on the religious whims of corporate owners.

told you so. this is what you get for a cheap partisan win. You get chaos.

I felt the same way when they passed CFR, I knew the courts would off the wall rulings from it.

Mandated health care is also going to lead us down legal paths that we don't need to go down.

This is what happens when Congress passes bill without knowing what the hell they voted for.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
they knew....I dont by this talking point nor the one that came from Pelosi. She knew, they knew.
Good news indeed!! Congratulations to Hobby Lobby and congratulations to the Supreme Court for earning back a tad bit of confidence from me and millions of other Americans. Take THAT Obama. :lol:

thus proving my point....
Your point being that you and your kind choose those whom have will, thought , and voice?

Liberals are inclusive only of their own. And they are exclusive to those Americans who refuse to share.

Is there not one Liberal in this country who attended kindergarten? :dunno:

Supreme Court Broadens Hobby Lobby Ruling to All Forms of Birth Control | Mother Jones

told you so.....
Less than a day after the United States Supreme Court issued its divisive ruling on Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, it has already begun to toss aside the supposedly narrow interpretation of the decision. On Tuesday, the Supremes ordered lower courts to rehear any cases where companies had sought to deny coverage for any type of contraception, not just the specific types Hobby Lobby was opposed to.

No matter what Alito and other justices may claim, court decisions set precedent and offer opportunities for lower courts to expand the logic of the initial case. (See Bush v. Gore.) The immediate turnaround to broaden the scope of Hobby Lobby won't do anything to dispel fears that the case has opened the way for a broad swath of businesses to object to any government regulation they dislike based on the religious whims of corporate owners.
told you so. this is what you get for a cheap partisan win. You get chaos.

And? Is there a problem? PB, you're a guy. Stop acting like you know what's good for women. They can handle themselves without the far left telling them that.

cute...not going to work, but cute
told you so. this is what you get for a cheap partisan win. You get chaos.

Yeah, freedom is a real bitch.

not really..Freedom is subjective would be a more accurate statement.
Anyways this wasnt about freedom and everyone knows it. This was about a cheap win.

This was about the a Person's right to their religious beliefs.

Again, not a single case that you "presented" was outside of what the SCotUS ruled on.

Every one was about a family owned business.
Just as I have to pay for my own guns, my 2nd Amendment Right, they have to pay for their own Birth Control, Their Obama granted Right.

Sounds like a good time for introducing the 'Affordable Guns Act'.

I wonder if liberals will get a religious exemption when they are forced to pay for metal jacket ammo...

How refreshing. Voice being given to Americans. Whoda thunkit? :dunno:

corporations are fictitious entities used by individuals to shield themselves from personal liability they exist to allow jurisdiction to be asserted over an entity or by an entity.

they are not humans. no one ever contemplated corporations having first amendment rights.

but the rabid right wouldn't be singing the same tune if islam was the majority religion.

i'm embarrassed by the decisions being issued by this court.

i do however think if you want to claim you have the right to impose your religion on your employees, then you shouldn't be able to shield yourself from liability for debt, or the torts and criminal actions of your corporation

good luck with that.

You speak personal responsibility? Why can't women have that and pay for their birth control, and not demand everyone else pay for it.
Yeah, freedom is a real bitch.

not really..Freedom is subjective would be a more accurate statement.
Anyways this wasnt about freedom and everyone knows it. This was about a cheap win.

This was about the a Person's right to their religious beliefs.

Again, not a single case that you "presented" was outside of what the SCotUS ruled on.

Every one was about a family owned business.

i dont care what they are. they already covered 16 of the 20. Im not worried, im patient...the chaos will happen.
How refreshing. Voice being given to Americans. Whoda thunkit? :dunno:

corporations are fictitious entities used by individuals to shield themselves from personal liability they exist to allow jurisdiction to be asserted over an entity or by an entity.

they are not humans. no one ever contemplated corporations having first amendment rights.

but the rabid right wouldn't be singing the same tune if islam was the majority religion.

i'm embarrassed by the decisions being issued by this court.

i do however think if you want to claim you have the right to impose your religion on your employees, then you shouldn't be able to shield yourself from liability for debt, or the torts and criminal actions of your corporation

good luck with that.

You speak personal responsibility? Why can't women have that and pay for their birth control, and not demand everyone else pay for it.
Hobby lobby already covered 16 versions. They disagree with you.
not really..Freedom is subjective would be a more accurate statement.
Anyways this wasnt about freedom and everyone knows it. This was about a cheap win.

This was about the a Person's right to their religious beliefs.

Again, not a single case that you "presented" was outside of what the SCotUS ruled on.

Every one was about a family owned business.

i dont care what they are. they already covered 16 of the 20. Im not worried, im patient...the chaos will happen.

You are confusing cases..

Hobby Lobby offered 16 of the 20... They objected to the 4 because they can cause abortions.

These other companies apparently object to all 20. They are also family owned businesses and believe that they should not have to pay for a person to be use contraceptives. Since they are family owned businesses, but the H/L ruling, they have the religious right not to pay for them.

I see no problem with that.

Their employees can still get their contraceptives, they just aren't going to be able to force their employer to pay for them.
This was about the a Person's right to their religious beliefs.

Again, not a single case that you "presented" was outside of what the SCotUS ruled on.

Every one was about a family owned business.

i dont care what they are. they already covered 16 of the 20. Im not worried, im patient...the chaos will happen.

You are confusing cases..

Hobby Lobby offered 16 of the 20... They objected to the 4 because they can cause abortions.

These other companies apparently object to all 20. They are also family owned businesses and believe that they should not have to pay for a person to be use contraceptives. Since they are family owned businesses, but the H/L ruling, they have the religious right not to pay for them.

I see no problem with that.

Their employees can still get their contraceptives, they just aren't going to be able to force their employer to pay for them.

no 2 of the 4 do not, the other two i havent researched to see.

I do because now you are cherry picking laws. When you serve the public you are not a private business in that sense.

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