Supreme Court Strikes Down Blatently Unconstitional Gun Regulation

I really hate to see people make the same mistakes over and over. Perhaps you aren't old enough to remember what life is like before 1973. The whole reason Roe versus Wade came into being was because some states had such egregious abortion laws women were killing themselves or trying to do self-abortions. Now even before Roe versus Wade was put to the wayside States like Texas and others started proclaiming even more egregious abortion laws. And a woman in Texas has already tried to do itself abortion on herself, nearly dying in the process. Then the state was going to charge her, but the public made such an outcry they did nothing. They caused this their stupid law. I'm sorry but you've been down this road before and it doesn't work. Just says you don't want to be told what to do or how to live the state doesn't have the right to do this to women. Don't even have control of your own body you are a second person. We are free Nation we do not have a fascist or totalitarian government, this should never be happening in America again. And as far as guns go, I don't care who has them, every study ever done concludes that the more guns they are the more gun injuries will occur.
Let's just nip this shit right here this thread is about guns not abortion.
That was a joke, you dimwitted 'tard.

When you say "Brazilian" usually it means a type of shaving which removes a lot of hair.

Hence "It doesn't sound like much".

But you are TOO FUCKING STUPID because you are an uneducated fuck up.
Actually , Dimwit, a Brazilian hair removal is done by waxing not shaving
That was a joke, you dimwitted 'tard.

When you say "Brazilian" usually it means a type of shaving which removes a lot of hair.

Hence "It doesn't sound like much".

For god's sake learn to read and get humor, you dimwit.
I know why it means, vermin.
Groomercrats are extremely racist. You can tell by post like this.
Skews has done lost the debate or argument when you see him spouting crazy desperation post like that one. It's funny to watch... Can you imagine how screwed up the head's are of people like skews and his merry band of leftist minion's are here ? Look what they defend and support, and that tells anyone all they need to know about these shills.
5 of the 6 conservative Supreme Court justices were appointed by a Republican Senate majority that won fewer votes than the Democrats

3 of the 6 were nominated by a president who also won a minority of the popular vote

Remember that the real problem here is institutional
And, of course, you know why this is. The founders intended it this way - that the big cities and states didn't just automatically create the government that ruled the smaller and more remote states. Today, with our ever growing leftist, coastal, populations, the problem would be even worse. 5 states would tell the other 45 who would be president and what the laws would be.

Thus, the Founders very intentionally set up a system where the States, and not the people, elect the president. Initially, the states also appointed the Senate. That was step number 2 in destroying the federation and replacing it with a national government, step number 1 being unapportioned income taxes. The third and final step, turning states into nothing more than political districts, would be the repeal of the Electoral College.

If the only way Authoritarian Fascists can imagine continuing their constant assault on our Liberties is to expand the Supreme Court ...
Maybe they need to understand that the sun is setting on their Unconstitutional Empire.

They've gone way to far, and yes you are absolutely right.
Wait until every violent thug, and a fast growing Latino population are all carrying around these conservative white peoples neighborhoods, schools, and churches.

Oh, did I forget to mention the rather large, and growing Muslim population also? No?

Wow. You're openly admitting that you want to keep guns out of the black, brown, and Muslim communities? You're pretty racist, aren't you?

I want far more black people with guns. I want every mother to have a gun in her home and to carry it outside. I want black families to be able to defend themselves from criminals.

Same with brown people. And though Muslims aren't highly targeted by criminals, I want their constitutional rights protected as well. And I certainly want Muslim women to be able to protect themselves from rape, beatings, forced circumcision, etc. But, you're a Democrat. Democrats are the party of rape; you hate women and most certainly do not want them to be able to protect themselves from rape.

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