Surge In Greenland Ice Loss

Yes. And the conclusion we come to when we do so is that 97% of the world's climate scientists are many orders of magnitude more likely to be correct than the 1% who actually disagree with the IPCC.

If that were true they wouldn't have had to resort to data falsification and they would actually get a prediction correct occasionally. So far no joy. 30 years down the road and the world is EXACTLY the same as when they started their campaign of bullshit.

There's been continuous climate cycles in the 13 billion years Earth has been forming. Sometimes faster than now and sometimes slower.

Then along comes the LIBTARD Movement, (as in bowel), and they suddenly figure out that it's Conservative's fault.
JEEEEEEZE what a load of shit their 'movement' is. The methane from their fecal matter is enough to cause a national stink alarm!!
Now THAT is the sort of hard, scientific, fact-based information of which this forum has been short for ever so long. More, please MORE!
Warming in the antarctic and loss of ice is what cause the global warming scientists to become so ice locked that ice breakers couldn't free them.
Joe Romm and Jeff Spross: "Most climate scientists and glaciologists that Climate Progress has spoken to in recent years have said humanity should plan for at least three feet of sea level rise this century — and considerably more than that if we stay on our current high-end emissions path."​

Surge In Greenland Ice Loss

By Joe Romm and Jeff Spross
March 17, 2014

Greenland’s contribution to global sea level has soared in the past two decades. An important new study finds that the massive northeastern part of the ice sheet, previously thought to be stable, has begun shedding ice. If this trend continues — and researchers say “a self-perpetuating feedback process may have been triggered” — actual sea level rise this century will likely be higher than many current models had projected.


But the new study, “Sustained mass loss of the northeast Greenland ice sheet triggered by regional warming,” published in Nature Climate Change (subs. req’d), suggests the northeastern portion began melting rapidly around 2003. And after first jumping from an ice loss rate of zero to about 10 billion metric tons per year, it’s now approaching 15 or 20 billion metric tons per year and may well keep accelerating.



Regional warming has triggered rapid ice loss in a vast portion of the northeastern Greenland Ice Sheet (NEGIS). Red indicates the fastest melting. (Via Ohio State)


Think Progress?

A Marxist propaganda organization of George Soros.

The link does not work.

Marxist propaganda is not Science.

George Soros Marxist reposting "press releases" they post to dozens of websites as fact. Its all propaganda but because the Liberal/Leftist can link to it people re-post it here as if its fact.

The link as well as the title of the propaganda here is broken, you can not even find it with google.

Its time start calling the idiots what they are. Liars and Leftists

Once we get a Republican President, the IRS is going to have to look at Think Progress. It's little more than a political mouthpiece for Soros and anti-American Progressives
Yes. And the conclusion we come to when we do so is that 97% of the world's climate scientists are many orders of magnitude more likely to be correct than the 1% who actually disagree with the IPCC.

If that were true they wouldn't have had to resort to data falsification and they would actually get a prediction correct occasionally. So far no joy. 30 years down the road and the world is EXACTLY the same as when they started their campaign of bullshit.


For 30 years the IPCC has been fabricating rubber snakes for AGW alarmists, who need to wiggle them regularly or else nobody gets scared anymore.
This is augmented by the "OMG look, the snake has moved !" screams of the 97% Nutti-Cook audience much the same as it`s done in these idiotic TV soap operas and sit-coms.
So the Climate Has Not changed deniers see a100,000 year old ice cube melt a fraction on its surface as it has forever and that is proof. I am surprised the Global Warming nuts do not point to summer or even daytime as proof of global warming.
They do!!!! Just ask them about Australia this summer. It was hot. Get it, summer, hot!!!!

Well I didn't think cold existed anymore. What? Cold? I mean all the ice melted didn't it, hawaii's gone and all of the other little islands all over the globe.

Ah well, another idiot with more ignorance to display chimes in. Note the area in east Siberia that is just as warm as the the cold area is cold. And, yes, the ice is melting. And just 3 feet would be catastrophic.
I am so tired of the cold. Thanks for depressing the hell out of Me....

Well I didn't think cold existed anymore. What? Cold? I mean all the ice melted didn't it, hawaii's gone and all of the other little islands all over the globe.

Ah well, another idiot with more ignorance to display chimes in. Note the area in east Siberia that is just as warm as the the cold area is cold. And, yes, the ice is melting. And just 3 feet would be catastrophic.

You go to bed Praying every night that it will, don't you... :lol:


I am so tired of the cold. Thanks for depressing the hell out of Me....

Well I didn't think cold existed anymore. What? Cold? I mean all the ice melted didn't it, hawaii's gone and all of the other little islands all over the globe.

Ah well, another idiot with more ignorance to display chimes in. Note the area in east Siberia that is just as warm as the the cold area is cold. And, yes, the ice is melting. And just 3 feet would be catastrophic.
You must have saw yourself in a mirror when posting that last post eh?
In other words, just silly flap yap and no evidence to back your position.

The evidence we have to back our position is every word you guys say. You have not been correct in 30 years of prediction so you've just plain stopped that. Nothing measurable and nothing specific is your fraudsters mantra.

Thanks for proving our point.
In other words, just silly flap yap and no evidence to back your position.
Post something and that will be my evidence as pointed out over and over and over and over, get the over part?
In other words, just silly flap yap and no evidence to back your position.

The evidence we have to back our position is every word you guys say. You have not been correct in 30 years of prediction so you've just plain stopped that. Nothing measurable and nothing specific is your fraudsters mantra.

Thanks for proving our point.

"ICESat" has been out of action since 2009 and won`t be replaced till 2016.
IceBridge - Arctic 2014 | NASA
ICESat, which stopped functioning in 2009, and its successor, ICESat-2, scheduled for launch in 2017.
But AGW freaks don`t really need any data they just fill in the gap with crap from "" or computer "climate models" and post it here.
While they keep proclaiming that anything less than 15 years is not a trend alll they got so far are a mere six years ICESat data from 2003 to 2009 which turned out to be inaccurate.
That`s why NASA launched "operation ice bridge":
IceBridge will make two major contributions to cryospheric science:
1. Provide surface elevation data now that the ICESat-1 mission has ended, focused on areas undergoing rapid change that are critical to characterizing select areas of sea ice and modeling the processes that determine the mass balance of the terrestrial ice sheets.
IceBridge also allows more detailed studies over these areas
2. Support complementary measurements critical to ice models such as bed topography, grounding line position, and ice and snow thickness. These parameters cannot be measured by satellite, but can be measured from aircraft. They are the other great unknowns in understanding the ice in general and developing predictive models of sea level rise in response to climate change.
So I`ve been curious what kind of data NASA has collected since then with "Ice Bridge".

But all they published so far are nice videos:
Mission IceBridge: Nasa zeigt Luftaufnahmen von Arktis und Antarktis - SPIEGEL ONLINE

And all you can get at their public data portal is the message "no data available":
Operation IceBridge Data Portal

Or "pre Icebridge meta data" in binary form per FTP
Data Set Landing Page
The NASA Pre-IceBridge ATM L0 Raw Ranges (BLATM0) data set contains raw elevation range measurements using the NASA Airborne Topographic Mapper (ATM) instrumentation. The data are stored in binary format and are available via FTP for periodic campaigns from 05 May 2005 to 30 October 2008.
...and a dead link which circles back to the same portal.
NASA sums up what they have found so far with project "Ice bridge" with these polite words:
In recent years, computer model projections have shown an increasing dominance of surface melt, but a limited amount of glacier thickness data made pinpointing a figure for ice discharge difficult.
Which means in plain English, that these computer model projections were based on crap (as usual).
But that won`t stop the rubber snake charmers:
Joe Romm and Jeff Spross: "Most climate scientists and glaciologists that Climate Progress has spoken to in recent years have said humanity should plan for at least three feet of sea level rise this century &#8212; and considerably more than that if we stay on our current high-end emissions path."​

Surge In Greenland Ice Loss

By Joe Romm and Jeff Spross
March 17, 2014

Greenland&#8217;s contribution to global sea level has soared in the past two decades.

Last edited:
This is what happens to idiots that don`t know the difference between reality and computer model based climate hype:
Reality TV stars crossing Northwest Passage on jet skis forced to cancel Arctic trek after costly rescue | National Post
Reality TV stars crossing Northwest Passage on jet skis forced to cancel Arctic trek after costly rescue


Two fanciful expeditions to cross the Northwest Passage — one on jet skis, the other in a rowboat — have been turned back after crews found that their path through the Canadian Arctic was blocked by ice.
A group of Americans filming a reality TV show radioed for assistance from the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Sir Wilfrid Laurier after getting pinned by Arctic conditions on Sept. 3.
The seven men, filming a show called Dangerous Waters, are circumnavigating the globe on personal watercraft. This season, the goal was to cross the Northwest Passage, round the southern tip of Greenland and finish off by pulling into London, England.
Instead of a "climate change reality show" it turned out to be first class comedy show:
Instead, they were bogged down by plummeting temperatures, a polar bear ripping apart one of their tents and the ocean freezing underneath them.
Just like this one:
Canadian military spent $2.7 million to rescue wealthy tourists off of breakaway ice floe


It cost Canada’s military $2,748,046 to rescue wealthy tourists and a hunting party from a drifting Arctic ice floe this summer after planes and helicopters from five provinces were scrambled to the north — while the tourists were being served dinner in a heated dining tent.
Highlighting the enormous costs of operating in Canada’s far north, the astounding bill for the June operation does not even include the expenses for the RCMP or local rescuers who were also involved.
The rescue mission started after the tour group — comprised of 10 tourists from Japan, Jordan, Australia, Britain, France, United States and Canada and 10 staff — noticed the floe, 50 kilometres long and 25 km wide, was drifting toward the Northwest Passage.
And more of the same in the Antarctic:
Oops: China's Antarctic Rescue Ship May Now Be Stuck Itself

China’s lone research icebreaker, the MV Xue Long, may be stuck in thick Antarctic ice after a heroic rescue effort.

There isn`t a whole lot of difference between the freaks that want to sue mankind for overheating the globe and melting the ice and those who sue McDonald`s for selling coffee that`s too hot or “undue mental anguish and the intentional infliction of emotional distress,”
Man Sues McDonalds for $1.5 Million Over One Napkin

Lucas, who is African-American, alleges that after he made his displeasure known, the napkin feud took an ugly turn; he claims to have heard the manager make a racist comment, stating something to the effect of “you people.”

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