Surge In Greenland Ice Loss

AGWCult: We've eliminated all the variables and found that a 100PPM increase in CO2 is melting Greenland

Scientists: Can you show us in a lab how a 100ppm increase in CO2 does any of that?

AGWCult: No, you fool! The system is far too complicated with far too many variables to replicate in a lab

Scientists: Then how could you have possibly eliminated all other variables except for a wisp of CO2?

AGWCult: Denier! Arrest him!
Got a bridge you can sell them?
AGWCult: We've eliminated all the variables and found that a 100PPM increase in CO2 is melting Greenland

Scientists: Can you show us in a lab how a 100ppm increase in CO2 does any of that?

AGWCult: No, you fool! The system is far too complicated with far too many variables to replicate in a lab

Scientists: Then how could you have possibly eliminated all other variables except for a wisp of CO2?

AGWCult: Denier! Arrest him!
Got a bridge you can sell them?

They LOVED trotting out how the American Physics Society was on board with the AGW Hoax. Until we find out they stacked the deck and never bothered to actually present any evidence to anyone.

Now they'll have to present to real scientists so I predict the AGWCult just won't show up and try to hide behind "Settled Science Consensus" because they have no chance at all when pressed for facts and evidence

Received 22 September 2005; revised 14 October 2005; accepted 19 October 2005; published 22 November 2005.
[1] A significant amount of the measured coastal thinning of the Greenland ice sheet may be due to recent acceleration of outlet glaciers. Using remote sensing, we measured two major periods of speedup on Helheim Glacier between 2000 and 2005 that increased peak speeds from approximately 8
to 11 km/yr. These speedups coincided with rapid retreats of the calving front, totaling over 7.5 km. The glacier also thinned by over 40 m from 2001 to 2003. Retreat of the ice front appears to decrease resistance to flow and concentrates the gravitational driving force over a smaller area. Farther
up-glacier, acceleration may be a delayed response to surface draw-down and steepening of the glacier’s main trunk. If the 2005 speedup also produces strong thinning, then much of the glacier’s main trunk may un-ground, leading to further retreat. Citation: Howat, I. M., I. Joughin, S. Tulaczyk, and S. Gogineni (2005), Rapid retreat and acceleration of Helheim Glacier, east Greenland, Geophys. Res.
Lett., 32, L22502, doi:10.1029/2005GL024737.

2. Methods
[4] Ice flow velocity at Helheim was measured from satellite image pairs once in 2000 and twice in 2003, 2004, and 2005 (Figure 1). The October 2000 velocities were determined using standard speckle tracking techniques applied to a RADARSAT image pair separated by 24-days [Joughin, 2002]. Errors in these estimates are ±3%, which are largely attributable to error in the elevation data used to correct for topographic effects.

[5] Velocities for 2003 through 2005 were obtained from automated surface feature tracking [Scambos et al., 1992], using principle component images of bands 1&#8211;3 (visible/ near infra-red) of the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sensor. All image pairs were geometrically rectified using the same ground control, so the errors largely arise from uncertainty in the cross-correlation match (<10 m per image pair). To correct for additional errors induced by terrain, which are usually 5&#8211;10 m, two-dimensional displacements of known stationary features were triangulated to, and subtracted from, each on-ice measurement
MUNICH, Germany, Feb. 3 (UPI) -- Greenland's fastest-moving glacier is accelerating, moving ice from the Greenland ice sheet into the ocean at the fastest speed ever recorded, scientists say.
In the summer of 2012, the Jakobshavn Glacier reached a record speed of more than 10 miles per year, or more than 150 feet per day, the European Geophysical Union in Munich, Germany, reported Monday.

The annually averaged speedup over the past couple of years is nearly three times what it was in the 1990s, researchers said.

"We are now seeing summer speeds more than four times what they were in the 1990s on a glacier, which at that time was believed to be one of the fastest, if not the fastest, glacier in Greenland," study lead author Ian Joughin of the University of Washington said.

Read more: Greenland glacier moving ice into the ocean at record speed -
MUNICH, Germany, Feb. 3 (UPI) -- Greenland's fastest-moving glacier is accelerating, moving ice from the Greenland ice sheet into the ocean at the fastest speed ever recorded, scientists say.
In the summer of 2012, the Jakobshavn Glacier reached a record speed of more than 10 miles per year, or more than 150 feet per day, the European Geophysical Union in Munich, Germany, reported Monday.

The annually averaged speedup over the past couple of years is nearly three times what it was in the 1990s, researchers said.

"We are now seeing summer speeds more than four times what they were in the 1990s on a glacier, which at that time was believed to be one of the fastest, if not the fastest, glacier in Greenland," study lead author Ian Joughin of the University of Washington said.

Read more: Greenland glacier moving ice into the ocean at record speed -

Takes a LOT of ice on top to make it move that fast. Wonder where all that new ice is coming from?
MUNICH, Germany, Feb. 3 (UPI) -- Greenland's fastest-moving glacier is accelerating, moving ice from the Greenland ice sheet into the ocean at the fastest speed ever recorded, scientists say.
In the summer of 2012, the Jakobshavn Glacier reached a record speed of more than 10 miles per year, or more than 150 feet per day, the European Geophysical Union in Munich, Germany, reported Monday.

The annually averaged speedup over the past couple of years is nearly three times what it was in the 1990s, researchers said.

"We are now seeing summer speeds more than four times what they were in the 1990s on a glacier, which at that time was believed to be one of the fastest, if not the fastest, glacier in Greenland," study lead author Ian Joughin of the University of Washington said.

Read more: Greenland glacier moving ice into the ocean at record speed -

Takes a LOT of ice on top to make it move that fast. Wonder where all that new ice is coming from?

Or a lot of water on the bottom. You lose, numbnuts.
MUNICH, Germany, Feb. 3 (UPI) -- Greenland's fastest-moving glacier is accelerating, moving ice from the Greenland ice sheet into the ocean at the fastest speed ever recorded, scientists say.
In the summer of 2012, the Jakobshavn Glacier reached a record speed of more than 10 miles per year, or more than 150 feet per day, the European Geophysical Union in Munich, Germany, reported Monday.

The annually averaged speedup over the past couple of years is nearly three times what it was in the 1990s, researchers said.

"We are now seeing summer speeds more than four times what they were in the 1990s on a glacier, which at that time was believed to be one of the fastest, if not the fastest, glacier in Greenland," study lead author Ian Joughin of the University of Washington said.

Read more: Greenland glacier moving ice into the ocean at record speed -

Takes a LOT of ice on top to make it move that fast. Wonder where all that new ice is coming from?

Or a lot of water on the bottom. You lose, numbnuts.

:lol::lol::lol: Glaciers that are calving are ADVANCING idiot. Those that are retreating are melting. That's how the physics of glaciers works. Not surprising you idiots don't understand don't seem to understand too much of anything.
If you're concerned about adding water to the world's oceans, you'd be concerned about either process. That meltwater accelerates glacier flow has been demonstrated repeatedly in numerous locations. No one suggested that global warming was going to stop the world's precipitation or that a 0.9C rise would bring every point on Earth above freezing. Increased precipitation in Antarctica was one of the earlier AGW predictions.

Not surprising you idiots don't understand don't seem to understand too much of anything.
Takes a LOT of ice on top to make it move that fast. Wonder where all that new ice is coming from?

Or a lot of water on the bottom. You lose, numbnuts.

:lol::lol::lol: Glaciers that are calving are ADVANCING idiot. Those that are retreating are melting. That's how the physics of glaciers works. Not surprising you idiots don't understand don't seem to understand too much of anything.

And this dumb fuck claims to be a Phd Geologist. Here are pictures and information on the Jakobhaven Glacier in Greenland, it is calving and rapidly retreating;

Greenland's Jakobshavn glacier retreating at record speeds

Between 1851 and 1964, Jakobshavn Isbræ’s calving front, where it meets the fjord, retreated 30 kilometers. After that it hardly moved for almost 35 years. It’s what has happened since the turn of the millennium that’s the real concern. As the image shows, since 2001, Jakobshavn Isbræ has retreated about half the distance it fell back in the century-and-a-half or so between 1851 and 2000. Worse, the fall-back in recent years appears to be accelerating.

Read more: Greenland's Jakobshavn glacier retreating at record speeds
So how will the Warmers present their "case" to the APS? Will they turn on the Weather Channel and say, "See that there? Manmade Global Warming. Can I get an Amen? Amen! We have Consensus! Science is Settled!"
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The people with the challenge before them are those claiming that there is no warming, that the warming has been a hoax or that the warming has not been caused by human activity. There is no issue asking the questions that the APS board has put together because mainstream climate science is not attempting to deceive anyone, has not passed on any falsehoods and holds views based on the evidence and our best understanding of the functioning of our climate systems.
The people with the challenge before them are those claiming that there is no warming, that the warming has been a hoax or that the warming has not been caused by human activity. There is no issue asking the questions that the APS board has put together because mainstream climate science is not attempting to deceive anyone, has not passed on any falsehoods and holds views based on the evidence and our best understanding of the functioning of our climate systems.

The "warming" is caused by the Sun.

See you next year
The people with the challenge before them are those claiming that there is no warming, that the warming has been a hoax or that the warming has not been caused by human activity. There is no issue asking the questions that the APS board has put together because mainstream climate science is not attempting to deceive anyone, has not passed on any falsehoods and holds views based on the evidence and our best understanding of the functioning of our climate systems.

No sceptic I know has said any of those things. Nice attempt at trying to falsify what has been stated. Can you guys EVER tell the truth or is that just impossible for you?
Honesty?!?!? You've got some fucking nerve. How long do you think I'd have to search this forum to find all three of those opinions expressed? One minute? Less?

Don't be stupid.
Honesty?!?!? You've got some fucking nerve. How long do you think I'd have to search this forum to find all three of those opinions expressed? One minute? Less?

Don't be stupid.

The stupid liar is you and yours. Climate changes all the time. The planet has been warming for the last 14,000 years..... What sceptics argue about is mans involvement in what is occurring. But you knew that already, you just try and lie your way out of every failed statement you make.
AGWCult Presentation to APS

Theory: The 100PPM of CO2 added to the atmosphere as measured near an active volcano is responsible for "Global Warming" but since we have consensus and the science is steeled we don't have to prove it, If you're lucky we'll show you Mann's tree rings
You lying sack of shit. Do you talk to your children with that mouth?

:lol: You made the accusation asshat...back it up or piss off!


After all, the days of the hoax are coming to an end and who besides you and a few select crazies on this board wants to end up looking like first class rubes for buying so completely into a hoax?

Another laughable thread about temperatures.

Since reality is 95% perception and most Americans have spent the last 9 weeks freezing their balls off, its called a PR nightmare for the k00ks. The irony is, "global warming" wouldn't even exist except for the hordes of misinformed dummies who have been duped by this crap whenever a hail storm hit their town in the last 20 years or watched a hurricane on TV being linked to global warming. But now with their balls turned blue like never before, the AGW camp's established narrative looks like the hoax it is and nobody is giving a shit about "global warming". Except, of course, the k00ks.

How many people out in America today are calling their representative to demand action on climate change?

Perhaps 17?

And 16 of them are k00ks.

No they weren't. They were predicting warming, even in the 70s.

I showed you how the peer reviewed science says you're full of shit.

You responded by ignoring the peer reviewed science and cherrypicking a couple mass media sources. Henry posted one link to the same nonsense, and then two links that confirmed how the peer reviewed science predicted warming.

That is, you're still full of shit.

Fix your quote you f'ing liar. I never said that. Fix it, or I will have the moderators fix it for you.

By the way, all the references I provided reference the ringleaders of the hoax today.

Global warming is and always will be a hoax

Warming deniers never wonder why, if an excess of carbon in the air was such a good thing, why did God or whoever cover the solid part of the earth with something to scrub carbon out of the air. And give back oxygen.

And there it is, folks!


Because damn near the entire body of "evidence" assumes that humans are the driving factor behind climate change. What part of do you find confusing?

I did not say I was confused. I am wondering what you think is wrong with the conclusion of the world's climate scientists that anthropogenic GHG emissions are the primary cause of the observed warming of the last 150 years. You say they are wrong. Where is you evidence that they are wrong or where is your superior evidence that something else is the cause of that warming?

Nothing but assumption upon assumption upon assumption bolstered by data tampering. You are a world class dupe if you believe in the AGW hoax.

Hmmm, have you sent your carbon credit payment to algore yet this month? Better send it, he needs a couple thousand gallons of jet fuel for his plane.

Al Gore? I'm talking about the planet.

Read the Avatar...Stop being weak

when you continue a false argument of man made global warming (now climate change since the warming part has been proven to be a hoax) the only place the discussion can go is down.

My points are valid, yours are propaganda. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it, and yet you persist--------is it a mental problem?

I spoke truth. You did not.
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