Surveillance court accuses FBI agents of giving misleading basis for warrant


The FBI’s Private Contractors – FISA Abuse, the Steele Dossier & A...

Evelyn Farkas – On March 2, 2017, Obama’s Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Evelyn Farkas went on MSNBC. In the interview, Farkas detailed how the Obama Administration gathered and disseminated intelligence on the Trump Team:

I was urging my former colleagues, “Get as much information as you can. Get as much intelligence as you can” – before Obama leaves the Administration.

The Trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about the Trump staff dealing with Russians, they would try to compromise those sources and methods, meaning we would no longer have access to that intelligence.

That’s why you have the leaking.

Note that Farkas said “how we knew” not “what we knew”. A crucial distinction.

That was also why Susan Rice sent that last minute email saying we did everything by the book.
Susan Rice Sent ‘Unusual Email’ To Herself Moments Before Trump’s Inauguration
hoping that lie would stave off any investigation into their farce. To think such must have been a sign of desperation like no other.
Three years they carried on and yet continue to try to push even further with this phony impeachment nonsense. Something tells me there is much more to be found.
If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!
Yet, no mention by you of what chain of events that lie cost the nation, and innocent people.
None of Trump's many currently jailed associates were innocent. And the report you cite said investigating the confirmed Russian sabotage was fine.
Illegal warrants.............and used to go after people...........Courts can rule misconduct and throw out all evidence under illegal warrants.......and deem them all mistrials......

Imagine that.
But But But he bugged me at Trump Tower.
Three years they carried on and yet continue to try to push even further with this phony impeachment nonsense. Something tells me there is much more to be found.
There is sufficient evidence of misconduct, crimes, and etc to put away a lot of people for a long time here.

Will they do it is the question................Not if these things happened. It's crystal clear what happened. And it's all backed up by FACTS..........Not the BS Impeachment Circus.
If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!
Yet, no mention by you of what chain of events that lie cost the nation, and innocent people.
None of Trump's many currently jailed associates were innocent. And the report you cite said investigating the confirmed Russian sabotage was fine.
Illegal warrants.............and used to go after people...........Courts can rule misconduct and throw out all evidence under illegal warrants.......and deem them all mistrials......

Imagine that.
But But But he bugged me at Trump Tower.
via a Illegal FISA warrant............Why that is absolutely true.

Admiral Rogers.......went to Trump and told him about it..........and with an Audit confirmed the abuse with FISA courts............I have given the ruling here from that court.

The IG confirms it.........and Now a Court order from FISA itself on the abuse regarding the wire tapping of Carter Page FURTHER PROVES IT.

Your LIES are being uncovered troll.
Three years they carried on and yet continue to try to push even further with this phony impeachment nonsense. Something tells me there is much more to be found.
There is sufficient evidence of misconduct, crimes, and etc to put away a lot of people for a long time here.

Will they do it is the question................Not if these things happened. It's crystal clear what happened. And it's all backed up by FACTS..........Not the BS Impeachment Circus.
I agree. Time will tell. We can pray the right thing is finally done, not just firings, early retirements, etc.
If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!
Yet, no mention by you of what chain of events that lie cost the nation, and innocent people.
None of Trump's many currently jailed associates were innocent. And the report you cite said investigating the confirmed Russian sabotage was fine.
Illegal warrants.............and used to go after people...........Courts can rule misconduct and throw out all evidence under illegal warrants.......and deem them all mistrials......

Imagine that.
But But But he bugged me at Trump Tower.
via a Illegal FISA warrant............Why that is absolutely true.

Admiral Rogers.......went to Trump and told him about it..........and with an Audit confirmed the abuse with FISA courts............I have given the ruling here from that court.

The IG confirms it.........and Now a Court order from FISA itself on the abuse regarding the wire tapping of Carter Page FURTHER PROVES IT.

Your LIES are being uncovered troll.
These abuses have been going on for a long time Mueller was even called before the FISC court in 2019 regarding abuses under his watch in 2012.
Mueller hauled before secret FISA court to address FBI abuses in 2002, Congress told
This is just the straw that may make it all come tumbling down.
We've know these abuses for a long time now. Since before the election. But the Media spin washing machine has been covering for known crimes. The Mueller show was a cover up for their dirty dealings........and it all started with an ILLEGAL Warrant from FISA.

This is REAL EVIDENCE......not a clown show Impeachment Joke.

The only question will they be prosecuted for their crimes.........I still highly doubt it.....

"The FBI's handling of the Carter Page applications, as portrayed in the OIG report, was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor described above," Rosemary Collyer, presiding judge with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, wrote in an order released by the court.
Surveillance court accuses FBI agents of giving misleading basis for warrant
/—/ It only took them 3 years...
Yep, sadly. But it was only recently the IG realized there is a new sheriff in town.
Not to mention that Carter Page is now suing the hell out of the Federal Gov't for doing this to him. Imagine that.
That was dismissed weeks ago
Get your facts straight. That was his suit against the dnc, not the govt. And new facts have emerged, wonder if he will refile that one?
Sorry you all have so many lawsuits launched and dismissed that it's hard to keep track.
All dismissed on a false premise.
The fact you deflect shows you have no disdain for what your party did to others.

i’ve heard payback can be hell.
Your party and especially the Trump cabal are champions for sabotaging our elections. The only feeling of disdain is against you regressive traitors.

Actually, that is PROVABLY you and yours. You assholes have spewed nothing but opinions. The actual facts show it was the shrilary campaign, and the dnc violating the campaign laws. But those are facts and imbeciles like you don't do facts.
HE’S TOO KIND: Mark Levin Blasts FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer: ‘You Chose To Sit On Your Hands!’

Mark Levin, Former Chief of Staff for DOJ during the reign of Ronaldus Maximus (The Great One) lashed out at FISA Judge Rosemary Collyer. Collyer rebuked the Corrupt FBI for their "irregularities" in the FISA process. This criticism, Levin explained, is too little and especially too late.

"I want to admonish this judge," Levin said. "She had an opportunity to act when it mattered. Back on April 20, 2017, the Landmark Legal Foundation under its president, Pete Hutchison, filed a motion -- a secret motion -- with this court. And it was a motion informing the judge of the violations that had occurred based on published reports because it was known back in April of 2017. Some of it, if not much of it. And those exhibits were provided to the judge. Five days after we filed that the judge ruled to deny the request arguing there was "no matter pending before the court with respect to which such an appearance would be proper."​

"That was always a disingenuous reply," Levin went on to say, "but this judge, and apparently she changed her mind today. Apparently she changed her mind more than 2.5 years later and realized: 'Oh, I have jurisdiction. The matter is pending I suppose.' Although that never made any sense because a judge is free, even when a matter is done, to call parties before them in their courtroom if in fact the judge believes wrongs have been committed in the court and against the court."​

"And so Judge Collyer did not protect the federal judiciary, she did not protect her own courtroom, she did not protect the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act," Levin said. "For more than 2.5 years, she allowed these perpetrators to get away with what they did. And she could have brought an end to this. She could have had an evidentiary hearing or a contempt hearing if you will, and she chose not to."

"Now she's jumping on the bandwagon," Levin continued, "after the OIC report, after FBI Director Wray has announced 40 different reforms that he's going to take a look at. After I and others, including Mike Lee, have said, 'you know, we have to abolish the court.' The court has failed to do its job and I suspect they won't do its job."

"Only now does Judge Collyer issue her decision. Only now. Because part of the problem is Judge Collyer and any other judge" working as a FISA judge, he said. "They don't read these documents. Over a 1,000 of them were presented to the FISA courts in 2018 and only one was denied. That is almost a 100 percent approval record. Now that's absurd," Levin explained. "So Judge Collyer has some answering to do. And if Congress is serious about getting to the bottom of this, she and others need to be called before Congress in a legitimate oversight function, not to investigate her for criminal reasons, but to find out exactly what she and others did."​

It would be interesting to study the time stamps in order to determine if the Judges are taking the time to read through the documents and the footnotes or if they are just rubber-stamping the Corrupt FBI.

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