Surveillance State and Manafort predawn Raid

I'm sorry, so you really think that "constitutional protections" should apply to guys who are selling us out to Russia?

Yes, you Fascist Fucktard. Even a Communist like Hillary is entitled to her Constitutional protections
Well, now the predawn raid makes perfect sense. The Progressive Fascist Surveillance State tipped Mueller that Manafort had "incriminating evidence" in his home, his cooperation notwithstanding.

Welcome to America 2.0

I love it it...the "Progressive Fascist Surveillance State"...which is all possible due to the laws passed by the Repubs!

By the Deep State and faithfully implemented by Obama and Bush. It's a Surveillance State not even Orwell dared to dream
Of course not...

Article LXIX of the Constitution States: Constitutional Protections apply to all citizens except those accused of getting a little too chummy with the Russkies.

Meanwhile, back in reality, the protections provided by the U.S. Constitution apply equally to all citizens regardless of whether or not they're accused of a crime.

A wise man said, "The Constitution is not a Suicide Pact".

If Manafort was selling us out to the Russians, I really don't care if all the T were crossed in the warrant.

Hillary sold our uranium to the Russians for $145,000,000
Well, now the predawn raid makes perfect sense. The Progressive Fascist Surveillance State tipped Mueller that Manafort had "incriminating evidence" in his home, his cooperation notwithstanding.

Welcome to America 2.0

I love it it...the "Progressive Fascist Surveillance State"...which is all possible due to the laws passed by the Repubs!

Which laws are you referring to?

Mostly the PATRIOT Act.
Well, now the predawn raid makes perfect sense. The Progressive Fascist Surveillance State tipped Mueller that Manafort had "incriminating evidence" in his home, his cooperation notwithstanding.

Welcome to America 2.0

I love it it...the "Progressive Fascist Surveillance State"...which is all possible due to the laws passed by the Repubs!

Which laws are you referring to?

Mostly the Patriot Act with a few NDAAs that had cool things added to them like giving the Executive Branch the power to detain anyone, citizens included, indefinitely and without trial or recourse.

The "Patriot Act" was passed by majorities of both the major Washington Crime Families and thus the egregious violations of individual liberty that it represents is BI-PARTISAN.
Of course not...

Article LXIX of the Constitution States: Constitutional Protections apply to all citizens except those accused of getting a little too chummy with the Russkies.

Meanwhile, back in reality, the protections provided by the U.S. Constitution apply equally to all citizens regardless of whether or not they're accused of a crime.

A wise man said, "The Constitution is not a Suicide Pact".

If Manafort was selling us out to the Russians, I really don't care if all the T were crossed in the warrant.

Hillary sold our uranium to the Russians for $145,000,000

Cool, but if it's "our uranium" I want my cut.
Well, now the predawn raid makes perfect sense. The Progressive Fascist Surveillance State tipped Mueller that Manafort had "incriminating evidence" in his home, his cooperation notwithstanding.

Welcome to America 2.0

"Lock her up" was the loud and proud call of the Reactionary Fascists who supported Donald Trump.

Welcome to Amerika, brought to our shores by Donald Trump and his band of Russian accomplices, and the agent provocateurs who pretend to be conservative Republicans.
Of course not...

Article LXIX of the Constitution States: Constitutional Protections apply to all citizens except those accused of getting a little too chummy with the Russkies.

Meanwhile, back in reality, the protections provided by the U.S. Constitution apply equally to all citizens regardless of whether or not they're accused of a crime.

A wise man said, "The Constitution is not a Suicide Pact".

If Manafort was selling us out to the Russians, I really don't care if all the T were crossed in the warrant.

Hillary sold our uranium to the Russians for $145,000,000

Cool, but if it's "our uranium" I want my cut.

It was Hillary's uranium
Well, now the predawn raid makes perfect sense. The Progressive Fascist Surveillance State tipped Mueller that Manafort had "incriminating evidence" in his home, his cooperation notwithstanding.

Welcome to America 2.0

"Lock her up" was the loud and proud call of the Reactionary Fascists who supported Donald Trump.

Welcome to Amerika, brought to our shores by Donald Trump and his band Russian accomplices.

Lock her up for teaming up with Obama to use our Benghazi Consulate to arm his Jihadists brothers
Well, now the predawn raid makes perfect sense. The Progressive Fascist Surveillance State tipped Mueller that Manafort had "incriminating evidence" in his home, his cooperation notwithstanding.

Welcome to America 2.0

The Democratic Party's sleaze, corruption, propaganda and brainwashed fanatics are like an Orwellian nightmare come true.
President Trump needs to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary deleting her emails to hide the evidence of her corruption with her fake charity, money laundering, tax evasion, influence peddling, bribes, kick-backs, perjury, treason….

And meanwhile the Crazy Clinton Cult just keeps guzzling that
Guyana Grape Kool-Aid
President Trump needs to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Obama's illegal use of the DOJ to spy upon Trump's campaign.
Obama’s abuse of power is way worse than Nixon’s ever was.
I'm sorry, so you really think that "constitutional protections" should apply to guys who are selling us out to Russia?

1. You are making the uninformed, partisan assumption that Manafort was selling us out.

Mueller's indictment of Manafort has NOTHING to do with Russians - it is about Tax Fraud dating back to 2006. READ THE INDICTMENT.

2. It has been Proven that 'Fat Tony' Podesta was working as an UN-documented foreign agent for the KGB Bank, the primary financier of the Russians' effort to purchase Uranium One. (he was also working for the Russian Spy Agency.)

The people cutting Bill Clinton half a million dollar checks for his Speeches for the company owned by the KGB was the KGB Bank, again, leading financier for the Russian effort to buy Uranium One.

Know those donations to Hillary from THE leader of the team responsible for the Russian effort to buy Uranium one...that had nothing to do with the purchase of Uranium One :p ... Guess where that money came from? Yup, the KGB Bank that was financing the whole Uranium One purchase push is the guy who funded Hillary's Russian donor....which means the KGB trying to bribe, intimidate, extort, and buy their way into the Uranium One purchase is the one who donated millions to the Clinton Foundation.

3. Obama spent 8 years illegally spying on Americans, on reporters, on the media, on the US Senate, and on the USSC. He repeatedly violated the US Constitution...and should be held accountable.

If Mueller violated Manafort's constitutional rights the case should be thrown out. If Mueller had violated 'Fat Tony' P's constitutional rights the case should be thrown out. Neither Obama nor Obama have the right to violate anyone's Constitutional Rights, despite his actions proving he thinks otherwise.

Thank you for demonstrating democrats should have the right to act as judge, jury, and execution, to decide whose rights it is ok to violate and whose it is not.
Well, now the predawn raid makes perfect sense. The Progressive Fascist Surveillance State tipped Mueller that Manafort had "incriminating evidence" in his home, his cooperation notwithstanding.

Welcome to America 2.0

"Lock her up" was the loud and proud call of the Reactionary Fascists who supported Donald Trump.

Welcome to Amerika, brought to our shores by Donald Trump and his band of Russian accomplices, and the agent provocateurs who pretend to be conservative Republicans.

The crazy left wing Collusion Delusion has failed, but it has exposed Hillary and Obama's corruption and abuse of power
Well, now the predawn raid makes perfect sense. The Progressive Fascist Surveillance State tipped Mueller that Manafort had "incriminating evidence" in his home, his cooperation notwithstanding.

Welcome to America 2.0

"Lock her up" was the loud and proud call of the Reactionary Fascists who supported Donald Trump.

Welcome to Amerika, brought to our shores by Donald Trump and his band of Russian accomplices, and the agent provocateurs who pretend to be conservative Republicans.

The crazy left wing Collusion Delusion has failed, but it has exposed Hillary and Obama's corruption and abuse of power

Sure it has (lol) and keep on telling that story, denial is your safe harbor.
So if Trump did the same and made millions. You would say it was legal? Clinton made millions selling uranium to our enemy as secretary of state. You're nothing but a liberal puppet. Oh and also as far as we know Clinton was the only one who made money off the deal.

Except that statement isn't true. An American company was bought out by an international consortium that includes Russian interests. This deal was approved by no less than SEVEN departments, and they still don't have a license to export Uranium outside of the United States.

You see, Russia has plenty of uranium... they really don't need to buy it.
Of course not...

Article LXIX of the Constitution States: Constitutional Protections apply to all citizens except those accused of getting a little too chummy with the Russkies.

Meanwhile, back in reality, the protections provided by the U.S. Constitution apply equally to all citizens regardless of whether or not they're accused of a crime.

A wise man said, "The Constitution is not a Suicide Pact".

If Manafort was selling us out to the Russians, I really don't care if all the T were crossed in the warrant.

Hillary sold our uranium to the Russians for $145,000,000

Right. This would be the URanium that they can't move out of the country... such a deal for them!
So if Trump did the same and made millions. You would say it was legal? Clinton made millions selling uranium to our enemy as secretary of state. You're nothing but a liberal puppet. Oh and also as far as we know Clinton was the only one who made money off the deal.

Except that statement isn't true. An American company was bought out by an international consortium that includes Russian interests. This deal was approved by no less than SEVEN departments, and they still don't have a license to export Uranium outside of the United States.

You see, Russia has plenty of uranium... they really don't need to buy it.

Bull fucking shit. Russian state owned. They are a monopoly.
So if Trump did the same and made millions. You would say it was legal? Clinton made millions selling uranium to our enemy as secretary of state. You're nothing but a liberal puppet. Oh and also as far as we know Clinton was the only one who made money off the deal.

Except that statement isn't true. An American company was bought out by an international consortium that includes Russian interests. This deal was approved by no less than SEVEN departments, and they still don't have a license to export Uranium outside of the United States.

You see, Russia has plenty of uranium... they really don't need to buy it.
we know they needed to dump 145 million to clintons.
She spent 9 million dollars on the Trump dossier, also over saw the uranium one, and the Clinton foundation made millions off it. How much did the United States make?

Um, opposition research is normal in a campaign, bud. And the Uranium One deal was totally legal and signed off on by seven government departments.

Only because the FBI hid the investigations that were on going from Congress.

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