Survey: Voters Reject Medicare Cuts Flat Out & Prefer Tax Hikes To Reduce Deficit

Actually, what voters support the most is revenue increases through better business. Republicans, who, for the most part, are very far from "rich". And they only seem to want to help the rich, the people who need the least help. But it has never been about "going after the rich" as the Republican leadership has tricked their base into believing. It's about building up industry here.
Actually, what voters support the most is revenue increases through better business. Republicans, who, for the most part, are very far from "rich". And they only seem to want to help the rich, the people who need the least help. But it has never been about "going after the rich" as the Republican leadership has tricked their base into believing. It's about building up industry here.

the oh so sweet word for RAISING TAXES...revenue increases
And Democrats are people who bitch about the rich then turn around and vote and ELECT THOSE RICH to run their lives have no problems with using the Government to take monies from others to support their pet programs..
Proving that a majority of voters are so damn stupid they probably shouldn't be voting.

Voters are not stupid enough to believe we should cut programs for the poor and elderly while giving tax cuts to the rich, double the military, trillions to Israel(which has government healthcare and generous retirement) while letting big multinational corporations(who pay no taxes) ship American jobs overseas.

Your premise is faulty. Voters are stupid enough. :D

republicans like to talk about america becoming greece. They should certainly be concerned. For the past 5 years greece and other european countries have been pursuing the republican's agenda for "growth", by savagely cutting social programs and gutting the government sector. The result has been an unimaginable economic depression, much worse than anything seen this side of the atlantic.

Of course voters don't want any of it to be on the table. This is why republicans must engage in doublethink. They must simultaneously pretend to be protectors of programs like medicare and social security (like vel's post above) while also denouncing how government cannot and should not do anything and very openly saying the programs must be dismantled - dismantled to be saved, because 'we cannot afford them.'

where does the money come from??
It is just like the Disney generation... FANTASY LAND!!!

OH let's just print MORE MONEY!!!!

I agree with the OP. The electorate has spoken, so let the tax hikes come and the spending continue and deficits grow, and BarryCare kick in, etc., and we'll all just sit back and see the effects on our economy.

The Dims and their supporters are convinced those are the answers to our messy problems while many of us aren't. And there's only one way to find out who's right and who's wrong.

So let the games begin.
Democrat voters would vote for the person who gives them free I-pods as well as free phones.

The best thing to happen to us is taxmageddon. It's the bad tasting medicine that we need to make us get better.
I disagree. It should be done with a combination of tax increases and cuts to Entitlements and the Military.

Maybe some kind of National Debt Bonds, like War Bonds, so Americans can buy down the debit.
Reload this Page Survey: Voters Reject Medicare Cuts Flat Out & Prefer Tax Hikes To Reduce Deficit

Survey: Some people are too stupid to recognize that "increased revenues" to gubmint get spent on buying votes with programs, bailouts and outright payola, rather than being used to reduce the deficit.
Proving that a majority of voters are so damn stupid they probably shouldn't be voting.

Voters are not stupid enough to believe we should cut programs for the poor and elderly while giving tax cuts to the rich, double the military, trillions to Israel(which has government healthcare and generous retirement) while letting big multinational corporations(who pay no taxes) ship American jobs overseas.

Voters are stupid because they believe the false narrative that the only two choices are raise taxes or cut welfare programs.

First, raising taxes, no matter how high you raise them, will not even scratch our spending problems. And that's IF Washington actually uses it to balance the budget. My guess is they'll just blow that extra revenue on more useless carp. So, favoring raising taxes to handle the deficit is just stupid. It won't hurt, and I support it if Washington can prove they won't blow it, but as it stands it won't help in any way.

Second, there are plenty of other areas to cut besides welfare, teachers, and firemen. So you can toss that carp argument out the window. First things first we should shut down all foreign military bases and end all foreign conflicts. Then restructure our entire tax code to simplify it and eliminate the IRS. And there are still other ares we can cut without even touching the left's sacred cow.
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The left needs to realize this country was built by rich people. Were the railroads built by rich people? How about the auto industry, the computer industry or any other industry that employ the millions of workers that support our economy. The left wants to penalize the rich, demonize them and complain when they don't hire more while paying higher taxes and more to deal with increased regulation. If the left would do something to encourage business instead of penalize it we would be able to get back to full employment and increased revenue. Of course some people would get rich and the left would never stand for that.
By Sarah Bufkin and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security should be off the table as congressional leaders attempt to broker a deal to avoid the sequester that kicks in Jan. 1, according to a new survey from Democracy Corps and the Campaign for America's Future.

The survey by two progressive groups found that voters support an approach to the country's economic woes that includes protecting entitlement benefits as well as raising taxes on the wealthiest earners and bolstering investments to aid long-term growth.

"Americans are not looking for austerity now," said Robert Borosage, co-director of the Campaign for America's Future. "They are looking for a program, a long-term program, that will create jobs and will get the economy going and that will bring [the deficit] into balance over time."

Seventy percent of the 1,000 voters polled on Nov. 6-7 called for increased investment in Medicare, Social Security and education, as opposed to only 27 percent who advocated the across-the-board cuts that Republicans have pushed -- and to which Democrats have generally acquiesced -- in budget negotiations over the past two years. Three-fourths of voters opposed deep cuts in domestic programs, including K-12 schools and college aid. Only 25 percent found such measures acceptable.

"[Voters] would prioritize job creation first," Borosage said. "They would demand that all Americans be asked to pay their fair share of taxes and the top-end Bush tax cuts not be extended. They would protect Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and they would protect vital services for the most vulnerable. These are the principles that, as we showed, overwhelming majorities of American voters [hold]."

More: Voters Reject Medicare Cuts Flat Out, Prefer Tax Hikes To Reduce Deficit: Survey

Well the fucking voters are stupid Medicare has already been cut by 716 Billion dollars and the fucking stupid voters voted in the man who did the cutting so shove that up your ass and smoke it. whydonchya?
The left needs to realize this country was built by rich people. Were the railroads built by rich people? How about the auto industry, the computer industry or any other industry that employ the millions of workers that support our economy. The left wants to penalize the rich, demonize them and complain when they don't hire more while paying higher taxes and more to deal with increased regulation. If the left would do something to encourage business instead of penalize it we would be able to get back to full employment and increased revenue. Of course some people would get rich and the left would never stand for that.

Railroads have been granted nearly a 100 million acres of public land( not to mention private land taken) given tax breaks and subsides, used slave labor and importing Chinese workers while making untold profits and building monopolies.

all the industries mentioned have benefited from corporate welfare and tax breaks.
The left needs to realize this country was built by rich people. Were the railroads built by rich people? How about the auto industry, the computer industry or any other industry that employ the millions of workers that support our economy. The left wants to penalize the rich, demonize them and complain when they don't hire more while paying higher taxes and more to deal with increased regulation. If the left would do something to encourage business instead of penalize it we would be able to get back to full employment and increased revenue. Of course some people would get rich and the left would never stand for that.

Railroads have been granted nearly a 100 million acres of public land( not to mention private land taken) given tax breaks and subsides, used slave labor and importing Chinese workers while making untold profits and building monopolies.

all the industries mentioned have benefited from corporate welfare and tax breaks.

"You didn't build that, Somebody did that for you". More of blame the rich for everyone's problems instead of promoting jobs.
The left needs to realize this country was built by rich people. Were the railroads built by rich people? How about the auto industry, the computer industry or any other industry that employ the millions of workers that support our economy. The left wants to penalize the rich, demonize them and complain when they don't hire more while paying higher taxes and more to deal with increased regulation. If the left would do something to encourage business instead of penalize it we would be able to get back to full employment and increased revenue. Of course some people would get rich and the left would never stand for that.

Railroads have been granted nearly a 100 million acres of public land( not to mention private land taken) given tax breaks and subsides, used slave labor and importing Chinese workers while making untold profits and building monopolies.

all the industries mentioned have benefited from corporate welfare and tax breaks.

Ah........................the victimization contingency speaks again............
republicans like to talk about america becoming greece. They should certainly be concerned. For the past 5 years greece and other european countries have been pursuing the republican's agenda for "growth", by savagely cutting social programs and gutting the government sector. The result has been an unimaginable economic depression, much worse than anything seen this side of the atlantic.

Of course voters don't want any of it to be on the table. This is why republicans must engage in doublethink. They must simultaneously pretend to be protectors of programs like medicare and social security (like vel's post above) while also denouncing how government cannot and should not do anything and very openly saying the programs must be dismantled - dismantled to be saved, because 'we cannot afford them.'

where does the money come from??

From taxes of course! :) Reforming the system as well, though by reforming I mean making it work better, not cutting it out and say you're "reforming it."

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