Survey:When Hillary Clinton "Screeches", What Does She Sound Like To You?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:eusa_sick::eek::eek-52: Madam Hillary Clinton. By far, the most annoying voice ever heard coming from a Presidential Candidate. Maybe thats why no one wants to go to her rallies?
Probably, for many of us, she sounds like one of our "Angry/Bitching Relatives", right?
Maybe someones Mother In Law from Hell?
So what does Hillary sound like to you? Maybe your brakes as they were on their last leg before you tailgated a bus? Maybe for some of us, Hillary sounds like an annoying 70 year old waiter that gave you the worst restaurant experience? What about a pet? wild animal? Maybe a parrot? old cat? Pterodactyl Bird on her PMS week? Godzilla with the flu?
:thanks::tongue-44: :uhoh3:
what about the sound of one of your older doors (shed door) that needs new hinges?
She sounds like a person who does not really believe what she is she has to say it louder to try to convince herself she believes.
could anyone be more monotone? she always sounds like she is reading off a cue card. has no idea what its reading, yet total dimwits thinks shes a god.
If they could bottle that voice it could be used as birth control. Every time I hear her shrill voice I keep waiting for "....AND I'LL TELL YOU ANOTHER THING!"
She sounds like a person who does not really believe what she is she has to say it louder to try to convince herself she believes.

She's not trying to convince herself. She knows better.

She's just trying to convince you.
Hillary could be the first democrat in History that even the dead will not vote for.
If they could bottle that voice it could be used as birth control. Every time I hear her shrill voice I keep waiting for "....AND I'LL TELL YOU ANOTHER THING!"
every time I drive by a construction site, i swear that one of the sounds sound like Hillary complaining about her meal at a deli.
If they could bottle that voice it could be used as birth control. Every time I hear her shrill voice I keep waiting for "....AND I'LL TELL YOU ANOTHER THING!"
every time I drive by a construction site, i swear that one of the sounds sound like Hillary complaining about her meal at a deli.
On the second thought, she could be a serious force to reckon with on the world stage. "Please don't send her, we'll meet your demands!"
could anyone be more monotone? she always sounds like she is reading off a cue card. has no idea what its reading, yet total dimwits thinks shes a god.
You are an idiot. She gave a very long speech last night without a teleprompter, notes she couldn't read (like Sarah Palin) or notes on her hand.
If you don't like her policies, fine.
But don't just lie. It's so, so, Republican.
My Wah Pedal broke and it sounds like Hillary. I threw it out, a week later the garbage man dropped it back off
When Hillary Clinton "Screeches", What Does She Sound Like To You?

prolly like you ... a whining RW'r.
When Hillary Clinton "Screeches", What Does She Sound Like To You?

prolly like you ... a whining RW'r.
Oh, wow, an insult from the sandbox. You usually stop hearing those about the time you discover girls aren't icky.

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