Survivalist and anti-Federal Government Activist declares war on American Children

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Survivalist and anti-Federal Government Activist declares war on American Children

FBI discovers bombs inside Ala. hostage bunker - CBS News

They had an audio feed so they could see and hear what he was doing. Between the hostage negotiators talking to him, the FBI profilers in the background were getting increasingly worried as Dykes became more and more unglued that he would either booby-trap the only entrance which would make a rescue attempt extraordinarily complicated, or perhaps blow himself and his hostage up.

As for why Dykes did all this, Miller said that the suspect was a survivalist and anti-federal government activist. He added that Dykes probably understood a month-and-a-half after the Newtown massacre that if he wanted to get on the national stage, kidnapping two children off a school bus was his plan -- he only got one -- and holding them hostage would actually give him a platform where he could go on the media and say his piece. He actually asked for a TV reporter to speak to and that's what they were talking about for those days.

After the recent mass shootings a few gun crazed, bomb making right wingers have decided to use America's children like the Palestinians and al quaeda use theirs.
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Survivalist and anti-Federal Government Activist declares war on American Children

FBI discovers bombs inside Ala. hostage bunker - CBS News

They had an audio feed so they could see and hear what he was doing. Between the hostage negotiators talking to him, the FBI profilers in the background were getting increasingly worried as Dykes became more and more unglued that he would either booby-trap the only entrance which would make a rescue attempt extraordinarily complicated, or perhaps blow himself and his hostage up.

As for why Dykes did all this, Miller said that the suspect was a survivalist and anti-federal government activist. He added that Dykes probably understood a month-and-a-half after the Newtown massacre that if he wanted to get on the national stage, kidnapping two children off a school bus was his plan -- he only got one -- and holding them hostage would actually give him a platform where he could go on the media and say his piece. He actually asked for a TV reporter to speak to and that's what they were talking about for those days.

After the recent mass shootings a few gun crazed, bomb making right wingers have decided to use America's children like the Palestinians and al quaeda use theirs.

Then, by all means lets round up every 'right-winger' in America and ship them to those new, as yet unused FEMA camps for 're-education'!!
Survivalist and anti-Federal Government Activist declares war on American Children

FBI discovers bombs inside Ala. hostage bunker - CBS News

They had an audio feed so they could see and hear what he was doing. Between the hostage negotiators talking to him, the FBI profilers in the background were getting increasingly worried as Dykes became more and more unglued that he would either booby-trap the only entrance which would make a rescue attempt extraordinarily complicated, or perhaps blow himself and his hostage up.

As for why Dykes did all this, Miller said that the suspect was a survivalist and anti-federal government activist. He added that Dykes probably understood a month-and-a-half after the Newtown massacre that if he wanted to get on the national stage, kidnapping two children off a school bus was his plan -- he only got one -- and holding them hostage would actually give him a platform where he could go on the media and say his piece. He actually asked for a TV reporter to speak to and that's what they were talking about for those days.

After the recent mass shootings a few gun crazed, bomb making right wingers have decided to use America's children like the Palestinians and al quaeda use theirs.

Then, by all means lets round up every 'right-winger' in America and ship them to those new, as yet unused FEMA camps for 're-education'!!

Oh there are more than right wingers in this group....round up all you fouckers
Survivalist and anti-Federal Government Activist declares war on American Children

After the recent mass shootings a few gun crazed, bomb making right wingers have decided to use America's children like the Palestinians and al quaeda use theirs.

Then, by all means lets round up every 'right-winger' in America and ship them to those new, as yet unused FEMA camps for 're-education'!!

Oh there are more than right wingers in this group....round up all you fouckers

I knew I could count on you to break out your brown shirt and jack boots... Well done!!
Timothy McViegh knew that there were children in the building that he planned to bomb, and he thought that was fine. The crazy kid here in Portland that planned to bomb the people around the Christmas Tree thought that was fine. Little differance between the crazies be they right or left, or just religious nuts. They have a common thread. They rejoice in the death of children.
Timothy McViegh knew that there were children in the building that he planned to bomb, and he thought that was fine. The crazy kid here in Portland that planned to bomb the people around the Christmas Tree thought that was fine. Little differance between the crazies be they right or left, or just religious nuts. They have a common thread. They rejoice in the death of children.

I think some people here are just as nuts or crazier...thank god they're addicted to online bs
Timothy McViegh knew that there were children in the building that he planned to bomb, and he thought that was fine. The crazy kid here in Portland that planned to bomb the people around the Christmas Tree thought that was fine. Little differance between the crazies be they right or left, or just religious nuts. They have a common thread. They rejoice in the death of children.

I dont think they rejoice; they just dont give a fuck.

To them childeren are nothing more than speed bumps to their glorious climactic ending.

That is why I think we need to bring back mideaval style death sentences like 'drawing and quartering', burning at the stake, and flaying these bastards alive.

I would volunteer to do it for free if need be.
Timothy McViegh knew that there were children in the building that he planned to bomb, and he thought that was fine. The crazy kid here in Portland that planned to bomb the people around the Christmas Tree thought that was fine. Little differance between the crazies be they right or left, or just religious nuts. They have a common thread. They rejoice in the death of children.

I think some people here are just as nuts or crazier...thank god they're addicted to online bs

Yeah, people like lying sacks of shit like you for starters.
Timothy McViegh knew that there were children in the building that he planned to bomb, and he thought that was fine. The crazy kid here in Portland that planned to bomb the people around the Christmas Tree thought that was fine. Little differance between the crazies be they right or left, or just religious nuts. They have a common thread. They rejoice in the death of children.

I dont think they rejoice; they just dont give a fuck.

Survivalist and anti-Federal Government Activist declares war on American Children

FBI discovers bombs inside Ala. hostage bunker - CBS News

They had an audio feed so they could see and hear what he was doing. Between the hostage negotiators talking to him, the FBI profilers in the background were getting increasingly worried as Dykes became more and more unglued that he would either booby-trap the only entrance which would make a rescue attempt extraordinarily complicated, or perhaps blow himself and his hostage up.

As for why Dykes did all this, Miller said that the suspect was a survivalist and anti-federal government activist. He added that Dykes probably understood a month-and-a-half after the Newtown massacre that if he wanted to get on the national stage, kidnapping two children off a school bus was his plan -- he only got one -- and holding them hostage would actually give him a platform where he could go on the media and say his piece. He actually asked for a TV reporter to speak to and that's what they were talking about for those days.

After the recent mass shootings a few gun crazed, bomb making right wingers have decided to use America's children like the Palestinians and al quaeda use theirs.

Then, by all means lets round up every 'right-winger' in America and ship them to those new, as yet unused FEMA camps for 're-education'!!

This sounds like a great idea. I'd even go further. I'd build a huge camp up in the far northern Alaskan wilderness, a sort of American Siberia, ship them all there, air drop some rice and beans once a month, and let them do their survival thing amongst themselves. Good riddance to bad rubbage. :Boom2:
Right wing gun nut crazies are mostly harmless.

But it doesn't take many events where these creeps kill children to sway public sentiment against gun queerism, gun queers cherished love of guns, and the NRA, either.

You guns queers ought to monitoring your own tribe to insure that folks like these are disarmed.

But sadly, most of you are so fearful of the government, that you haven't got the gravitas to police your own team and amidst that team of YOURS are creeps like these.
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Survivalist and anti-Federal Government Activist declares war on American Children

FBI discovers bombs inside Ala. hostage bunker - CBS News

They had an audio feed so they could see and hear what he was doing. Between the hostage negotiators talking to him, the FBI profilers in the background were getting increasingly worried as Dykes became more and more unglued that he would either booby-trap the only entrance which would make a rescue attempt extraordinarily complicated, or perhaps blow himself and his hostage up.

As for why Dykes did all this, Miller said that the suspect was a survivalist and anti-federal government activist. He added that Dykes probably understood a month-and-a-half after the Newtown massacre that if he wanted to get on the national stage, kidnapping two children off a school bus was his plan -- he only got one -- and holding them hostage would actually give him a platform where he could go on the media and say his piece. He actually asked for a TV reporter to speak to and that's what they were talking about for those days.

After the recent mass shootings a few gun crazed, bomb making right wingers have decided to use America's children like the Palestinians and al quaeda use theirs.

The only people who has declared war on children are those who refuse to protect them. That would be the anti gun people.
Right wing gun nut crazies are mostly harmless.

But it doesn't take many events where these creeps kill children to sway public sentiment against gun queerism, gun queers cherished love of guns, and the NRA, either.

You guns queers ought to monitoring your own tribe to insure that folks like these are disarmed.

But sadly, most of you are so fearful of the government, that you haven't got the gravitas to police your own team and amidst that team of YOURS are creeps like these.

It's the left wingers that have been known too go off unhinged and kill people.
Right wing gun nut crazies are mostly harmless.

But it doesn't take many events where these creeps kill children to sway public sentiment against gun queerism, gun queers cherished love of guns, and the NRA, either.

You guns queers ought to monitoring your own tribe to insure that folks like these are disarmed.

But sadly, most of you are so fearful of the government, that you haven't got the gravitas to police your own team and amidst that team of YOURS are creeps like these.

It's the left wingers that have been known too go off unhinged and kill people.
Funny. Such as? Who are these people?
Right wing gun nut crazies are mostly harmless.

But it doesn't take many events where these creeps kill children to sway public sentiment against gun queerism, gun queers cherished love of guns, and the NRA, either.

You guns queers ought to monitoring your own tribe to insure that folks like these are disarmed.

But sadly, most of you are so fearful of the government, that you haven't got the gravitas to police your own team and amidst that team of YOURS are creeps like these.

It's the left wingers that have been known too go off unhinged and kill people.


Name them.
Right wing gun nut crazies are mostly harmless.

But it doesn't take many events where these creeps kill children to sway public sentiment against gun queerism, gun queers cherished love of guns, and the NRA, either.

You guns queers ought to monitoring your own tribe to insure that folks like these are disarmed.

But sadly, most of you are so fearful of the government, that you haven't got the gravitas to police your own team and amidst that team of YOURS are creeps like these.

I'm against all crazies owning guns. Luckily, I live in a state that has led the nation on preventing crazies from buying guns.

Edi, I'm pretty sure that you don't need to be gay to own a gun. Unless you using queer as a pejorative to show what a homophobe you are, I don't see where it comes into this discussion,

You misused the word gravitas in your last sentence which sort of guts the meaning. That said, if you don't have a healthy suspicion of people who now assert that they can kill citizens without due process, despite what it says in the Bill of Rights, then you're a nutter.
Right wing gun nut crazies are mostly harmless.

But it doesn't take many events where these creeps kill children to sway public sentiment against gun queerism, gun queers cherished love of guns, and the NRA, either.

You guns queers ought to monitoring your own tribe to insure that folks like these are disarmed.

But sadly, most of you are so fearful of the government, that you haven't got the gravitas to police your own team and amidst that team of YOURS are creeps like these.

It's the left wingers that have been known too go off unhinged and kill people.
Funny. Such as? Who are these people?


How about the Manson family? The Unibomber. The Weather underground. The Black Panthers. Probably the New Black Panthers, but they have immunity from prosecution. the DC snipers. And finally, the purpatrators of the 502 murders in Chicago last year. There might be a righty in there somewhere, but the overwhelming number of them will be lefties.
Right wing gun nut crazies are mostly harmless.

But it doesn't take many events where these creeps kill children to sway public sentiment against gun queerism, gun queers cherished love of guns, and the NRA, either.

You guns queers ought to monitoring your own tribe to insure that folks like these are disarmed.

But sadly, most of you are so fearful of the government, that you haven't got the gravitas to police your own team and amidst that team of YOURS are creeps like these.

I'm against all crazies owning guns. Luckily, I live in a state that has led the nation on preventing crazies from buying guns.

Edi, I'm pretty sure that you don't need to be gay to own a gun. Unless you using queer as a pejorative to show what a homophobe you are, I don't see where it comes into this discussion,

You misused the word gravitas in your last sentence which sort of guts the meaning. That said, if you don't have a healthy suspicion of people who now assert that they can kill citizens without due process, despite what it says in the Bill of Rights, then you're a nutter.

I'm using the REAL DEFINITION of word "queer" to describe them"

Deviating from the expected or normal; strange: a queer situation.

2. Odd or unconventional, as in behavior; eccentric.

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