Survivalist and anti-Federal Government Activist declares war on American Children

stoaking hate of your own government is evil.

The blood of children is on the hands of the right, from McVeigh to lautner the right has encouraged these nutters to think they would be seen as heros to some.
It's the left wingers that have been known too go off unhinged and kill people.
Funny. Such as? Who are these people?


How about the Manson family? The Unibomber. The Weather underground. The Black Panthers. Probably the New Black Panthers, but they have immunity from prosecution. the DC snipers. And finally, the purpatrators of the 502 murders in Chicago last year. There might be a righty in there somewhere, but the overwhelming number of them will be lefties.

Really funny. Ted Kaczynski was an anarchist, anti-government survivalist. His politics were not liberal or leftist.

Charles Manson is a murderous, insane thug who has spent most of his life in and out of prison. His apparent rationale for the Tate La Bianca murders was to start a race war between blacks and whites with the end result of his vision being most whites would die and he, the 'intelligent' (compared to blacks in his opinion) white man would rise and rule the blacks who had survived. He's a racist and hardly believed in any way like a liberal, left wing democrat.

You can label both the Black Panthers and the Weather Underground as extreme left wing groups, but they existed in the time capsule of the 60's anti-war, civil rights movements.

As far as the DC sniper, there was no political ideology behind what he did. One reason given was he wanted to kill his ex-wife and thought she would just be considered one of the many killed by some unknown sniper. He himself said he wanted to kidnap children in order to extort money from the government. Also, at one time he sent a letter to the press demanding millions of dollars from the government to stop the killings. And he associated himself with Osama Bin Ladin and Saddam Hussein. Hardly a liberal, left wing democrat.

As far as 502 murders in Chicago last year. I had never heard of that before. It seems many of those murders, or most, were gang related. Nothing to do with politics. You don't really believe inner city gangs distract themselves thinking about left wing politics? That they spend their evenings studying socialism and communist theories? LOL
The irony of course, is that the government is currently training children to round up anti-government forces, much like the Hitler youth brigade. The government is accutely aware that majority adults are either aware of their liberties so they are unwilling to "crack down" on their fellow Americans or are away "fighting terrorists" in foreign engagements.

Who better to carry out internal police actions than unquestioning children?

Scouts Train to Fight Terrorists, and More

The responding officers — eight teenage boys and girls, the youngest 14 — face tripwire, a thin cloud of poisonous gas and loud shots — BAM! BAM! — fired from behind a flimsy wall. They move quickly, pellet guns drawn and masks affixed.

“United States Border Patrol! Put your hands up!” screams one in a voice cracking with adolescent determination as the suspect is subdued.

It is all quite a step up from the square knot.

The Explorers program, a coeducational affiliate of the Boy Scouts of America that began 60 years ago, is training thousands of young people in skills used to confront terrorism, illegal immigration and escalating border violence — an intense ratcheting up of one of the group’s longtime missions to prepare youths for more traditional jobs as police officers and firefighters.
Time to put Modern Warfare, Halo and Black Ops to good use!
Timothy McViegh knew that there were children in the building that he planned to bomb, and he thought that was fine. The crazy kid here in Portland that planned to bomb the people around the Christmas Tree thought that was fine. Little differance between the crazies be they right or left, or just religious nuts. They have a common thread. They rejoice in the death of children.

I dont think they rejoice; they just dont give a fuck.

To them childeren are nothing more than speed bumps to their glorious climactic ending.

That is why I think we need to bring back mideaval style death sentences like 'drawing and quartering', burning at the stake, and flaying these bastards alive.

I would volunteer to do it for free if need be.

And that, to me, puts you in the same category as the crazies. There are fellow human beings whose existance must be ended for the safety of the rest of us. But to do it in any manner but the quickest and least painful is a reflection on our own sanity. Because the consequences of their acts are the last thing on the minds of the crazies. Just as the consequences of what you suggest seems not to have even occurred to you.
Timothy McViegh knew that there were children in the building that he planned to bomb, and he thought that was fine. The crazy kid here in Portland that planned to bomb the people around the Christmas Tree thought that was fine. Little differance between the crazies be they right or left, or just religious nuts. They have a common thread. They rejoice in the death of children.

I think some people here are just as nuts or crazier...thank god they're addicted to online bs

Don't be so hard on yourself.

Did you take your medication this morning?
stoaking hate of your own government is evil.

The blood of children is on the hands of the right, from McVeigh to lautner the right has encouraged these nutters to think they would be seen as heros to some.

The GOVERNMENT, and people like YOU, are "stoaking the hate". How DARE you accuse anybody who doesn't buy into your leftist propaganda to be responsible for the murdering of children.

YOU are one sick son-of-a-bitch.

NOBODY, except for abortion advocates, promotes the MURDER of children, unless they are INSANE.

Leftists like you need your leftist leaders to hold your hands, fill your brains with propaganda and lies and intolerance, and turn you into perveyors of racial divide, social unrest, and economic inequity, where hard work, independence, accomplishment, success, and self-sufficiency, are discouraged, ridiculed, and dismissed.

GO TO HELL. The sooner, the better.
Timothy McViegh knew that there were children in the building that he planned to bomb, and he thought that was fine. The crazy kid here in Portland that planned to bomb the people around the Christmas Tree thought that was fine. Little differance between the crazies be they right or left, or just religious nuts. They have a common thread. They rejoice in the death of children.

I think some people here are just as nuts or crazier...thank god they're addicted to online bs

Don't be so hard on yourself.

Did you take your medication this morning?
stoaking hate of your own government is evil.

The blood of children is on the hands of the right, from McVeigh to lautner the right has encouraged these nutters to think they would be seen as heros to some.

The GOVERNMENT, and people like YOU, are "stoaking the hate". How DARE you accuse anybody who doesn't buy into your leftist propaganda to be responsible for the murdering of children.

YOU are one sick son-of-a-bitch.

NOBODY, except for abortion advocates, promotes the MURDER of children, unless they are INSANE.

Leftists like you need your leftist leaders to hold your hands, fill your brains with propaganda and lies and intolerance, and turn you into perveyors of racial divide, social unrest, and economic inequity, where hard work, independence, accomplishment, success, and self-sufficiency, are discouraged, ridiculed, and dismissed.

GO TO HELL. The sooner, the better.

Ah, feel the love!:eusa_drool:
Survivalist and anti-Federal Government Activist declares war on American Children

FBI discovers bombs inside Ala. hostage bunker - CBS News

They had an audio feed so they could see and hear what he was doing. Between the hostage negotiators talking to him, the FBI profilers in the background were getting increasingly worried as Dykes became more and more unglued that he would either booby-trap the only entrance which would make a rescue attempt extraordinarily complicated, or perhaps blow himself and his hostage up.

As for why Dykes did all this, Miller said that the suspect was a survivalist and anti-federal government activist. He added that Dykes probably understood a month-and-a-half after the Newtown massacre that if he wanted to get on the national stage, kidnapping two children off a school bus was his plan -- he only got one -- and holding them hostage would actually give him a platform where he could go on the media and say his piece. He actually asked for a TV reporter to speak to and that's what they were talking about for those days.

After the recent mass shootings a few gun crazed, bomb making right wingers have decided to use America's children like the Palestinians and al quaeda use theirs.

So now the actions of one fucking lunatic amount to a Deceleration of War by all "survivalist, and limited government types"

You are such a Pathetic, Dishonest asshole Dante. One of the worst on this board.
Survivalist and anti-Federal Government Activist declares war on American Children

FBI discovers bombs inside Ala. hostage bunker - CBS News

They had an audio feed so they could see and hear what he was doing. Between the hostage negotiators talking to him, the FBI profilers in the background were getting increasingly worried as Dykes became more and more unglued that he would either booby-trap the only entrance which would make a rescue attempt extraordinarily complicated, or perhaps blow himself and his hostage up.

As for why Dykes did all this, Miller said that the suspect was a survivalist and anti-federal government activist. He added that Dykes probably understood a month-and-a-half after the Newtown massacre that if he wanted to get on the national stage, kidnapping two children off a school bus was his plan -- he only got one -- and holding them hostage would actually give him a platform where he could go on the media and say his piece. He actually asked for a TV reporter to speak to and that's what they were talking about for those days.

After the recent mass shootings a few gun crazed, bomb making right wingers have decided to use America's children like the Palestinians and al quaeda use theirs.

So now the actions of one fucking lunatic amount to a Deceleration of War by all "survivalist, and limited government types"

You are such a Pathetic, Dishonest asshole Dante. One of the worst on this board.


One person does anything a right winger doesn't like and it's the end of America as we know it.

your whine is duly noted
Survivalist and anti-Federal Government Activist declares war on American Children

After the recent mass shootings a few gun crazed, bomb making right wingers have decided to use America's children like the Palestinians and al quaeda use theirs.

Then, by all means lets round up every 'right-winger' in America and ship them to those new, as yet unused FEMA camps for 're-education'!!

This sounds like a great idea. I'd even go further. I'd build a huge camp up in the far northern Alaskan wilderness, a sort of American Siberia, ship them all there, air drop some rice and beans once a month, and let them do their survival thing amongst themselves. Good riddance to bad rubbage. :Boom2:

FEMA already beat you to it, and it wouldn't surprise me if that's EXACTLY what they plan to do.

You fucking Marxists just LOVE the idea of denying rights to those citizens you deem 'unworthy'.

"Some animals are more equal that others."
George Orwell
Right wing gun nut crazies are mostly harmless.

But it doesn't take many events where these creeps kill children to sway public sentiment against gun queerism, gun queers cherished love of guns, and the NRA, either.

You guns queers ought to monitoring your own tribe to insure that folks like these are disarmed.

But sadly, most of you are so fearful of the government, that you haven't got the gravitas to police your own team and amidst that team of YOURS are creeps like these.

It's the left wingers that have been known too go off unhinged and kill people.
Funny. Such as? Who are these people?

McVeigh grew up in the home of a democrat union members,
Jerrod Longhner worked on gabbie Gifford campaign twice
For starters.
It's the left wingers that have been known too go off unhinged and kill people.
Funny. Such as? Who are these people?

McVeigh grew up in the home of a democrat union members,
Jerrod Longhner worked on gabbie Gifford campaign twice
For starters.

LOL Seriously? You consider that the home in which one grew up determines the individual's political pursuasions? I grew up in the home of a mixed marriage, one parent republican and one democrat. Neither of whom had very strong feelings about social or political issues. Both of whom were Christians. I am democratic and have very strong feelings about social and political issues and am an athiest. My political, social, and religious beliefs have so little to do with what my parents believed we were never able to even talk about them. The fact either McVeigh or Longhner grew up in homes where parents were possibly democrats does not make Tim or Jerrod democrats. And look at Archie Bunker, the type in any case, a true union man, but an ultra, right wing conservative in every other way, so the fact a parent may belong to a union doesn't make that parent a democrat. My father was a union man but a died in the wool republican.

The political, social or even religious beliefs of the parents or family with whom one grows up does not mean the adult person is going to believe the same. Ted Bundy's mother said very explicitly he was not brought up to become a serial murderer. It is pretty hard to blame the behavior of people like McVeigh or Longhner on their parents possibly being democrats. In fact, it's completely unsupportable.
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Funny. Such as? Who are these people?

McVeigh grew up in the home of a democrat union members,
Jerrod Longhner worked on gabbie Gifford campaign twice
For starters.

LOL Seriously? You consider that the home in which one grew up determines the individual's political pursuasions? I grew up in the home of a mixed marriage, one parent republican and one democrat. Neither of whom had very strong feelings about social or political issues. Both of whom were Christians. I am democratic and have very strong feelings about social and political issues and am an athiest. My political, social, and religious beliefs have so little to do with what my parents believed we were never able to even talk about them. The fact either McVeigh or Longhner grew up in homes where parents were possibly democrats does not make Tim or Jerrod democrats. And look at Archie Bunker, the type in any case, a true union man, but an ultra, right wing conservative in every other way, so the fact a parent may belong to a union doesn't make that parent a democrat. My father was a union man but a died in the wool republican.

The political, social or even religious beliefs of the parents or family with whom one grows up does not mean the adult person is going to believe the same. Ted Bundy's mother said very explicitly he was not brought up to become a serial murderer. It is pretty hard to blame the families of people like McVeigh or Longhner on their families.

LOL Seriously? You consider that the home in which one grew up determines the individual's political pursuasions?

Are you saying a parent doesn't teach their values too their children?

I grew up in the home of a mixed marriage, one parent republican and one democrat. Neither of whom had very strong feelings about social or political issues.

A democrat father AND A UNION MEMBER
McVeigh grew up in the home of a democrat union members,
Jerrod Longhner worked on gabbie Gifford campaign twice
For starters.

LOL Seriously? You consider that the home in which one grew up determines the individual's political pursuasions? I grew up in the home of a mixed marriage, one parent republican and one democrat. Neither of whom had very strong feelings about social or political issues. Both of whom were Christians. I am democratic and have very strong feelings about social and political issues and am an athiest. My political, social, and religious beliefs have so little to do with what my parents believed we were never able to even talk about them. The fact either McVeigh or Longhner grew up in homes where parents were possibly democrats does not make Tim or Jerrod democrats. And look at Archie Bunker, the type in any case, a true union man, but an ultra, right wing conservative in every other way, so the fact a parent may belong to a union doesn't make that parent a democrat. My father was a union man but a died in the wool republican.

The political, social or even religious beliefs of the parents or family with whom one grows up does not mean the adult person is going to believe the same. Ted Bundy's mother said very explicitly he was not brought up to become a serial murderer. It is pretty hard to blame the families of people like McVeigh or Longhner on their families.

LOL Seriously? You consider that the home in which one grew up determines the individual's political pursuasions?

Are you saying a parent doesn't teach their values too their children?

I grew up in the home of a mixed marriage, one parent republican and one democrat. Neither of whom had very strong feelings about social or political issues.

A democrat father AND A UNION MEMBER

As far as parents teaching children values: It depends on individual situations. I know and have known many people who did not accept wholesale every belief their parents tried to pass on to them. IMO anyone who grows up and says the way they think and behave is entirely due to the way they were brought up, this person is no individual with an independent mind--ironically just the opposite of what a true republican, American rugged indivdualist is supposed to be. My parents made available to me certain values, some of which I accepted and many of which I didn't. They were racists, for one thing, and I am completely the opposite. Later in life they changed their values in that area, fortunately. Racism is an ugly thing. They were Christians, a belief I accepted until I was an adolescent and began really being my own person. I learned to be an honest, decent, law abiding citizen from them. But a lot of things, besides those which I mentioned, a lot of their ideas I have rejected and found my own system of values, ethics and beliefs. This is true for many, many people who do not aspire to become clones of their parents.

As far as your other point: it simply makes no difference. I made my point quite clearly: just because one grew up in the home of a democrat, that does not make one a democrat. It's ludicrous to try to assert that anyone is a democrat or a liberal simply because their parents were/are.
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LOL Seriously? You consider that the home in which one grew up determines the individual's political pursuasions? I grew up in the home of a mixed marriage, one parent republican and one democrat. Neither of whom had very strong feelings about social or political issues. Both of whom were Christians. I am democratic and have very strong feelings about social and political issues and am an athiest. My political, social, and religious beliefs have so little to do with what my parents believed we were never able to even talk about them. The fact either McVeigh or Longhner grew up in homes where parents were possibly democrats does not make Tim or Jerrod democrats. And look at Archie Bunker, the type in any case, a true union man, but an ultra, right wing conservative in every other way, so the fact a parent may belong to a union doesn't make that parent a democrat. My father was a union man but a died in the wool republican.

The political, social or even religious beliefs of the parents or family with whom one grows up does not mean the adult person is going to believe the same. Ted Bundy's mother said very explicitly he was not brought up to become a serial murderer. It is pretty hard to blame the families of people like McVeigh or Longhner on their families.

Are you saying a parent doesn't teach their values too their children?

I grew up in the home of a mixed marriage, one parent republican and one democrat. Neither of whom had very strong feelings about social or political issues.

A democrat father AND A UNION MEMBER

As far as parents teaching children values: It depends on individual situations. I know and have known many people who did not accept wholesale every belief their parents tried to pass on to them. IMO anyone who grows up and says the way they think and behave is entirely do to the way they were brought up, this person is no individual with an independent mind--ironically just the opposite of what a true republican, American rugged indivdualist is supposed to be. My parents made available to me certain values, some of which I accepted and many of which I didn't. They were racists, for one thing, and I am completely the opposite. Later in life they changed their values in that area, fortunately. Racism is an ugly thing. They were Christians, a belief I accepted until I was an adolescent and began really being my own person. I learned to be an honest, decent, law abiding citizen from them. But a lot of things, besides those which I mentioned, a lot of their ideas I have rejected and found my own system of values, ethics and beliefs. This is true for many, many people who do not aspire to become clones of their parents.

As far as your other point: it simple makes no difference. I made my point quite clearly: just because one grew up in the home of a democrat, that does not make one a democrat. It's ludicrous to try to assert that anyone is a democrat or a liberal simply because their parents were/are.

Don't give any excuses if a parent doesn't teach their children their values they are worthless pieces of shit.
God help us when the radical left is able to place a political or pop culture label on a psychopathic killer and condemn any other people who use the same logo. The Unibomber had Al Gore's book in his hut when he was captured. Does that mean every tree hugger is an anarchist?

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