Survivalist and anti-Federal Government Activist declares war on American Children

Are you saying a parent doesn't teach their values too their children?

A democrat father AND A UNION MEMBER

As far as parents teaching children values: It depends on individual situations. I know and have known many people who did not accept wholesale every belief their parents tried to pass on to them. IMO anyone who grows up and says the way they think and behave is entirely do to the way they were brought up, this person is no individual with an independent mind--ironically just the opposite of what a true republican, American rugged indivdualist is supposed to be. My parents made available to me certain values, some of which I accepted and many of which I didn't. They were racists, for one thing, and I am completely the opposite. Later in life they changed their values in that area, fortunately. Racism is an ugly thing. They were Christians, a belief I accepted until I was an adolescent and began really being my own person. I learned to be an honest, decent, law abiding citizen from them. But a lot of things, besides those which I mentioned, a lot of their ideas I have rejected and found my own system of values, ethics and beliefs. This is true for many, many people who do not aspire to become clones of their parents.

As far as your other point: it simple makes no difference. I made my point quite clearly: just because one grew up in the home of a democrat, that does not make one a democrat. It's ludicrous to try to assert that anyone is a democrat or a liberal simply because their parents were/are.

Don't give any excuses if a parent doesn't teach their children their values they are worthless pieces of shit.

LOL So a parent's job is to create clones of themselves in every way? To exert mind control over them? To brainwash their kids so the kids have no mind of their own? To block any independent thinking or rugged indivdualism? How very anti-American. Hopefully your parents are better than you and wouldn't stoop to calling other parents who don't totally brainwash their kids as "worthless pieces of shit." Pretty sad to think of your mother expressing such a thought in such a way.
Right wing gun nut crazies are mostly harmless.

But it doesn't take many events where these creeps kill children to sway public sentiment against gun queerism, gun queers cherished love of guns, and the NRA, either.

You guns queers ought to monitoring your own tribe to insure that folks like these are disarmed.

But sadly, most of you are so fearful of the government, that you haven't got the gravitas to police your own team and amidst that team of YOURS are creeps like these.

I'm against all crazies owning guns. Luckily, I live in a state that has led the nation on preventing crazies from buying guns.

Edi, I'm pretty sure that you don't need to be gay to own a gun. Unless you using queer as a pejorative to show what a homophobe you are, I don't see where it comes into this discussion,

You misused the word gravitas in your last sentence which sort of guts the meaning. That said, if you don't have a healthy suspicion of people who now assert that they can kill citizens without due process, despite what it says in the Bill of Rights, then you're a nutter.

I'm using the REAL DEFINITION of word "queer" to describe them"

Deviating from the expected or normal; strange: a queer situation.

2. Odd or unconventional, as in behavior; eccentric.

I see you are supported in this by TM, that should tell you all you need to know about your position.

Clearly, you haven't thought this through. There are 56 million households with guns in them. If as you say, it doesn't take much to set people off and have them go off shooting a bunch of people, then you'd have one hell of a lot more spree killings than we actually have. In the 56 million households, there are well over 100,000,000 people with access to those guns. If only 1% of them "got set off" as you contend that it "doesn't take much," then there would be at least a million spree killings a year.

So, in reality, it really takes a lot. In fact, you could say, it almost never happens. However, what clearly takes place on a regular basis is that mentally I'll people somehow get access to guns, whether by criminal activity or because their states have inadequate reporting to prevent legal purchases or because people failed to lock the looneys up, and they proceed to kill a bunch of people. I'd contend that they would find a different instrumentality if guns were not available (bomb making for instance). If memory serves, the guy in CO and the boys in Columbine both had bombs too.

There is nothing unnatural about gun ownership despite your weak contention to the contrary and your assertions are patently false.
As far as parents teaching children values: It depends on individual situations. I know and have known many people who did not accept wholesale every belief their parents tried to pass on to them. IMO anyone who grows up and says the way they think and behave is entirely do to the way they were brought up, this person is no individual with an independent mind--ironically just the opposite of what a true republican, American rugged indivdualist is supposed to be. My parents made available to me certain values, some of which I accepted and many of which I didn't. They were racists, for one thing, and I am completely the opposite. Later in life they changed their values in that area, fortunately. Racism is an ugly thing. They were Christians, a belief I accepted until I was an adolescent and began really being my own person. I learned to be an honest, decent, law abiding citizen from them. But a lot of things, besides those which I mentioned, a lot of their ideas I have rejected and found my own system of values, ethics and beliefs. This is true for many, many people who do not aspire to become clones of their parents.

As far as your other point: it simple makes no difference. I made my point quite clearly: just because one grew up in the home of a democrat, that does not make one a democrat. It's ludicrous to try to assert that anyone is a democrat or a liberal simply because their parents were/are.

Don't give any excuses if a parent doesn't teach their children their values they are worthless pieces of shit.

LOL So a parent's job is to create clones of themselves in every way? To exert mind control over them? To brainwash their kids so the kids have no mind of their own? To block any independent thinking or rugged indivdualism? How very anti-American. Hopefully your parents are better than you and wouldn't stoop to calling other parents who don't totally brainwash their kids as "worthless pieces of shit." Pretty sad to think of your mother expressing such a thought in such a way.

You probably need to look up the meaning of values. It looks like you don't know what you're talking about.
I'm against all crazies owning guns. Luckily, I live in a state that has led the nation on preventing crazies from buying guns.

Edi, I'm pretty sure that you don't need to be gay to own a gun. Unless you using queer as a pejorative to show what a homophobe you are, I don't see where it comes into this discussion,

You misused the word gravitas in your last sentence which sort of guts the meaning. That said, if you don't have a healthy suspicion of people who now assert that they can kill citizens without due process, despite what it says in the Bill of Rights, then you're a nutter.

I'm using the REAL DEFINITION of word "queer" to describe them"

Deviating from the expected or normal; strange: a queer situation.

2. Odd or unconventional, as in behavior; eccentric.

I see you are supported in this by TM, that should tell you all you need to know about your position.

I'm not sure what the above means. What is "TM"?

If as you say, it doesn't take much to set people off and have them go off shooting a bunch of people, then you'd have one hell of a lot more spree killings than we actually have.

I don't know where this straw man came from, but I never remotely said anything like the above, Tech.

In fact I said just the opposite, opening this post by pointing out that most guns owers are mostly harmless.

And to reiterate my position, rather than the one that you read into it?

My point is that the gun owners of the USA ought to be leading the charge to get guns out of the hands of nutters.

And since it is probable that gun owners are more likely to rub elbows with nutter with guns, they're probably the first people who are apt to see that somebody who is gun obsessed is also going off the deep end.

Do you get it now, tech or are you still going to try to fault me as having said things I never said?

Oh incidently, "gravitas" in the context I used it suggested seriousness.

I was proposing that gun owners aren't truly serious about getting guns out of the hands of their fellow gun queers who are going nuts.

And while I'm at it, let me tell you why it's damn near impossible for gun queers to police their own team, too.

Because NOBODY, not psychiatrist, not psychologists, and certainly not brothers of the gun culture, has yet found the formula for determining who is going to go from merely angry to acting on that anger.

And America, guns owners and not gun owners alike, are facing an impossible situation because of that lack of diagnotic ability.
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Don't give any excuses if a parent doesn't teach their children their values they are worthless pieces of shit.

LOL So a parent's job is to create clones of themselves in every way? To exert mind control over them? To brainwash their kids so the kids have no mind of their own? To block any independent thinking or rugged indivdualism? How very anti-American. Hopefully your parents are better than you and wouldn't stoop to calling other parents who don't totally brainwash their kids as "worthless pieces of shit." Pretty sad to think of your mother expressing such a thought in such a way.

You probably need to look up the meaning of values. It looks like you don't know what you're talking about.
I think it is the other way around. You obviously don't understand the meaning of values, ethics, political and social ideas and beliefs. You need to look it up. You do not know what you are talking about. Anyone who would label Tim McVeigh as a democrat or as being influenced by democratic ideals is someone who has no clue about what it means to be considered a democrat in America, as opposed to an ultra right wing conservative.

Really, it's pretty hard to have an intelligent discussion with you. You seem to use some bizarre form of circular reasoning.
LOL So a parent's job is to create clones of themselves in every way? To exert mind control over them? To brainwash their kids so the kids have no mind of their own? To block any independent thinking or rugged indivdualism? How very anti-American. Hopefully your parents are better than you and wouldn't stoop to calling other parents who don't totally brainwash their kids as "worthless pieces of shit." Pretty sad to think of your mother expressing such a thought in such a way.

You probably need to look up the meaning of values. It looks like you don't know what you're talking about.
I think it is the other way around. You obviously don't understand the meaning of values, ethics, political and social ideas and beliefs. You need to look it up. You do not know what you are talking about. Anyone who would label Tim McVeigh as a democrat or as being influenced by democratic ideals is someone who has no clue about what it means to be considered a democrat in America, as opposed to an ultra right wing conservative.

Really, it's pretty hard to have an intelligent discussion with you. You seem to use some bizarre form of circular reasoning.

oh stop whining, your all's shit stinks like the rest of the people in country...Saints you're not
You probably need to look up the meaning of values. It looks like you don't know what you're talking about.
I think it is the other way around. You obviously don't understand the meaning of values, ethics, political and social ideas and beliefs. You need to look it up. You do not know what you are talking about. Anyone who would label Tim McVeigh as a democrat or as being influenced by democratic ideals is someone who has no clue about what it means to be considered a democrat in America, as opposed to an ultra right wing conservative.

Really, it's pretty hard to have an intelligent discussion with you. You seem to use some bizarre form of circular reasoning.

oh stop whining, your all's shit stinks like the rest of the people in country...Saints you're not
I have a feeling you have no clue as to the point I was making. It certainly had nothing to do with democrats being superior. Nothing whatever to do with that.
I think it is the other way around. You obviously don't understand the meaning of values, ethics, political and social ideas and beliefs. You need to look it up. You do not know what you are talking about. Anyone who would label Tim McVeigh as a democrat or as being influenced by democratic ideals is someone who has no clue about what it means to be considered a democrat in America, as opposed to an ultra right wing conservative.

Really, it's pretty hard to have an intelligent discussion with you. You seem to use some bizarre form of circular reasoning.

oh stop whining, your all's shit stinks like the rest of the people in country...Saints you're not
I have a feeling you have no clue as to the point I was making. It certainly had nothing to do with democrats being superior. Nothing whatever to do with that.


Anyone who would label Tim McVeigh as a democrat or as being influenced by democratic ideals is someone who has no clue about what it means to be considered a democrat in America

so what does it mean to considered a democrat in America, since everyone here is evidently too stupid to know
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oh stop whining, your all's shit stinks like the rest of the people in country...Saints you're not
I have a feeling you have no clue as to the point I was making. It certainly had nothing to do with democrats being superior. Nothing whatever to do with that.


Anyone who would label Tim McVeigh as a democrat or as being influenced by democratic ideals is someone who has no clue about what it means to be considered a democrat in America

so what does it mean to considered a democrat in America, we wait with baited breath for this

omg what a stupid question....are you fucking serious?

okay, to try to be fair, maybe you just need to go back over the thread and follow the discussion which my posts are part of.....because you just do not seem to have a clue....

Are you trying to say Tim McVeigh was what you people continually call a 'lefty' or 'left winger' ? Because that is what the person to whom I am responding seems to be trying to do using the fact McVeigh's step father was a union man and a democrat.
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I have a feeling you have no clue as to the point I was making. It certainly had nothing to do with democrats being superior. Nothing whatever to do with that.


Anyone who would label Tim McVeigh as a democrat or as being influenced by democratic ideals is someone who has no clue about what it means to be considered a democrat in America

so what does it mean to considered a democrat in America, we wait with baited breath for this

omg what a stupid question....are you fucking serious?

I guess, we need you to expain it to some of us

so what does it mean to considered a democrat in America, we wait with baited breath for this

omg what a stupid question....are you fucking serious?

I guess, we need you to expain it to some of us

Go back and read over the thread and the discussion my posts are part of. I am not going to define for you what democratic principles are. Be educated enough to know or look it up. For gawdsakes.
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Survivalist and anti-Federal Government Activist declares war on American Children

After the recent mass shootings a few gun crazed, bomb making right wingers have decided to use America's children like the Palestinians and al quaeda use theirs.

Then, by all means lets round up every 'right-winger' in America and ship them to those new, as yet unused FEMA camps for 're-education'!!

This sounds like a great idea. I'd even go further. I'd build a huge camp up in the far northern Alaskan wilderness, a sort of American Siberia, ship them all there, air drop some rice and beans once a month, and let them do their survival thing amongst themselves. Good riddance to bad rubbage. :Boom2:

I hear the polar bear hunting is great!! When do we leave?
Right wing gun nut crazies are mostly harmless.

But it doesn't take many events where these creeps kill children to sway public sentiment against gun queerism, gun queers cherished love of guns, and the NRA, either.

You guns queers ought to monitoring your own tribe to insure that folks like these are disarmed.

But sadly, most of you are so fearful of the government, that you haven't got the gravitas to police your own team and amidst that team of YOURS are creeps like these.

How about you monitor all the black and hispanic thugs who are actually doing all the killing?
They are dems after all.
Right wing gun nut crazies are mostly harmless.

But it doesn't take many events where these creeps kill children to sway public sentiment against gun queerism, gun queers cherished love of guns, and the NRA, either.

You guns queers ought to monitoring your own tribe to insure that folks like these are disarmed.

But sadly, most of you are so fearful of the government, that you haven't got the gravitas to police your own team and amidst that team of YOURS are creeps like these.

How about you monitor all the black and hispanic thugs who are actually doing all the killing?
They are dems after all.
Black and Hispanic 'thugs' (I suppose you mean gang members) are democrats? And you know this because? You think they have any political leanings? You actually think they vote? I think they are too busy doing drug trafficking and killing each other. Or do you consider all blacks and all Hispanics 'thugs'?
Right wing gun nut crazies are mostly harmless.

But it doesn't take many events where these creeps kill children to sway public sentiment against gun queerism, gun queers cherished love of guns, and the NRA, either.

You guns queers ought to monitoring your own tribe to insure that folks like these are disarmed.

But sadly, most of you are so fearful of the government, that you haven't got the gravitas to police your own team and amidst that team of YOURS are creeps like these.

How about you monitor all the black and hispanic thugs who are actually doing all the killing?
They are dems after all.
Black and Hispanic 'thugs' (I suppose you mean gang members) are democrats? And you know this because? You think they have any political leanings? You actually think they vote? I think they are too busy doing drug trafficking and killing each other. Or do you consider all blacks and all Hispanics 'thugs'?

So you're saying these people are conservatives?
We all know they vote dem Including yourself. Dont try and dodge the question. Why arent you doing something to stop the most prolific killers in our society?
Right wing gun nut crazies are mostly harmless.

But it doesn't take many events where these creeps kill children to sway public sentiment against gun queerism, gun queers cherished love of guns, and the NRA, either.

You guns queers ought to monitoring your own tribe to insure that folks like these are disarmed.

But sadly, most of you are so fearful of the government, that you haven't got the gravitas to police your own team and amidst that team of YOURS are creeps like these.

How about you monitor all the black and hispanic thugs who are actually doing all the killing?
They are dems after all.

Happily I don't rub shoulders with many Black or Hispanic thugs so I am not given much opportunity to identify those who are going crazy.

And if you've read my followup post then you'd know that I also do not think there is any way to indentify those who are going ballistic UNTIL they do so, too.

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