Susan Rice confesses to unmasking Trump officials!

...but you just don't seem to be able to discern truth from opinion or propaganda....

What you're getting tired of is having to continuously attempt to try to defend the indefensible, to justify the corrupt, incompetent, and criminal..

In regards to Benghazi...

As I pointed out FACTUALLY, snowflakes have declared Hillary did NOTHING WRONG in regards to Benghazi. BULLSHIT:

- She claimed that she, the Secretary of State - responsible for the protection of Ambassadors and Americans all over the world, was OBLIVIOUS to the fact that the Benghazi compound had been attacked TWICE before 9/11/12, that Stevens had asked for additional security more than 30 times and had been denied every time (until she admitted she knew and just thought those requests were part of his 'sense of humor', a 'joke')...

- Hillary and her State Department hired a foreign security company who had ZERO experience in protecting VIPs in high threat environments, a company who hired people who did not carry weapons, that had ZERO expertise in what they were hired to do.... LATER, after 2 terrorist attacks on the compound, one leaving a 4-foot hole in the wall, She / her State Department DECREASED the number of Stevens' security detail WHILE denying more than 50 requests from Stevens for ADDITIONAL security members...his last request stating that if he did not get additional security team members and a more-coordinated attack happened he would die...a warning that was ignored and came true...

- Hillary and her State Department hired an AL QAEDA-associated protect Stevens and Americans from AL QAEDA, who had called for Stevens' assassination and for the attack on 9/11/12 as part of the Middle East-wide terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11/12...
--- This militia was so far away from the compound that they NEVER made it to the compound until after the attacks were over the 1st 2 times...which means they were USELESS and alternative choices needed to be made to provide for the protection of Stevens and Americans in the compound. NONE were ever made, even after this militia suddenly QUIT 'providing protection' for the compound right before the 9/11/12...

- Despite escalating violence & terrorist attacks against the foreign Embassies in Benghazi...
- Despite the alarming growing number of terrorists in Benghazi...
- Despite Al Qaeda flags beginning to fly over Benghazi govt buildings...
- Despite Stevens reporting that MORE terrorist training camps opening up in Benghazi...
- Despite every other nation pulling their people out...
- Despite 2 terrorist attacks on the compound...
- Despite Stevens requesting additional security AGAIN (and being denied AGAIN) and warning that if he did not have the additional security and another more-coordinated attack happened he would die..
- Despite claiming they KNEW they did not have the money to provide additional security / to provide ADDEQUATED protection for Stevens and the Americans in Benghazi...
- Despite knowing there were no security forces in the area capable of coming to their rescues when the KNOWN pending terrorist attack eventually happened on 9/11/12...
...Hillary and the State Department STILL f*ing LEFT (ABANDONED) the Americans in Benghazi TO DIE - as Ambassador Stevens predicted / warned would happen - instead of pull them out like every other nation did with their people.

Hillary did nothing wrong? No other nation did what Hillary did, and they did not lose 1 citizen on 9/11/12. After this catastrophic cluster-fu@k above, that was PREVENTABLE, 4 Americans lost their lives, to include the 1st US ambassador to be murdered in OVER 30 YEARS!

What you are tired of is the snowflake propaganda and BS being constantly debunked and deflated...what you are tired of is being constantly reminded of what a corrupt, criminal, INCOMPETENT, national security threatening / endangering, American lives-sacrificing f*ed up FAILURE Hillary was / is and still feeling obligated to try to stand up and defend her and justify her inexcusable actions and piss-poor leadership / decision-making.

Don't blame me for that, snowflake.

In regards to Obama and the Democrats....
- It has been proven Obama loyalists leaked classified information. unmasked Americans, and perpetrated Espionage
- It has been proven Obama and Comey attempted to acquire a Fake report containing Russian propaganda from foreign agents to use against Trump
- EVERY conspiratorial scam thrown out against Trump by Democrats, like monkeys throwing their fecal matter against a wall to see is anything sticks, has been debunked - ZERO evidence has been presented...while they have exposed Liberal crimes.

Again, you are tired of attempting to lie, deny, justify, and attempt to defend the indefensible.
You should implore your Congressional representative to open the ninth investigation into Benghazi since the first eight failed to find that.
.Hillary and the State Department STILL f*ing LEFT (ABANDONED) the Americans in Benghazi TO DIE
A fat out lie.

Back up, snowflake....

1. The WH acknowledged they KNEW in advance about the call for Stevens assassination and about the calls for Middle East-wide terrorist attacks against US Embassies and compounds on the anniversary of 9/11/01.
- Hillary and Obama refused to pull Americans out of Benghazi.

2. The State Department / Hillary KNEW about the increased violence, the growing presence of terrorists in Benghazi, about Al Qaeda flags flying over local govt buildings, and knew about the increased number of terrorist training camps being opened in Benghazi.
- Hillary and Obama refused to pull the Americans out of Benghazi.

3. The State Department / Hillary KNEW the militia they hired was associated with Al Qaeda - the very terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 and who had called for Stevens assassination and the attacks n 9/11/12. They knew this militia had never made it to the compound they had been hired to protect during the 2 attacks on the compound until after the attacks were over, meaning they were useless...not to mention associated with the terrorists who eventually murdered Stevens and 3 other Americans.
- Hillary and Obama refused to pull the Americans out of Benghazi.

4. The State Department / Hillary KNEW every other nation pulled their people out of Benghazi before 9/11/12 because of the increased violence, the growing presence of terrorists in Benghazi, about Al Qaeda flags flying over local govt buildings, and knew about the increased number of terrorist training camps being opened in Benghazi, leaving the US the only ones left in Benghazi.
- Hillary and Obama refused to pull the Americans out of Benghazi.

5. The State Department / Hillary KNEW the US compound had been attacked TWICE in the weeks / months leading up to the final attack on 9/11/12, the last attack leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall and Stevens making 1 final request for additional security detail members, warning that if he did not have additional security members and there was a 3rd more coordinated attack HE WOULD DIE.
- Hillary and Obama refused to pull the Americans out of Benghazi.

6. The State Department / Hillary KNEW Stevens did not have enough security to defend the compound and protect American lives, knew Stevens had requested additional security forces more than 50 times and rejected every one of them, even after the 2 terrorist attacks on the compound.
- Hillary and Obama refused to pull the Americans out of Benghazi.

7. The State Department / Hillary CLAIMED they did not have the funding to adequately protect the Benghazi compound and American lives there - they even REDUCED the size of Stevens' security detail in Benghazi AFTER the 2 terrorist attacks on the compound and Stevens warning that if he did not have MORE members he would die in a 3rd attack, if one happened. KNOWING a 3rd attack was coming and claiming to not have enough money to protect the Compound and American lives, Hillary SHOULD have ordered the Americans out. THIS WAS A F*ING 'NO-BRAINER'...EVEN FOR HILLARY!
- Hillary and Obama refused to pull the Americans out of Benghazi.

8. The State Department / Hillary KNEW there were no US forces available to respond during a 3rd attack by going in and saving Stevens and Americans, knew they had not only rejected Stevens' request for additional security, and decreased his existing security detail, again the Americans should have been pulled out, knowing the attack on 9/11/12 was coming.
- AGAIN Hillary and Obama refused to pull the Americans out of Benghazi.

The actions described above were not only setting up Stevens for failure on 9/11/12, it was not only ABANDONING Stevens and Americans to face the known coming attack on 9/11/12 alone, it was actually FACILITATING the attack and ensuring its success by setting up all the conditions for that success:
- Hiring AL QAEDA to protect Americans from AL QAEDA
- Hiring an unqualified security company to provide security in an situation they had never faced and were not qualified to handle
- Failure to ensure US forces were in place to rescue Stevens / Americans on 9/11/12 if needed
- Ignoring the MANY danger signs / violence / growing terrorist presence
- Continuous denial of life-saving additional security requests
- REDUCTION of security team after 2 terrorist attacks and right before the larger, more coordinated 3rd.

This was a FAILURE of EPIC f*ing proportions, one that amounted to the needless SACRIFICE of American lives.

You have failed to account for your often repeated bombastic lie that they were abandoned and left to die.
You should implore your Congressional representative to open the ninth investigation into Benghazi since the first eight failed to find that.
There is no need for any further investigations - all of this already came out in the previous investigations. This nothing new. The Democrats continue, though, to focus ONLY in their declarations on the fact that nothing CRIMINAL / ILLEGAL came out of the Benghazi hearings, ignoring the MANY, HORRIFIC acts of incompetence, piss-poor decision-making, and management failure identified.
You have failed to account for your often repeated bombastic lie that they were abandoned and left to die.
A famous quote states it is better to remain silent and allow people to THINK you are stupid than to open your mouth and prove them right. You should REALLY heed that adage.

Oh wait....too late.
You have failed to account for your often repeated bombastic lie that they were abandoned and left to die.
A famous quote states it is better to remain silent and allow people to THINK you are stupid than to open your mouth and prove them right. You should REALLY heed that adage.

Oh wait....too late.

Since the rescue team arrived within 30 minutes, how is that being abandoned?
So Trump can order surveillance on everyone meeting with anyone connected his 2020 Dem opponent


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