Susan Rice E-Mail Proves Comey-Obama 'Russian Collusion Brief' Attended by Biden, Yates, Rice...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Well, that didn't take long....Peter Strzok's texts claiming Obama demanded to be kept up to date on every detail of the attempted coup of Candidate / President Trump and the fact that the 'Secret Society' had already met has been proven to be true...and now we know why former President Barak Obama has been silent and near invisible since Barr took over as US AG.

"The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would."

In an attempt to preserve the details of the event, Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice e-mailed herself about the details of a meeting in which FIRED Former FBI Director James Comey briefed President Obama on the Russian Collusion Investigation.

Vice President Joe Biden was documented as being present in the Oval Office for a conversation about the controversial Russia probe between President Obama, disgraced ex-FBI chief James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and other senior officials including Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice.

Obama knew. Obama directed the handling of it.

VP Biden knew - he was there.

Deputy AG Sally Yates knew - she was there.

National Security Advisor Susan Rice knew - she was there...and she 'saved the moment' by e-mailing herself.

In her e-mail, Rice stressed Obama's commitment to ensuring the investigation was handled by the Intel and Law Enforcement agencies 'By The Book'. We know either this never happened, that Obama never directed Comey to handle the investigation 'By The Book' OR Comey and his other Agency Directors completely disobeyed the President.
-- We know this because the US IG report pointed out that the FBI ignored standard investigate procedures.

US AG Barr stated about the investigation during a recent interview:

"The thing that’s interesting about this is that this was handled at a very senior level of these departments. It wasn’t handled in the ordinary way that investigations or counterintelligence activities are conducted. It was sort of an ad hoc, small group — and most of these people are no longer with the FBI or the CIA or the other agencies involved."

So much for 'BY THE BOOK'....

"The detail about Biden being present at the meeting with Rice and Comey is newly relevant amid questions about Biden’s possible role in the Russia collusion probe scandal."

The number of Obama administration personnel who had access to this was extremely limited:

"At first only four senior officials were involved, and not Biden. Those officials were CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and then-FBI Director James Comey. Their aides were all barred from attending the initial meetings. Gradually, the circle widened to include Vice President Biden and others. Agendas sent to Cabinet secretaries — including John F. Kerry at the State Department and Ashton B. Carter at the Pentagon."

If Barr really wants to get to the bottom of what happened, he has a host of Obama officials, to include the man himself, he needs to subpoena and have testify:
Obama, Biden, Lynch, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Kerry, Carter...

Biden Present at Russia Collusion Briefing Documented in ‘Odd’ Susan Rice Email | Breitbart

So much for the 'Most Transparent Administration EVUH':

The Obama administration cut the video feed from The White House Situation Room when Obama began having closed-door Cabinet meetings on the Russia 'investigation' in August 2016:

"Adding another layer of secrecy, the newspaper reported that when the closed cabinet sessions on Russia began in the White House Situation Room in August, the video feed from the main room was cut off during the meetings.

The feed, which allows only for video and not audio, is usually kept on so that senior aides can see when a meeting takes place. "The blacked-out screens were seen as an ominous sign among lower-level White House officials who were largely kept in the dark about the Russia deliberations."


The Dossier was successfully and illegally used THREE times in FISA Court Abuses - 1 to initially get approval to spy on Cater Page - the 2nd and 3rd were renewal applications.

"The dossier was cited as evidence in three successful FISA applications signed by Comey to obtain warrants to spy on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. The second and third were renewal applications since a FISA warrant must be renewed every 90 days.

Comey, Brennan and Clapper have been the subjects of a
dispute in recent weeks over which top Obama administration officials advocated for the infamous dossier to be utilized as evidence in the Russia collusion investigation."

I will be completely and utterly shocked if any government investigation into this ever finds BO was involved. He may well be, but he is well insulated. He will skate for sure.

Well, that didn't take long....Peter Strzok's texts claiming Obama demanded to be kept up to date on every detail of the attempted coup of Candidate / President Trump and the fact that the 'Secret Society' had already met has been proven to be true...and now we know why former President Barak Obama has been silent and near invisible since Barr took over as US AG.

"The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would."

In an attempt to preserve the details of the event, Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice e-mailed herself about the details of a meeting in which FIRED Former FBI Director James Comey briefed President Obama on the Russian Collusion Investigation.

Vice President Joe Biden was documented as being present in the Oval Office for a conversation about the controversial Russia probe between President Obama, disgraced ex-FBI chief James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and other senior officials including Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice.

Obama knew. Obama directed the handling of it.

VP Biden knew - he was there.

Deputy AG Sally Yates knew - she was there.

National Security Advisor Susan Rice knew - she was there...and she 'saved the moment' by e-mailing herself.

In her e-mail, Rice stressed Obama's commitment to ensuring the investigation was handled by the Intel and Law Enforcement agencies 'By The Book'. We know either this never happened, that Obama never directed Comey to handle the investigation 'By The Book' OR Comey and his other Agency Directors completely disobeyed the President.
-- We know this because the US IG report pointed out that the FBI ignored standard investigate procedures.

US AG Barr stated about the investigation during a recent interview:

"The thing that’s interesting about this is that this was handled at a very senior level of these departments. It wasn’t handled in the ordinary way that investigations or counterintelligence activities are conducted. It was sort of an ad hoc, small group — and most of these people are no longer with the FBI or the CIA or the other agencies involved."

So much for 'BY THE BOOK'....

"The detail about Biden being present at the meeting with Rice and Comey is newly relevant amid questions about Biden’s possible role in the Russia collusion probe scandal."

The number of Obama administration personnel who had access to this was extremely limited:

"At first only four senior officials were involved, and not Biden. Those officials were CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and then-FBI Director James Comey. Their aides were all barred from attending the initial meetings. Gradually, the circle widened to include Vice President Biden and others. Agendas sent to Cabinet secretaries — including John F. Kerry at the State Department and Ashton B. Carter at the Pentagon."

If Barr really wants to get to the bottom of what happened, he has a host of Obama officials, to include the man himself, he needs to subpoena and have testify:
Obama, Biden, Lynch, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Kerry, Carter...

Biden Present at Russia Collusion Briefing Documented in ‘Odd’ Susan Rice Email | Breitbart


First of all there is was and is no coup. That is a byproduct of your craziness. At some point it is natural that someone in the Administration would be brought in and since Biden was not running for President, he would be the logical choice. The book was never written on a investigation in which a foreign power is directly interfering in our elections including buying pro-Trump ads.

There is no scandal. I know you Trumpers including Barr are doing your best to create one, there is none. I doubt the book says anything about whether it should be handled at the senior level or in small groups. The fact is that the investigation of Trump was not made public unt5il after the election.

You must really be worried about Biden.

Well, that didn't take long....Peter Strzok's texts claiming Obama demanded to be kept up to date on every detail of the attempted coup of Candidate / President Trump and the fact that the 'Secret Society' had already met has been proven to be true...and now we know why former President Barak Obama has been silent and near invisible since Barr took over as US AG.

"The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would."

In an attempt to preserve the details of the event, Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice e-mailed herself about the details of a meeting in which FIRED Former FBI Director James Comey briefed President Obama on the Russian Collusion Investigation.

Vice President Joe Biden was documented as being present in the Oval Office for a conversation about the controversial Russia probe between President Obama, disgraced ex-FBI chief James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and other senior officials including Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice.

Obama knew. Obama directed the handling of it.

VP Biden knew - he was there.

Deputy AG Sally Yates knew - she was there.

National Security Advisor Susan Rice knew - she was there...and she 'saved the moment' by e-mailing herself.

In her e-mail, Rice stressed Obama's commitment to ensuring the investigation was handled by the Intel and Law Enforcement agencies 'By The Book'. We know either this never happened, that Obama never directed Comey to handle the investigation 'By The Book' OR Comey and his other Agency Directors completely disobeyed the President.
-- We know this because the US IG report pointed out that the FBI ignored standard investigate procedures.

US AG Barr stated about the investigation during a recent interview:

"The thing that’s interesting about this is that this was handled at a very senior level of these departments. It wasn’t handled in the ordinary way that investigations or counterintelligence activities are conducted. It was sort of an ad hoc, small group — and most of these people are no longer with the FBI or the CIA or the other agencies involved."

So much for 'BY THE BOOK'....

"The detail about Biden being present at the meeting with Rice and Comey is newly relevant amid questions about Biden’s possible role in the Russia collusion probe scandal."

The number of Obama administration personnel who had access to this was extremely limited:

"At first only four senior officials were involved, and not Biden. Those officials were CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and then-FBI Director James Comey. Their aides were all barred from attending the initial meetings. Gradually, the circle widened to include Vice President Biden and others. Agendas sent to Cabinet secretaries — including John F. Kerry at the State Department and Ashton B. Carter at the Pentagon."

If Barr really wants to get to the bottom of what happened, he has a host of Obama officials, to include the man himself, he needs to subpoena and have testify:
Obama, Biden, Lynch, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Kerry, Carter...

Biden Present at Russia Collusion Briefing Documented in ‘Odd’ Susan Rice Email | Breitbart


First of all there is was and is no coup. That is a byproduct of your craziness. At some point it is natural that someone in the Administration would be brought in and since Biden was not running for President, he would be the logical choice. The book was never written on a investigation in which a foreign power is directly interfering in our elections including buying pro-Trump ads.

There is no scandal. I know you Trumpers including Barr are doing your best to create one, there is none. I doubt the book says anything about whether it should be handled at the senior level or in small groups. The fact is that the investigation of Trump was not made public unt5il after the election.

You must really be worried about Biden.

Yes, yes there was.

You can’t prove there wasn’t one.

Lay out the facts that there wasn’t a coup attempt.

Well, that didn't take long....Peter Strzok's texts claiming Obama demanded to be kept up to date on every detail of the attempted coup of Candidate / President Trump and the fact that the 'Secret Society' had already met has been proven to be true...and now we know why former President Barak Obama has been silent and near invisible since Barr took over as US AG.

"The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would."

In an attempt to preserve the details of the event, Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice e-mailed herself about the details of a meeting in which FIRED Former FBI Director James Comey briefed President Obama on the Russian Collusion Investigation.

Vice President Joe Biden was documented as being present in the Oval Office for a conversation about the controversial Russia probe between President Obama, disgraced ex-FBI chief James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and other senior officials including Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice.

Obama knew. Obama directed the handling of it.

VP Biden knew - he was there.

Deputy AG Sally Yates knew - she was there.

National Security Advisor Susan Rice knew - she was there...and she 'saved the moment' by e-mailing herself.

In her e-mail, Rice stressed Obama's commitment to ensuring the investigation was handled by the Intel and Law Enforcement agencies 'By The Book'. We know either this never happened, that Obama never directed Comey to handle the investigation 'By The Book' OR Comey and his other Agency Directors completely disobeyed the President.
-- We know this because the US IG report pointed out that the FBI ignored standard investigate procedures.

US AG Barr stated about the investigation during a recent interview:

"The thing that’s interesting about this is that this was handled at a very senior level of these departments. It wasn’t handled in the ordinary way that investigations or counterintelligence activities are conducted. It was sort of an ad hoc, small group — and most of these people are no longer with the FBI or the CIA or the other agencies involved."

So much for 'BY THE BOOK'....

"The detail about Biden being present at the meeting with Rice and Comey is newly relevant amid questions about Biden’s possible role in the Russia collusion probe scandal."

The number of Obama administration personnel who had access to this was extremely limited:

"At first only four senior officials were involved, and not Biden. Those officials were CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and then-FBI Director James Comey. Their aides were all barred from attending the initial meetings. Gradually, the circle widened to include Vice President Biden and others. Agendas sent to Cabinet secretaries — including John F. Kerry at the State Department and Ashton B. Carter at the Pentagon."

If Barr really wants to get to the bottom of what happened, he has a host of Obama officials, to include the man himself, he needs to subpoena and have testify:
Obama, Biden, Lynch, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Kerry, Carter...

Biden Present at Russia Collusion Briefing Documented in ‘Odd’ Susan Rice Email | Breitbart


First of all there is was and is no coup. That is a byproduct of your craziness. At some point it is natural that someone in the Administration would be brought in and since Biden was not running for President, he would be the logical choice. The book was never written on a investigation in which a foreign power is directly interfering in our elections including buying pro-Trump ads.

There is no scandal. I know you Trumpers including Barr are doing your best to create one, there is none. I doubt the book says anything about whether it should be handled at the senior level or in small groups. The fact is that the investigation of Trump was not made public unt5il after the election.

You must really be worried about Biden.

There was egregious FISA abuses.
My favorite thing about this is that “ journalists” like Chuck Todd are actually on the side of the CIA and demanding less transparency from the government.

Think about that.......a liberal journalist siding with the CIA. So fucking funny.
I will be completely and utterly shocked if any government investigation into this ever finds BO was involved. He may well be, but he is well insulated. He will skate for sure.
You KNOW (as it was proven) if Hillary was protected from indictment / prosecution for proven crimes (** Former FBI Agent Page testified the DOJ made it clear they would NOT pursue a case against Hillary)...if the DOJ just refused to indict former fired FBI Agent Strzok who was identified in a recent US IG investigation report for leaking classified information...then there is no way in hell they will go after Barak Obama.
Here are some FOIA requests that need to be served.

All conversations between Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Swallow, Blumenthal, and Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama when they met to discuss so called Campaign Strategies EITHER INDEPENDENTLY OR CONJOINTLY.

All Conversations between The Clinton Campaign, The White House, Fusion GPS, COIE Perkins Law Firm, The DNC, Steele, Skirpal, and anything discussed with Fusion GPS Employee Natalia Veselnitskaya.

All so called evidence Adam Schiff claims to have should be subject to FOIA.

All conversations, documents, texts, emails, with all involved with FISA requests

All Conversations, documents, texts, emails, hand written notes generated by Clapper, and Brennan regarding anything Russia and Trump, Including archival backups of all electronic communications.

All documentation from The White House, and Obama administration regarding electronic surveillance of anyone in The Trump campaign, and the illegal unmasking that was done.
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Well, that didn't take long....Peter Strzok's texts claiming Obama demanded to be kept up to date on every detail of the attempted coup of Candidate / President Trump and the fact that the 'Secret Society' had already met has been proven to be true...and now we know why former President Barak Obama has been silent and near invisible since Barr took over as US AG.

"The President asked Comey to inform him if anything changes in the next few weeks that should affect how we share classified information with the incoming team. Comey said he would."

In an attempt to preserve the details of the event, Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice e-mailed herself about the details of a meeting in which FIRED Former FBI Director James Comey briefed President Obama on the Russian Collusion Investigation.

Vice President Joe Biden was documented as being present in the Oval Office for a conversation about the controversial Russia probe between President Obama, disgraced ex-FBI chief James Comey, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and other senior officials including Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice.

Obama knew. Obama directed the handling of it.

VP Biden knew - he was there.

Deputy AG Sally Yates knew - she was there.

National Security Advisor Susan Rice knew - she was there...and she 'saved the moment' by e-mailing herself.

In her e-mail, Rice stressed Obama's commitment to ensuring the investigation was handled by the Intel and Law Enforcement agencies 'By The Book'. We know either this never happened, that Obama never directed Comey to handle the investigation 'By The Book' OR Comey and his other Agency Directors completely disobeyed the President.
-- We know this because the US IG report pointed out that the FBI ignored standard investigate procedures.

US AG Barr stated about the investigation during a recent interview:

"The thing that’s interesting about this is that this was handled at a very senior level of these departments. It wasn’t handled in the ordinary way that investigations or counterintelligence activities are conducted. It was sort of an ad hoc, small group — and most of these people are no longer with the FBI or the CIA or the other agencies involved."

So much for 'BY THE BOOK'....

"The detail about Biden being present at the meeting with Rice and Comey is newly relevant amid questions about Biden’s possible role in the Russia collusion probe scandal."

The number of Obama administration personnel who had access to this was extremely limited:

"At first only four senior officials were involved, and not Biden. Those officials were CIA Director John Brennan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Attorney General Loretta Lynch and then-FBI Director James Comey. Their aides were all barred from attending the initial meetings. Gradually, the circle widened to include Vice President Biden and others. Agendas sent to Cabinet secretaries — including John F. Kerry at the State Department and Ashton B. Carter at the Pentagon."

If Barr really wants to get to the bottom of what happened, he has a host of Obama officials, to include the man himself, he needs to subpoena and have testify:
Obama, Biden, Lynch, Rice, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Kerry, Carter...

Biden Present at Russia Collusion Briefing Documented in ‘Odd’ Susan Rice Email | Breitbart


First of all there is was and is no coup. That is a byproduct of your craziness. At some point it is natural that someone in the Administration would be brought in and since Biden was not running for President, he would be the logical choice. The book was never written on a investigation in which a foreign power is directly interfering in our elections including buying pro-Trump ads.

There is no scandal. I know you Trumpers including Barr are doing your best to create one, there is none. I doubt the book says anything about whether it should be handled at the senior level or in small groups. The fact is that the investigation of Trump was not made public unt5il after the election.

You must really be worried about Biden.

What about The Anti-Trump Ads?

There was no organized effort by Russia to interfere in our election.

In fact, their impact was no greater on our elections than your stupid postings on this forum.

Honestly, this is all going to lead back to Obama. This is one guy who just could not help himself, or stop himself from abusing his power.

He spied on everyone.

Journalists, Merkel, May, The Leaders of Mexico, Australia, Thailand, The Trump Campaign, They were even spying on Fox News, CNN journalists. All illegal. He got away with it because his cronies covered for him.

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