Susan Wright who stabbed her husband 193 times in 2003 is paroled.

About 1% of all men and 0.14% of all women living in USA have murdered someone.

Post your proof.
About 100 million adult men and 100 million adult women live in USA.

Each year about 16,000 homicides are committed. Here.. Assuming an average offender lives 30 years after the crime, USA contains about 480,000 homicide offenders.

Males commit homicide 7 times more then females -- thus there are 420,000 male and 60,000 female homicide offenders living in USA. That is about 0.42% of all men and 0.06% of all women. I stand corrected.
The court rejected battered wife defense. It was not self-defense.
I would need to know details. Why’d they let her out? When did she go in? Out for good behavior? Was she deemed mentally incapable of committing a crime?

They may not have let her off free because he beat her but they let her out early because he beat her.

Lik if you murdered your child’s rapist. You may get ten years but you won’t serve ten.
I would need to know details. Why’d they let her out? When did she go in? Out for good behavior? Was she deemed mentally incapable of committing a crime?
she served 16 out of 20 years.

The court rejected her claim that she was abused.

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