The Ultimate Winner
Ask democrats how they came up with that idea in 2008.
Sure they did. Your world is black and white in a color era.
Your are a partisan idiot or just dishonest, I can't figure out which it is.
Will Bush Cancel The 2008 Election?
I thought you were talking about the image in the OP, which is what I commented on. Yes there were Democrats that said Bush would cancel elections in 2008, they were just as looney as the cons who are doing it today.
I hope you feel better.
I'm not the idiot who got it wrong, so your ignorance doesn't bother me at all. I'm used to it.
I hope you feel better any way. You seem more than a little, angry.
About what? A message board? You are only here for my entertainment, no other reason. I find it all amusing, now you are getting boring.