Suspending Nov. Elections: On The Brink

Uncle Ferd says, "Yea...

... Obama gonna suspend the elections...

... inna interests o' nat'l. security...

... an' den he gonna proclaim hisself...

... Grand Poobah."
This is another opportunity for me to shoot down a false equivalency.

There are at least a half dozen current USMB members who have floated the idea that Obama will not leave office in January or will at least make some attempt to scrub the election.

These people are considered "regulars" here. They are not tossed aside by other conservatives as being freaks or outside the USMB conservative mainstream. They are here daily getting support on any number of issues.

I wasn't here in 2008 so I must rely on others. Please name those on the left who suggested that Bush wasn't planning to leave the WH in 2009. I doubt you can come up with even one. That is a crazy idea and this place doesn't have very many crazy liberals.

Here is the fact. The USMB has a shit ton of conservative whack jobs and just a few libs who are missing some brain cells. It ain't equal. The fact that you are embarrassed by so many who share your political views is no reason to keep trying to peddle this lame shit. Just own them.
This is another opportunity for me to shoot down a false equivalency.

There are at least a half dozen current USMB members who have floated the idea that Obama will not leave office in January or will at least make some attempt to scrub the election.

These people are considered "regulars" here. They are not tossed aside by other conservatives as being freaks or outside the USMB conservative mainstream. They are here daily getting support on any number of issues.

I wasn't here in 2008 so I must rely on others. Please name those on the left who suggested that Bush wasn't planning to leave the WH in 2009. I doubt you can come up with even one. That is a crazy idea and this place doesn't have very many crazy liberals.

Here is the fact. The USMB has a shit ton of conservative whack jobs and just a few libs who are missing some brain cells. It ain't equal. The fact that you are embarrassed by so many who share your political views is no reason to keep trying to peddle this lame shit. Just own them.
Here is the fact. The USMB has a shit ton of conservative whack jobs and just a few libs who are missing some brain cells. It ain't equal
An insane person will claim everyone else is crazy and not himself. TOO FUNNY....

San Jose’s riot tells us about the Left, Trump, & the coming violence
Journalists watching the riot at Trump’s event in San Jose reported with photos and videos.

“Donald Trump supporters were mobbed and assaulted by protesters on Thursday night … The violence broke out after the event in San Jose wrapped up just before 8 p.m. Some Trump supporters were punched. One woman wearing a “Trump” jersey was cornered, spat on, and pelted with eggs and water bottles. Police held back at first but eventually moved in. …several protesters were arrested and one officer was assaulted in the melee.” {NBC News.}
This is another opportunity for me to shoot down a false equivalency.

There are at least a half dozen current USMB members who have floated the idea that Obama will not leave office in January or will at least make some attempt to scrub the election.

These people are considered "regulars" here. They are not tossed aside by other conservatives as being freaks or outside the USMB conservative mainstream. They are here daily getting support on any number of issues.

I wasn't here in 2008 so I must rely on others. Please name those on the left who suggested that Bush wasn't planning to leave the WH in 2009. I doubt you can come up with even one. That is a crazy idea and this place doesn't have very many crazy liberals.

Here is the fact. The USMB has a shit ton of conservative whack jobs and just a few libs who are missing some brain cells. It ain't equal. The fact that you are embarrassed by so many who share your political views is no reason to keep trying to peddle this lame shit. Just own them.

There were a couple leftists saying that. KerryWonOhio was one IIRC.
By 2007, it was obvious that dubya was sick and tired of presidentin', and wanted out. Things were no fun for him once his approval ratings tanked. Thus, it made no sense to claim he wouldn't leave office.

In the 9/11 aftermath, that wasn't the case. He sounded scarier back then.
By 2007, it was obvious that dubya was sick and tired of presidentin', and wanted out. Things were no fun for him once his approval ratings tanked. Thus, it made no sense to claim he wouldn't leave office.

In the 9/11 aftermath, that wasn't the case. He sounded scarier back then.

Leftwing nuts were claiming Bush was going to find a way to stay in office, pretty stupid stuff, just as stupid as those claiming Obama is going try to stay in office, both these guys want out. Michelle is sick of the White House.

Will the November elections be suspended due to war with China?

The War Powers Act is still on the table should war between China and the United States become a reality. While the President may not have the power to suspend the November elections, Congress could grant authority to the executive branch to suspend the elections until a later date.

World leaders gathered together for the G7 Summit which opened on May 26th, 2016 at Ise-Shima, a mountainous region of southwest Tokyo, Japan. The G7 leaders represent the following nations: USA, Germany, Italy, Canada, France, UK and Japan. The European Union is also represented within the G7. The G7 countries represent more than 64% of the world's wealth - estimated to be approximately $263 trillion.

European Council President Donald Tusk was quoted as saying that the group (G7) needed to take a tougher stance on territorial disputes in the South China Sea. Beijing responded through their Xinhua news agency, stating that the G7 should “mind its own business” adding that Japan is exploiting its host status in an effort to isolate China.

While the news media did not emphasize the importance of discussions about the South China Sea territorial dispute, it is evident that the matter has now become a global priority.

The South China Sea dispute is growing. At the core of the dispute is ownership of the Senaku islands and the continental shelf between Japan and Taiwan which may be one of the most prolific oil reservoirs in the world according to a geophysical survey of the area published by the United Nations.

Former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping deferred the question of ownership of the Senaku Islands to a “future generation.” Under his leadership China's watchword was hide your capabilities and bide your time. Today China is under new management and the days of hiding capabilities while biding time are over with.

China's new leader Xi Jinping is guiding China in an entirely new direction. His message is emphasizing China's supremacy in the world by asserting herself openly and aggressively in the South China Sea. China is imposing her will upon her five smaller neighbors bordering those waters while daring anyone to do anything about it.

Recently while in Hanoi, President Barack Obama stated that he hoped for a peaceful resolution regarding the South China Sea dispute. While the West may well be seeking a compromise with Xi Jinping concerning the dispute, the East would consider such an action to be nothing short of betrayal.

Consider the words of former Chinese diplomatic spokesman Wu Jianmin when asked by a Japanese journalist, Would it be possible for a Chinese leader to speak (publicly) of compromise with China's neighbors? He responded, “You would be considered a traitor.”

The mindset of the west and east are as far apart politically as they are geographically.

At this juncture, ISIS and the conflict in the Middle East appear to be a diversionary tactic. The real conflict is playing out on the South China Sea with few realizing the potential for World War III.

Consider the following scenario:

If China does invade Taiwan and lay claim to the Senaku Islands and the South China Sea, G7 nations who support a western international order could take that as a sign that China has no intention of being a participant but rather intends to create their own international order. Russia would undoubtedly align themselves with China by backing her in a war against the United States.

With North Korea aligning itself with their (secret) trade partners Russia and China and Iran, Cuba and other communist nations such as Nicaragua aligning themselves with their Russian &Chinese allies - an invasion is imminent. The American homeland would face a full on nuclear attack followed by a land / sea / air invasion unprecedented in American history.

In such an event, Congress would have no choice but to grant authority to the executive branch to suspend November elections until a later time.

Should China invade Taiwan prior to the November elections – there is a real possibility that President Barack Obama would remain in office indefinitely.

World War III is coming and the American people should consider the old adage that timing is everything. A war prior to the election in November would be a strategical advantage for our enemies.

For those who do not believe such a scenario is possible – ask yourselves the following question:

If China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and other communist nations such as Nicaragua see the opportunity to unite and defeat the west – why would they submit to an international order that seeks to preserve what they desire to destroy?

The short answer? They wouldn't.

Prepare for War: South China Sea Dispute Escalating
G7 summit opens in Japan – in pictures
G7 Summit: Japan PM expresses concerns over slowdowns in growth in emerging economies

1. November Elections will happen unless the entire Government is wiped out and America is wiped off the face of the Earth.

2. War with China will happen under the next term no matter which political party win. Bernie Sanders could win and I still believe a Proxy War will happen.

3. You left out the wildcard that is Mexico. Mexico has no love for the country north of her, and would gladly join China and Russia with the eye on getting back California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas if they ( Mexico ) help China... So add them to your list of enemies...

The reality is the U.S. is attempting to get nations like Vietnam and the Philippines to work together but those two nations are not strong enough to fight China if a war were to start. Japan is and has been on a leash and the question to me should the U.S. unleash Japan and let her put China in her place?

Also you have North Korea and it threat against South Korea, Japan and other Asian Nations, and when China feels threaten they have their puppet state ( North Korea ) act up to draw the attention away from China actions.

In the end I have written before about the threat in the South Chinese Sea and until recently nobody really cared, and now this mess will fall into the lap of the next President and war ( like this country has not seen enough of it ) is going to grow bigger and World War III is on it way.

Africa, South and Central America and Mexico along with Asia will be the next test for the incoming President and no matter if it is Trump or Clinton the hostility between China and the U.S. will grow and Russia better watch her ass because China will sting her as soon as she does not need them anymore...
China needs petroleum jelly...
Both petroleum jelly and KY jelly tastes awful on peanut butter sandwitches.
Progressives have been dismantling the Republic an inch at a time, they don't suspend elections or declare martial law. They only trot that out there so no one stops the boiling frog.

Progressive are coming for our guns, but through the Supreme Court. They are one vote away from eliminating the Second Amendment. Woodrow Wilson stuck the first blow by eliminating the states as meaningful partners in government, FDR erected the start of a central control and command economy, Nixon debased our currency, Bush erected a police state, Obama eradicated the 4th amendment and boldly used the full power of the government against citizens.

All that and not a shot was fired.

The revolution will not be televised or even on YouTube
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Will the November elections be suspended due to war with China?

The War Powers Act is still on the table should war between China and the United States become a reality. While the President may not have the power to suspend the November elections, Congress could grant authority to the executive branch to suspend the elections until a later date.

World leaders gathered together for the G7 Summit which opened on May 26th, 2016 at Ise-Shima, a mountainous region of southwest Tokyo, Japan. The G7 leaders represent the following nations: USA, Germany, Italy, Canada, France, UK and Japan. The European Union is also represented within the G7. The G7 countries represent more than 64% of the world's wealth - estimated to be approximately $263 trillion.

European Council President Donald Tusk was quoted as saying that the group (G7) needed to take a tougher stance on territorial disputes in the South China Sea. Beijing responded through their Xinhua news agency, stating that the G7 should “mind its own business” adding that Japan is exploiting its host status in an effort to isolate China.

While the news media did not emphasize the importance of discussions about the South China Sea territorial dispute, it is evident that the matter has now become a global priority.

The South China Sea dispute is growing. At the core of the dispute is ownership of the Senaku islands and the continental shelf between Japan and Taiwan which may be one of the most prolific oil reservoirs in the world according to a geophysical survey of the area published by the United Nations.

Former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping deferred the question of ownership of the Senaku Islands to a “future generation.” Under his leadership China's watchword was hide your capabilities and bide your time. Today China is under new management and the days of hiding capabilities while biding time are over with.

China's new leader Xi Jinping is guiding China in an entirely new direction. His message is emphasizing China's supremacy in the world by asserting herself openly and aggressively in the South China Sea. China is imposing her will upon her five smaller neighbors bordering those waters while daring anyone to do anything about it.

Recently while in Hanoi, President Barack Obama stated that he hoped for a peaceful resolution regarding the South China Sea dispute. While the West may well be seeking a compromise with Xi Jinping concerning the dispute, the East would consider such an action to be nothing short of betrayal.

Consider the words of former Chinese diplomatic spokesman Wu Jianmin when asked by a Japanese journalist, Would it be possible for a Chinese leader to speak (publicly) of compromise with China's neighbors? He responded, “You would be considered a traitor.”

The mindset of the west and east are as far apart politically as they are geographically.

At this juncture, ISIS and the conflict in the Middle East appear to be a diversionary tactic. The real conflict is playing out on the South China Sea with few realizing the potential for World War III.

Consider the following scenario:

If China does invade Taiwan and lay claim to the Senaku Islands and the South China Sea, G7 nations who support a western international order could take that as a sign that China has no intention of being a participant but rather intends to create their own international order. Russia would undoubtedly align themselves with China by backing her in a war against the United States.

With North Korea aligning itself with their (secret) trade partners Russia and China and Iran, Cuba and other communist nations such as Nicaragua aligning themselves with their Russian &Chinese allies - an invasion is imminent. The American homeland would face a full on nuclear attack followed by a land / sea / air invasion unprecedented in American history.

In such an event, Congress would have no choice but to grant authority to the executive branch to suspend November elections until a later time.

Should China invade Taiwan prior to the November elections – there is a real possibility that President Barack Obama would remain in office indefinitely.

World War III is coming and the American people should consider the old adage that timing is everything. A war prior to the election in November would be a strategical advantage for our enemies.

For those who do not believe such a scenario is possible – ask yourselves the following question:

If China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and other communist nations such as Nicaragua see the opportunity to unite and defeat the west – why would they submit to an international order that seeks to preserve what they desire to destroy?

The short answer? They wouldn't.

Prepare for War: South China Sea Dispute Escalating
G7 summit opens in Japan – in pictures
G7 Summit: Japan PM expresses concerns over slowdowns in growth in emerging economies
Warning! China Sends Nuclear Subs Into the Pacific Ocean Amid Already Tense Strategic Standoff! (Video) | War and Conflict
This is my final article. I've decided to retire from writing for The Man Feed and USMB and instead spend my time in prayer. I will continue to remember you all in my prayers. I pray that God will have his way in each of your lives and that you will come to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. - Mrs. M.

What a bunch of silly horseshit.
The image in the OP looks like one of those 'christian' end of the world movie posters starring Kirk Cameron. 'End of Days' or some such nonsense.

The whole idea is sad and funny in equal proportions. How does anyone get such a thought in their head.
The image in the OP looks like one of those 'christian' end of the world movie posters starring Kirk Cameron. 'End of Days' or some such nonsense.

The whole idea is sad and funny in equal proportions. How does anyone get such a thought in their head.

Ask democrats how they came up with that idea in 2008.
Obama would never go to war with China. He would first give them whatever they want or ask for before going to war, like he does with countries like Iran and Syria.

All he needs is to draw more red lines.

As for the election, Hillary was appointed long ago and will be a continuation of Obama for the next 8 years.
The image in the OP looks like one of those 'christian' end of the world movie posters starring Kirk Cameron. 'End of Days' or some such nonsense.

The whole idea is sad and funny in equal proportions. How does anyone get such a thought in their head.
The image in the OP looks like one of those 'christian' end of the world movie posters starring Kirk Cameron. 'End of Days' or some such nonsense.

The whole idea is sad and funny in equal proportions. How does anyone get such a thought in their head.

Ask democrats how they came up with that idea in 2008.

Sure they did. Your world is black and white in a color era.
The image in the OP looks like one of those 'christian' end of the world movie posters starring Kirk Cameron. 'End of Days' or some such nonsense.

The whole idea is sad and funny in equal proportions. How does anyone get such a thought in their head.

Ask democrats how they came up with that idea in 2008.

Sure they did. Your world is black and white in a color era.

Your are a partisan idiot or just dishonest, I can't figure out which it is.

Will Bush Cancel The 2008 Election?
The image in the OP looks like one of those 'christian' end of the world movie posters starring Kirk Cameron. 'End of Days' or some such nonsense.

The whole idea is sad and funny in equal proportions. How does anyone get such a thought in their head.

Ask democrats how they came up with that idea in 2008.

Sure they did. Your world is black and white in a color era.

Your are a partisan idiot or just dishonest, I can't figure out which it is.

Will Bush Cancel The 2008 Election?

I thought you were talking about the image in the OP, which is what I commented on. Yes there were Democrats that said Bush would cancel elections in 2008, they were just as looney as the cons who are doing it today.

I hope you feel better.
The image in the OP looks like one of those 'christian' end of the world movie posters starring Kirk Cameron. 'End of Days' or some such nonsense.

The whole idea is sad and funny in equal proportions. How does anyone get such a thought in their head.

Ask democrats how they came up with that idea in 2008.

Sure they did. Your world is black and white in a color era.

Your are a partisan idiot or just dishonest, I can't figure out which it is.

Will Bush Cancel The 2008 Election?

I thought you were talking about the image in the OP, which is what I commented on. Yes there were Democrats that said Bush would cancel elections in 2008, they were just as looney as the cons who are doing it today.

I hope you feel better.

I'm not the idiot who got it wrong, so your ignorance doesn't bother me at all. I'm used to it.
The image in the OP looks like one of those 'christian' end of the world movie posters starring Kirk Cameron. 'End of Days' or some such nonsense.

The whole idea is sad and funny in equal proportions. How does anyone get such a thought in their head.

Ask democrats how they came up with that idea in 2008.

Sure they did. Your world is black and white in a color era.

Your are a partisan idiot or just dishonest, I can't figure out which it is.

Will Bush Cancel The 2008 Election?

I thought you were talking about the image in the OP, which is what I commented on. Yes there were Democrats that said Bush would cancel elections in 2008, they were just as looney as the cons who are doing it today.

I hope you feel better.

I'm not the idiot who got it wrong, so your ignorance doesn't bother me at all. I'm used to it.

I hope you feel better any way. You seem more than a little, angry.

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