Sweden close to herd immunity


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
How can they say that Sweden is close to herd immunity, when doctors still aren't sure if a person gets immunity after having this virus, or even how long it lasts.

I think the Ambassador used his mouth.

How can you say they are not close to herd immunity?

How long are you going to hide under your bed?
The lock down was to keep our hospitals from being overwhelmed....it worked so now open everything back up....

It hasn’t worked yet, but it is working. The rate of infection is still climbing as is the death rate. You currently have over 800,000 active cases and that number is going up as well. That versus 135,000 closed cases.

In Ontario, we have more closed cases than active cases. 8000 closed cases, 5000 active. And after that was announced, it was announced that we’ll be staying closed until June 1st.
The lock down was to keep our hospitals from being overwhelmed....it worked so now open everything back up....

It hasn’t worked yet, but it is working. The rate of infection is still climbing as is the death rate. You currently have over 800,000 active cases and that number is going up as well. That versus 135,000 closed cases.

In Ontario, we have more closed cases than active cases. 8000 closed cases, 5000 active. And after that was announced, it was announced that we’ll be staying closed until June 1st.
And how much testing has there been?
How can they say that Sweden is close to herd immunity, when doctors still aren't sure if a person gets immunity after having this virus, or even how long it lasts.

A lack of evidence doesn't mean that there is not a reasonable amount of confidence.

There cannot be certainty without testing. No scientist would sign off on that.

There hasn't been testing because this is a new disease. Fauci and others have stated that they expect this to act like other viruses and coronaviruses in that it imparts some form of immunity in people that have had it.

That could be complete immunity or partial, and nobody knows for how long, but no immunity does not seem likely

Why don’t idiot libs get it that the lockdown was to FLATTEN THE CURVE....NOT TO DODGE THE VIRUS.

Libs, you should hide under your beds for at least 5 years.

Absolute horsecrap from the Swedish. They are nowhere NEAR Herd Immunity what they are NEAR are RADICALLY INCREASED INFECTED, they are nowhere NEAR Flattening The Curve they are WEEKS MANY WEEKS BEHIND THE CURVE, what they are NEAR though also is a disaster thanks to their criminal Traitor Self-Hating Government.

The below is my nation, we had a 4 week Total Lockdown and for 2 weeks now we have been in stage one of reopening, we have certain stores, garden and DIY stores and parks open. Next week we will be reopening schools, bars, restaurants and Churches because of the below success and on July 2 we will have the Austrian Grand Prix happening after discussions with Formula1 because of the below success we have had fighting COVID-19 with the CORRECT measures unlike Sweden.

I add our population approx 9 millions the SAME as Sweden but look at the DIFFERENCE between us and Sweden.

This below is where we are as of now 22.39PM:

Total Cases 15.274 New Cases 48 Total Deaths 550 New Deaths 3 Total Recovered 7.200 Active Cases 2.363 Serious/Critical 140

This is where Sweden is as of now 22.39PM NOTE the Total Deaths compared to our Total Deaths of 550 and their low rate of Total Recovered compared to our Total Recovered of 7.200 and their high rate of Active Cases compared to our Active Cases of 2.363.

Sweden as of now:

Total Cases 18.926 New Cases 286 Total Deaths 2.274 New Deaths 80 Total Recovered 1.005 Active Cases 15.647 Serious/Critical 399

Let us look at the compared situation in the below graphs to illustrate we are a success and Sweden is a failure.

We Flattened The Curve on March 26:


Sweden nowhere NEAR Flattening The Curve:

Active Cases going down and down:

Sweden Active Cases going up and up:

Our New Recoveries and New Cases are nearly Flat which is a good sign:

Sweden New Recoveries have STOPPED but their New Cases are still climbing, they have the random day when the New Cases appear to drop until approx 2 days later when they get the numbers of New Cases from their elderly Care Homes and then the New Cases go sky high again:

Why don’t idiot libs get it that the lockdown was to FLATTEN THE CURVE....NOT TO DODGE THE VIRUS.

Libs, you should hide under your beds for at least 5 years.

Why are SOME Conservative Americans OBSESSED with the FAILURE that is Sweden? Is is JUST because Sweden refused to do ANY type of lockdown which is WHAT you ALL wanted America to do? There is ZERO logic on ANY LEVEL of holding up Sweden as some type of success when everyone on my Continent knows that Sweden fucked up, the fact that their Traitor Self-Hating Politicians are attempting to cover this up means ZERO on this Continent. What do Denmark, Norway and Finland think of Sweden, oh that's right the SAME as the rest of us do.

How stupid to obsess about fucking Sweden when we ALL know they got it WRONG and they are getting more and more cases and their Death Total is getting higher and the situation in their elderly Care Homes is a TOTAL DISASTER.

I do NOT expect MOST obsessed Americans to comprehend the above OR the numbers OR the graphs I have just posted, but considering for the past near 5 WEEKS I have literally been on the front lines with the COVID-19 situation I do ACTUALLY know what the fuck I am going on about and trust me, forget holding up Sweden they were WRONG, they are WRONG, they fucked up and now they have the expected impending disaster on their hands.

Not THAT shocking as their Leftist Traitor Government already decided that Sweden had to be Suicided on the Altar of Multiculturalism and allowed in MILLIONS of Mooselimbs and Sub Saharan Africans to breed like vermin to become the MAJORITY in Sweden replacing the Ethnic Swedish population by 2030 who will become the MINORITY.

The Leftist Traitor Swedish Government HATE themselves and HATE Sweden and Swedish Heritage and LONG decided ALL had to GO so not shocked this same Leftist Traitor Swedish Government would NOT do any lockdown because they REJOICE in as many DEAD Swedes as POSSIBLE you can BET though they are making sure their precious Mooselimbs and Sub Saharan Africans are WELL PROTECTED from COVID-19.
How can they say that Sweden is close to herd immunity, when doctors still aren't sure if a person gets immunity after having this virus, or even how long it lasts.

I think the Ambassador used his mouth.

How can you say they are not close to herd immunity?

How long are you going to hide under your bed?

It's you who are hiding under the bed, ANYONE is who is using Sweden as an example. Come to my Continent and say the things you are saying about Sweden and you literally will get laughed at because NOBODY on this Continent considers Sweden a success.
It’s very likely Austria will have a 2nd wave and Sweden will unlikely have a 2nd wave.

Sweden told the elderly and those with underlying health issues to practice social distancing.

You can’t hide under your bed forever from the virus,
Sweden will finish the War early...........everyone else will delay the inevitable.

Come back with the final numbers down the road and tell me who did better............

I'll bet you will not fair better than Sweden in the end.
Sweden told the elderly and those with underlying health issues to practice social distancing.

That's not exactly true. Sweden practiced social distancing, but not that much PPE. The did close down bars, but not restaurants unless they were crowded.

"The Government is holding out against a total lockdown despite growing calls for 'rapid and radical measures' to contain the coronavirus outbreak.

It has cancelled football games and closed university buildings. Restaurants, cinemas, gyms, pubs, and shops remain open."


"Last week, it announced plans for an aggressive testing regime which could see 100,000 tests administered as the number of cases exceeded 13,000.

Speaking to local media, Dr Anders Tegnell, the architect of Sweden's controversial strategy, claimed that the population of Stockholm - the epicentre of the country's outbreak - could achieve 'herd immunity' as early as next month.

Dr Tegnell said: 'According to our modellers [at the Public Health Agency of Sweden], we are starting to see so many immune people in the population in Stockholm that it is starting to have an effect on the spread of the infection."





It’s very likely Austria will have a 2nd wave and Sweden will unlikely have a 2nd wave.

Sweden told the elderly and those with underlying health issues to practice social distancing.

You can’t hide under your bed forever from the virus,

What are you some type of expert on this subject? How many meetings have you attended about COVID-19 and about measures to contain? Our infection rate has now fallen to basically near ZERO as of today our infection rate is now 0.59, this means that for ONE infected person they ONLY have a rate of 0.59 of infecting ANYONE else. On Sweden's continuing daily figures it looks like for ONE infected person they are infecting 5-6 OTHERS.

Sweden's totals for today, still going higher and higher, what a disaster, the disaster is NOT only in their number of New Cases every day the bigger disaster is WHY so few who have got COVID-19 have recovered, the Total Recovered rate is ONLY 1.005

Total Cases 19.621 New Cases 695 Total Deaths 2.355 New Deaths 81 Total Recovered 1.005 Active Cases 16.261 Serious/Critical 524

Our totals for today:

Total Cases 15.357 New Cases 83 Total Deaths 569 New Deaths 20 Total Recovered 12.581 Active Cases 2.208 Serious/Critical 136

"Sweden told the elderly and those with underlying health issues to practice social distancing."

Except they did not, 1 in 3 of ALL Sweden's COVID-19 deaths are among the elderly and mainly in Care Homes, Sweden HATES their elderly peoples and basically wants them to die off so they can be REPLACED in the Population Replacement Agenda by Muslims and Sub Saharan Africans, the Traitor Swedish Government are psychopaths.





Oh and WHAT'S THIS below, yes Sweden has been criticised by many doctors and scientists for it's approach which has led to MORE deaths than it's neighbours. Yes look at that Sweden COVID-19 deaths 2.100 (when the article was written the deaths are now 2.355) compared to Denmark COVID-19 deaths 422 and Norway COVID-19 deaths 193.

Let's have that AGAIN but in BOLD print: Sweden COVID-19 deaths 2.355 (revised as of today April 28) Denmark COVID-19 deaths 422 and Norway COVID-19 deaths 193.



Why don’t idiot libs get it that the lockdown was to FLATTEN THE CURVE....NOT TO DODGE THE VIRUS.

Libs, you should hide under your beds for at least 5 years.

Ooops! Trump turned the page on you. He’s not with you on Sweden. Your reaction should be fun.

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