Sweden has a higher murder rate than South Africa

not such a good idea--------cholera and polio and lots of parasitical things are
spread by........uhm----yanno what
No way!
Illegal migrant populations don't spread disease! It's racist to even suggest such a thing!

Oh...................excuse me............

You might want to mention the antibiotic strains of Tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, leprosy, polio, cholera, diphtheria, smallpox, scabies, chicken pox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, and different viruses that are coming across the southern border with the illegals.

Those diseases aren't "racist", as they don't give a fuck who they infect.
I think Sweden's love of Islam is genetic; Minnesota is our most muslim cocksucking state and guess what? It's filled with descendents of Swedish immigrants.

At least Swedes don't disappear from the FBI's radar, only to show up in Syria like those Somalians sometimes do.
As well as 50 no-go zones, grenade attacks, and they took in 163,000 refugees in 2015, 71% of which are male with permanent residency. Goodbye Sweden. been nice knowing you.

Swedish Chief Prosecutor: No-Go Zone Rinkeby Is Like a 'War Zone'

Hey, you dumb gullible fuck. Read the original Swedish article. At no point does the Swedish prosecutor mention "no go zones": Lise Tamm: Rinkeby är nästan som en krigszon - Nyheter (Ekot)

You people fall for the dumbest fake news ever.

From the article:

I think that the issue here is-------"IS THE HIGH MURDER RATE CORRELATED TO THE
IN SWEDEN" --------its a subject for criminologists

One doesn't have to be a Sherlock Holmes to figure out who is causing the increased murder rate. It sure isn't the Swedes.
Sweden has a higher murder rate than South Africa
Why do you tard parrot lies that can so easily be refuted? Seriously. Just how dumb do you have to be to not even check this out for yourself?

You have to be one of the most gullible idiots alive.

Crime in South Africa - Wikipedia

Around 49 people are murdered in South Africa every day.[7] The murder rate increased rapidly in the late-1980s and early-1990s.[8] Between 1994 -2009, the murder rate halved from 67 to 34 murders per 100,000 people.[9] Between 2011-2015, it stabilised to around 32 homicides per 100,000 people although the total number of lives lost has increased due to the increase in population.[7] There have been numerous press reports on the manipulation of crime statistics that have highlighted the existence of incentives not to record violent crime.[10] Nonetheless, murder statistics are considered accurate.[11] In the 2016/17 year, the rate of murders increased to 52 a day, with 19,016 murders recorded between April 2016 to March 2017.

Crime in Sweden - Wikipedia

Studies of lethal violence in Sweden have shown that more than half the reported cases were not actually cases of murder or manslaughter. This is because the Swedish crime statistics show all events with a lethal outcome that the police investigate. Many of these reported crimes turn out to be, in reality, suicides, accidents or natural deaths.[32][37] Despite this statistical anomaly, Sweden has an internationally low murder and homicide rate,[Note 2] with approximately 1.14 reported incidents of murder or manslaughter per 100,000 inhabitants as of 2015. The number of "confirmed cases of lethal violence" has fluctuated between 68 and 112 in the period of 2006–2015, with a decrease from 111 in 2007 to 68 in 2012, followed by an increase to 112 in 2015 and a decrease to 106 in 2016.

Contards do love their fake news to spread their message of hate against Muslims and well- anyone else that doesn't look something like Trump.

You're welcome to become radicalized and join them any time you want to. But you should probably know that if you do, there will be a personalized Hellfire missile with your name engraved on the payload. :biggrin:
Sweden is not directlly connected to the main area of Europe....yet it has more gun murder than Norway and Germany......

Why Sweden has more fatal shootings per capita than Norway and Germany

Sweden has in recent years seen a sharp increase in the number of shootings per capita, with research suggesting that the Scandinavian country is statistically on par with southern Italy and parts of Ireland.
In 2016, some 250 shootings (random, fatal and non-fatal) were registered by police in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. In 2014, that number came to 200, indicating that Sweden is experiencing a drastic rise in such incidents.

“We don’t really know why yet, but what we can see is that the increase comes as we also see a rise in gang-related crimes and a growing number of criminal networks,” Manne Gerell, a criminologist at Malmö University, told The Local, after Swedish public radio first wrote about new research he is involved in.

One study which is yet to be published suggests that Sweden experienced four to five times as many fatal shootings per capita as Norway and Germany in 2008-2014, two otherwise similar countries. Previous figures have shown that deadly violence in general is going down in Sweden, but gun violence has gone up.

Gerell also singled out Malmö, Sweden’s third-largest city, as the one place where shootings are becoming particularly common.

“Malmö stands out,” he said, noting that the southern city is somewhat more exposed to social problems and poverty in comparison to both the capital and Gothenburg.
No go zones = fake news .

well Timmy,
How are people being killed in Sweeden? I thought they had tough gun laws? It wouldn't be the "Migrants" would it?

Why don’t you tell me ? And while you are add it, how about a link to Swedens murder rate that’s worse than South Africa ?

This is all fake news racist propaganda .

Hallo - When did Muslims become a "race"?
Lefties think everybody who doesn't look and think like them are of a different *race*.

You know. Cuz they're so smort n stuff.

not such a good idea--------cholera and polio and lots of parasitical things are
spread by........uhm----yanno what
No way!
Illegal migrant populations don't spread disease! It's racist to even suggest such a thing!

Oh...................excuse me............

You might want to mention the antibiotic strains of Tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, leprosy, polio, cholera, diphtheria, smallpox, scabies, chicken pox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, and different viruses that are coming across the southern border with the illegals.

Those diseases aren't "racist", as they don't give a fuck who they infect.

And the fucking super lice...and WORMS.


not such a good idea--------cholera and polio and lots of parasitical things are
spread by........uhm----yanno what
No way!
Illegal migrant populations don't spread disease! It's racist to even suggest such a thing!

Oh...................excuse me............

You might want to mention the antibiotic strains of Tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, leprosy, polio, cholera, diphtheria, smallpox, scabies, chicken pox, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections, and different viruses that are coming across the southern border with the illegals.

Those diseases aren't "racist", as they don't give a fuck who they infect.

And the fucking super lice...and WORMS.


Ewww. Nasty. :cheeky-smiley-018:
As well as 50 no-go zones, grenade attacks, and they took in 163,000 refugees in 2015, 71% of which are male with permanent residency. Goodbye Sweden. been nice knowing you.

Swedish Chief Prosecutor: No-Go Zone Rinkeby Is Like a 'War Zone'

Save the women! Bring all the Swedish women to the US -- preferably Michigan.

Hope they bring enough of those big-titted blonde wemmin to spill over into Wisconsin. I loves me some Swedish meatballs.
Sweden has a higher murder rate than South Africa
Why do you tard parrot lies that can so easily be refuted? Seriously. Just how dumb do you have to be to not even check this out for yourself?

You have to be one of the most gullible idiots alive.

Crime in South Africa - Wikipedia

Around 49 people are murdered in South Africa every day.[7] The murder rate increased rapidly in the late-1980s and early-1990s.[8] Between 1994 -2009, the murder rate halved from 67 to 34 murders per 100,000 people.[9] Between 2011-2015, it stabilised to around 32 homicides per 100,000 people although the total number of lives lost has increased due to the increase in population.[7] There have been numerous press reports on the manipulation of crime statistics that have highlighted the existence of incentives not to record violent crime.[10] Nonetheless, murder statistics are considered accurate.[11] In the 2016/17 year, the rate of murders increased to 52 a day, with 19,016 murders recorded between April 2016 to March 2017.

Crime in Sweden - Wikipedia

Studies of lethal violence in Sweden have shown that more than half the reported cases were not actually cases of murder or manslaughter. This is because the Swedish crime statistics show all events with a lethal outcome that the police investigate. Many of these reported crimes turn out to be, in reality, suicides, accidents or natural deaths.[32][37] Despite this statistical anomaly, Sweden has an internationally low murder and homicide rate,[Note 2] with approximately 1.14 reported incidents of murder or manslaughter per 100,000 inhabitants as of 2015. The number of "confirmed cases of lethal violence" has fluctuated between 68 and 112 in the period of 2006–2015, with a decrease from 111 in 2007 to 68 in 2012, followed by an increase to 112 in 2015 and a decrease to 106 in 2016.

Contards do love their fake news to spread their message of hate against Muslims and well- anyone else that doesn't look something like Trump.

You're welcome to become radicalized and join them any time you want to. But you should probably know that if you do, there will be a personalized Hellfire missile with your name engraved on the payload. :biggrin:

Why would I want to be become a lying asshole like you?
Sweden is not directlly connected to the main area of Europe....yet it has more gun murder than Norway and Germany......

Anyone surprised that 2aguy doesn't want to acknowledge that the OP is a lie?

Because 2aguy supports contard Fake News....yep.
As well as 50 no-go zones, grenade attacks, and they took in 163,000 refugees in 2015, 71% of which are male with permanent residency. Goodbye Sweden. been nice knowing you.

Swedish Chief Prosecutor: No-Go Zone Rinkeby Is Like a 'War Zone'

Making things up again, are we.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia

Sweden's murder rate is 1.15
South Africa's is 34.27

It's not even close.

However Sweden was ridiculous in letting in people even if they weren't really refugees. They caused so many problems. To allow no-go areas is also ridiculous. If someone breaks the law, lock their ass up.
As well as 50 no-go zones, grenade attacks, and they took in 163,000 refugees in 2015, 71% of which are male with permanent residency. Goodbye Sweden. been nice knowing you.

Swedish Chief Prosecutor: No-Go Zone Rinkeby Is Like a 'War Zone'

Making things up again, are we.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia

Sweden's murder rate is 1.15
South Africa's is 34.27

It's not even close.

However Sweden was ridiculous in letting in people even if they weren't really refugees. They caused so many problems. To allow no-go areas is also ridiculous. If someone breaks the law, lock their ass up.

So the op is a racist propagandist. Just like I said .
Sweden has a higher murder rate than South Africa
Why do you tard parrot lies that can so easily be refuted? Seriously. Just how dumb do you have to be to not even check this out for yourself?

You have to be one of the most gullible idiots alive.

Crime in South Africa - Wikipedia

Around 49 people are murdered in South Africa every day.[7] The murder rate increased rapidly in the late-1980s and early-1990s.[8] Between 1994 -2009, the murder rate halved from 67 to 34 murders per 100,000 people.[9] Between 2011-2015, it stabilised to around 32 homicides per 100,000 people although the total number of lives lost has increased due to the increase in population.[7] There have been numerous press reports on the manipulation of crime statistics that have highlighted the existence of incentives not to record violent crime.[10] Nonetheless, murder statistics are considered accurate.[11] In the 2016/17 year, the rate of murders increased to 52 a day, with 19,016 murders recorded between April 2016 to March 2017.

Crime in Sweden - Wikipedia

Studies of lethal violence in Sweden have shown that more than half the reported cases were not actually cases of murder or manslaughter. This is because the Swedish crime statistics show all events with a lethal outcome that the police investigate. Many of these reported crimes turn out to be, in reality, suicides, accidents or natural deaths.[32][37] Despite this statistical anomaly, Sweden has an internationally low murder and homicide rate,[Note 2] with approximately 1.14 reported incidents of murder or manslaughter per 100,000 inhabitants as of 2015. The number of "confirmed cases of lethal violence" has fluctuated between 68 and 112 in the period of 2006–2015, with a decrease from 111 in 2007 to 68 in 2012, followed by an increase to 112 in 2015 and a decrease to 106 in 2016.

Contards do love their fake news to spread their message of hate against Muslims and well- anyone else that doesn't look something like Trump.

You're welcome to become radicalized and join them any time you want to. But you should probably know that if you do, there will be a personalized Hellfire missile with your name engraved on the payload. :biggrin:

Why would I want to be become a lying asshole like you?

Think I'm lying? Go ahead and get your sorry ass radicalized. See what happens to you.
As well as 50 no-go zones, grenade attacks, and they took in 163,000 refugees in 2015, 71% of which are male with permanent residency. Goodbye Sweden. been nice knowing you.

Swedish Chief Prosecutor: No-Go Zone Rinkeby Is Like a 'War Zone'

Making things up again, are we.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia

Sweden's murder rate is 1.15
South Africa's is 34.27

It's not even close.

However Sweden was ridiculous in letting in people even if they weren't really refugees. They caused so many problems. To allow no-go areas is also ridiculous. If someone breaks the law, lock their ass up.

So the op is a racist propagandist. Just like I said .

Oh, I've seen what the OP is recently. Full of crap springs to mind.
As well as 50 no-go zones, grenade attacks, and they took in 163,000 refugees in 2015, 71% of which are male with permanent residency. Goodbye Sweden. been nice knowing you.

Swedish Chief Prosecutor: No-Go Zone Rinkeby Is Like a 'War Zone'

Making things up again, are we.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia

Sweden's murder rate is 1.15
South Africa's is 34.27

It's not even close.

However Sweden was ridiculous in letting in people even if they weren't really refugees. They caused so many problems. To allow no-go areas is also ridiculous. If someone breaks the law, lock their ass up.

If you had bothered to look at the citations of that Wikipedia page, you would have seen that the majority of those studies were done between 1999 and 2016.

The full realization of the effects of unfettered immigration weren't realized until late 2016.
As well as 50 no-go zones, grenade attacks, and they took in 163,000 refugees in 2015, 71% of which are male with permanent residency. Goodbye Sweden. been nice knowing you.

Swedish Chief Prosecutor: No-Go Zone Rinkeby Is Like a 'War Zone'

Making things up again, are we.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia

Sweden's murder rate is 1.15
South Africa's is 34.27

It's not even close.

However Sweden was ridiculous in letting in people even if they weren't really refugees. They caused so many problems. To allow no-go areas is also ridiculous. If someone breaks the law, lock their ass up.

If you had bothered to look at the citations of that Wikipedia page, you would have seen that the majority of those studies were done between 1999 and 2016.

The full realization of the effects of unfettered immigration weren't realized until late 2016.

I'm sorry, are you suggesting that Sweden has a murder rate anywhere near South Africa's or not?
well Timmy,
How are people being killed in Sweeden? I thought they had tough gun laws? It wouldn't be the "Migrants" would it?

Why don’t you tell me ? And while you are add it, how about a link to Swedens murder rate that’s worse than South Africa ?

This is all fake news racist propaganda .

Being against importing hostile violent barbarians is not racist.

YOu are a race baiting asshole.

How so? I didn’t start this thread. I’m just asking for a simple link to support the op claim on a countries murder rate .

Unless, it’s just a made up lie !

You are being a race baiting asshole by accusing someone on racism for being against the importation of hostile violent barbarians.

Or , one might say that I’m dead on that they are racist ! Since they post some racist fake news that no one seems to be able to confirm .

Posting fake news makes one a racist?

What does that make the lib media?

Wow. So that's where all the Klan went. And here I thought they died off.

LOL! You are still just a race baiting asshole.

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