Sweden is falling apart

Do you think Sweden will fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 7 17.9%

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New phenomenon on swedish schools - "Jihadi-cool "

A person in Sweden, who lives close to a school, opened the window one day and overheard muslim children talking. They were watching videos on their smartphones and discussing which one of their relatives made the "best looking" decapitations. They were talking about it like how people talk about which soccer team is the best.

It is really bothersome how sympathies for IS has grown in the younger children. The Jihadi-cool culture, where the holy war is portraited as something cool, has contributed to why more than 300 muslims has traveled from Sweden to join IS over the years.
This subculture, where IS is the coolest of the coolest, has normalised the extreme views and brought many younger sympathizers with them.

They try to portray caliphate as something magnificent. For example: that is where you will find your true brothers, live in luxurious houses, eat in the finest restaurants and at the same time be able to live a true islamic life.

A worrying aspect is that some of the muslim organisations in Sweden has spread conspiracy-theories about the security polices work and theories about Sweden being infused with structural racism.


Halshuggningar – en ’cool grej’ bland barn

What do you think of this..? Madness, I would say...
The parents of these children are probably responsible for their interest in IS. And no wonder the police are constantly being attacked with rocks and grenades if they think that they are the enemy.
Come on Sweden... wake up and do something!!!
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Social Welfare secretary reveals that they disciminate swedes.

Helena tells what is going on in the social welfare office she works in:
- "Not a single day passes by without recieving threats over the phone or through mail. The managers don't dare to deal with the situation. They just tell us that we have to deal with the fact that immigrants are aggressive because they are in a vulnerable situation."

Helena does want to point out that it's not only immigrants are aggressive, but the threats have gotten worse. She thinks theres a noticable difference between swedes and immigrants.
- "Swedes became angry and disappointed but they can accept when they are turned down. Some groups stand out when it comes to demands and threats. That is people from Somalia and Iraq, as well as "street children" from northern Africa.
The "children" are pretty much the worst ones, they come with huge demands. They can demand things like computers, touchpads, smartphones or phone subscriptions. If they don't get what they want they become angry and tell us what whores and racists we are. Then it is just easier to just give them what they want, it's safer/calmer this way."

She tells us how they systematically reject swedes who are just looking for the most basal things. She shows us paperwork from a rejection where a swedish family that needed winterjackets for their four children.
" - The mother of the family had found second hand jackets that would altogether cost around 100$.
Then there was a swedish man who asked for money to buy food that we rejected, and we told him that he could borrow money from somebody.
We put totally different requirements on swedes. We can for example tell them to ask their family and friends for money. We require them to sell their cars and other objects that we interpret as "luxery items". We check the monthy housing rent, if it's too high, we have the right to deny. We would never do that on the majority of immigrants."

She shows us paperwork from a request from a family from Somalia. She says that this family has lived in Sweden for four years.
- "Over and over they file a request from us, that we automatically approve.
In this case they wanted a bunch of money for a new stroller. The stroller they wanted costed 1200$. This is the seventh time that this somali family asks for a new stroller, and they always get their request approved.
If a swede would have filed a request like this, we had denied them and told them to go and look at a second hand stroller.
From swedes we always demand reciepts and papers from the bank. We look at purchases and transactions from months back. We are always supposed to do that. But in cases with many immigrant families we choose to look the other way."

Helena tells us that it hurts her eyes when she sees immigrants come to the social welfare office in expensive cars. When she has denied a swede his request, who arrived in an 20 yr old car.
- "There is also a huge difference between swedes and immigrants within the social security.
The worst is that they choose to look the other way when there even is appearant child abuse, even cases of honor related abuse.
The managers tells us to respect cultural differences."

Helena is disappointed on the failed system and the slackness of the social security. Men also on herself for taking part of letting this madness continue.
- "I am also guilty of this betrayal against society. I'm part of this mendacious system. But I have to survive too, you know..."
Says Helena while looking shameful and sad.

Socialsekreterare berättar: Vi särbehandlar svenskar negativt

I already knew this was occuring, it's good that somebody decided to act as a whistblower.
I used to work with a swedish woman, who has 4 children with her husband. She is short of money and has gone to the social welfare office and asked for money to pay bills. But been denied. She was also very angry that immigrants get what they want, she has seen/heard it with her own eyes/ears, while she has been denied every time.

What do you guys think of this..?
Is it right that immigrants, who has never paid a cent in taxes, get this special treatment, just cause they are more aggressive?
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This is true?

Article appeared from an extreme right-wing online news. The title of the article: " Another leak is on the sinking ship of Europe: present the Swedish Minister of Culture"
Kuruc.info - Újabb lék a süllyedő Európa hajóján: bemutatjuk a svéd kulturális minisztert
It is just in Hungarian language, but they do show the source: Här är tuttbilderna på nya kulturministern It's a Swedish newspaper, I have no knowledge about it.
View attachment 70853
Yes, sadly it is true.

The crazy feminists here celebrate when this black woman shows her breasts. Cause that represent anti-racism and feminism in one. The feminist party had a campaign going that women should be allowed to walk around topless.
- "because men can walk around bare chested, why can't women do that? Everything has to be equal between genders."
But sure, show your tits in public. In this day and age in Sweden, it's like asking to be sexually assaulted.

But yeah... Sweden just keeps embarassing the whole country when they allow people like this have a work of importance like a minister (of culture). Doesn't politicians have to present themselves in a respectful way? Appearantly not...
This is true?

Article appeared from an extreme right-wing online news. The title of the article: " Another leak is on the sinking ship of Europe: present the Swedish Minister of Culture"
Kuruc.info - Újabb lék a süllyedő Európa hajóján: bemutatjuk a svéd kulturális minisztert
It is just in Hungarian language, but they do show the source: Här är tuttbilderna på nya kulturministern It's a Swedish newspaper, I have no knowledge about it.
View attachment 70853
Yes, sadly it is true.

The crazy feminists here celebrate when this black woman shows her breasts. Cause that represent anti-racism and feminism in one. The feminist party had a campaign going that women should be allowed to walk around topless.
- "because men can walk around bare chested, why can't women do that? Everything has to be equal between genders."
But sure, show your tits in public. In this day and age in Sweden, it's like asking to be sexually assaulted.

But yeah... Sweden just keeps embarassing the whole country when they allow people like this have a work of importance like a minister (of culture). Doesn't politicians have to present themselves in a respectful way? Appearantly not...

Thanks for the reply. I agree with you absolutely. The parliament is not brothel. How she do show an leading by example for young girls? This should be followed?
I do not like the heroes of a scandal. Sorry, my opinion that, it is scandalous.
Woman raped in bathroom in a bar.

During the night between friday and saturday, a woman (age 25) was raped in a bar in Sundsvall. An african man was pointed out and arrested.
As usually, swedish media hide the rapists ethnicity.

19 yr old Desbele from Eritrea is the rapist.


Kvinna våldtogs på krogtoalett i Sundsvall – afrikan begärs häktad

I'm having a hard time believing this man is 19 yrs old... I didn't know you could have such deep forehead wrinkles at that age?
Good thing he was caught and will be brought to justice.
Swedens PM describes his countrymen as "gloomy and surreal".

"Their economy is growing 4.5 percent this year and unemployment has fallen to its lowest level since the financial crisis yet Swedes are acting “as if everything is going in the wrong direction,” complains their prime minister, Stefan Löfven.

In an interview with the Financial Times, the Social Democrat insists that “all the numbers are going in the right direction, but the picture the public have is that the country is now going in the wrong direction.”

Löfven is convinced this is because “everything has been overshadowed” by the migrant crisis.

Long welcoming of foreigners, the record influx last year threatened to overwhelm Sweden’s asylum authorities and its welfare system.

Foreigners are 2.6 times more likely to be out of work than natives. After ten years in Sweden, only half have a job."


Löfven Despairs at Swedes’ Gloom

Let me counteract this bullshit by telling you a little bit about Swedens spring budget for this year....

The government decided to increase the expenses with 27 billion $ between 2015-2020. An average of an increase with 5.4 billion $ every year.
At the same time, we are facing increased taxes with 3.7 billion $ during 2016 alone.
Not only that, they are decreasing the international aid with 500 000 $ this year.

Some of the budget for 2016

Migration / asylum seekers / refugees expenses:
Allowances for the refugees + county compensations: 3.5 billion $
Migration administration: 270 million $
+ An additional of 18.3 million $ to increase safety at asylum homes.
+ An additional of 2.5 million $ to execute expulsions of denied asylum seekers.
Refugees recieve help with starting a business: 2.2 million $
Community youth centers (with unaccompanied refugee "children" in mind): 30.5 million $, and then expecting to increase to 61 million $.
The university board will recieve an additional of 1.2 million $ to evaluate foreigners educations from their home countries, so they can get into work faster.

Between 2017-2019 the police needs an additional of 478 million $. They need to hire 2000 police officers and 1300 non-combatant employees to be able to handle the stream of refugees and the increases terror threats. They have already started the process of hiring though they have not recieved any money yet to do it.
+ An additional of 30.5 million $ to handle and maintain the border control.
+ The security police (SÄPO) gets an additional of 1.2 million $ to strengthen the work against terrorism.
It is planned the police will recieve more money later on.

Tax revenues:
Raised income taxes - that will give 204 million $.
More expensive home care service - raised with 310$ for each person who needs it.
Raised taxes for banks - that will give 171 million $.

They have also counted on raised finances for supporting established swedish media... (controlling what information they will reveal...)
Personally, I will stick to trusting alternative media. I hate having to pay for the mainstream swedish media.

It is counted that this budget will worsen the state on 6 out of 10 households.
Btw, did you notice I changed the amount of refugee allowances + county compensations and our raised taxes to purple?
Most of our raised taxes are going directly into just supporting the refugees wellfare alone...

That pig doesn't know what he is talking about...
How dare he call us, who are worried, for "gloomy and surreal"?
I would rather call us for

Här är vårbudgeten i punktform
Vårbudgeten: Höjd skatt och mer pengar till bidrag och invandring
Statens budget 2016 i siffror

(This is not the ENTIRE budget, just what I thought was the most important parts)
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Well sanders wants us to be like Sweden, I believe sanders/liberals/socialist are fools and don't know what going on in the real world. I wish the best for you and Sweden...

Personally, I think that no country should be like Sweden. We will go down into history as the most naive country on the planet and dumbest people for financing our own destruction.

Thank you, it is truly appreciated.
This might be what sets off the people to start to act against it, hopefully.
It's like what Jimmie Åkesson (party leader of Sweden Democrats) commented after he saw the budget:

"It is more like a bill for supporting immigration than a reforming budget."

Amen to that....
Swedens housing minister caught having dinner with the extremist, fascist group "the Grey Wolves"


The Housing Minister Mehmet Kaplan resigned amidst revelations that he had attended a dinner at which members of a Turkish extremist group were present and that he had once compared Israel to Nazi Germany.

"The recent discussion stands in the way of his mission," said Löfven saying that Kaplan had made that assessment and the Prime Minister agreed.

At the press conference Kaplan defended his personal values as a politician.

"I reject all forms of extremism," he said. "The green ideology stands for peace, diversity and global solidarity. These are my values."

And Kaplan said: "We have landed in a situation in which what I stand for is questioned."

"Let me be clear, this is not a confirmation of the information about me that I consider to be incorrect. I know who I am. Thats's why I can comfortably step away. I intend to continue my involvement. I feel very strong support from my party," said Kaplan.

Only last week it was revealed that Kaplan was at a celebration last summer that was also attended by the Swedish leader of the Turkish nationalist extremist group, the Grey Wolves. The news prompted Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (Social Democrat) to say that it was "to be deeply regretted" that the minister had been in their company.

Mehmet Kaplan resigns - Radio Sweden

Such a disgrace that we have had him as our housing minister for several years. Why would he have dinner with the Grey Wolves if he didn't like them?! He claimed in an interview that he didn't know who they were.
Yeah, right...

And another thing that bothers me... not ONE of the other politicians had made ANY critical comments at all about this scandal. All they have said is that they support him, respect him and wish him all the best.
Jimmie Åkesson from Sweden Democrats is the only party leader that has criticized Mehmet Kaplan.
The fact that no other politicians from the other parties made any critical comments, only supportive statements, has made me lose even more trust in this parliament.

We need a reelection RIGHT NOW!!!

For those who doesn't know anything about the Grey Wolves:
The Grey Wolves was a Turkish ultra-nationalist, neo-fascist youth organization. It is the "unofficial militant arm" of the Nationalist Movement Party. According to Turkish authorities, the organization carried out 694 murders between 1974–1980.
Grey Wolves | Terrorist Groups | TRAC
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Sweden's Deputy Prime Minister, Åsa Romson, referred to the 9/11 attacks as "ACCIDENTS".

Sweden's deputy prime minister has landed herself in hot water after referring to the 9/11 attacks as “accidents” on live television. Her comment was immediately criticized on social media.
Appearing on SVT's breakfast show 'Gomorron Sverige' on Tuesday, Åsa Romson discussed the resignation of Housing Minister Mehmet Kaplan.

Romson praised Kaplan's efforts in working with Muslim youth associations in Sweden, but then added a surprising and rather confusing twist to her words of affirmation – referring to the 9/11 attacks as “accidents.”

“He has been chairman of Young Muslims in tough situations like the September 11 accidents,” Romson said.

Viewers of the breakfast show quickly expressed their discontent at Romson's comments, with many taking to Twitter to share their disgust.

'Despicable': Sweden's deputy PM refers to 9/11 attacks as 'accidents' on live TV

Yes, she seriously said it. Maybe it was Mehmet Kaplan who has told her that 9/11 were accidents..?

What do you guys think of this?
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I have strange feelings about all communists in world. They blame me far away because I didn't are communist. I am only Swedish and religion how justifice with Christ and God when I have help from them. It is nothing communism with no can speaking. It my religion Baptist how need help from Christ or God. I have trouble with all communists in world plus around 2000 voices till because they know they have wrong about help with speaking language. It is Christian specie with help from Christ and God. Not all how can tale. All communists are dumb with me far away they are voices.
What is up with the ruling elite in Europe? They sound like the most warped human beings ever. Having dinner with fascist islamists, the 911 "accident", the refugee crisis and the accompanying rape hordes the new auschwitz? Warped. And these people are in power? Man, I thought we had idiots in power in the US. Ours apparently aren't even in these idiots league.
Sweden's Deputy Prime Minister, Åsa Romson, referred to the 9/11 attacks as "ACCIDENTS".

Sweden's deputy prime minister has landed herself in hot water after referring to the 9/11 attacks as “accidents” on live television. Her comment was immediately criticized on social media.
Appearing on SVT's breakfast show 'Gomorron Sverige' on Tuesday, Åsa Romson discussed the resignation of Housing Minister Mehmet Kaplan.

Romson praised Kaplan's efforts in working with Muslim youth associations in Sweden, but then added a surprising and rather confusing twist to her words of affirmation – referring to the 9/11 attacks as “accidents.”

“He has been chairman of Young Muslims in tough situations like the September 11 accidents,” Romson said.

Viewers of the breakfast show quickly expressed their discontent at Romson's comments, with many taking to Twitter to share their disgust.

'Despicable': Sweden's deputy PM refers to 9/11 attacks as 'accidents' on live TV

Yes, she seriously said it. Maybe it was Mehmet Kaplan who has told her that 9/11 were accidents..?

What do you guys think of this?

This shows just how mentally deranged liberals are.
I have strange feelings about all communists in world. They blame me far away because I didn't are communist. I am only Swedish and religion how justifice with Christ and God when I have help from them. It is nothing communism with no can speaking. It my religion Baptist how need help from Christ or God. I have trouble with all communists in world plus around 2000 voices till because they know they have wrong about help with speaking language. It is Christian specie with help from Christ and God. Not all how can tale. All communists are dumb with me far away they are voices.

Yes, I agree, the Communists have strange ideas. If they have a good idea, it is impossible to implement because that an utopia. I do advocate none of them religions and also do advocate none of them political statements. I think I'm perfectly independent of any principle, but however I'm ALMOST infinitely tolerant too.

You mention Christ.

He is the one whose name is Jesus?

You follow Jesus?

If the answer is a "yes" : How do you prove that you follow that really?

I know the legend of Jesus. I know that Jesus was completely unarmed. The person who follow Jesus, do same what Jesus did. Jesus' followers only do simple talk and they do not wield weapons, just as like Jesus. Yes?
What is up with the ruling elite in Europe? They sound like the most warped human beings ever. Having dinner with fascist islamists, the 911 "accident", the refugee crisis and the accompanying rape hordes the new auschwitz? Warped. And these people are in power? Man, I thought we had idiots in power in the US. Ours apparently aren't even in these idiots league.
Couldn't agree more!!
When I thought things couldn't get any worse, then Mehmet Kaplan is revealed as a secret terrorist. He was part of the "green party", who has known for being nutty for many years. They only got a few percent of the votes, but since the worst nut(PM Stefan Löfven) decided to work together with them in ruling, they have the most power than any of the other parties, only Stefan Löfvens party (the social democrats) has more power.

One of the Green partys spokespersons, Gustav Fridolin, made my jaw drop a couple of days ago... with the most unintelligent statement I've heard in my lifetime...
After Kaplan was taken down from politics, an interview was to be done with another of the Green partys muslim members... Yasri Khan.
Before the interview he was going to greet the journalists. He shook hands with the men, but refused to shake the female journalists hand. He claimed that his religious beliefs didn't let him to touch a woman and he recieved major criticism immediatly for this, which made him retire as well.
Gustav Fridolin defended Yasri Khans behavior. Saying that he knew about his unwillingness to shake womens hands for a long time... but then added:

“I had not realised how offensive some women would think it was.”

Muslim Politician 'Retires' From Politics After Refusing To Shake Hands With Woman On Television, Green Party In 'Crisis'

Btw... have I mentioned that the Green partys two most important questions are immigration and feminism!?
I'm convinced that this party should be kicked out of the parliament immediatly... They have been infiltrated by islamists and the swedish members are defending it. Unacceptable.
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