Sweden is falling apart

Do you think Sweden will fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters

I'm a twenty-something woman from Sweden. I'm writing on an american forum as I'm desperate to reach out to the world. Something has happened to my country...

When I was a child, Sweden was very peaceful. You didn't even have to lock the door in the neighborhood, small children could be outdoors after dark, girls could safely walk home from partys without fear of being raped. Rapes, shootings, bombs or murders were rare. And when it happened, media would cover every little detail of the story, huge headlines, people were shocked over such news.
Sweden was rich and a safe place to live.

That has changed.

As you all are probably familiar with, is that Sweden has taken in hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan, Irac, Iran, Eritrea and more... They are referred to as "MENA" = Middle East, North Africa.
While they wait to either get approved to stay, or while waiting for an apartment, they are put in asylum homes. The largest asylum home in Sweden has 400 asylum seekers living together.
They are served everything like its a freaking hotel !! Meals cooked from scratch from restaurants, cleaning service, Wifi, TV etc... and yet, they complain. Food isnt good, its dirty and isolated and so on... (IMO they have all the time in the world to clean themselves...)
There has been alot of food strikes by the seekers, cause they want more... for FREE.
Every food strike I read about makes my blood boil... it's so ungrateful. They claim to have fled war, then comes to a country that gives them roof over their heads, food in their stomachs, smartphones, expensive clothing (I'm serious) and Wifi... for absolutely FREE. They even get a small amount of money everyday, like an "allowence". In addition to that, free dental care and health care... things we working swedes have to pay for ourselves...
Sometimes they even set the buildings on fire, so they can move to a "better" asylum home.

You can read about an example here:
Forty asylum seekers refuse to get off the bus for 24 hours after arriving at picturesque Swedish village where they were being housed… because they wanted to live in a city

Most of them lie and claim to be under 18 yrs of age... that will give them a guarantee to stay in the country. And of course the migration center swallow the lie.
You be the judge, does these "children" look under 18 to you?

The crime rate has gone up dramatically, as well as the amount of rapes. Sweden is THE worst country in all of europe when it comes to rape, and comes in second place of the entire world.

Everyday, theres something awful happening... What used to be a rarity in crimes are now something that happens on a daily basis. Nobody is even shocked over such crimes anymore, we have gotten used to it.

The betrayal
Media has betrayed us. They try their hardest to withold the fact that (almost)all these horrible crimes are commited by MENA. They never mention skin color, for example. When they pixalite the criminals face, they make the pigments lighter, so you can't tell if the persons skin color is dark. They never mention names, or what language they were speaking... at best they write "spoke swedish with an accent".
When crimes happen, they write in a way thats obvious that they're making the crime less serious.

The Police has also betrayed us. Since fall of 2015, they have been keeping a secret register over crimes commited by asylum seekers. It is referred to as "code 291". The police decided to come clean, and released part of the register to the public. We citizens DESERVE to know whats going on in our country.
You can read more about this secret register here: Swedish Cops Had a Special "Code 291" to Cover Up Migrant Crimes

I couldn't find the list of crimes in english, so I will translate the swedish one.

During the course of 4 months, in JUST asylum homes, this has happened:
450 fights
559 registered cases of abuse
37 suicide attempts
two bomb threats
four rapes
58 fires
96 missing persons
nine robberies
26 cases of disease
42 cases registered as "mentally ill"
three deaths
239 cases of automatic fire alarm
161 police operations
912 "security mission"
109 cases of "investigation"
869 controls of person or vehicle

A policeman then commented:
- I can tell you that it involves more cases than the numbers you've gotten out.

This was also part of the code 291: Migrant boy from Somalia arrested over murder of Swedish social worker
That "child" has been age tested, turns out he is 18 yrs or older!!

To me, this list is unbelievable... I'm still waiting for the rest of the register, I will update you when/if they release it.
Recently there was a riot at one of the homes... because one of the "children" was denied to purchase candy!! This child got TWENTY of his friends and started attacking the staff!! *facepalm*... What kind of people does that?!
Upplopp på boende för ensamkommande flyktingbarn – personalen tvingades låsa in sig
In addition to the code 291. There are other crimes...
The IKEA murders for example: IKEA murders: Details of horror emerge from witnesses

The rapes
You have all heard about the taHarrush gamea in Cologne/Köln on new years. But did you know that it's been happening in Sweden too, for YEARS. The police and/or media decided to keep it a secret.
CLAIM: Swedish Police Covered Up Migrant Sex Assaults Of Teenage Girls For YEARS - Breitbart

Theres also gangrapes occuring. Media can't cover the fact that it is exclusively MENA.
When a brutal gangrape happened on a party ferry, where a middle aged woman was raped by four men, the media wrote:

"Four swedes arrested on suspicion of rape".

You can read more about it here: Disclosure: The Four ”Swedes” in Custody For Gang Rape Are Somali Citizens

Recently a gangrape came to light. A girl below the age of 15 yrs, was gangraped by EIGHT "boys", all of the boys claim to be under 18, two of them below 15.
I can't find any information in english, so heres the swedish news article for those who wish to read about it.
Åtta pojkar misstänkta för gruppvåldtäkt

Another type of rapes occur in bath houses...
A few years ago, an 11 yr old girl was raped by TWENTY asylum seekers in a bath house.

There has been many, many rapes and different sexual assaults happening in bath houses. They always seem to target really young girls/women, and they always attack in groups.

The politicians
Swedens population has more or less been brainwashed. If anyone, ever, says something critical about immigration they will be labeled as a racist. Which is a very serious accusation... In Sweden, people don't dare to talk about it, cause they risk losing their friends or even their jobs!! It's crazy.

There's only one political party in Sweden that wants to decrease immigration, the Sweden Democrats (SD). I've been voting for them since I was 18.
The other political parties refuse to work with them, though they got enough votes to be part of the parliament. The other parties got together to completely close them out, that group of parties became known as "the seven-clover" .
The seven-clover and media has made sure that SD is hated. Media twists everything against SD. The party leader, Jimmie Åkesson, has had to sustain numerous threats, even death threats. And it's medias and the seven-clovers fault...
Does that seem like democracy to you? I think not!
And yet, the seven-clover has had to adapt their immigration politics due to the acute situation, it's becoming more and more similar to that of SD. And yet, it's still only SD that is being called "racists".

Swedens current Prime Minister (PM) is Stefan Löfven. Last fall he made a statement that upset me...
He said that the mass immigration of asylum seekers would be a "slight effort" for Sweden. And today, the country is close to collapsing. I'm ashamed to have him as the PM...
Read more about Swedens collapse here: Swedish Foreign Minister says country is 'collapsing' due to migrants

Personal opinion
To me, it seems like MENA has a really twisted view on women... and because of that, I never leave my apartment without my defense spray.
Across the street, theres an asylum home. Last summer when I was out on the balcony in a crop-top, I could see them standing in the windows, looking at me!! I told my neighbor who was also outside, when he looked, they disappeared from the window. But they came back later... It was really uncomfortable to be outside...
When I go grocery shopping, they stare. It's unbelievable... seems like they don't know how to be subtle... cause they are looking right at you, in your FACE, and they follow you with their eyes. Especially when wearing a summer dress, they look from head to toe.
Because of this, I stay indoors as much as possible... I don't feel safe anymore...

This isn't about being racist!! It's about their culture... their twisted culture... they just simply doesn't fit in here.

I'm hoping this thread will get noticed... because what's happening in Sweden is really serious... and I fear for the future.
This thread might be all over the place, but what I wish to discuss is the fall of Sweden, a general discussion about whats going on here.

And I beg of you... Please make sure that american media writes more about Swedens immigration... The world needs to know what a mass psychosis this country is having...

(I'm sorry if there's any spelling errors, my english isn't perfect)

Well, you're on a US forum, you think Sweden's bad, you should go to the US and see how bad is done.

I actually doubt the US is worse than Sweden... You should come to Sweden and see for yourself...
Are you a woman? Then you're in for a real treat...

Violence against women has escalated to an ungodly level. Personally I stay indoors to avoid even meeting muslims. Doesn't matter what you are wearing, they will stare at you like you are in a bikini... And the muslims are everywhere...
How many terrorist attacks has there been during 5 years in the US? And how many terrorist attacks has been in Europe during 5 years?

I'm telling you... all of Europe are screwed and deep down in the shit... I'm worried as heck. Just waiting for another terrorist attack in Sweden...
Some years ago a suicide bomber detonated himself during the christmas shopping rush in Stockholm.

Last edited:

I'm a twenty-something woman from Sweden. I'm writing on an american forum as I'm desperate to reach out to the world. Something has happened to my country...

When I was a child, Sweden was very peaceful. You didn't even have to lock the door in the neighborhood, small children could be outdoors after dark, girls could safely walk home from partys without fear of being raped. Rapes, shootings, bombs or murders were rare. And when it happened, media would cover every little detail of the story, huge headlines, people were shocked over such news.
Sweden was rich and a safe place to live.

That has changed.

As you all are probably familiar with, is that Sweden has taken in hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan, Irac, Iran, Eritrea and more... They are referred to as "MENA" = Middle East, North Africa.
While they wait to either get approved to stay, or while waiting for an apartment, they are put in asylum homes. The largest asylum home in Sweden has 400 asylum seekers living together.
They are served everything like its a freaking hotel !! Meals cooked from scratch from restaurants, cleaning service, Wifi, TV etc... and yet, they complain. Food isnt good, its dirty and isolated and so on... (IMO they have all the time in the world to clean themselves...)
There has been alot of food strikes by the seekers, cause they want more... for FREE.
Every food strike I read about makes my blood boil... it's so ungrateful. They claim to have fled war, then comes to a country that gives them roof over their heads, food in their stomachs, smartphones, expensive clothing (I'm serious) and Wifi... for absolutely FREE. They even get a small amount of money everyday, like an "allowence". In addition to that, free dental care and health care... things we working swedes have to pay for ourselves...
Sometimes they even set the buildings on fire, so they can move to a "better" asylum home.

You can read about an example here:
Forty asylum seekers refuse to get off the bus for 24 hours after arriving at picturesque Swedish village where they were being housed… because they wanted to live in a city

Most of them lie and claim to be under 18 yrs of age... that will give them a guarantee to stay in the country. And of course the migration center swallow the lie.
You be the judge, does these "children" look under 18 to you?

The crime rate has gone up dramatically, as well as the amount of rapes. Sweden is THE worst country in all of europe when it comes to rape, and comes in second place of the entire world.

Everyday, theres something awful happening... What used to be a rarity in crimes are now something that happens on a daily basis. Nobody is even shocked over such crimes anymore, we have gotten used to it.

The betrayal
Media has betrayed us. They try their hardest to withold the fact that (almost)all these horrible crimes are commited by MENA. They never mention skin color, for example. When they pixalite the criminals face, they make the pigments lighter, so you can't tell if the persons skin color is dark. They never mention names, or what language they were speaking... at best they write "spoke swedish with an accent".
When crimes happen, they write in a way thats obvious that they're making the crime less serious.

The Police has also betrayed us. Since fall of 2015, they have been keeping a secret register over crimes commited by asylum seekers. It is referred to as "code 291". The police decided to come clean, and released part of the register to the public. We citizens DESERVE to know whats going on in our country.
You can read more about this secret register here: Swedish Cops Had a Special "Code 291" to Cover Up Migrant Crimes

I couldn't find the list of crimes in english, so I will translate the swedish one.

During the course of 4 months, in JUST asylum homes, this has happened:
450 fights
559 registered cases of abuse
37 suicide attempts
two bomb threats
four rapes
58 fires
96 missing persons
nine robberies
26 cases of disease
42 cases registered as "mentally ill"
three deaths
239 cases of automatic fire alarm
161 police operations
912 "security mission"
109 cases of "investigation"
869 controls of person or vehicle

A policeman then commented:
- I can tell you that it involves more cases than the numbers you've gotten out.

This was also part of the code 291: Migrant boy from Somalia arrested over murder of Swedish social worker
That "child" has been age tested, turns out he is 18 yrs or older!!

To me, this list is unbelievable... I'm still waiting for the rest of the register, I will update you when/if they release it.
Recently there was a riot at one of the homes... because one of the "children" was denied to purchase candy!! This child got TWENTY of his friends and started attacking the staff!! *facepalm*... What kind of people does that?!
Upplopp på boende för ensamkommande flyktingbarn – personalen tvingades låsa in sig
In addition to the code 291. There are other crimes...
The IKEA murders for example: IKEA murders: Details of horror emerge from witnesses

The rapes
You have all heard about the taHarrush gamea in Cologne/Köln on new years. But did you know that it's been happening in Sweden too, for YEARS. The police and/or media decided to keep it a secret.
CLAIM: Swedish Police Covered Up Migrant Sex Assaults Of Teenage Girls For YEARS - Breitbart

Theres also gangrapes occuring. Media can't cover the fact that it is exclusively MENA.
When a brutal gangrape happened on a party ferry, where a middle aged woman was raped by four men, the media wrote:

"Four swedes arrested on suspicion of rape".

You can read more about it here: Disclosure: The Four ”Swedes” in Custody For Gang Rape Are Somali Citizens

Recently a gangrape came to light. A girl below the age of 15 yrs, was gangraped by EIGHT "boys", all of the boys claim to be under 18, two of them below 15.
I can't find any information in english, so heres the swedish news article for those who wish to read about it.
Åtta pojkar misstänkta för gruppvåldtäkt

Another type of rapes occur in bath houses...
A few years ago, an 11 yr old girl was raped by TWENTY asylum seekers in a bath house.

There has been many, many rapes and different sexual assaults happening in bath houses. They always seem to target really young girls/women, and they always attack in groups.

The politicians
Swedens population has more or less been brainwashed. If anyone, ever, says something critical about immigration they will be labeled as a racist. Which is a very serious accusation... In Sweden, people don't dare to talk about it, cause they risk losing their friends or even their jobs!! It's crazy.

There's only one political party in Sweden that wants to decrease immigration, the Sweden Democrats (SD). I've been voting for them since I was 18.
The other political parties refuse to work with them, though they got enough votes to be part of the parliament. The other parties got together to completely close them out, that group of parties became known as "the seven-clover" .
The seven-clover and media has made sure that SD is hated. Media twists everything against SD. The party leader, Jimmie Åkesson, has had to sustain numerous threats, even death threats. And it's medias and the seven-clovers fault...
Does that seem like democracy to you? I think not!
And yet, the seven-clover has had to adapt their immigration politics due to the acute situation, it's becoming more and more similar to that of SD. And yet, it's still only SD that is being called "racists".

Swedens current Prime Minister (PM) is Stefan Löfven. Last fall he made a statement that upset me...
He said that the mass immigration of asylum seekers would be a "slight effort" for Sweden. And today, the country is close to collapsing. I'm ashamed to have him as the PM...
Read more about Swedens collapse here: Swedish Foreign Minister says country is 'collapsing' due to migrants

Personal opinion
To me, it seems like MENA has a really twisted view on women... and because of that, I never leave my apartment without my defense spray.
Across the street, theres an asylum home. Last summer when I was out on the balcony in a crop-top, I could see them standing in the windows, looking at me!! I told my neighbor who was also outside, when he looked, they disappeared from the window. But they came back later... It was really uncomfortable to be outside...
When I go grocery shopping, they stare. It's unbelievable... seems like they don't know how to be subtle... cause they are looking right at you, in your FACE, and they follow you with their eyes. Especially when wearing a summer dress, they look from head to toe.
Because of this, I stay indoors as much as possible... I don't feel safe anymore...

This isn't about being racist!! It's about their culture... their twisted culture... they just simply doesn't fit in here.

I'm hoping this thread will get noticed... because what's happening in Sweden is really serious... and I fear for the future.
This thread might be all over the place, but what I wish to discuss is the fall of Sweden, a general discussion about whats going on here.

And I beg of you... Please make sure that american media writes more about Swedens immigration... The world needs to know what a mass psychosis this country is having...

(I'm sorry if there's any spelling errors, my english isn't perfect)

Well, you're on a US forum, you think Sweden's bad, you should go to the US and see how bad is done.

I actually doubt the US is worse than Sweden... You should come to Sweden and see for yourself...
Are you a woman? Then you're in for a real treat...

Violence against women has escalated to an ungodly level. Personally I stay indoors to avoid even meeting muslims. Doesn't matter what you are wearing, they will stare at you like you are in a bikini... And the muslims are everywhere...
How many terrorist attacks has there been during 5 years in the US? And how many terrorist attacks has been in Europe during 5 years?

I'm telling you... all of Europe are screwed and deep down in the shit... I'm worried as heck. Just waiting for another terrorist attack in Sweden...
Some years ago a suicide bomber detonated himself during the christmas shopping rush in Stockholm.

I actually did go to Sweden. And I do know that the cities in Sweden are a lot better than some of the cities in the US. Have you been to DC by any chance? You'd soon change your mind.

How many terrorist attacks in the last five years? Do you really want to know?

  • February 18, 2010: Austin suicide attack: Andrew Joseph Stack III flying his single engine plane flew into the Austin Texas IRS building killing himself and one IRS employee and injuring 13 others. Stack left a suicide note online, comparing the IRS to Big Brother from the novel 1984.
  • March 4, 2010: 2010 Pentagon shooting: John Patrick Bedell shot and wounded two Pentagon police officers at a security checkpoint in the Pentagon station of the Washington Metro rapid transit system in Arlington County, Virginia.
  • September 1, 2010: Discovery Communications headquarters hostage crisis: James J. Lee, armed with two starter pistols and an explosive device, takes three people hostage in the lobby of the Discovery Communications headquarters in Silver Spring, Marylandbefore being killed by police. After nearly four hours, Lee was shot dead by police and all the hostages were freed without injury. Lee had earlier posted a manifesto railing against population growth and immigration.[73][74]
  • August 5, 2012: Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting: Six people were killed and three others were injured, including a police officer who was tending to victims at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. The gunman, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page, killed himself after being shot by police.[75] The shooting is being treated by authorities as an act of domestic terrorism.[76][77] While a motive has not been clearly defined Page had been active in white supremacist groups.[75]
  • April 15, 2013: Boston Marathon bombing: Two bombs detonated within seconds of each other near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing 3 and injuring more than 180 people.[78][79] Late in the evening of April 18 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, an MIT campus police officer was shot and killed while sitting in his squad car. Two suspects then carjacked an SUV and fled to nearby Watertown, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston. A massive police chase ensued, resulting in a shootout during which several IED's were thrown by the suspects. A Boston transit police officer was critically wounded and suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, a Russian immigrant of Chechen ethnicity, was killed. The second suspect, Tsarnaev's younger brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, escaped. A "Shelter in place" order was given for Boston, Watertown, and the surrounding areas while house-to-house searches were conducted, but the suspect remained at large. Shortly after the search was called off Tsarnaev was discovered by a local resident hiding inside a boat parked in the resident's driveway less than three blocks from the scene of the shootout. He was taken into custody after another exchange of gunfire and taken to nearby Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, where he was treated for injuries received during his pursuit and capture. Tsarnaev was arraigned on federal terrorism charges from his hospital bed on April 22, 2013.[80][81][82][83] Preliminary questioning indicated the Tsarnaev brothers had no ties to terrorist organizations.[84] A note written by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the boat where he was captured said the bombings were retaliation for US actions in Iraq and Afghanistan against Muslims.[85] On April 8, 2015, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found guilty on all 30 counts related to the bombing and shootout with police.[86] On May 15, 2015, Tsarnaev was sentenced to death.[87]
  • April 16, 2013: April 2013 ricin letters: Two letters, sent to Mississippi Republican Senator Roger Wicker and president Barack Obama, were tested positive for ricin. Each letter contained the message "I am KC and I approve this message". On April 27, 2013, a man named Everett Dutschke was arrested.
  • November 1, 2013: 2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting: Paul Anthony Ciancia entered the checkpoint at the Los Angeles International Airport and fired his rifle, killing one Transportation Security Administration officer and injuring six others. The motivation behind the attack was Paul's inspiration of the anti-government agenda, such as believing in the New World Order conspiracy theory, and stating that he "wanted to kill TSA" and described them as "pigs".
  • December 13, 2013: 2013 Wichita bomb attempt: 58-year-old avionics technician, identified as Terry Lee Loewen, was arrested on December 13, 2013, for attempting a suicide bombing at Wichita Mid-Continent Airport, where he was employed. Loewen became radicalized after reading extremist Islamic material on the Internet. He was arrested while driving a vehicle into the airport with what he believed to be an active explosive device. Later sentenced to 20 years in Federal prison.[88]
  • April 13, 2014: Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooting: A pair of shootings committed by a lone gunman occurred at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City and Village Shalom, a Jewish retirement community, in Overland Park, Kansas. A total of three people died in the shootings. One suspect, identified as Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr., a neo-Nazi neo-Pagan, was arrested and charged with capital murder, first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, and aggravated assault.
  • June 8, 2014: 2014 Las Vegas shootings: Two police officers and one civilian died in a shooting spree in the Las Vegas Valley committed by a couple, identified as Jerad and Amanda Miller, who espoused anti-government views and were reportedly inspired by the outcome of the Bundy standoff. The Millers both died during a gunfight with responding police; Jerad Miller was fatally shot by officers, while Amanda Miller committed suicide after being wounded.
  • October 23, 2014: 2014 New York City hatchet attack: Zale Thompson injured two New York City Police Department (NYPD) officers, once critically at a Queens, New York City shopping district by striking them with a hatchet. Four officers were posing for a photograph when Thompson charged them. The police opened fire killing Thompson and injuring a civilian. Thompson who converted to Islam 2 years before the attack posted "anti-government, anti-Western, anti-white" messages online.[89]
  • November 28, 2014: Austin, Texas: Right-wing and anti-government extremist Larry Steven McQuilliams set a fire at the Mexican Consulate and shot towards several government buildings. Police arrived on scene and shot him dead. McQuilliams had a prior criminal history including drug possession and robbery.
  • December 2014: "The Guardians of Peace" linked by the United States to North Korea launched a cyber attack against SONY pictures. Embarrassing private emails were published and the organization threatened attacks against theaters that showed The Interview, a satire which depicted the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Following the refusal of theater chains to show the movie, SONY Pictures withdrew release of the movie, a decision that was criticized by President Obama and others. Obama said the USA will respond. North Korea denied responsibility for the attack and proposed a joint investigation with the U.S.[90][91][92]
  • December 20, 2014: Ismaaiyl Brinsley killed two New York City police officers, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu in the Bedford Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. Brinsley was reported to have walked up and fired directly into the officers squad car. Other officers chased the suspect into a nearby subway station, where he committed suicide. Prior to the shooting, Brinsley had written Instagram messages calling for revenge attacks in response to the police killings of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. He also allegedly shot his girlfriend in Maryland earlier that day.[93][94]
  • May 3, 2015: Curtis Culwell Center attack: Two gunmen opened fire outside the Curtis Culwell Center during an art exhibit hosted by an anti-Muslim group called the American Freedom Defense Initiative in Garland, Texas. The center was hosting a contest for cartoons depicting the Muslim prophet Muhammad. Both gunmen were killed by police. A Garland Independent School District (ISD) police officer was injured by a shot to the ankle but survived. The attackers, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, were motivated by the Charlie Hebdo shooting in France and the 2015 Copenhagen shooting in Denmark earlier in the year. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant claimed responsibility for the attack through a Twitter post.[95]
  • June 17, 2015: Charleston church shooting: a mass shooting took place at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina. The church is one of the United States' oldest black churches and has long been a site for community organization around civil rights. Nine people were killed, including the senior pastor, Clementa C. Pinckney, a state senator. A tenth victim was also shot, but survived. 21-year old Dylann Roof was arrested and later confessed that he committed the shooting in order to initiate a race war.
  • July 16, 2015: 2015 Chattanooga shootings: Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He first committed a drive-by shooting at a recruiting center, then traveled to a naval reserve center and continued firing. He was killed by police in a gunfight. Four Marines were killed immediately, and another Marine, a Navy sailor, and a police officer were wounded; the sailor died from his injuries two days later. The motive of the shootings is currently under investigation.[96]
  • August 30, 2015: Hospital Bomb Threat in Mississippi: An Iranian national was arrested in Hancock County for allegedly making terrorist threats and assaulting two sheriff's deputies. His actions and threats led to a two-hour closure of the I-10 Interstate near Louisiana state line. Subsequently, the subject was taken to a local hospital, where he's still threatening to kill anyone who isn't a member of Islam or Muslim.[97]
  • November 27, 2015: Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting: Robert L. Dear, armed with an assault-style rifle opened fire at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthoodclinic. Two civilians and one police officer were killed, and four civilians and five police officers were wounded before the suspect surrendered. Dear told police "No more baby parts" after being taken into custody.[98]
  • December 2, 2015: 2015 San Bernardino attack: A mass shooting occurred at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, with 14 dead and 22 injured. Two suspects, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, fled in an SUV, but were later killed.[99][100][101][102]"
From Wikipedia.

But that's not to say that Sweden hasn't become a problem, I mean, when you have politicians saying anyone from Syria can just turn up in Sweden, no matter what, you're going to get problems. And yes, European countries are going to have to sort themselves out pretty smart or things will get worse.
Huge fight in Gävle, possible murder attempt.
Centrala Gävle avspärrat - misstänkt mordförsök

At least 10 people participated in the fight. Five police cars were called to the scene.
One man was hit in the head with a bottle, two men was taken to the hospital with knife wounds. One of the men had been stabbed multiple times and is in serious condition.

Swedes? Muslims?
Media never tells the ethnicity of the criminals.

Why would they give information to the public that could lead them to realizing the scale of the problems of Third World Immigration?

I'm a twenty-something woman from Sweden. I'm writing on an american forum as I'm desperate to reach out to the world. Something has happened to my country...

When I was a child, Sweden was very peaceful. You didn't even have to lock the door in the neighborhood, small children could be outdoors after dark, girls could safely walk home from partys without fear of being raped. Rapes, shootings, bombs or murders were rare. And when it happened, media would cover every little detail of the story, huge headlines, people were shocked over such news.
Sweden was rich and a safe place to live.

That has changed.

As you all are probably familiar with, is that Sweden has taken in hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan, Irac, Iran, Eritrea and more... They are referred to as "MENA" = Middle East, North Africa.
While they wait to either get approved to stay, or while waiting for an apartment, they are put in asylum homes. The largest asylum home in Sweden has 400 asylum seekers living together.
They are served everything like its a freaking hotel !! Meals cooked from scratch from restaurants, cleaning service, Wifi, TV etc... and yet, they complain. Food isnt good, its dirty and isolated and so on... (IMO they have all the time in the world to clean themselves...)
There has been alot of food strikes by the seekers, cause they want more... for FREE.
Every food strike I read about makes my blood boil... it's so ungrateful. They claim to have fled war, then comes to a country that gives them roof over their heads, food in their stomachs, smartphones, expensive clothing (I'm serious) and Wifi... for absolutely FREE. They even get a small amount of money everyday, like an "allowence". In addition to that, free dental care and health care... things we working swedes have to pay for ourselves...
Sometimes they even set the buildings on fire, so they can move to a "better" asylum home.

You can read about an example here:
Forty asylum seekers refuse to get off the bus for 24 hours after arriving at picturesque Swedish village where they were being housed… because they wanted to live in a city

Most of them lie and claim to be under 18 yrs of age... that will give them a guarantee to stay in the country. And of course the migration center swallow the lie.
You be the judge, does these "children" look under 18 to you?

The crime rate has gone up dramatically, as well as the amount of rapes. Sweden is THE worst country in all of europe when it comes to rape, and comes in second place of the entire world.

Everyday, theres something awful happening... What used to be a rarity in crimes are now something that happens on a daily basis. Nobody is even shocked over such crimes anymore, we have gotten used to it.

The betrayal
Media has betrayed us. They try their hardest to withold the fact that (almost)all these horrible crimes are commited by MENA. They never mention skin color, for example. When they pixalite the criminals face, they make the pigments lighter, so you can't tell if the persons skin color is dark. They never mention names, or what language they were speaking... at best they write "spoke swedish with an accent".
When crimes happen, they write in a way thats obvious that they're making the crime less serious.

The Police has also betrayed us. Since fall of 2015, they have been keeping a secret register over crimes commited by asylum seekers. It is referred to as "code 291". The police decided to come clean, and released part of the register to the public. We citizens DESERVE to know whats going on in our country.
You can read more about this secret register here: Swedish Cops Had a Special "Code 291" to Cover Up Migrant Crimes

I couldn't find the list of crimes in english, so I will translate the swedish one.

During the course of 4 months, in JUST asylum homes, this has happened:
450 fights
559 registered cases of abuse
37 suicide attempts
two bomb threats
four rapes
58 fires
96 missing persons
nine robberies
26 cases of disease
42 cases registered as "mentally ill"
three deaths
239 cases of automatic fire alarm
161 police operations
912 "security mission"
109 cases of "investigation"
869 controls of person or vehicle

A policeman then commented:
- I can tell you that it involves more cases than the numbers you've gotten out.

This was also part of the code 291: Migrant boy from Somalia arrested over murder of Swedish social worker
That "child" has been age tested, turns out he is 18 yrs or older!!

To me, this list is unbelievable... I'm still waiting for the rest of the register, I will update you when/if they release it.
Recently there was a riot at one of the homes... because one of the "children" was denied to purchase candy!! This child got TWENTY of his friends and started attacking the staff!! *facepalm*... What kind of people does that?!
Upplopp på boende för ensamkommande flyktingbarn – personalen tvingades låsa in sig
In addition to the code 291. There are other crimes...
The IKEA murders for example: IKEA murders: Details of horror emerge from witnesses

The rapes
You have all heard about the taHarrush gamea in Cologne/Köln on new years. But did you know that it's been happening in Sweden too, for YEARS. The police and/or media decided to keep it a secret.
CLAIM: Swedish Police Covered Up Migrant Sex Assaults Of Teenage Girls For YEARS - Breitbart

Theres also gangrapes occuring. Media can't cover the fact that it is exclusively MENA.
When a brutal gangrape happened on a party ferry, where a middle aged woman was raped by four men, the media wrote:

"Four swedes arrested on suspicion of rape".

You can read more about it here: Disclosure: The Four ”Swedes” in Custody For Gang Rape Are Somali Citizens

Recently a gangrape came to light. A girl below the age of 15 yrs, was gangraped by EIGHT "boys", all of the boys claim to be under 18, two of them below 15.
I can't find any information in english, so heres the swedish news article for those who wish to read about it.
Åtta pojkar misstänkta för gruppvåldtäkt

Another type of rapes occur in bath houses...
A few years ago, an 11 yr old girl was raped by TWENTY asylum seekers in a bath house.

There has been many, many rapes and different sexual assaults happening in bath houses. They always seem to target really young girls/women, and they always attack in groups.

The politicians
Swedens population has more or less been brainwashed. If anyone, ever, says something critical about immigration they will be labeled as a racist. Which is a very serious accusation... In Sweden, people don't dare to talk about it, cause they risk losing their friends or even their jobs!! It's crazy.

There's only one political party in Sweden that wants to decrease immigration, the Sweden Democrats (SD). I've been voting for them since I was 18.
The other political parties refuse to work with them, though they got enough votes to be part of the parliament. The other parties got together to completely close them out, that group of parties became known as "the seven-clover" .
The seven-clover and media has made sure that SD is hated. Media twists everything against SD. The party leader, Jimmie Åkesson, has had to sustain numerous threats, even death threats. And it's medias and the seven-clovers fault...
Does that seem like democracy to you? I think not!
And yet, the seven-clover has had to adapt their immigration politics due to the acute situation, it's becoming more and more similar to that of SD. And yet, it's still only SD that is being called "racists".

Swedens current Prime Minister (PM) is Stefan Löfven. Last fall he made a statement that upset me...
He said that the mass immigration of asylum seekers would be a "slight effort" for Sweden. And today, the country is close to collapsing. I'm ashamed to have him as the PM...
Read more about Swedens collapse here: Swedish Foreign Minister says country is 'collapsing' due to migrants

Personal opinion
To me, it seems like MENA has a really twisted view on women... and because of that, I never leave my apartment without my defense spray.
Across the street, theres an asylum home. Last summer when I was out on the balcony in a crop-top, I could see them standing in the windows, looking at me!! I told my neighbor who was also outside, when he looked, they disappeared from the window. But they came back later... It was really uncomfortable to be outside...
When I go grocery shopping, they stare. It's unbelievable... seems like they don't know how to be subtle... cause they are looking right at you, in your FACE, and they follow you with their eyes. Especially when wearing a summer dress, they look from head to toe.
Because of this, I stay indoors as much as possible... I don't feel safe anymore...

This isn't about being racist!! It's about their culture... their twisted culture... they just simply doesn't fit in here.

I'm hoping this thread will get noticed... because what's happening in Sweden is really serious... and I fear for the future.
This thread might be all over the place, but what I wish to discuss is the fall of Sweden, a general discussion about whats going on here.

And I beg of you... Please make sure that american media writes more about Swedens immigration... The world needs to know what a mass psychosis this country is having...

(I'm sorry if there's any spelling errors, my english isn't perfect)

Well, you're on a US forum, you think Sweden's bad, you should go to the US and see how bad is done.

I actually doubt the US is worse than Sweden... You should come to Sweden and see for yourself...
Are you a woman? Then you're in for a real treat...

Violence against women has escalated to an ungodly level. Personally I stay indoors to avoid even meeting muslims. Doesn't matter what you are wearing, they will stare at you like you are in a bikini... And the muslims are everywhere...
How many terrorist attacks has there been during 5 years in the US? And how many terrorist attacks has been in Europe during 5 years?

I'm telling you... all of Europe are screwed and deep down in the shit... I'm worried as heck. Just waiting for another terrorist attack in Sweden...
Some years ago a suicide bomber detonated himself during the christmas shopping rush in Stockholm.

I actually did go to Sweden. And I do know that the cities in Sweden are a lot better than some of the cities in the US. Have you been to DC by any chance? You'd soon change your mind.

How many terrorist attacks in the last five years? Do you really want to know?

  • February 18, 2010: Austin suicide attack: Andrew Joseph Stack III flying his single engine plane flew into the Austin Texas IRS building killing himself and one IRS employee and injuring 13 others. Stack left a suicide note online, comparing the IRS to Big Brother from the novel 1984.
  • March 4, 2010: 2010 Pentagon shooting: John Patrick Bedell shot and wounded two Pentagon police officers at a security checkpoint in the Pentagon station of the Washington Metro rapid transit system in Arlington County, Virginia.
  • September 1, 2010: Discovery Communications headquarters hostage crisis: James J. Lee, armed with two starter pistols and an explosive device, takes three people hostage in the lobby of the Discovery Communications headquarters in Silver Spring, Marylandbefore being killed by police. After nearly four hours, Lee was shot dead by police and all the hostages were freed without injury. Lee had earlier posted a manifesto railing against population growth and immigration.[73][74]
  • August 5, 2012: Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting: Six people were killed and three others were injured, including a police officer who was tending to victims at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. The gunman, 40-year-old Wade Michael Page, killed himself after being shot by police.[75] The shooting is being treated by authorities as an act of domestic terrorism.[76][77] While a motive has not been clearly defined Page had been active in white supremacist groups.[75]
  • April 15, 2013: Boston Marathon bombing: Two bombs detonated within seconds of each other near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing 3 and injuring more than 180 people.[78][79] Late in the evening of April 18 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, an MIT campus police officer was shot and killed while sitting in his squad car. Two suspects then carjacked an SUV and fled to nearby Watertown, Massachusetts, a suburb of Boston. A massive police chase ensued, resulting in a shootout during which several IED's were thrown by the suspects. A Boston transit police officer was critically wounded and suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, a Russian immigrant of Chechen ethnicity, was killed. The second suspect, Tsarnaev's younger brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, escaped. A "Shelter in place" order was given for Boston, Watertown, and the surrounding areas while house-to-house searches were conducted, but the suspect remained at large. Shortly after the search was called off Tsarnaev was discovered by a local resident hiding inside a boat parked in the resident's driveway less than three blocks from the scene of the shootout. He was taken into custody after another exchange of gunfire and taken to nearby Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, where he was treated for injuries received during his pursuit and capture. Tsarnaev was arraigned on federal terrorism charges from his hospital bed on April 22, 2013.[80][81][82][83] Preliminary questioning indicated the Tsarnaev brothers had no ties to terrorist organizations.[84] A note written by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on the boat where he was captured said the bombings were retaliation for US actions in Iraq and Afghanistan against Muslims.[85] On April 8, 2015, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found guilty on all 30 counts related to the bombing and shootout with police.[86] On May 15, 2015, Tsarnaev was sentenced to death.[87]
  • April 16, 2013: April 2013 ricin letters: Two letters, sent to Mississippi Republican Senator Roger Wicker and president Barack Obama, were tested positive for ricin. Each letter contained the message "I am KC and I approve this message". On April 27, 2013, a man named Everett Dutschke was arrested.
  • November 1, 2013: 2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting: Paul Anthony Ciancia entered the checkpoint at the Los Angeles International Airport and fired his rifle, killing one Transportation Security Administration officer and injuring six others. The motivation behind the attack was Paul's inspiration of the anti-government agenda, such as believing in the New World Order conspiracy theory, and stating that he "wanted to kill TSA" and described them as "pigs".
  • December 13, 2013: 2013 Wichita bomb attempt: 58-year-old avionics technician, identified as Terry Lee Loewen, was arrested on December 13, 2013, for attempting a suicide bombing at Wichita Mid-Continent Airport, where he was employed. Loewen became radicalized after reading extremist Islamic material on the Internet. He was arrested while driving a vehicle into the airport with what he believed to be an active explosive device. Later sentenced to 20 years in Federal prison.[88]
  • April 13, 2014: Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooting: A pair of shootings committed by a lone gunman occurred at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City and Village Shalom, a Jewish retirement community, in Overland Park, Kansas. A total of three people died in the shootings. One suspect, identified as Frazier Glenn Miller, Jr., a neo-Nazi neo-Pagan, was arrested and charged with capital murder, first-degree murder, attempted first-degree murder, and aggravated assault.
  • June 8, 2014: 2014 Las Vegas shootings: Two police officers and one civilian died in a shooting spree in the Las Vegas Valley committed by a couple, identified as Jerad and Amanda Miller, who espoused anti-government views and were reportedly inspired by the outcome of the Bundy standoff. The Millers both died during a gunfight with responding police; Jerad Miller was fatally shot by officers, while Amanda Miller committed suicide after being wounded.
  • October 23, 2014: 2014 New York City hatchet attack: Zale Thompson injured two New York City Police Department (NYPD) officers, once critically at a Queens, New York City shopping district by striking them with a hatchet. Four officers were posing for a photograph when Thompson charged them. The police opened fire killing Thompson and injuring a civilian. Thompson who converted to Islam 2 years before the attack posted "anti-government, anti-Western, anti-white" messages online.[89]
  • November 28, 2014: Austin, Texas: Right-wing and anti-government extremist Larry Steven McQuilliams set a fire at the Mexican Consulate and shot towards several government buildings. Police arrived on scene and shot him dead. McQuilliams had a prior criminal history including drug possession and robbery.
  • December 2014: "The Guardians of Peace" linked by the United States to North Korea launched a cyber attack against SONY pictures. Embarrassing private emails were published and the organization threatened attacks against theaters that showed The Interview, a satire which depicted the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Following the refusal of theater chains to show the movie, SONY Pictures withdrew release of the movie, a decision that was criticized by President Obama and others. Obama said the USA will respond. North Korea denied responsibility for the attack and proposed a joint investigation with the U.S.[90][91][92]
  • December 20, 2014: Ismaaiyl Brinsley killed two New York City police officers, Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu in the Bedford Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. Brinsley was reported to have walked up and fired directly into the officers squad car. Other officers chased the suspect into a nearby subway station, where he committed suicide. Prior to the shooting, Brinsley had written Instagram messages calling for revenge attacks in response to the police killings of Eric Garner and Michael Brown. He also allegedly shot his girlfriend in Maryland earlier that day.[93][94]
  • May 3, 2015: Curtis Culwell Center attack: Two gunmen opened fire outside the Curtis Culwell Center during an art exhibit hosted by an anti-Muslim group called the American Freedom Defense Initiative in Garland, Texas. The center was hosting a contest for cartoons depicting the Muslim prophet Muhammad. Both gunmen were killed by police. A Garland Independent School District (ISD) police officer was injured by a shot to the ankle but survived. The attackers, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, were motivated by the Charlie Hebdo shooting in France and the 2015 Copenhagen shooting in Denmark earlier in the year. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant claimed responsibility for the attack through a Twitter post.[95]
  • June 17, 2015: Charleston church shooting: a mass shooting took place at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina. The church is one of the United States' oldest black churches and has long been a site for community organization around civil rights. Nine people were killed, including the senior pastor, Clementa C. Pinckney, a state senator. A tenth victim was also shot, but survived. 21-year old Dylann Roof was arrested and later confessed that he committed the shooting in order to initiate a race war.
  • July 16, 2015: 2015 Chattanooga shootings: Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez opened fire on two military installations in Chattanooga, Tennessee. He first committed a drive-by shooting at a recruiting center, then traveled to a naval reserve center and continued firing. He was killed by police in a gunfight. Four Marines were killed immediately, and another Marine, a Navy sailor, and a police officer were wounded; the sailor died from his injuries two days later. The motive of the shootings is currently under investigation.[96]
  • August 30, 2015: Hospital Bomb Threat in Mississippi: An Iranian national was arrested in Hancock County for allegedly making terrorist threats and assaulting two sheriff's deputies. His actions and threats led to a two-hour closure of the I-10 Interstate near Louisiana state line. Subsequently, the subject was taken to a local hospital, where he's still threatening to kill anyone who isn't a member of Islam or Muslim.[97]
  • November 27, 2015: Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting: Robert L. Dear, armed with an assault-style rifle opened fire at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthoodclinic. Two civilians and one police officer were killed, and four civilians and five police officers were wounded before the suspect surrendered. Dear told police "No more baby parts" after being taken into custody.[98]
  • December 2, 2015: 2015 San Bernardino attack: A mass shooting occurred at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, with 14 dead and 22 injured. Two suspects, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, fled in an SUV, but were later killed.[99][100][101][102]"
From Wikipedia.

But that's not to say that Sweden hasn't become a problem, I mean, when you have politicians saying anyone from Syria can just turn up in Sweden, no matter what, you're going to get problems. And yes, European countries are going to have to sort themselves out pretty smart or things will get worse.

Thank you for the post! Very interesting reading.
I have not been to the US, though I have a friend who is american. How long time ago was it you were in Sweden? Sweden has been a nice country not too long ago. But it has changed dramatically in the last 10 yrs.
Are you a woman? Women can no longer be outdoors in peace... you will get stared at in a very uncomfortable way. Either like they hate you, want to beat you up, rob you or rape you.
I can't even be on my freaking balcony without getting stared at from muslims across the street.

I wish I could find a list like that about Sweden. Bombs are going off here all the time, this easter has been horrible. Multiple grenades going off in the bigger cities. Police is being attacked with rocks and molotov cocktails, they even threw a grenade at them which fortunatly didn't go off.
If there is a list like yours about Sweden, it would probably look the same. But look at the size of America, and look at the size of Sweden... much more happening on a smaller space.
Though it is true you have more attacks, Sweden is more "concentrated". Do you know what I mean?

I can also see that some of the names of the criminals in the list suggest they were americans. When anything terrorist related happens in Sweden, it's always, always muslims.
Sweden is selfdestructing through inviting Islamic terrorists, but Sweden is not attacking itself with weapons, that's the difference.

One asylum seeker burned the asylum home building to the ground, just cause he wasn't allowed to eat candy... wtf...
Selfdestruction... And I feel like I'm in the middle of it...

Thank you for the informative post anyways. Sweden is so intimidating I even considered moving to America.
I do master the language pretty good, right? :desk:
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Unaccompanied refugee children have the right to recieve money for dead parents.

If the child claims that his parents are dead, the only thing he has to do is sign a paper. And there will be no controlling if the parents are dead or not. So everything is up to their honesty...
The children have the right to recieve up to 70 000 SEK (=8593$) in cash and 3 000 SEK (=370$) every month until they turn 20 yrs of age.


Barnpension och efterlevandestöd till barn - Pensionsmyndigheten

I cannot believe this!!? The "unaccompanied refugee children" are grown MEN, first of all. Second, do you think everybody will be honest? HELL NO !!!
Man from Afghanistan raped a 15 yr old girl at a mental institute for children/youths.

The Afghan man claimed to be 16 yrs of age, which is why he was allowed into the youth mental institute, but after age testing he turned out to be at least 19 yrs old.
The man waited until he was alone with the girl in the living room. Then he attacked... he pushed her down into the couch and touched her breasts and intimate parts. Then he proceeded with pulling down her pants and panties and raped her vaginally. The girl was so afraid and shocked that she couldn't scream for help. This was the first time she had sex...
The girl was suicidal and supposed to have personal with her at all times. Now the girl is feeling even worse with nightmares and anxiety, and she has problems with even being touched.
During police interrogation with the Afghan, he claimed that he heard voices in his head that told him to rape the girl, so he did. He has been sentenced to psychiatric care and then expulsion out from Sweden.

Vuxet flyktingbarn fick bo på ungdomsklinik – våldtog direkt
Våldtäkterna på psyket - Kaliber

Omg... :cry:
I feel so incredibly sorry for the girl... she was supposed to be taken care of and in a safe place... this is what happens when there is no control over who enters Sweden.
Hopefully her mind will heal, but it will take time.
... and for the Afghan man... KICK HIM OUT NOW !!!!!
Huge fight at an asylum home, up to 60 people were involved and a man was cut in the head with a knife.

Police says they don't know yet what caused the fight, only that it was between two different groups.
The man with the knife wound wasn't seriously injured, but had to be taken to the hospital anyways. Two men were arrested under suspicion of attempting manslaughter.

En knivskuren i storbråk på flyktingboende

By "two different groups", do they mean two different groups of muslims..? Shia and Sunni?
There is an old saying about the road to hell being paved with good intentions. Sweden would be a case in point.

Exactly, Sweden's pathological altruism has got them into this mess.

Every European including Swedish except for one or two who has posted in this thread has proposed inhumane measures against refugees. If you think that is altruism then you do not know the meaning of the word.
There is an old saying about the road to hell being paved with good intentions. Sweden would be a case in point.

Exactly, Sweden's pathological altruism has got them into this mess.

Every European including Swedish except for one or two who has posted in this thread has proposed inhumane measures against refugees. If you think that is altruism then you do not know the meaning of the word.

There is a reason that "The Stockholm Syndrome" is named after Swedens capital.

Sweden took in 160 000 refugees last year, gave them roof over their heads, clothes, food in their stomachs, pocket money, free medical care, free dental care... and of course free Wide screen TVs, video games, Wifi, iPhones and iPads... all on Swedens tax payers money. We pay 33% taxes of our paycheck every month and most of that money goes to support immigration. We are even facing raised taxes just for immigration, something I am not willing to do!
That we, the citizens, of Sweden are slightly panicking that this doesn't slow down is natural. You live in the U.S, right? Then you have no say in how we are supposed to act. You don't have to put up with MENA (gang) rapes, shootings, stabbings, murders, batterings and overall hostile environment just stepping out the door.

When I went to the supermarket to buy groceries, a huge somali man stared at me with angry eyes like he wanted to kill me!!! He followed me with his eyes and even turned around to keep staring. I guess I "offended" him by looking at him after noticing that he was staring. Cause you know, women are not supposed to look a muslim man in the eyes, especially not white women.
I prefer to have my dad with me when I grocery shop... I feel like a little girl when I do that, but I feel more safe. I would never go and get groceries after dark, alone. Last time I did that, I passed a group of 6-7 MENA men. All of them were looking at me... I felt so threatened I even took out my defense spray and removed the safety lock, should they attack.

Like I've stated before, I feel sorry for those who are real refugees, those who are fleeing for real and who shows gratitude for recieving help.
I work with a muslim woman, her husband left her cause she got "too old". She supports 7 children by herself. She can be a bit annoying though as she seems to push over some of her assignments to me every week... not cool.
Likewise, a somali man I've known for many years. He is glad for the help he recieved when he first got here, he works to support his family and has for several years. He just needed help in the beginning to get on his feet, like it should be. As for his attitude, he respects swedes and DOES NOT stare at the white women. He always greets me and stays to chat a bit. One of the most friendly people I know.
Not like the economic refugees of today who are rude, complaining, shows no sign of gratitude, refuses to work or learn the swedish language, comes with demands, attacks the police and ambulance by throwing rocks at them, commits crimes and rapes and doesn't respect us for shit... I'm sure there are good people among the refugees, somewhere... That's why we need to be sure of their past, by demanding IDs before accepting them in. And if they have committed or commit a crime that ends with a prison sentence, kick them out of the country immediatly instead of letting them stay in our luxery prisons. They have no business here if they don't show swedes respect, we deserve respect for providing everything for them!
Don't you agree?

By the way... about at least 70% of the refugees are grown men. Where are the women and children?! Did they leave them in the warzone to come here or what??
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Somali man raped a 12-yr old girl....

Last year, a 17 yr old Somali man(Muhamed) lured the girl(Hanna) to his home, then he attacked and tore apart her jacket and pushed her down. When Hanna tried to resist him and fight back, Muhamed started punching her in the face. Then covered her mouth with his hand while vaginally raping her.

Hanna says that during the rape, Muhamed would have said "black cöck is expensive" several times. Hanna suffered severe injuries to her intimate parts with major bleeding, as well as psychiatric and physical other injuries.

Muhamed was 17 when he commited the act, but was 18 when he was sentenced. He claims that he had a relationship with Hanna and didn't know she had just turned 12 yrs old.
The court found him guilty of raping a minor and he was sentenced to 180 hours of community service. Which is 22 full working days in Sweden.
It was taken into consideration that Muhamed suffered from anxiety and sleeping issues as well as his low age.

.... now his friends are making fun of the girl.

Two brothers, that are Muhameds friends, has been harassing Hanna regurarly. She had to switch school to get away from them. But it didn't help.
They attack her whenever, wherever they see her. At school, stores or even her own home.
The brothers stepped on the same bus as Hanna, and they attacked her there as well. The younger brother attacked first, beating her to the floor. Then the oldest punched her on the mouth. The brothers mother then interacted and Hanna thought she was going to help her, but instead she started kicking her.
Hanna was taken to the hospital as the back of her head was hurting and she was bleeding from the mouth. Her lips swelled up and two of her teeth was loose.
Hanna says that after the attack, one of the brothers would have told her "see you next time".

Hanna lives in fear every day and refuses to even leave the house. She doesn't go to school anymore, which has been criticized by social services. She has reported the assaults to the police but they havn't offered her any help. One of the brothers has had a restraining order against him, which he violates all the time.
The police has told Hanna to document all the assaults in a diary and take photos of the injuries, as proof.
(Hannas name is an alias)

This makes me so disturbed, it seems unreal. Why isn't the police helping the girl? Why did the rapist recieve such simple sentence!? Normally the punishment for raping a minor is at least a few years in prison... It's so unfair towards the girl... :cry:
Muhameds age is probably a lie, as it usually is.
Btw... the article about the two brothers doesn't reveal what ethnicity they have, but my guess would be that they are also Somali.

More proof of how corrupted Sweden has become... it disgusts me that this even is happening.

18-åring döms för barnvåldtäkt
Muhameds kommentar när han våldtog Ida, 12: "Svart snopp är dyrt!" – kommer nu undan med 22 dagar samhällstjänst

13-åring blev våldtagen – misshandlas och trakasseras nu av gärningsmannens vänner
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49,000 have house in the Swedish immigrants season 2015/2016. Big strenght are not true.
Sweden is falling apart like every piece of Europe
Why? Because of immigrants
Solution? Execute euro-politicians and deport all immigrants and their relatives (even if they were born here)
Woman raped by an Eritrean man

The Eritrean man forced her mouth open and poured strong alcohol down her throat while threatening to kill her. During the rape, he kept punching her with a closed fist in the face, neck and stomach as well as pressing a pillow against her face. Then he took a broken glass bottle and hit her repeatedly against her intimate parts.
The woman suffered injuries in the form of pain, bruises and swelling in the face and neck as well as bleeding and swelling of her intimate parts. She also got two of her vertebras dislocated.
The prosecutor insist on deportation if he is found guilty.

Tvingade i kvinnan sprit under bestialiska våldtäkten

How disgusting isn't that?! Just imagining what this woman went through makes me sick to my stomach...
Woman raped by an Eritrean man

The Eritrean man forced her mouth open and poured strong alcohol down her throat while threatening to kill her. During the rape, he kept punching her with a closed fist in the face, neck and stomach as well as pressing a pillow against her face. Then he took a broken glass bottle and hit her repeatedly against her intimate parts.
The woman suffered injuries in the form of pain, bruises and swelling in the face and neck as well as bleeding and swelling of her intimate parts. She also got two of her vertebras dislocated.
The prosecutor insist on deportation if he is found guilty.

Tvingade i kvinnan sprit under bestialiska våldtäkten

How disgusting isn't that?! Just imagining what this woman went through makes me sick to my stomach...

but he how was there in the woman's apartment? burglary?
Woman raped by an Eritrean man

The Eritrean man forced her mouth open and poured strong alcohol down her throat while threatening to kill her. During the rape, he kept punching her with a closed fist in the face, neck and stomach as well as pressing a pillow against her face. Then he took a broken glass bottle and hit her repeatedly against her intimate parts.
The woman suffered injuries in the form of pain, bruises and swelling in the face and neck as well as bleeding and swelling of her intimate parts. She also got two of her vertebras dislocated.
The prosecutor insist on deportation if he is found guilty.

Tvingade i kvinnan sprit under bestialiska våldtäkten

How disgusting isn't that?! Just imagining what this woman went through makes me sick to my stomach...

but he how was there in the woman's apartment? burglary?
It says in another article that she appearantly knew the man a little. She went to his apartment to get spices that he had bought for her. (I don't know what that is supposed to mean? Spices or "spices"?)
Then he raped her. The neighbors heard her screaming for help and they called the police. When the police showed up at the apartment, the man was in the middle of the attack - he even still had erection.

Who knows what would have happened had the man been able to continue assaulting her...

Tvingades dricka starksprit - samtidigt som hon våldtogs
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