Sweden is falling apart

Do you think Sweden will fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters
The initial german response to Cologne was cover up of immigrant "misbehaving".

In the UK the police and government turned a blind eye to immigrants committing mass rape against white girls for years, because they were afraid of being called racist.

YOur position is the opposite of what we have been seeing.

Your views are a product of what I call a concerted effort at social engineering. You are supposed to react that way. As I outlined in my previous post, the objective behind bringing to the fore Cologne incident and similar incidents elsewhere is to portray refugees in bad light. This tactfully detracts the attention from maltreatment of refugees and protects the false European narrative which portrays Europe as the bastion of human ideals.

As far as the pimping of young girls in UK is concerned, that was carried out by UK born men of Asian (Pakistani) origin. It had nothing to do with refugees. I do not think UK has admitted significant number of refugees to begin with.

Except you just ignored my point, that the initial response to Cologne was a coverup by the government. It had to be dragged out of the government, it was not pushed by the government.

The fact that the rapists in the UK were native born pakistanis, does not challenge my use of it as a counter to your claim of widespread racism in Europe, and instead the presence of the exact OPPOSITE policy and agenda.

It is your imagination working overtime that lets you believe that German government tried to suppress the news about Cologne. There was no such effort. As a matter of fact, it was propagated gleefully by the elites in European societies. I would grant however that my "gleeful" characterization may be somewhat subjective in nature but the point is Cologne incident and similar incidents were amply aired by European news outlets. You need to ask yourself why European media is not covering news about maltreatment of refugees throughout Europe with the same vigor it covered Cologne incident.

As far as the abuse of young girls in UK is concerned, you cannot lay it solely on Pakistani men. This is a societal problem in UK. I have posted quite a bit about this subject already in few threads that are still around. You just have to search for them. Even Theresa May (British politician) came out with a statement that pedophilia is deeply rooted in the fabric of British society. I have posted a link to her statement in that thread. Let me know if you are unable to find it; I will find it for you.

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Pakistani pimps but you do not hear so much about British politicians and royals and other elites who committed pedophilia?

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Cologne incident but you never hear about little refugee children who were housed in open fields in freezing winters of Europe?

The answer lies in what I have already said in my earlier posts: It is to preserve a false narrative that Europe is the bastion of human ideals.

Your personal thoughts and similar personal thoughts of others give an insight into the game-plan of European elites. This also tells me that they have succeeded in their game-plan.

1. YOur characterization of the government response to the COlogne attacks is just not true. The government had to be dragged to the story by social media and public outcry.

2. Strawman. I did not claim that only Pakistani men abuse young girls. The reaction of the government there was the exact opposite of the racist response you are claiming.

News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimps grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.

1. News reporting is done by news outlets. Yes. We covered that.

Police reports are released by the government. Or not.

New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Cologne police came under criticism for their handling of the situation, as their initial press release described the New Year's Eve celebrations as "playful" and "largely peaceful". One victim who was robbed and assaulted was told to report the incident elsewhere by the police.[4] Interior Minister Thomas de Maizièrealso criticized the North Rhine-Westphalia police for describing the celebrations as "peaceful".[83] Police chief Wolfgang Albers later called the assaults "a completely new dimension of crime".[71]

Police told reporters they were investigating whether the attacks in Cologne were linked to a known criminal network in Düsseldorf.[59][84]

On 7 January, the police acknowledged an information blackout until the interior committee of the parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia discussed the events on 11 January."

This is not the government led effort to scapegoat refugees.


2. Governments DO try to present themselves in a good light. And that is why the push to say that the Rotherham and similar scandals are about British society and not the immigrants.

Because the governments don't want to admit that their policy of Third World Immigration is at fault.

With your support of this lie, YOU ARE THE PAWN.

3. Political Elites try to present themselves in a positive light. That is why the push to blame locals for these failures INSTEAD of the universal issue of Political Correctness that led to low level government officials being afraid to even mention the ethnic aspect of these crimes.

4. Save your hyperbole for someone who might be impressed by it.
Asylum seekers fighting each other. :meow:
Today there was a fight outside of an asylum home. 20 young men got angry at each other over a pool table, and started attacking each other.
One was cut in the hand with a knife and one got a broken arm. A total of 6 had to be taken to the hospital.
Ungdomar misshandlade i natt - en fick en fraktur och en skars i handen

Why did it have to escalate like this? Over a fucking pool table !!!!!!!!!!!! They are wasting our time and resources (police, hospital) with this kind of bullshit.
It makes me depressed knowing that I'm indirectly paying for this... by taxes I mean... :crybaby:
Your views are a product of what I call a concerted effort at social engineering. You are supposed to react that way. As I outlined in my previous post, the objective behind bringing to the fore Cologne incident and similar incidents elsewhere is to portray refugees in bad light. This tactfully detracts the attention from maltreatment of refugees and protects the false European narrative which portrays Europe as the bastion of human ideals.

As far as the pimping of young girls in UK is concerned, that was carried out by UK born men of Asian (Pakistani) origin. It had nothing to do with refugees. I do not think UK has admitted significant number of refugees to begin with.

Except you just ignored my point, that the initial response to Cologne was a coverup by the government. It had to be dragged out of the government, it was not pushed by the government.

The fact that the rapists in the UK were native born pakistanis, does not challenge my use of it as a counter to your claim of widespread racism in Europe, and instead the presence of the exact OPPOSITE policy and agenda.

It is your imagination working overtime that lets you believe that German government tried to suppress the news about Cologne. There was no such effort. As a matter of fact, it was propagated gleefully by the elites in European societies. I would grant however that my "gleeful" characterization may be somewhat subjective in nature but the point is Cologne incident and similar incidents were amply aired by European news outlets. You need to ask yourself why European media is not covering news about maltreatment of refugees throughout Europe with the same vigor it covered Cologne incident.

As far as the abuse of young girls in UK is concerned, you cannot lay it solely on Pakistani men. This is a societal problem in UK. I have posted quite a bit about this subject already in few threads that are still around. You just have to search for them. Even Theresa May (British politician) came out with a statement that pedophilia is deeply rooted in the fabric of British society. I have posted a link to her statement in that thread. Let me know if you are unable to find it; I will find it for you.

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Pakistani pimps but you do not hear so much about British politicians and royals and other elites who committed pedophilia?

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Cologne incident but you never hear about little refugee children who were housed in open fields in freezing winters of Europe?

The answer lies in what I have already said in my earlier posts: It is to preserve a false narrative that Europe is the bastion of human ideals.

Your personal thoughts and similar personal thoughts of others give an insight into the game-plan of European elites. This also tells me that they have succeeded in their game-plan.

1. YOur characterization of the government response to the COlogne attacks is just not true. The government had to be dragged to the story by social media and public outcry.

2. Strawman. I did not claim that only Pakistani men abuse young girls. The reaction of the government there was the exact opposite of the racist response you are claiming.

News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimps grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.

1. News reporting is done by news outlets. Yes. We covered that.

Police reports are released by the government. Or not.

New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Cologne police came under criticism for their handling of the situation, as their initial press release described the New Year's Eve celebrations as "playful" and "largely peaceful". One victim who was robbed and assaulted was told to report the incident elsewhere by the police.[4] Interior Minister Thomas de Maizièrealso criticized the North Rhine-Westphalia police for describing the celebrations as "peaceful".[83] Police chief Wolfgang Albers later called the assaults "a completely new dimension of crime".[71]

Police told reporters they were investigating whether the attacks in Cologne were linked to a known criminal network in Düsseldorf.[59][84]

On 7 January, the police acknowledged an information blackout until the interior committee of the parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia discussed the events on 11 January."

This is not the government led effort to scapegoat refugees.


2. Governments DO try to present themselves in a good light. And that is why the push to say that the Rotherham and similar scandals are about British society and not the immigrants.

Because the governments don't want to admit that their policy of Third World Immigration is at fault.

With your support of this lie, YOU ARE THE PAWN.

3. Political Elites try to present themselves in a positive light. That is why the push to blame locals for these failures INSTEAD of the universal issue of Political Correctness that led to low level government officials being afraid to even mention the ethnic aspect of these crimes.

4. Save your hyperbole for someone who might be impressed by it.

It does not seem like anything sort of hate and racism can impress you :) So I am under no illusion that my mere mortal self can impress you in any way.

I am glad that German police came under criticism for its handling of Cologne incident.

However, when is German police going to come under criticism for failing to protect refugees from violence of racist people like the ones who are spreading hate on this site?
Except you just ignored my point, that the initial response to Cologne was a coverup by the government. It had to be dragged out of the government, it was not pushed by the government.

The fact that the rapists in the UK were native born pakistanis, does not challenge my use of it as a counter to your claim of widespread racism in Europe, and instead the presence of the exact OPPOSITE policy and agenda.

It is your imagination working overtime that lets you believe that German government tried to suppress the news about Cologne. There was no such effort. As a matter of fact, it was propagated gleefully by the elites in European societies. I would grant however that my "gleeful" characterization may be somewhat subjective in nature but the point is Cologne incident and similar incidents were amply aired by European news outlets. You need to ask yourself why European media is not covering news about maltreatment of refugees throughout Europe with the same vigor it covered Cologne incident.

As far as the abuse of young girls in UK is concerned, you cannot lay it solely on Pakistani men. This is a societal problem in UK. I have posted quite a bit about this subject already in few threads that are still around. You just have to search for them. Even Theresa May (British politician) came out with a statement that pedophilia is deeply rooted in the fabric of British society. I have posted a link to her statement in that thread. Let me know if you are unable to find it; I will find it for you.

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Pakistani pimps but you do not hear so much about British politicians and royals and other elites who committed pedophilia?

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Cologne incident but you never hear about little refugee children who were housed in open fields in freezing winters of Europe?

The answer lies in what I have already said in my earlier posts: It is to preserve a false narrative that Europe is the bastion of human ideals.

Your personal thoughts and similar personal thoughts of others give an insight into the game-plan of European elites. This also tells me that they have succeeded in their game-plan.

1. YOur characterization of the government response to the COlogne attacks is just not true. The government had to be dragged to the story by social media and public outcry.

2. Strawman. I did not claim that only Pakistani men abuse young girls. The reaction of the government there was the exact opposite of the racist response you are claiming.

News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimps grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.

1. News reporting is done by news outlets. Yes. We covered that.

Police reports are released by the government. Or not.

New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Cologne police came under criticism for their handling of the situation, as their initial press release described the New Year's Eve celebrations as "playful" and "largely peaceful". One victim who was robbed and assaulted was told to report the incident elsewhere by the police.[4] Interior Minister Thomas de Maizièrealso criticized the North Rhine-Westphalia police for describing the celebrations as "peaceful".[83] Police chief Wolfgang Albers later called the assaults "a completely new dimension of crime".[71]

Police told reporters they were investigating whether the attacks in Cologne were linked to a known criminal network in Düsseldorf.[59][84]

On 7 January, the police acknowledged an information blackout until the interior committee of the parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia discussed the events on 11 January."

This is not the government led effort to scapegoat refugees.


2. Governments DO try to present themselves in a good light. And that is why the push to say that the Rotherham and similar scandals are about British society and not the immigrants.

Because the governments don't want to admit that their policy of Third World Immigration is at fault.

With your support of this lie, YOU ARE THE PAWN.

3. Political Elites try to present themselves in a positive light. That is why the push to blame locals for these failures INSTEAD of the universal issue of Political Correctness that led to low level government officials being afraid to even mention the ethnic aspect of these crimes.

4. Save your hyperbole for someone who might be impressed by it.

It does not seem like anything sort of hate and racism can impress you :) So I am under no illusion that my mere mortal self can impress you in any way.

I am glad that German police came under criticism for its handling of Cologne incident.

However, when is German police going to come under criticism for failing to protect refugees from violence of racist people like the ones who are spreading hate on this site?

1.They did not come under criticism for their "handling" of the Cologne incident. They were came under criticism for the fact that they were hiding how bad it was and that the incident had a cultural component.

This reveals that the intent of the European Governments is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you claim it is, ie to whitewash the immigrants, not scapegoat them.

As you are doing.

2. Your dishonest and vile implication that discussing this problem is racist is noted and rejected. That type of Political Correctness is the reason that these issues have been created in the first place and not been honestly discussed in the second, and God Forbid ever actually dealt with in the Third.
Here you can see "60 minutes" crew being attacked in Rinkeby.
Just stepping out of the car, they started attacking them. Ran over the camera mans foot, threw cigarette on them and were generally hostile.
They called the police who stayed with them for a while as security, but as soon as the police left they got attacked again!! This time with kicks and punches.
They didn't want to stay there for long... and I don't blame them.

Fücking Rinkeby... Never in my life will I go there...
The guy with the scooter running into the most hostile attacker gets plus points from me! lol
Have to say... I feel sorry for those like the refugee they are interviewing in the studio. He is a true refugee... not like the other hostile shitheads...

They also bring up other stuff about Sweden that is good to know. I recommend you watch this short video!
Here you can see "60 minutes" crew being attacked in Rinkeby.
Just stepping out of the car, they started attacking them. Ran over the camera mans foot, threw cigarette on them and were generally hostile.
They called the police who stayed with them for a while as security, but as soon as the police left they got attacked again!! This time with kicks and punches.
They didn't want to stay there for long... and I don't blame them.

Fücking Rinkeby... Never in my life will I go there...
The guy with the scooter running into the most hostile attacker gets plus points from me! lol
Have to say... I feel sorry for those like the refugee they are interviewing in the studio. He is a true refugee... not like the other hostile shitheads...

They also bring up other stuff about Sweden that is good to know. I recommend you watch this short video!

Wow. Just wow.

What kind of asshole can look at that and not see that Third World Immigration is a insanely bad policy that must be reversed immediately?
Except you just ignored my point, that the initial response to Cologne was a coverup by the government. It had to be dragged out of the government, it was not pushed by the government.

The fact that the rapists in the UK were native born pakistanis, does not challenge my use of it as a counter to your claim of widespread racism in Europe, and instead the presence of the exact OPPOSITE policy and agenda.

It is your imagination working overtime that lets you believe that German government tried to suppress the news about Cologne. There was no such effort. As a matter of fact, it was propagated gleefully by the elites in European societies. I would grant however that my "gleeful" characterization may be somewhat subjective in nature but the point is Cologne incident and similar incidents were amply aired by European news outlets. You need to ask yourself why European media is not covering news about maltreatment of refugees throughout Europe with the same vigor it covered Cologne incident.

As far as the abuse of young girls in UK is concerned, you cannot lay it solely on Pakistani men. This is a societal problem in UK. I have posted quite a bit about this subject already in few threads that are still around. You just have to search for them. Even Theresa May (British politician) came out with a statement that pedophilia is deeply rooted in the fabric of British society. I have posted a link to her statement in that thread. Let me know if you are unable to find it; I will find it for you.

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Pakistani pimps but you do not hear so much about British politicians and royals and other elites who committed pedophilia?

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Cologne incident but you never hear about little refugee children who were housed in open fields in freezing winters of Europe?

The answer lies in what I have already said in my earlier posts: It is to preserve a false narrative that Europe is the bastion of human ideals.

Your personal thoughts and similar personal thoughts of others give an insight into the game-plan of European elites. This also tells me that they have succeeded in their game-plan.

1. YOur characterization of the government response to the COlogne attacks is just not true. The government had to be dragged to the story by social media and public outcry.

2. Strawman. I did not claim that only Pakistani men abuse young girls. The reaction of the government there was the exact opposite of the racist response you are claiming.

News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimp grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.

1. POlice reports are released by the government. The government resisted collecting and releasing the mass assault reports.

2. The media rarely digs up street crime news by itself.

3. Most of the customers of those Asian pimps were other Asians.

I think the root of your quandary lies either in the lack of information about the issues you are attempting to come to terms with or your intrinsic bigotry. Let me explain why I said that; I have repeated quite a few times that pedophilia in UK is a societal problem. I even pointed you to the statement issued by Theresa May but you still keep harping on "Asian" men.

German government promptly investigated and prosecuted all men who were accused of sexually assaulting German women/girls. However, I am still waiting for German and other European governments to prosecute those officials and civilians who abused refugees.

If Muslim immigrants don't like they way they are being treated in Europe, they are free to leave and go back to whatever shithole they came from.

Muslim countries openly oppress non-Muslims in their countries, yet we don't see the progressives crying about that do we?

Islam and its followers seek to supplant all non-Muslim cultures with their own. Their most effective method at this time is to infiltrate and multiply since they cannot do it by force.
Wrote the word "Negro" on a swedish forum... sentenced to police surveillance and will have to through a treatment program within the correctional system(for criminals). He was arrested for racial agitation.

Skrev "neger" på Flashback – döms till skyddstillsyn
"The 30 yr old man had written degrading things like "Negro" and has spread disdain for an ethnic group".

Ugh... doesn't police and the rest of the judicial system have more important things to do? Like for example, catching rapists and murderers? Rather than taking down people writing on the internet? :cuckoo:
There are people I've seen on that forum that has written way, WAY worse things about ethnic groups(muslims).
Besides... "Negro" isn't even a bad word? The bad word is "N*gger" for crying out loud!!!
(I'm not sure if I should censor "Negro" or not, the police might come after me...)

I think this is just another step towards completely shutting us critics up...
Sweden is becoming more and more like North Korea... Total control of the citizens and brainwashing them...
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Another murder at an asylum home!

En knivhuggen till döds på asylboende

Today at 12:08 a man was rushed to the emergancy room with stab wounds from a knife, he later died from his injuries. At this time police is unwilling to make a statement, not more than that the murdered man was living in the asylum home.

What is it this time? Fighting over the pool table again? Was the asylum seeker a christian?

I will come with updates when I know more about it...
Thank you so much for all the updates, Freja. We are thinking of you and your fellow country men and women. Keep your chin up, honey :huddle:

Thank you !<3 :smiliehug:
I'm glad you guys care! In Sweden it feels like nobody cares... cause there are barely any protests going on at all. I think people are too afraid... And that makes me afraid to even open my mouth as well. People who has openly opposed this multicultural hell has lost friends and their jobs.

Update on yesterdays murder:
The police still hasn't come with any news themselves. I hate when they are silent like this... cause it opens up the discussion to alot of speculation. And I also feel like they are hiding something when they do this...
However... people who are resident in the area this asylum home is located in, has written online what the rumors in their town are saying. If we are to believe these rumors are correct, then heres some of them.
  • The murdered asylum seeker was christian, and the murderer was a muslim. After he had passed away, people had appearantly seen a priest enter the asylum home.
  • This murdered man was actually stabbed the day before he was even taken to the emergancy room, cause they were afraid to "spread hatred" and wanted to "keep everything calm". They only took him to the emergancy room cause he became worse during the night. They must have hoped it wasn't serious injuries(?). He would have survived if he got medical care immediatly. FYI, the owner of the asylum home as well as the employees are also muslims.
  • The other asylum seekers claim that the victim commited suicide. But he was stabbed multiple times... The mainstream media wrote that he had family at the home, but they don't specify what kind of family (Relatives? Children?)... To me it seems unlikely that somebody who has fled with family commits suicide after arriving here and when family members are nearby...

What do you guys think..? I hope none of the rumors are true actually... I'm "hoping" it was just two muslim asylum seekers who fought over some bullshit as usually.
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It is your imagination working overtime that lets you believe that German government tried to suppress the news about Cologne. There was no such effort. As a matter of fact, it was propagated gleefully by the elites in European societies. I would grant however that my "gleeful" characterization may be somewhat subjective in nature but the point is Cologne incident and similar incidents were amply aired by European news outlets. You need to ask yourself why European media is not covering news about maltreatment of refugees throughout Europe with the same vigor it covered Cologne incident.

As far as the abuse of young girls in UK is concerned, you cannot lay it solely on Pakistani men. This is a societal problem in UK. I have posted quite a bit about this subject already in few threads that are still around. You just have to search for them. Even Theresa May (British politician) came out with a statement that pedophilia is deeply rooted in the fabric of British society. I have posted a link to her statement in that thread. Let me know if you are unable to find it; I will find it for you.

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Pakistani pimps but you do not hear so much about British politicians and royals and other elites who committed pedophilia?

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Cologne incident but you never hear about little refugee children who were housed in open fields in freezing winters of Europe?

The answer lies in what I have already said in my earlier posts: It is to preserve a false narrative that Europe is the bastion of human ideals.

Your personal thoughts and similar personal thoughts of others give an insight into the game-plan of European elites. This also tells me that they have succeeded in their game-plan.

1. YOur characterization of the government response to the COlogne attacks is just not true. The government had to be dragged to the story by social media and public outcry.

2. Strawman. I did not claim that only Pakistani men abuse young girls. The reaction of the government there was the exact opposite of the racist response you are claiming.

News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimps grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.

1. News reporting is done by news outlets. Yes. We covered that.

Police reports are released by the government. Or not.

New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Cologne police came under criticism for their handling of the situation, as their initial press release described the New Year's Eve celebrations as "playful" and "largely peaceful". One victim who was robbed and assaulted was told to report the incident elsewhere by the police.[4] Interior Minister Thomas de Maizièrealso criticized the North Rhine-Westphalia police for describing the celebrations as "peaceful".[83] Police chief Wolfgang Albers later called the assaults "a completely new dimension of crime".[71]

Police told reporters they were investigating whether the attacks in Cologne were linked to a known criminal network in Düsseldorf.[59][84]

On 7 January, the police acknowledged an information blackout until the interior committee of the parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia discussed the events on 11 January."

This is not the government led effort to scapegoat refugees.


2. Governments DO try to present themselves in a good light. And that is why the push to say that the Rotherham and similar scandals are about British society and not the immigrants.

Because the governments don't want to admit that their policy of Third World Immigration is at fault.

With your support of this lie, YOU ARE THE PAWN.

3. Political Elites try to present themselves in a positive light. That is why the push to blame locals for these failures INSTEAD of the universal issue of Political Correctness that led to low level government officials being afraid to even mention the ethnic aspect of these crimes.

4. Save your hyperbole for someone who might be impressed by it.

It does not seem like anything sort of hate and racism can impress you :) So I am under no illusion that my mere mortal self can impress you in any way.

I am glad that German police came under criticism for its handling of Cologne incident.

However, when is German police going to come under criticism for failing to protect refugees from violence of racist people like the ones who are spreading hate on this site?

1.They did not come under criticism for their "handling" of the Cologne incident. They were came under criticism for the fact that they were hiding how bad it was and that the incident had a cultural component.

This reveals that the intent of the European Governments is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you claim it is, ie to whitewash the immigrants, not scapegoat them.

As you are doing.

2. Your dishonest and vile implication that discussing this problem is racist is noted and rejected. That type of Political Correctness is the reason that these issues have been created in the first place and not been honestly discussed in the second, and God Forbid ever actually dealt with in the Third.

Your communications skills suck. That I think seems to be a common problem among people of your ilk.

If German police attempted to whitewash or did not act promptly, that would be characterized as mishandling. So you and your ilk are criticizing German police for mishandling the Cologne incident. That is fine but my question to you is how come you people are not criticizing German police for failing to protect the rights of refugees?

It is you who is dishonest. You claim that your society is kind and generous and yet your society routinely carries out hate attacks on refugees who have lost everything in the war that is a creation of European countries.
It is your imagination working overtime that lets you believe that German government tried to suppress the news about Cologne. There was no such effort. As a matter of fact, it was propagated gleefully by the elites in European societies. I would grant however that my "gleeful" characterization may be somewhat subjective in nature but the point is Cologne incident and similar incidents were amply aired by European news outlets. You need to ask yourself why European media is not covering news about maltreatment of refugees throughout Europe with the same vigor it covered Cologne incident.

As far as the abuse of young girls in UK is concerned, you cannot lay it solely on Pakistani men. This is a societal problem in UK. I have posted quite a bit about this subject already in few threads that are still around. You just have to search for them. Even Theresa May (British politician) came out with a statement that pedophilia is deeply rooted in the fabric of British society. I have posted a link to her statement in that thread. Let me know if you are unable to find it; I will find it for you.

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Pakistani pimps but you do not hear so much about British politicians and royals and other elites who committed pedophilia?

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Cologne incident but you never hear about little refugee children who were housed in open fields in freezing winters of Europe?

The answer lies in what I have already said in my earlier posts: It is to preserve a false narrative that Europe is the bastion of human ideals.

Your personal thoughts and similar personal thoughts of others give an insight into the game-plan of European elites. This also tells me that they have succeeded in their game-plan.

1. YOur characterization of the government response to the COlogne attacks is just not true. The government had to be dragged to the story by social media and public outcry.

2. Strawman. I did not claim that only Pakistani men abuse young girls. The reaction of the government there was the exact opposite of the racist response you are claiming.

News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimp grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.

1. POlice reports are released by the government. The government resisted collecting and releasing the mass assault reports.

2. The media rarely digs up street crime news by itself.

3. Most of the customers of those Asian pimps were other Asians.

I think the root of your quandary lies either in the lack of information about the issues you are attempting to come to terms with or your intrinsic bigotry. Let me explain why I said that; I have repeated quite a few times that pedophilia in UK is a societal problem. I even pointed you to the statement issued by Theresa May but you still keep harping on "Asian" men.

German government promptly investigated and prosecuted all men who were accused of sexually assaulting German women/girls. However, I am still waiting for German and other European governments to prosecute those officials and civilians who abused refugees.

If Muslim immigrants don't like they way they are being treated in Europe, they are free to leave and go back to whatever shithole they came from.

Muslim countries openly oppress non-Muslims in their countries, yet we don't see the progressives crying about that do we?

Islam and its followers seek to supplant all non-Muslim cultures with their own. Their most effective method at this time is to infiltrate and multiply since they cannot do it by force.

It is not the fault of refugees that your (European) governments thought that European society was tolerant and therefore decided to invite refugees which by the way is a right thing to do considering a good number of European countries precipitated the crisis in Libya and Syria to begin with. The major issue that I see here is that European governments propagate propaganda that falsely portrays Europe as a tolerant society. The reality however is that Europe is full of intolerant people with complete disregard for human ideals. If European governments started to clearly warn refugees about the perils of coming to Europe then probably refugees would select alternate refuge.
1. YOur characterization of the government response to the COlogne attacks is just not true. The government had to be dragged to the story by social media and public outcry.

2. Strawman. I did not claim that only Pakistani men abuse young girls. The reaction of the government there was the exact opposite of the racist response you are claiming.

News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimp grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.

1. POlice reports are released by the government. The government resisted collecting and releasing the mass assault reports.

2. The media rarely digs up street crime news by itself.

3. Most of the customers of those Asian pimps were other Asians.

I think the root of your quandary lies either in the lack of information about the issues you are attempting to come to terms with or your intrinsic bigotry. Let me explain why I said that; I have repeated quite a few times that pedophilia in UK is a societal problem. I even pointed you to the statement issued by Theresa May but you still keep harping on "Asian" men.

German government promptly investigated and prosecuted all men who were accused of sexually assaulting German women/girls. However, I am still waiting for German and other European governments to prosecute those officials and civilians who abused refugees.

If Muslim immigrants don't like they way they are being treated in Europe, they are free to leave and go back to whatever shithole they came from.

Muslim countries openly oppress non-Muslims in their countries, yet we don't see the progressives crying about that do we?

Islam and its followers seek to supplant all non-Muslim cultures with their own. Their most effective method at this time is to infiltrate and multiply since they cannot do it by force.

It is not the fault of refugees that your (European) governments thought that European society was tolerant and therefore decided to invite refugees which by the way is a right thing to do considering a good number of European countries precipitated the crisis in Libya and Syria to begin with. The major issue that I see here is that European governments propagate propaganda that falsely portrays Europe as a tolerant society. The reality however is that Europe is full of intolerant people with complete disregard for human ideals. If European governments started to clearly warn refugees about the perils of coming to Europe then probably refugees would select alternate refuge.

Bullshit. You want to know what real intolerance is? Try being a Christian or Jew or any other non-Islamic religion in a Muslim country. Every Islamic country in the world is a third world shithole, oppressive without religious freedom, brutal and barbaric.

Muslims are flooding into Europe for one purpose, to become citizens, multiply, and work to replace the existing laws with Sharia law. They would all gladly see Western civilizations burn so they can take over. They are all religious nuts that believe in a backwards, barbaric, cult religion created by a pedophile. Sunni and Shi'ites are both batshit crazy religious zealots, that live in a culture of death. Their region of the world isn't considered civilized for one reason: Islam. Their most civilized times and greatest accomplishments were done before Islam took root in the Middle East. Since then it's been nothing but war, genocide, enslavement, and now terror.
1. YOur characterization of the government response to the COlogne attacks is just not true. The government had to be dragged to the story by social media and public outcry.

2. Strawman. I did not claim that only Pakistani men abuse young girls. The reaction of the government there was the exact opposite of the racist response you are claiming.

News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimp grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.

1. POlice reports are released by the government. The government resisted collecting and releasing the mass assault reports.

2. The media rarely digs up street crime news by itself.

3. Most of the customers of those Asian pimps were other Asians.

I think the root of your quandary lies either in the lack of information about the issues you are attempting to come to terms with or your intrinsic bigotry. Let me explain why I said that; I have repeated quite a few times that pedophilia in UK is a societal problem. I even pointed you to the statement issued by Theresa May but you still keep harping on "Asian" men.

German government promptly investigated and prosecuted all men who were accused of sexually assaulting German women/girls. However, I am still waiting for German and other European governments to prosecute those officials and civilians who abused refugees.

If Muslim immigrants don't like they way they are being treated in Europe, they are free to leave and go back to whatever shithole they came from.

Muslim countries openly oppress non-Muslims in their countries, yet we don't see the progressives crying about that do we?

Islam and its followers seek to supplant all non-Muslim cultures with their own. Their most effective method at this time is to infiltrate and multiply since they cannot do it by force.

It is not the fault of refugees that your (European) governments thought that European society was tolerant and therefore decided to invite refugees which by the way is a right thing to do considering a good number of European countries precipitated the crisis in Libya and Syria to begin with. The major issue that I see here is that European governments propagate propaganda that falsely portrays Europe as a tolerant society. The reality however is that Europe is full of intolerant people with complete disregard for human ideals. If European governments started to clearly warn refugees about the perils of coming to Europe then probably refugees would select alternate refuge.

Maybe you have not noticed, but most people in Europe are (for now) really tolerable and on the asylum seekers side.
For example, a woman was raped in Sweden in a horrific way, she was beaten brutally after being raped. That caused alot of people to say stop, be harder on refugees and make them follow our laws or send them out of the country immediatly. And what did you think happened next? Huge demonstration AGAINST RACISM. Yep, no demonstration for the numerous swedish women being raped, it was a demonstration in favor of the muslims.
That made me do a facepalm...

However... if this continues and only gets worse and worse. More rapes, more assaults, more murders and more terrorist attacks... people are going to stop supporting this crazy immigration!! Is that strange to you?

And btw... do you know what people are the most intolerant ones? Muslims. Cause everybody who isn't a muslim, according to their holy Quran, are infidels. If you are a former muslim, who left Islam for christianity, there is a price on your head.
So why in the world should we be tolerant to their barbaric ways?
Enough is enough.
1. YOur characterization of the government response to the COlogne attacks is just not true. The government had to be dragged to the story by social media and public outcry.

2. Strawman. I did not claim that only Pakistani men abuse young girls. The reaction of the government there was the exact opposite of the racist response you are claiming.

News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimp grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.

1. POlice reports are released by the government. The government resisted collecting and releasing the mass assault reports.

2. The media rarely digs up street crime news by itself.

3. Most of the customers of those Asian pimps were other Asians.

I think the root of your quandary lies either in the lack of information about the issues you are attempting to come to terms with or your intrinsic bigotry. Let me explain why I said that; I have repeated quite a few times that pedophilia in UK is a societal problem. I even pointed you to the statement issued by Theresa May but you still keep harping on "Asian" men.

German government promptly investigated and prosecuted all men who were accused of sexually assaulting German women/girls. However, I am still waiting for German and other European governments to prosecute those officials and civilians who abused refugees.

If Muslim immigrants don't like they way they are being treated in Europe, they are free to leave and go back to whatever shithole they came from.

Muslim countries openly oppress non-Muslims in their countries, yet we don't see the progressives crying about that do we?

Islam and its followers seek to supplant all non-Muslim cultures with their own. Their most effective method at this time is to infiltrate and multiply since they cannot do it by force.

It is not the fault of refugees that your (European) governments thought that European society was tolerant and therefore decided to invite refugees which by the way is a right thing to do considering a good number of European countries precipitated the crisis in Libya and Syria to begin with. The major issue that I see here is that European governments propagate propaganda that falsely portrays Europe as a tolerant society. The reality however is that Europe is full of intolerant people with complete disregard for human ideals. If European governments started to clearly warn refugees about the perils of coming to Europe then probably refugees would select alternate refuge.

If people came to your country and rioted, raped women and children and showed general ingratitude as in the article below, would your countrymen not become intolerant?

"Migrants dump rubbish in the streets in protest over the fact the free Italian villa they have been given does not have a CLEANER and wi-fi"

Read more: Migrants protest over not getting a CLEANER or free Wi-Fi at villa
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
1. YOur characterization of the government response to the COlogne attacks is just not true. The government had to be dragged to the story by social media and public outcry.

2. Strawman. I did not claim that only Pakistani men abuse young girls. The reaction of the government there was the exact opposite of the racist response you are claiming.

News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimps grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.

1. News reporting is done by news outlets. Yes. We covered that.

Police reports are released by the government. Or not.

New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Cologne police came under criticism for their handling of the situation, as their initial press release described the New Year's Eve celebrations as "playful" and "largely peaceful". One victim who was robbed and assaulted was told to report the incident elsewhere by the police.[4] Interior Minister Thomas de Maizièrealso criticized the North Rhine-Westphalia police for describing the celebrations as "peaceful".[83] Police chief Wolfgang Albers later called the assaults "a completely new dimension of crime".[71]

Police told reporters they were investigating whether the attacks in Cologne were linked to a known criminal network in Düsseldorf.[59][84]

On 7 January, the police acknowledged an information blackout until the interior committee of the parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia discussed the events on 11 January."

This is not the government led effort to scapegoat refugees.


2. Governments DO try to present themselves in a good light. And that is why the push to say that the Rotherham and similar scandals are about British society and not the immigrants.

Because the governments don't want to admit that their policy of Third World Immigration is at fault.

With your support of this lie, YOU ARE THE PAWN.

3. Political Elites try to present themselves in a positive light. That is why the push to blame locals for these failures INSTEAD of the universal issue of Political Correctness that led to low level government officials being afraid to even mention the ethnic aspect of these crimes.

4. Save your hyperbole for someone who might be impressed by it.

It does not seem like anything sort of hate and racism can impress you :) So I am under no illusion that my mere mortal self can impress you in any way.

I am glad that German police came under criticism for its handling of Cologne incident.

However, when is German police going to come under criticism for failing to protect refugees from violence of racist people like the ones who are spreading hate on this site?

1.They did not come under criticism for their "handling" of the Cologne incident. They were came under criticism for the fact that they were hiding how bad it was and that the incident had a cultural component.

This reveals that the intent of the European Governments is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you claim it is, ie to whitewash the immigrants, not scapegoat them.

As you are doing.

2. Your dishonest and vile implication that discussing this problem is racist is noted and rejected. That type of Political Correctness is the reason that these issues have been created in the first place and not been honestly discussed in the second, and God Forbid ever actually dealt with in the Third.

Your communications skills suck. That I think seems to be a common problem among people of your ilk.

If German police attempted to whitewash or did not act promptly, that would be characterized as mishandling. So you and your ilk are criticizing German police for mishandling the Cologne incident. That is fine but my question to you is how come you people are not criticizing German police for failing to protect the rights of refugees?

It is you who is dishonest. You claim that your society is kind and generous and yet your society routinely carries out hate attacks on refugees who have lost everything in the war that is a creation of European countries.

My communication skills are excellent, save your lies for someone dumb enough to fall for them.

1. YOu failed to address my point. Again.

They were came under criticism for the fact that they were hiding how bad it was and that the incident had a cultural component.

This reveals that the intent of the European Governments is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you claim it is, ie to whitewash the immigrants, not scapegoat them.

As you are doing.

2. As you refuse to honestly or seriously address my point above, I see no reason to address yours.
News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimps grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.

1. News reporting is done by news outlets. Yes. We covered that.

Police reports are released by the government. Or not.

New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Cologne police came under criticism for their handling of the situation, as their initial press release described the New Year's Eve celebrations as "playful" and "largely peaceful". One victim who was robbed and assaulted was told to report the incident elsewhere by the police.[4] Interior Minister Thomas de Maizièrealso criticized the North Rhine-Westphalia police for describing the celebrations as "peaceful".[83] Police chief Wolfgang Albers later called the assaults "a completely new dimension of crime".[71]

Police told reporters they were investigating whether the attacks in Cologne were linked to a known criminal network in Düsseldorf.[59][84]

On 7 January, the police acknowledged an information blackout until the interior committee of the parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia discussed the events on 11 January."

This is not the government led effort to scapegoat refugees.


2. Governments DO try to present themselves in a good light. And that is why the push to say that the Rotherham and similar scandals are about British society and not the immigrants.

Because the governments don't want to admit that their policy of Third World Immigration is at fault.

With your support of this lie, YOU ARE THE PAWN.

3. Political Elites try to present themselves in a positive light. That is why the push to blame locals for these failures INSTEAD of the universal issue of Political Correctness that led to low level government officials being afraid to even mention the ethnic aspect of these crimes.

4. Save your hyperbole for someone who might be impressed by it.

It does not seem like anything sort of hate and racism can impress you :) So I am under no illusion that my mere mortal self can impress you in any way.

I am glad that German police came under criticism for its handling of Cologne incident.

However, when is German police going to come under criticism for failing to protect refugees from violence of racist people like the ones who are spreading hate on this site?

1.They did not come under criticism for their "handling" of the Cologne incident. They were came under criticism for the fact that they were hiding how bad it was and that the incident had a cultural component.

This reveals that the intent of the European Governments is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you claim it is, ie to whitewash the immigrants, not scapegoat them.

As you are doing.

2. Your dishonest and vile implication that discussing this problem is racist is noted and rejected. That type of Political Correctness is the reason that these issues have been created in the first place and not been honestly discussed in the second, and God Forbid ever actually dealt with in the Third.

Your communications skills suck. That I think seems to be a common problem among people of your ilk.

If German police attempted to whitewash or did not act promptly, that would be characterized as mishandling. So you and your ilk are criticizing German police for mishandling the Cologne incident. That is fine but my question to you is how come you people are not criticizing German police for failing to protect the rights of refugees?

It is you who is dishonest. You claim that your society is kind and generous and yet your society routinely carries out hate attacks on refugees who have lost everything in the war that is a creation of European countries.

My communication skills are excellent, save your lies for someone dumb enough to fall for them.

1. YOu failed to address my point. Again.

They were came under criticism for the fact that they were hiding how bad it was and that the incident had a cultural component.

This reveals that the intent of the European Governments is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you claim it is, ie to whitewash the immigrants, not scapegoat them.

As you are doing.

2. As you refuse to honestly or seriously address my point above, I see no reason to address yours.

I get it that German police came under criticism for not doing enough or hiding or whatever you think they did.

What you are not getting is that why is German police not under criticism for failing to protect refugees?

This tells us that either your do not know how to read or you are avoiding a direct question. This is indicative of an insincere position.
News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimp grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.

1. POlice reports are released by the government. The government resisted collecting and releasing the mass assault reports.

2. The media rarely digs up street crime news by itself.

3. Most of the customers of those Asian pimps were other Asians.

I think the root of your quandary lies either in the lack of information about the issues you are attempting to come to terms with or your intrinsic bigotry. Let me explain why I said that; I have repeated quite a few times that pedophilia in UK is a societal problem. I even pointed you to the statement issued by Theresa May but you still keep harping on "Asian" men.

German government promptly investigated and prosecuted all men who were accused of sexually assaulting German women/girls. However, I am still waiting for German and other European governments to prosecute those officials and civilians who abused refugees.

If Muslim immigrants don't like they way they are being treated in Europe, they are free to leave and go back to whatever shithole they came from.

Muslim countries openly oppress non-Muslims in their countries, yet we don't see the progressives crying about that do we?

Islam and its followers seek to supplant all non-Muslim cultures with their own. Their most effective method at this time is to infiltrate and multiply since they cannot do it by force.

It is not the fault of refugees that your (European) governments thought that European society was tolerant and therefore decided to invite refugees which by the way is a right thing to do considering a good number of European countries precipitated the crisis in Libya and Syria to begin with. The major issue that I see here is that European governments propagate propaganda that falsely portrays Europe as a tolerant society. The reality however is that Europe is full of intolerant people with complete disregard for human ideals. If European governments started to clearly warn refugees about the perils of coming to Europe then probably refugees would select alternate refuge.

If people came to your country and rioted, raped women and children and showed general ingratitude as in the article below, would your countrymen not become intolerant?

"Migrants dump rubbish in the streets in protest over the fact the free Italian villa they have been given does not have a CLEANER and wi-fi"

Read more: Migrants protest over not getting a CLEANER or free Wi-Fi at villa
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Italy is an openly bigoted country. Discrimination against gypsies there is rampant. Gypsies in Italy are denied housing, schooling and other basic human necessities. Any violence if there is any on the part of refugees, that is perhaps in self defense. BTW, Italy is also know for its vile anti-Semitism.


MILAN – Last week, David Guetta, a soccer commentator from Florence, Italy, was waiting at London’s White Hart Lane railway station for the train back to his hotel, having just covered a match, when approximately 20 men started chanting to him in Italian: “Guetta, a train to Mauthausen is waiting for you,” referring to the Austrian concentration camp.

Guetta, who is Jewish, is well known in his hometown and used to anti-Semitic insults. “People have stopped me in cafes calling me ‘shitty Jew’ and stuff like that,” he told Haaretz. Once, they made a sign that said “David Guetta is circumcised.”

He considers it an “occupational hazard,” but he’s no longer willing to let it slide.


read more: Italian soccer gets red card for anti-Semitism - Sports
1. News reporting is done by news outlets. Yes. We covered that.

Police reports are released by the government. Or not.

New Year's Eve sexual assaults in Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Cologne police came under criticism for their handling of the situation, as their initial press release described the New Year's Eve celebrations as "playful" and "largely peaceful". One victim who was robbed and assaulted was told to report the incident elsewhere by the police.[4] Interior Minister Thomas de Maizièrealso criticized the North Rhine-Westphalia police for describing the celebrations as "peaceful".[83] Police chief Wolfgang Albers later called the assaults "a completely new dimension of crime".[71]

Police told reporters they were investigating whether the attacks in Cologne were linked to a known criminal network in Düsseldorf.[59][84]

On 7 January, the police acknowledged an information blackout until the interior committee of the parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia discussed the events on 11 January."

This is not the government led effort to scapegoat refugees.


2. Governments DO try to present themselves in a good light. And that is why the push to say that the Rotherham and similar scandals are about British society and not the immigrants.

Because the governments don't want to admit that their policy of Third World Immigration is at fault.

With your support of this lie, YOU ARE THE PAWN.

3. Political Elites try to present themselves in a positive light. That is why the push to blame locals for these failures INSTEAD of the universal issue of Political Correctness that led to low level government officials being afraid to even mention the ethnic aspect of these crimes.

4. Save your hyperbole for someone who might be impressed by it.

It does not seem like anything sort of hate and racism can impress you :) So I am under no illusion that my mere mortal self can impress you in any way.

I am glad that German police came under criticism for its handling of Cologne incident.

However, when is German police going to come under criticism for failing to protect refugees from violence of racist people like the ones who are spreading hate on this site?

1.They did not come under criticism for their "handling" of the Cologne incident. They were came under criticism for the fact that they were hiding how bad it was and that the incident had a cultural component.

This reveals that the intent of the European Governments is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you claim it is, ie to whitewash the immigrants, not scapegoat them.

As you are doing.

2. Your dishonest and vile implication that discussing this problem is racist is noted and rejected. That type of Political Correctness is the reason that these issues have been created in the first place and not been honestly discussed in the second, and God Forbid ever actually dealt with in the Third.

Your communications skills suck. That I think seems to be a common problem among people of your ilk.

If German police attempted to whitewash or did not act promptly, that would be characterized as mishandling. So you and your ilk are criticizing German police for mishandling the Cologne incident. That is fine but my question to you is how come you people are not criticizing German police for failing to protect the rights of refugees?

It is you who is dishonest. You claim that your society is kind and generous and yet your society routinely carries out hate attacks on refugees who have lost everything in the war that is a creation of European countries.

My communication skills are excellent, save your lies for someone dumb enough to fall for them.

1. YOu failed to address my point. Again.

They were came under criticism for the fact that they were hiding how bad it was and that the incident had a cultural component.

This reveals that the intent of the European Governments is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you claim it is, ie to whitewash the immigrants, not scapegoat them.

As you are doing.

2. As you refuse to honestly or seriously address my point above, I see no reason to address yours.

I get it that German police came under criticism for not doing enough or hiding or whatever you think they did.

What you are not getting is that why is German police not under criticism for failing to protect refugees?

This tells us that either your do not know how to read or you are avoiding a direct question. This is indicative of an insincere position.

1. YOu failed to address my point. Again.

They were came under criticism for the fact that they were hiding how bad it was and that the incident had a cultural component.

This reveals that the intent of the European Governments is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you claim it is, ie to whitewash the immigrants, not scapegoat them.

As you are doing.

2. As you refuse to honestly or seriously address my point above, I see no reason to address yours.

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