Sweden is falling apart

Do you think Sweden will fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters
I found a great article on Daily Mail. The website has earlier been accused(by swedish media) of conspiracy against Sweden... for writing the truth, I guess...
Here they are writing the truth again. This is Sweden today...
Migrant attacks and a conspiracy to hide the truth in Sweden

They mentioned that many swedish women have been molested. When I was 16-17 yrs old, I was molested on the bus by an arabic man (between 30-35 yrs of age). He tried to persuade me to come with him to his home country, he said that he would purchase everything I wanted if I did. He tried to kiss me on the lips, forced me to hold hands with him and he put his hand on the inside of my thigh and held it there for a long time... I was wearing a skirt and I tried to squeeze my thighs together to keep his hand from migrating up.
He stalked me for hours after finally arriving in the city before he gave up... I stayed in areas where there was alot of people to be on the safe side. I was so scared and didn't know what to do... :(

I wish I would have had my defense spray back then... Maybe I would have had the guts to tell him off if I did.
Who knows what he was planning on doing if I had followed him to his home country?

I've experience a few more alarming incidents involving arabic men, I might write about that later.

Women should be allowed more than spray to defend themselves. Is it legal to carry a switchblade?

Sadly, all potentionally deadly weapons are illegal. That includes guns, brass knuckles, knifes... anything sharp really. Even a pocket knife is illegal to carry.
Swedes are only allowed to have defense sprays, and that is not even pepperspray... which is also illegal to carry, btw. Only police are allowed to carry pepperspray. The defense sprays just irritate the eyes and color the skin bright red, the red paint wont wash off for days so the attacker should be easier to find.
So we are pretty much defenseless should somebody attack with a weapon. :(

Yesterday a 16-year old girl was attacked and brutally beaten by 3 men. Totally unprovoked... !!
She describes them as 20-25 yrs of age and with a "foreign appearance".
She was so severly injured that she now has lost sense in both her legs.
Sophie, 16, överfölls av tre okända män

I hope she recovers fully... :(

Holy crap, not even knives or pepper spray? Sounds like women should leave the country until politicians pull their heads out of their ass.

Nope... not even that... :( We are basically defenseless...
However... weapons for self protection hasnt been needed in Sweden since probably the 60s or 70s, at least...
But now, in the Sweden of today... we need to arm ourselves somehow... even if its illegal...im considering brass knuckles and then teaching myself some boxing... you will need some fighting skill to survive this hellhole.
i think brass knuckles and some boxing experience could be a powerful weapon when they attack in groups , trying to gangrape a woman... they never know whats coming to them... those bastards!!!

Yeah, I've been contemplating to leave sweden for good, and let them selfdestruct.... I'm considering Norway, our languages are very much alike, and the culture in Norway is what Sweden once had...and lets not forget "GREAT and SAFE" and the politicians there arent clowns that only care for the asylum seekers. Sweden Democrats was excluded from the parliament even though they were the third largest party, all other parties refused to work with them. Isn't that unbelievable?! And is that democracy? NO!!!
Sweden is destroyed for ever... :(
I have to tell you something.... this upset me in so many different ways... :(
Nathalie, 29, om överfallet: De ropade "svenska hora" och skar sönder mitt bröst

In the beginning of this month, a 29 yr old woman was assaulted by 3-4 arabic men (30-35 yrs of age). They push her to the ground, then drag her by her hair into an alley, they start beating her in the face and head. She recieved such hard blows to the head that she was in and out of consciousness. She fought back as hard as she could, but they were too many for her. They pinned her down and cut her chest!!
During the entire assault the men were shouting things like: "swedish whore! "swedish bitch!" and "c*nt" at her.
When she finally became clear in mind and conscious, she noticed that her clothes were shredded and torn off. When she sees that the men are taking their pants off, she makes a run for it and the men follow. Luckily she finds her boyfriend outdoors on the street, and the arabic men gives up.

She doesn't remember everything that happened... but when investigating her face and body. She can see that her face was swollen and bruised. Her hands are badly bruised and swollen, she had blood underneath her fingernails as she had scratched her attackers. Her arms are bruised where the attackers had pinned her down. The attackers also cut her chest/boob with what she thinks could have been a stanley knife, or a razorblade, as the cuts are thin and very deep.

It has been reported to the police. But she has tried to contact them several times again as she thinks its possible her friends might have seen the arabic mens faces when they got on the bus, as the gang had been standing there previously. But police doesnt care... not even when she tried to contact them about additional injuries she found later on.
Pathetic police work !!!

Swedish mainstream media reported the following:
"The report came in around 11 at night on tuesday. The woman says in her report that she has been stalked by 3-4 younger men when she was out in *city*. She was pulled into an alley. She managed to get away and ran home to a friend.
- It says in the report that her jacket has been shredded as well as other clothing.
The attack has been classified as a try to commit rape or physical abuse."
Misstänkt våldtäktsförsök i Nora

Thats it.
Everything to hide the obvious... that the crime was commited by muslims. What makes this case extra special to hide from swedes are what they were shouting at her while committing the horrific act: "SWEDISH WHORE!".
Once again, swedish media proves how shit they are. They didn't even write about how injured she was... Appearantly they need to hide that as well from the swedes...

I hope the girl will recover fully soon, and that it won't leave too visible scarring... :(
And that the attackers are caught and deported from the country immediatly!! :mad:
Last edited:
I found a great article on Daily Mail. The website has earlier been accused(by swedish media) of conspiracy against Sweden... for writing the truth, I guess...
Here they are writing the truth again. This is Sweden today...
Migrant attacks and a conspiracy to hide the truth in Sweden

They mentioned that many swedish women have been molested. When I was 16-17 yrs old, I was molested on the bus by an arabic man (between 30-35 yrs of age). He tried to persuade me to come with him to his home country, he said that he would purchase everything I wanted if I did. He tried to kiss me on the lips, forced me to hold hands with him and he put his hand on the inside of my thigh and held it there for a long time... I was wearing a skirt and I tried to squeeze my thighs together to keep his hand from migrating up.
He stalked me for hours after finally arriving in the city before he gave up... I stayed in areas where there was alot of people to be on the safe side. I was so scared and didn't know what to do... :(

I wish I would have had my defense spray back then... Maybe I would have had the guts to tell him off if I did.
Who knows what he was planning on doing if I had followed him to his home country?

I've experience a few more alarming incidents involving arabic men, I might write about that later.

Women should be allowed more than spray to defend themselves. Is it legal to carry a switchblade?

Sadly, all potentionally deadly weapons are illegal. That includes guns, brass knuckles, knifes... anything sharp really. Even a pocket knife is illegal to carry.
Swedes are only allowed to have defense sprays, and that is not even pepperspray... which is also illegal to carry, btw. Only police are allowed to carry pepperspray. The defense sprays just irritate the eyes and color the skin bright red, the red paint wont wash off for days so the attacker should be easier to find.
So we are pretty much defenseless should somebody attack with a weapon. :(

Yesterday a 16-year old girl was attacked and brutally beaten by 3 men. Totally unprovoked... !!
She describes them as 20-25 yrs of age and with a "foreign appearance".
She was so severly injured that she now has lost sense in both her legs.
Sophie, 16, överfölls av tre okända män

I hope she recovers fully... :(

Holy crap, not even knives or pepper spray? Sounds like women should leave the country until politicians pull their heads out of their ass.

Nope... not even that... :( We are basically defenseless...
However... weapons for self protection hasnt been needed in Sweden since probably the 60s or 70s, at least...
But now, in the Sweden of today... we need to arm ourselves somehow... even if its illegal...im considering brass knuckles and then teaching myself some boxing... you will need some fighting skill to survive this hellhole.
i think brass knuckles and some boxing experience could be a powerful weapon when they attack in groups , trying to gangrape a woman... they never know whats coming to them... those bastards!!!

Yeah, I've been contemplating to leave sweden for good, and let them selfdestruct.... I'm considering Norway, our languages are very much alike, and the culture in Norway is what Sweden once had...and lets not forget "GREAT and SAFE" and the politicians there arent clowns that only care for the asylum seekers. Sweden Democrats was excluded from the parliament even though they were the third largest party, all other parties refused to work with them. Isn't that unbelievable?! And is that democracy? NO!!!
Sweden is destroyed for ever... :(

I'm sorry for Sweden, but it's your Traitor Government and the Leftism that has polluted your ENTIRE society....this could have been prevented, but Leftist Sweden wanted this savage filth in to prove how LIBERAL Sweden is....you reap what you sow.

The difference between Leftist Sweden and Mr. Lucy's nation Norway, the latter don't want Multiculturalism, so Sweden is now sunk....my Brother-in-Law works in Norwegian Government, he's a Private Secretary to a Government Minister, who I'm not naming obviously....however Norwegian Government has plan formed for when Sweden collapses completely, Norway seals border and is willing to enforce the border with troops and ALL what they refer to as "Swedish refugees"....ie. native Swedes are not going to be allowed to flee chaos into Norway....Norway doesn't want Leftist Swedes in Norway.

It's brutal, but I'm sorry the Swedes are going to be left to their own fate, sometimes people need to be taught lesson for being so pathologically altruistic.

The difference between Sweden and Norway....even though it's OBVIOUS, for those who don't know Flags, Sweden is top of this picture and the contrast with BEAUTIFUL native Norwegian girls, white, blonde, proud, pristine and future Mothers of Nordic children that LOOK like them and NOT like the Swedes future of half-Muslim savage kidlets and half-African savage kidlets....kidlets created either through sexual consent by filthy Traitor Swedish whores OR more likely kidlets created through FORCED RAPE of ethnic Swedish women.

I have to tell you something.... this upset me in so many different ways... :(
Nathalie, 29, om överfallet: De ropade "svenska hora" och skar sönder mitt bröst

In the beginning of this month, a 29 yr old woman was assaulted by 3-4 arabic men (30-35 yrs of age). They push her to the ground, then drag her by her hair into an alley, they start beating her in the face and head. She recieved such hard blows to the head that she was in and out of consciousness. She fought back as hard as she could, but they were too many for her. They pinned her down and cut her chest!!
During the entire assault the men were shouting things like: "swedish whore! "swedish bitch!" and "c*nt" at her.
When she finally became clear in mind and conscious, she noticed that her clothes were shredded and torn off. When she sees that the men are taking their pants off, she makes a run for it and the men follow. Luckily she finds her boyfriend outdoors on the street, and the arabic men gives up.

She doesn't remember everything that happened... but when investigating her face and body. She can see that her face was swollen and bruised. Her hands are badly bruised and swollen, she had blood underneath her fingernails as she had scratched her attackers. Her arms are bruised where the attackers had pinned her down. The attackers also cut her chest/boob with what she thinks could have been a stanley knife, or a razorblade, as the cuts are thin and very deep.

It has been reported to the police. But she has tried to contact them several times again as she thinks its possible her friends might have seen the arabic mens faces when they got on the bus, as the gang had been standing there previously. But police doesnt care... not even when she tried to contact them about additional injuries she found later on.
Pathetic police work !!!

Swedish mainstream media reported the following:
"The report came in around 11 at night on tuesday. The woman says in her report that she has been stalked by 3-4 younger men when she was out in *city*. She was pulled into an alley. She managed to get away and ran home to a friend.
- It says in the report that her jacket has been shredded as well as other clothing.
The attack has been classified as a try to commit rape or physical abuse."
Misstänkt våldtäktsförsök i Nora

Thats it.
Everything to hide the obvious... that the crime was commited by muslims. What makes this case extra special to hide from swedes are what they were shouting at her while committing the horrific act: "SWEDISH WHORE!".
Once again, swedish media proves how shit they are. They didn't even write about how injured she was... Appearantly they need to hide that as well from the swedes...

I hope the girl will recover fully soon, and that it won't leave too visible scarring... :(
And that the attackers are caught and deported from the country immediatly!! :mad:
The police and governmental policies have let this woman and the rest of Swedish society down.
I found a great article on Daily Mail. The website has earlier been accused(by swedish media) of conspiracy against Sweden... for writing the truth, I guess...
Here they are writing the truth again. This is Sweden today...
Migrant attacks and a conspiracy to hide the truth in Sweden

They mentioned that many swedish women have been molested. When I was 16-17 yrs old, I was molested on the bus by an arabic man (between 30-35 yrs of age). He tried to persuade me to come with him to his home country, he said that he would purchase everything I wanted if I did. He tried to kiss me on the lips, forced me to hold hands with him and he put his hand on the inside of my thigh and held it there for a long time... I was wearing a skirt and I tried to squeeze my thighs together to keep his hand from migrating up.
He stalked me for hours after finally arriving in the city before he gave up... I stayed in areas where there was alot of people to be on the safe side. I was so scared and didn't know what to do... :(

I wish I would have had my defense spray back then... Maybe I would have had the guts to tell him off if I did.
Who knows what he was planning on doing if I had followed him to his home country?

I've experience a few more alarming incidents involving arabic men, I might write about that later.

Women should be allowed more than spray to defend themselves. Is it legal to carry a switchblade?

Sadly, all potentionally deadly weapons are illegal. That includes guns, brass knuckles, knifes... anything sharp really. Even a pocket knife is illegal to carry.
Swedes are only allowed to have defense sprays, and that is not even pepperspray... which is also illegal to carry, btw. Only police are allowed to carry pepperspray. The defense sprays just irritate the eyes and color the skin bright red, the red paint wont wash off for days so the attacker should be easier to find.
So we are pretty much defenseless should somebody attack with a weapon. :(

Yesterday a 16-year old girl was attacked and brutally beaten by 3 men. Totally unprovoked... !!
She describes them as 20-25 yrs of age and with a "foreign appearance".
She was so severly injured that she now has lost sense in both her legs.
Sophie, 16, överfölls av tre okända män

I hope she recovers fully... :(

Holy crap, not even knives or pepper spray? Sounds like women should leave the country until politicians pull their heads out of their ass.

Nope... not even that... :( We are basically defenseless...
However... weapons for self protection hasnt been needed in Sweden since probably the 60s or 70s, at least...
But now, in the Sweden of today... we need to arm ourselves somehow... even if its illegal...im considering brass knuckles and then teaching myself some boxing... you will need some fighting skill to survive this hellhole.
i think brass knuckles and some boxing experience could be a powerful weapon when they attack in groups , trying to gangrape a woman... they never know whats coming to them... those bastards!!!

Yeah, I've been contemplating to leave sweden for good, and let them selfdestruct.... I'm considering Norway, our languages are very much alike, and the culture in Norway is what Sweden once had...and lets not forget "GREAT and SAFE" and the politicians there arent clowns that only care for the asylum seekers. Sweden Democrats was excluded from the parliament even though they were the third largest party, all other parties refused to work with them. Isn't that unbelievable?! And is that democracy? NO!!!
Sweden is destroyed for ever... :(

I'm sorry for Sweden, but it's your Traitor Government and the Leftism that has polluted your ENTIRE society....this could have been prevented, but Leftist Sweden wanted this savage filth in to prove how LIBERAL Sweden is....you reap what you sow.

The difference between Leftist Sweden and Mr. Lucy's nation Norway, the latter don't want Multiculturalism, so Sweden is now sunk....my Brother-in-Law works in Norwegian Government, he's a Private Secretary to a Government Minister, who I'm not naming obviously....however Norwegian Government has plan formed for when Sweden collapses completely, Norway seals border and is willing to enforce the border with troops and ALL what they refer to as "Swedish refugees"....ie. native Swedes are not going to be allowed to flee chaos into Norway....Norway doesn't want Leftist Swedes in Norway.

It's brutal, but I'm sorry the Swedes are going to be left to their own fate, sometimes people need to be taught lesson for being so pathologically altruistic.

The difference between Sweden and Norway....even though it's OBVIOUS, for those who don't know Flags, Sweden is top of this picture and the contrast with BEAUTIFUL native Norwegian girls, white, blonde, proud, pristine and future Mothers of Nordic children that LOOK like them and NOT like the Swedes future of half-Muslim savage kidlets and half-African savage kidlets....kidlets created either through sexual consent by filthy Traitor Swedish whores OR more likely kidlets created through FORCED RAPE of ethnic Swedish women.


And what I just mentioned about Norway preparing for Sweden's collapse and enforcement of border, is known full well in Norway as Erna Solberg the PM announced it and Norway is prepared to abandon The Geneva Convention to protect Norway and it's people.

The whole of Europa is under NO obligation to take ANY of the Muslim savages and Sub-Saharan African savages I might add, those few nations taking them in are because they have Traitor Governments who've decided to tell their OWN people to FUCK YOU!

The Erna Solberg interview, she mentions Sweden and Denmark borders, she mentions her Government in Oslo preparing measures for collapse of Sweden, she mentions sealing border with Sweden and enforcing this with troops and blocking "Swedish refugees" * and also being prepared to abandon The Geneva Convention.

* "Blocking refugees who do not come from a conflict zone ie. a war zone" = this refers to the Swedish people themselves who'll obviously want to attempt to flee Sweden - not TECHNICALLY a war zone - into Norway.

Norge vil bryde folkeretten og afvise flygtninge i krisetilfælde

Another article about the above from Zero Hedge:

Norway Warns Sweden Will Collapse, PM Will Defy Geneva Convention To Protect Border | Zero Hedge

Edited to add comment.
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I have to tell you something.... this upset me in so many different ways... :(
Nathalie, 29, om överfallet: De ropade "svenska hora" och skar sönder mitt bröst

In the beginning of this month, a 29 yr old woman was assaulted by 3-4 arabic men (30-35 yrs of age). They push her to the ground, then drag her by her hair into an alley, they start beating her in the face and head. She recieved such hard blows to the head that she was in and out of consciousness. She fought back as hard as she could, but they were too many for her. They pinned her down and cut her chest!!
During the entire assault the men were shouting things like: "swedish whore! "swedish bitch!" and "c*nt" at her.
When she finally became clear in mind and conscious, she noticed that her clothes were shredded and torn off. When she sees that the men are taking their pants off, she makes a run for it and the men follow. Luckily she finds her boyfriend outdoors on the street, and the arabic men gives up.

She doesn't remember everything that happened... but when investigating her face and body. She can see that her face was swollen and bruised. Her hands are badly bruised and swollen, she had blood underneath her fingernails as she had scratched her attackers. Her arms are bruised where the attackers had pinned her down. The attackers also cut her chest/boob with what she thinks could have been a stanley knife, or a razorblade, as the cuts are thin and very deep.

It has been reported to the police. But she has tried to contact them several times again as she thinks its possible her friends might have seen the arabic mens faces when they got on the bus, as the gang had been standing there previously. But police doesnt care... not even when she tried to contact them about additional injuries she found later on.
Pathetic police work !!!

Swedish mainstream media reported the following:
"The report came in around 11 at night on tuesday. The woman says in her report that she has been stalked by 3-4 younger men when she was out in *city*. She was pulled into an alley. She managed to get away and ran home to a friend.
- It says in the report that her jacket has been shredded as well as other clothing.
The attack has been classified as a try to commit rape or physical abuse."
Misstänkt våldtäktsförsök i Nora

Thats it.
Everything to hide the obvious... that the crime was commited by muslims. What makes this case extra special to hide from swedes are what they were shouting at her while committing the horrific act: "SWEDISH WHORE!".
Once again, swedish media proves how shit they are. They didn't even write about how injured she was... Appearantly they need to hide that as well from the swedes...

I hope the girl will recover fully soon, and that it won't leave too visible scarring... :(
And that the attackers are caught and deported from the country immediatly!! :mad:
The police and governmental policies have let this woman and the rest of Swedish society down.

Yes because THATS what being a Traitor is Alex, they are Traitor's to the nation and the Swedish people.
I have to tell you something.... this upset me in so many different ways... :(
Nathalie, 29, om överfallet: De ropade "svenska hora" och skar sönder mitt bröst

In the beginning of this month, a 29 yr old woman was assaulted by 3-4 arabic men (30-35 yrs of age). They push her to the ground, then drag her by her hair into an alley, they start beating her in the face and head. She recieved such hard blows to the head that she was in and out of consciousness. She fought back as hard as she could, but they were too many for her. They pinned her down and cut her chest!!
During the entire assault the men were shouting things like: "swedish whore! "swedish bitch!" and "c*nt" at her.
When she finally became clear in mind and conscious, she noticed that her clothes were shredded and torn off. When she sees that the men are taking their pants off, she makes a run for it and the men follow. Luckily she finds her boyfriend outdoors on the street, and the arabic men gives up.

She doesn't remember everything that happened... but when investigating her face and body. She can see that her face was swollen and bruised. Her hands are badly bruised and swollen, she had blood underneath her fingernails as she had scratched her attackers. Her arms are bruised where the attackers had pinned her down. The attackers also cut her chest/boob with what she thinks could have been a stanley knife, or a razorblade, as the cuts are thin and very deep.

It has been reported to the police. But she has tried to contact them several times again as she thinks its possible her friends might have seen the arabic mens faces when they got on the bus, as the gang had been standing there previously. But police doesnt care... not even when she tried to contact them about additional injuries she found later on.
Pathetic police work !!!

Swedish mainstream media reported the following:
"The report came in around 11 at night on tuesday. The woman says in her report that she has been stalked by 3-4 younger men when she was out in *city*. She was pulled into an alley. She managed to get away and ran home to a friend.
- It says in the report that her jacket has been shredded as well as other clothing.
The attack has been classified as a try to commit rape or physical abuse."
Misstänkt våldtäktsförsök i Nora

Thats it.
Everything to hide the obvious... that the crime was commited by muslims. What makes this case extra special to hide from swedes are what they were shouting at her while committing the horrific act: "SWEDISH WHORE!".
Once again, swedish media proves how shit they are. They didn't even write about how injured she was... Appearantly they need to hide that as well from the swedes...

I hope the girl will recover fully soon, and that it won't leave too visible scarring... :(
And that the attackers are caught and deported from the country immediatly!! :mad:
The police and governmental policies have let this woman and the rest of Swedish society down.

Yes because THATS what being a Traitor is Alex, they are Traitor's to the nation and the Swedish people.
I could not agree more
I have to tell you something.... this upset me in so many different ways... :(
Nathalie, 29, om överfallet: De ropade "svenska hora" och skar sönder mitt bröst

In the beginning of this month, a 29 yr old woman was assaulted by 3-4 arabic men (30-35 yrs of age). They push her to the ground, then drag her by her hair into an alley, they start beating her in the face and head. She recieved such hard blows to the head that she was in and out of consciousness. She fought back as hard as she could, but they were too many for her. They pinned her down and cut her chest!!
During the entire assault the men were shouting things like: "swedish whore! "swedish bitch!" and "c*nt" at her.
When she finally became clear in mind and conscious, she noticed that her clothes were shredded and torn off. When she sees that the men are taking their pants off, she makes a run for it and the men follow. Luckily she finds her boyfriend outdoors on the street, and the arabic men gives up.

She doesn't remember everything that happened... but when investigating her face and body. She can see that her face was swollen and bruised. Her hands are badly bruised and swollen, she had blood underneath her fingernails as she had scratched her attackers. Her arms are bruised where the attackers had pinned her down. The attackers also cut her chest/boob with what she thinks could have been a stanley knife, or a razorblade, as the cuts are thin and very deep.

It has been reported to the police. But she has tried to contact them several times again as she thinks its possible her friends might have seen the arabic mens faces when they got on the bus, as the gang had been standing there previously. But police doesnt care... not even when she tried to contact them about additional injuries she found later on.
Pathetic police work !!!

Swedish mainstream media reported the following:
"The report came in around 11 at night on tuesday. The woman says in her report that she has been stalked by 3-4 younger men when she was out in *city*. She was pulled into an alley. She managed to get away and ran home to a friend.
- It says in the report that her jacket has been shredded as well as other clothing.
The attack has been classified as a try to commit rape or physical abuse."
Misstänkt våldtäktsförsök i Nora

Thats it.
Everything to hide the obvious... that the crime was commited by muslims. What makes this case extra special to hide from swedes are what they were shouting at her while committing the horrific act: "SWEDISH WHORE!".
Once again, swedish media proves how shit they are. They didn't even write about how injured she was... Appearantly they need to hide that as well from the swedes...

I hope the girl will recover fully soon, and that it won't leave too visible scarring... :(
And that the attackers are caught and deported from the country immediatly!! :mad:
The police and governmental policies have let this woman and the rest of Swedish society down.

Yes because THATS what being a Traitor is Alex, they are Traitor's to the nation and the Swedish people.
I could not agree more

It's a horrible situation, nobody is happy what's happening in Sweden, but neighbouring nations must protect themselves when the inevitable occurs.
Women should be allowed more than spray to defend themselves. Is it legal to carry a switchblade?

Sadly, all potentionally deadly weapons are illegal. That includes guns, brass knuckles, knifes... anything sharp really. Even a pocket knife is illegal to carry.
Swedes are only allowed to have defense sprays, and that is not even pepperspray... which is also illegal to carry, btw. Only police are allowed to carry pepperspray. The defense sprays just irritate the eyes and color the skin bright red, the red paint wont wash off for days so the attacker should be easier to find.
So we are pretty much defenseless should somebody attack with a weapon. :(

Yesterday a 16-year old girl was attacked and brutally beaten by 3 men. Totally unprovoked... !!
She describes them as 20-25 yrs of age and with a "foreign appearance".
She was so severly injured that she now has lost sense in both her legs.
Sophie, 16, överfölls av tre okända män

I hope she recovers fully... :(

Holy crap, not even knives or pepper spray? Sounds like women should leave the country until politicians pull their heads out of their ass.

Nope... not even that... :( We are basically defenseless...
However... weapons for self protection hasnt been needed in Sweden since probably the 60s or 70s, at least...
But now, in the Sweden of today... we need to arm ourselves somehow... even if its illegal...im considering brass knuckles and then teaching myself some boxing... you will need some fighting skill to survive this hellhole.
i think brass knuckles and some boxing experience could be a powerful weapon when they attack in groups , trying to gangrape a woman... they never know whats coming to them... those bastards!!!

Yeah, I've been contemplating to leave sweden for good, and let them selfdestruct.... I'm considering Norway, our languages are very much alike, and the culture in Norway is what Sweden once had...and lets not forget "GREAT and SAFE" and the politicians there arent clowns that only care for the asylum seekers. Sweden Democrats was excluded from the parliament even though they were the third largest party, all other parties refused to work with them. Isn't that unbelievable?! And is that democracy? NO!!!
Sweden is destroyed for ever... :(

I'm sorry for Sweden, but it's your Traitor Government and the Leftism that has polluted your ENTIRE society....this could have been prevented, but Leftist Sweden wanted this savage filth in to prove how LIBERAL Sweden is....you reap what you sow.

The difference between Leftist Sweden and Mr. Lucy's nation Norway, the latter don't want Multiculturalism, so Sweden is now sunk....my Brother-in-Law works in Norwegian Government, he's a Private Secretary to a Government Minister, who I'm not naming obviously....however Norwegian Government has plan formed for when Sweden collapses completely, Norway seals border and is willing to enforce the border with troops and ALL what they refer to as "Swedish refugees"....ie. native Swedes are not going to be allowed to flee chaos into Norway....Norway doesn't want Leftist Swedes in Norway.

It's brutal, but I'm sorry the Swedes are going to be left to their own fate, sometimes people need to be taught lesson for being so pathologically altruistic.

The difference between Sweden and Norway....even though it's OBVIOUS, for those who don't know Flags, Sweden is top of this picture and the contrast with BEAUTIFUL native Norwegian girls, white, blonde, proud, pristine and future Mothers of Nordic children that LOOK like them and NOT like the Swedes future of half-Muslim savage kidlets and half-African savage kidlets....kidlets created either through sexual consent by filthy Traitor Swedish whores OR more likely kidlets created through FORCED RAPE of ethnic Swedish women.


And what I just mentioned about Norway preparing for Sweden's collapse and enforcement of border, is known full well in Norway as Erna Solberg the PM announced it and Norway is prepared to abandon The Geneva Convention to protect Norway and it's people.

The whole of Europa is under NO obligation to take ANY of the Muslim savages and Sub-Saharan African savages I might add, those few nations taking them in are because they have Traitor Governments who've decided to tell their OWN people to FUCK YOU!

The Erna Solberg interview, she mentions Sweden and Denmark borders, she mentions her Government in Oslo preparing measures for collapse of Sweden, she mentions sealing border with Sweden and enforcing this with troops and blocking "Swedish refugees" * and also being prepared to abandon The Geneva Convention.

* "Blocking refugees who do not come from a conflict zone ie. a war zone" = this refers to the Swedish people themselves who'll obviously want to attempt to flee Sweden - not TECHNICALLY a war zone - into Norway.

Norge vil bryde folkeretten og afvise flygtninge i krisetilfælde

Another article about the above from Zero Hedge:

Norway Warns Sweden Will Collapse, PM Will Defy Geneva Convention To Protect Border | Zero Hedge

Edited to add comment.

Yes, Norway is clever. I don't believe they are blocking for "real" swedes though, but I wouldn't blame them if they do... they are blocking mainly for the migrants. Migrants often come to Sweden for the welfare, but when the money stops coming in they will probably "flee" to Norway and claim to be asylum seekers. How low can one sink?
Denmark pretty recently lowered the welfare checks for migrants. And what did the migrants do?

Notice that he calls the money he recieves for "salary"... lol... :rolleyes:

Btw, getting swedish citizenship is way too easy, that's probably why Norway are blocking for all swedes. Migrants doesn't even have to learn swedish or contribute anything to society... Or even respect women or our culture.
Jimmie Åkesson wants to change that, but it's "racist" according to other swedish politicians and media...
Sweden Democrat Leader Calls For Halt On New Citizenships For Migrants - Breitbart

Anyways... Norway is very keen of protecting their country and economy... Sweden is not, and swedes have voted for their own selfdestruction. It's sad that Norway won't let fleeing swedes in though... swedes that have voted against the mass immigration.
So if I'm going to move to Norway, I better save up money quick and leave. :eek:
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Sorry for double posting, but I have to tell you this.

Women told not to go out alone at night in Swedish town after attacks

"Women in a town in northern Sweden have been warned not to walk alone at night in the wake of a spike in violent assaults and attempted rapes.

Police in Östersund made the unusual move to ask women not to go out unaccompanied after dark, after reports of eight brutal attacks, some by 'men of foreign appearance', in just over two weeks

The most recent assault took place in the early hours of Sunday morning, when a woman became the victim of an attempted rape by three young men in central Östersund.
She was brought to the ground by three unknown men shortly after 1am, after which the men tried to rip her trousers off, but the woman fought back and managed to escape.
The perpetrators have been described as 'tall, slim, aged 18-25 and speaking Swedish with a foreign accent'.

Just a few hours later, police received another report of a lone woman being attacked by a young man in the same neighbourhood in central Östersund.
A police report states that an unknown man in his late 20s 'whose appearance was described as foreign' attacked the woman without provocation.
The man had reportedly walked up to her and punched her in the face with his fist, then thrown her to the ground, pushing her head into the asphalt, before running off.

Police also highlighted an additional four cases in the past two weeks, including a lone woman assaulted by three men, and a report of a group of ten-year-old girls being harassed by men in central Ostersund.

The warning has been widely criticised, including by representatives of the local government, with many arguing that women should not have to 'adapt' to abusers."

Isn't this horrible?! Omg... This makes me so angry i can't even describe it.
And people are still in denial that Islam is evil... :eusa_wall:
Seems like Sharia laws are the next step...

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6-year old boy raped in an asylum home! :(
19-åring misstänks ha våldtagit 6-årig pojke på asylboende

I will translate some of the text:
A 19-yr old man is under arrest for raping a 6-yr old boy in an asylum home. The rape is labeled as "complete" and has happened indoors.
The man and the boy were staying at the same asylum home, where the man and the parents of the victim were acquaintences and from the same country. It was the parents that called the police.

My guess would be that those involved are from Afghanistan, since theres a thing there called Bacha bazi where underage boys are dressed as girls and forced to dance... then the men will rape them. At least thats the short explaination of it. You can read more in the link, or google it yourself.
Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not the first time underage boys have been raped at asylum homes and probably not the last.
Such horrible betrayal from the 19 yr old to first of all rape a child, and second rape a child of people he knew and had traveled with.
When a rape is labeled "complete" in Sweden means there has been penetration of the penis and ejaculation involved...

Of course this man should immediatly be kicked out of the country!! But this is Sweden... he will probably get a few years in our luxery prisons and then be set free again.
If I got to decide this mans fate... his penis should be cut off and force fed to him!!!!!! Then kicked out out Sweden, head first into the ocean!! :mad:
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This is more tragic news from increasingly messed up Sweden, you know Freja if we could we'd help you in some way, I just wanted you to know this darling :smiliehug:

The Bacha Bazi, what WE refer to as Paedophiles, this is ancient old practice from these 7th Century savages, if there's just one reason why no Afghan should be allowed into Europa THIS is it. In a just society these Satanic perverts would have their testicles sliced off and pronto.

Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sexually abused dancing boys of Afghanistan - BBC News
6-year old boy raped in an asylum home! :(
19-åring misstänks ha våldtagit 6-årig pojke på asylboende

I will translate some of the text:
A 19-yr old man is under arrest for raping a 6-yr old boy in an asylum home. The rape is labeled as "complete" and has happened indoors.
The man and the boy were staying at the same asylum home, where the man and the parents of the victim were acquaintences and from the same country. It was the parents that called the police.

My guess would be that those involved are from Afghanistan, since theres a thing there called Bacha bazi where underage boys are dressed as girls and forced to dance... then the men will rape them. At least thats the short explaination of it. You can read more in the link, or google it yourself.
Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not the first time underage boys have been raped at asylum homes and probably not the last.
Such horrible betrayal from the 19 yr old to first of all rape a child, and second rape a child of people he knew and had traveled with.
When a rape is labeled "complete" in Sweden means there has been penetration of the penis and ejaculation involved...

Of course this man should immediatly be kicked out of the country!! But this is Sweden... he will probably get a few years in our luxery prisons and then be set free again.
If I got to decide this mans fate... his penis should be cut off and force fed to him!!!!!! Then kicked out out Sweden, head first into the ocean!! :mad:

In Islamic countries it is quite normal for men to rape boys. They don't count that as homosexuality. What else should we expect from the religion of the Pedophile Prophet? It's another reason why none of them should be allowed to immigrate to a Western countries.
This is more tragic news from increasingly messed up Sweden, you know Freja if we could we'd help you in some way, I just wanted you to know this darling :smiliehug:

The Bacha Bazi, what WE refer to as Paedophiles, this is ancient old practice from these 7th Century savages, if there's just one reason why no Afghan should be allowed into Europa THIS is it. In a just society these Satanic perverts would have their testicles sliced off and pronto.

Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sexually abused dancing boys of Afghanistan - BBC News

Thank you, it is very kind of you to say that! :smiliehug:
I am very worried how fast its gone down hill since last year... Sweden needs all help one can get!

Bacha bazi is so disgusting... I agree they shouldn't be let in into Europe. Their religion and values seems barbaric overall. Adding to the punishment of slicing their testicles.... I think they should get a taste of their own medicine - Bacha bazi! :FIREdevil:

If I find out what the verdict is after he has been to court, I will update you on it. I'm hoping they will kick him out... Sweden doesn't need more of the likes of him...

6-year old boy raped in an asylum home! :(
19-åring misstänks ha våldtagit 6-årig pojke på asylboende

I will translate some of the text:
A 19-yr old man is under arrest for raping a 6-yr old boy in an asylum home. The rape is labeled as "complete" and has happened indoors.
The man and the boy were staying at the same asylum home, where the man and the parents of the victim were acquaintences and from the same country. It was the parents that called the police.

My guess would be that those involved are from Afghanistan, since theres a thing there called Bacha bazi where underage boys are dressed as girls and forced to dance... then the men will rape them. At least thats the short explaination of it. You can read more in the link, or google it yourself.
Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not the first time underage boys have been raped at asylum homes and probably not the last.
Such horrible betrayal from the 19 yr old to first of all rape a child, and second rape a child of people he knew and had traveled with.
When a rape is labeled "complete" in Sweden means there has been penetration of the penis and ejaculation involved...

Of course this man should immediatly be kicked out of the country!! But this is Sweden... he will probably get a few years in our luxery prisons and then be set free again.
If I got to decide this mans fate... his penis should be cut off and force fed to him!!!!!! Then kicked out out Sweden, head first into the ocean!! :mad:

In Islamic countries it is quite normal for men to rape boys. They don't count that as homosexuality. What else should we expect from the religion of the Pedophile Prophet? It's another reason why none of them should be allowed to immigrate to a Western countries.

Indeed it is. If a woman/girl isn't around when a horny muslim wants sex, little boys are good enough. Don't they have even a little common sense?! So extremely selfish to let a child go through that for his own personal desire... Rape in itself is horrible and selfish, but raping a child takes it to a whole nother level.
There probably wouldn't be so much rape in that culture if masturbation wasn't haram...

They don't count raping a boy as homosexuality as long as you are not the reciever. Sometimes I wonder how their mind works... :cuckoo:
This is more tragic news from increasingly messed up Sweden, you know Freja if we could we'd help you in some way, I just wanted you to know this darling :smiliehug:

The Bacha Bazi, what WE refer to as Paedophiles, this is ancient old practice from these 7th Century savages, if there's just one reason why no Afghan should be allowed into Europa THIS is it. In a just society these Satanic perverts would have their testicles sliced off and pronto.

Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sexually abused dancing boys of Afghanistan - BBC News

Thank you, it is very kind of you to say that! :smiliehug:
I am very worried how fast its gone down hill since last year... Sweden needs all help one can get!

Bacha bazi is so disgusting... I agree they shouldn't be let in into Europe. Their religion and values seems barbaric overall. Adding to the punishment of slicing their testicles.... I think they should get a taste of their own medicine - Bacha bazi! :FIREdevil:

If I find out what the verdict is after he has been to court, I will update you on it. I'm hoping they will kick him out... Sweden doesn't need more of the likes of him...

6-year old boy raped in an asylum home! :(
19-åring misstänks ha våldtagit 6-årig pojke på asylboende

I will translate some of the text:
A 19-yr old man is under arrest for raping a 6-yr old boy in an asylum home. The rape is labeled as "complete" and has happened indoors.
The man and the boy were staying at the same asylum home, where the man and the parents of the victim were acquaintences and from the same country. It was the parents that called the police.

My guess would be that those involved are from Afghanistan, since theres a thing there called Bacha bazi where underage boys are dressed as girls and forced to dance... then the men will rape them. At least thats the short explaination of it. You can read more in the link, or google it yourself.
Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not the first time underage boys have been raped at asylum homes and probably not the last.
Such horrible betrayal from the 19 yr old to first of all rape a child, and second rape a child of people he knew and had traveled with.
When a rape is labeled "complete" in Sweden means there has been penetration of the penis and ejaculation involved...

Of course this man should immediatly be kicked out of the country!! But this is Sweden... he will probably get a few years in our luxery prisons and then be set free again.
If I got to decide this mans fate... his penis should be cut off and force fed to him!!!!!! Then kicked out out Sweden, head first into the ocean!! :mad:

In Islamic countries it is quite normal for men to rape boys. They don't count that as homosexuality. What else should we expect from the religion of the Pedophile Prophet? It's another reason why none of them should be allowed to immigrate to a Western countries.

Indeed it is. If a woman/girl isn't around when a horny muslim wants sex, little boys are good enough. Don't they have even a little common sense?! So extremely selfish to let a child go through that for his own personal desire... Rape in itself is horrible and selfish, but raping a child takes it to a whole nother level.
There probably wouldn't be so much rape in that culture if masturbation wasn't haram...

They don't count raping a boy as homosexuality as long as you are not the reciever. Sometimes I wonder how their mind works... :cuckoo:

Freja your reports from on the front line in Sweden are greatly appreciated :thup:
This is more tragic news from increasingly messed up Sweden, you know Freja if we could we'd help you in some way, I just wanted you to know this darling :smiliehug:

The Bacha Bazi, what WE refer to as Paedophiles, this is ancient old practice from these 7th Century savages, if there's just one reason why no Afghan should be allowed into Europa THIS is it. In a just society these Satanic perverts would have their testicles sliced off and pronto.

Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sexually abused dancing boys of Afghanistan - BBC News

Thank you, it is very kind of you to say that! :smiliehug:
I am very worried how fast its gone down hill since last year... Sweden needs all help one can get!

Bacha bazi is so disgusting... I agree they shouldn't be let in into Europe. Their religion and values seems barbaric overall. Adding to the punishment of slicing their testicles.... I think they should get a taste of their own medicine - Bacha bazi! :FIREdevil:

If I find out what the verdict is after he has been to court, I will update you on it. I'm hoping they will kick him out... Sweden doesn't need more of the likes of him...

6-year old boy raped in an asylum home! :(
19-åring misstänks ha våldtagit 6-årig pojke på asylboende

I will translate some of the text:
A 19-yr old man is under arrest for raping a 6-yr old boy in an asylum home. The rape is labeled as "complete" and has happened indoors.
The man and the boy were staying at the same asylum home, where the man and the parents of the victim were acquaintences and from the same country. It was the parents that called the police.

My guess would be that those involved are from Afghanistan, since theres a thing there called Bacha bazi where underage boys are dressed as girls and forced to dance... then the men will rape them. At least thats the short explaination of it. You can read more in the link, or google it yourself.
Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not the first time underage boys have been raped at asylum homes and probably not the last.
Such horrible betrayal from the 19 yr old to first of all rape a child, and second rape a child of people he knew and had traveled with.
When a rape is labeled "complete" in Sweden means there has been penetration of the penis and ejaculation involved...

Of course this man should immediatly be kicked out of the country!! But this is Sweden... he will probably get a few years in our luxery prisons and then be set free again.
If I got to decide this mans fate... his penis should be cut off and force fed to him!!!!!! Then kicked out out Sweden, head first into the ocean!! :mad:

In Islamic countries it is quite normal for men to rape boys. They don't count that as homosexuality. What else should we expect from the religion of the Pedophile Prophet? It's another reason why none of them should be allowed to immigrate to a Western countries.

Indeed it is. If a woman/girl isn't around when a horny muslim wants sex, little boys are good enough. Don't they have even a little common sense?! So extremely selfish to let a child go through that for his own personal desire... Rape in itself is horrible and selfish, but raping a child takes it to a whole nother level.
There probably wouldn't be so much rape in that culture if masturbation wasn't haram...

They don't count raping a boy as homosexuality as long as you are not the reciever. Sometimes I wonder how their mind works... :cuckoo:

Freja your reports from on the front line in Sweden are greatly appreciated :thup:

I'm glad you guys think so! :woohoo:
Sorry I'm late with updating the thread. Here comes the news I feel like you should know:

In the EU-meeting in Bryssel, Stefan Löfvén (Swedens prime minister) wanted to discuss the possibility of distributing the refugees(that has come to Sweden) across Europe, equally. As Sweden is currently having problems with financing taking care of all the 160 000 refugees that came last year.
Already the request has been declined. They are not even going to discuss it in the meeting.
EU-förslag: Sverige får inte omfördela flyktingar

I have to admit that the decision to not approve Swedens request is right. It's the swedish politicians that has brought the refugees here, indirectly. Isn't it tempting to get everything served for free? And the refugees knows it. It's the politicians fault, swedens populations fault (by voting for this shit) and LÖFVÉNS fault.
Now we are stuck with more people than we can take care of, and that has already affected the society greatly. Crime and rape rates has gone through the roof, so much the police even had to hide it from the swedish citizens.
So... we are kind of screwed, guys. Remember that the wellfare has to finance the refugees housing, food, medical care, dental care, school and pocket money. We don't have that kind of money to take care of 160 000 people!!

Many refugees isn't even thankful for the help they recieve. Today I heard on the radio that theres yet ANOTHER food strike at an asylum home. Appearantly a family on the asylum home went to the next door neighbours and asked for food, as they were hungry(?)
I quote the refugees words:
This food might only be served to pigs.
The potatoes looks gross and smell bad.
The cucumbers are not fresh, they're soft.
I wouldn't serve this food to anyone.
We get too little daily allowance money. We can't do anything for it. (they get around 4-5$ daily for doing NOTHING)
Granne till asylboende slår larm om oätlig mat - P4 Örebro

If they think the food they are served is gross, then they should have seen the food we got when I was in school. And did we do a hunger strike, even though our parents were PAYING for the gross food? NOPE...
This kind of ungratefulness makes my blood boil. Do they think they live in a 4 star hotel or something?!
And, why would they complain in the first place for stuff they recieve for FREE?
It's laughable that these grown men are whining about SOFT CUCUMBERS AND SMELLY POTATOES when they are in a safe place, away from WAR?! :cuckoo:
(btw, when they are complaining like this, it makes me doubt they have really fled. Cause they must to be comparing Sweden to something, right? Did they have it better in their home country?)

I'm sad it has come to this...
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This is more tragic news from increasingly messed up Sweden, you know Freja if we could we'd help you in some way, I just wanted you to know this darling :smiliehug:

The Bacha Bazi, what WE refer to as Paedophiles, this is ancient old practice from these 7th Century savages, if there's just one reason why no Afghan should be allowed into Europa THIS is it. In a just society these Satanic perverts would have their testicles sliced off and pronto.

Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sexually abused dancing boys of Afghanistan - BBC News

Thank you, it is very kind of you to say that! :smiliehug:
I am very worried how fast its gone down hill since last year... Sweden needs all help one can get!

Bacha bazi is so disgusting... I agree they shouldn't be let in into Europe. Their religion and values seems barbaric overall. Adding to the punishment of slicing their testicles.... I think they should get a taste of their own medicine - Bacha bazi! :FIREdevil:

If I find out what the verdict is after he has been to court, I will update you on it. I'm hoping they will kick him out... Sweden doesn't need more of the likes of him...

6-year old boy raped in an asylum home! :(
19-åring misstänks ha våldtagit 6-årig pojke på asylboende

I will translate some of the text:
A 19-yr old man is under arrest for raping a 6-yr old boy in an asylum home. The rape is labeled as "complete" and has happened indoors.
The man and the boy were staying at the same asylum home, where the man and the parents of the victim were acquaintences and from the same country. It was the parents that called the police.

My guess would be that those involved are from Afghanistan, since theres a thing there called Bacha bazi where underage boys are dressed as girls and forced to dance... then the men will rape them. At least thats the short explaination of it. You can read more in the link, or google it yourself.
Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not the first time underage boys have been raped at asylum homes and probably not the last.
Such horrible betrayal from the 19 yr old to first of all rape a child, and second rape a child of people he knew and had traveled with.
When a rape is labeled "complete" in Sweden means there has been penetration of the penis and ejaculation involved...

Of course this man should immediatly be kicked out of the country!! But this is Sweden... he will probably get a few years in our luxery prisons and then be set free again.
If I got to decide this mans fate... his penis should be cut off and force fed to him!!!!!! Then kicked out out Sweden, head first into the ocean!! :mad:

In Islamic countries it is quite normal for men to rape boys. They don't count that as homosexuality. What else should we expect from the religion of the Pedophile Prophet? It's another reason why none of them should be allowed to immigrate to a Western countries.

Indeed it is. If a woman/girl isn't around when a horny muslim wants sex, little boys are good enough. Don't they have even a little common sense?! So extremely selfish to let a child go through that for his own personal desire... Rape in itself is horrible and selfish, but raping a child takes it to a whole nother level.
There probably wouldn't be so much rape in that culture if masturbation wasn't haram...

They don't count raping a boy as homosexuality as long as you are not the reciever. Sometimes I wonder how their mind works... :cuckoo:

Freja your reports from on the front line in Sweden are greatly appreciated :thup:

I'm glad you guys think so! :woohoo:
Sorry I'm late with updating the thread. Here comes the news I feel like you should know:

In the EU-meeting in Bryssel, Stefan Löfvén (Swedens prime minister) wanted to discuss the possibility of distributing the refugees(that has come to Sweden) across Europe, equally. As Sweden is currently having problems with financing taking care of all the 160 000 refugees that came last year.
Already the request has been declined. They are not even going to discuss it in the meeting.
EU-förslag: Sverige får inte omfördela flyktingar

I have to admit that the decision to not approve Swedens request is right. It's the swedish politicians that has brought the refugees here, indirectly. Isn't it tempting to get everything served for free? And the refugees knows it. It's the politicians fault, swedens populations fault (by voting for this shit) and LÖFVÉNS fault.
Now we are stuck with more people than we can take care of, and that has already affected the society greatly. Crime and rape rates has gone through the roof, so much the police even had to hide it from the swedish citizens.
So... we are kind of screwed, guys. Remember that the wellfare has to finance the refugees housing, food, medical care, dental care, school and pocket money. We don't have that kind of money to take care of 160 000 people!!

Many refugees isn't even thankful for the help they recieve. Today I heard on the radio that theres yet ANOTHER food strike at an asylum home. Appearantly a family on the asylum home went to the next door neighbours and asked for food, as they were hungry(?)
I quote the refugees words:
This food might only be served to pigs.
The potatoes looks gross and smell bad.
The cucumbers are not fresh, they're soft.
I wouldn't serve this food to anyone.
We get too little daily allowance money. We can't do anything for it. (they get around 4-5$ daily for doing NOTHING)
Granne till asylboende slår larm om oätlig mat - P4 Örebro

If they think the food they are served is gross, then they should have seen the food we got when I was in school. And did we do a hunger strike, even though our parents were PAYING for the gross food? NOPE...
This kind of ungratefulness makes my blood boil. Do they think they live in a 4 star hotel or something?!
And, why would they complain in the first place for stuff they recieve for FREE?
It's laughable that these grown men are whining about SOFT CUCUMBERS AND SMELLY POTATOES when they are in a safe place, away from WAR?! :cuckoo:
(btw, when they are complaining like this, it makes me doubt they have really fled. Cause they must to be comparing Sweden to something, right? Did they have it better in their home country?)

I'm sad it has come to this...

They need to put them on boats and send them back to the steaming shitholes they came from. Otherwise all of Sweden is going to become like their home countries. Liberals have already done this to America's inner cities. Just look at what happened to Detroit. Yet they still believe in these policies and want to keep doing the same thing, as if it will have a different outcome.
They need to put them on boats and send them back to the steaming shitholes they came from. Otherwise all of Sweden is going to become like their home countries. Liberals have already done this to America's inner cities. Just look at what happened to Detroit. Yet they still believe in these policies and want to keep doing the same thing, as if it will have a different outcome.

I agree... If there isn't money for it, then we can't help them. But that fact is being severly overlooked by our politicians, except Sweden Democrats.
It's a good comparison when you mention Detroit, I've always had the impression of that city being ... well... a shithole. With crimes and drugs around every corner. That is kind of what Sweden is heading for...

These last few years most of the "unaccompanied minors", as they call the grown men, have been from Afghanistan. Look at this, its from Migrationsverket = Swedish Migration Board .

I believe Afghanistan is one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to sexual crimes. And they don't even have the rights to apply for asylum (unless they are homosexuals or christians). But this is Sweden, so they are accepted to live off our wellfare anyways.
Recently Afghanistan even refused to take back their own citizens when Sweden tried to send them back. I've written about this earlier in the thread I believe.

I'm not sure even SD can fix this. I'm eagerly waiting for Jimmie Åkesson to make an appearance and talk about their plans to solve this somehow.
This happened in end of february or the beginning of march.

"60 Minutes crew attacked and injured by a group of masked men while filming a story with Liz Hayes on European refugee crisis"
60 Minutes crew filming with Liz Hayes injured in attack by masked men

60 Minutes team was interviewing residents about the European migrant crisis in the suburb of Rinkeby when they were set upon twice by 'a group of young African masked men'.

'When a cameraman got out of the car, a car drove up next to him and the African driver of the vehicle began to fight,' the agency reported.
Cameraman and producer were injured in two separate attacks
They were punched in the face, run over and had a jar thrown at them

'A photographer was attacked and received a blow on the mouth with a closed fist so that the bloodshed occurred,' wrote Jan Sjunnesson.
'A jar was then discarded into the camera. At the same time attacked another photographer who also was beaten right across the chin so that a tooth loose.'
The team then decided to leave Rinkeby.
The attacks were confirmed by the Nine Network to Daily Mail Australia.

One of the camera mens foot was also run over by a car, they only briefly mention it in the article.
Swedish media immediatly reported this as fake and racist propaganda. Now this trailer has been released that proves it happend.
I just saw a new swedish article about it, do you think it mentioned the attackers skin color? Nope, of course not.

Rinkeby is one of the No-go zones in Sweden. I wouldn't put my foot inside that area, ever.
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