Sweden is falling apart

Do you think Sweden will fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters
lives on the margins of European culture.
But probably saying what a lot of people think.
You would need to quantify "a lot".
The KKK have some numbers but you would not describe them as "a lot" when you consider all of US society.
We were discussing Europe. And no, I don't need to qualify anything for some stupid asshole on the internet.
Ok then, no she doesnt. She speaks for a tiny minority of people who still think that Hitler was a good bloke.
lives on the margins of European culture.
But probably saying what a lot of people think.
You would need to quantify "a lot".
The KKK have some numbers but you would not describe them as "a lot" when you consider all of US society.
We were discussing Europe. And no, I don't need to qualify anything for some stupid asshole on the internet.
Ok then, no she doesnt. She speaks for a tiny minority of people who still think that Hitler was a good bloke.
I haven't seen her say that. But I have seen you talk a lot of bullshit. I watch Deutsche Welle, Skynews and Euronews and there are many upset with what's going on. Your inability or unwillingness to see it changes nothing.
lives on the margins of European culture.
But probably saying what a lot of people think.
You would need to quantify "a lot".
The KKK have some numbers but you would not describe them as "a lot" when you consider all of US society.
We were discussing Europe. And no, I don't need to qualify anything for some stupid asshole on the internet.
Ok then, no she doesnt. She speaks for a tiny minority of people who still think that Hitler was a good bloke.
I haven't seen her say that. But I have seen you talk a lot of bullshit. I watch Deutsche Welle, Skynews and Euronews and there are many upset with what's going on. Your inability or unwillingness to see it changes nothing.
Not many of them want to see people put into a ship and then bomb them. There is a difference between legitimate concerns over immigration and a blanket hatred of migrants.
But probably saying what a lot of people think.
You would need to quantify "a lot".
The KKK have some numbers but you would not describe them as "a lot" when you consider all of US society.
We were discussing Europe. And no, I don't need to qualify anything for some stupid asshole on the internet.
Ok then, no she doesnt. She speaks for a tiny minority of people who still think that Hitler was a good bloke.
I haven't seen her say that. But I have seen you talk a lot of bullshit. I watch Deutsche Welle, Skynews and Euronews and there are many upset with what's going on. Your inability or unwillingness to see it changes nothing.
Not many of them want to see people put into a ship and then bomb them. There is a difference between legitimate concerns over immigration and a blanket hatred of migrants.
Sounds like Europe is having a serious problem, lots of gals getting raped. I don't take the tough talk seriously, I've seen worse from our beloved libs here.
lives on the margins of European culture.
But probably saying what a lot of people think.
You would need to quantify "a lot".
The KKK have some numbers but you would not describe them as "a lot" when you consider all of US society.
We were discussing Europe. And no, I don't need to qualify anything for some stupid asshole on the internet.
Ok then, no she doesnt. She speaks for a tiny minority of people who still think that Hitler was a good bloke.
I haven't seen her say that. But I have seen you talk a lot of bullshit. I watch Deutsche Welle, Skynews and Euronews and there are many upset with what's going on. Your inability or unwillingness to see it changes nothing.

She was pining in this thread for Latin American dictators who murdered several thousands of their own citizens and committed crimes against humanity, as well as positively recalling the past for a strong man to deal with "traitors" to their nation, a not-too-subtle reference to Hitler.

That's different than saying "We have too much immigration."
A new law will apply tomorrow in Sweden that forces counties and cities to take in refugees.
New refugee distribution law goes into effect Tuesday - Radio Sweden

"The new law means that no municipality will be able to refuse taking in refugees who have received a residence permit and who must move out of the Migration Agency's accommodation facilities."

This means that they have to somehow come up with housing, food, health care, schools etc. for every refugee they are forced to take in, even if they say they don't have the resources. So the counties/cities must magically make it work... or face a hefty fine.
And don't expect the refugees to accept to just get the most basal things... they will want fast Wifi, smartphones, HD TV, fancy clothing and shoes... then they will probably complain about the food and how dirty the housing is. Cause you know, they can't clean themselves - that would be horribly racist to ask of them!

Nothing surprises me anymore. I knew this would happen...
Last edited:
A new law will apply tomorrow in Sweden that forces counties and cities to take in refugees.
New refugee distribution law goes into effect Tuesday - Radio Sweden

"The new law means that no municipality will be able to refuse taking in refugees who have received a residence permit and who must move out of the Migration Agency's accommodation facilities."

This means that they have to somehow come up with housing, food, health care, schools etc. for every refugee they are forced to take in, even if they say they don't have the resources. So the counties/cities must magically make it work... or face a hefty fine.
And don't expect the refugees to accept to just get the most basal things... they will want fast Wifi, smartphones, HD TV, fancy clothing and shoes... then they will probably complain about the food and how dirty the housing is. Cause you know, they can't clean themselves - that would be horribly racist to ask of them!

Nothing surprises me anymore. I knew this would happen...

As we've said for months, the intention is the Genocide of White People, and FORCING ALL municipalities to take in the Muslim so-called "refugees" meets the Genocide definition written by the UN:


Article 2:

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Article 2 above states that while 'killing members of a group' (a) is clearly genocide, the others on the list, b, c, d and e, also meet the UN definition of genocide.

Article 2b and Article 2c most definately apply to the present situation being committed upon White people by the UN, the EU, the USA and all participating Third World nations, this includes ALL politicians AND officials who are COMPLETELY NOW in breach of Article 2b and Article 2c of this UN Convention....no doubt about it Article 2b and Article 2c will certainly lead to Article 2a - The killing of members of this group ie. the ethnic White Swedes.

You cannot put these feral, savages into a decent society like Sweden and FORCE them into EVERY area of Sweden and NOT expect the feral, savages to do what they do in their own savage nations - gang-rape and kill.

The quickest way to make these "less diverse" areas of Sweden more "diverse" and Multicultural is to fill them up with more and more Muslims and Sub-Saharan Africans until they are the majority. Genocide.

Multiculturalism is a code word for White Genocide.

The below link, people should read Article 4 and Article 6....because the pendulum WILL swing BEFORE they can complete their evils plans....and then the Traitors rightly will be dealt with under Article 4 and Article 6:

Convention on Genocide

I'm a twenty-something woman from Sweden. I'm writing on an american forum as I'm desperate to reach out to the world. Something has happened to my country...

When I was a child, Sweden was very peaceful. You didn't even have to lock the door in the neighborhood, small children could be outdoors after dark, girls could safely walk home from partys without fear of being raped. Rapes, shootings, bombs or murders were rare. And when it happened, media would cover every little detail of the story, huge headlines, people were shocked over such news.
Sweden was rich and a safe place to live.

That has changed.

As you all are probably familiar with, is that Sweden has taken in hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan, Irac, Iran, Eritrea and more... They are referred to as "MENA" = Middle East, North Africa.
While they wait to either get approved to stay, or while waiting for an apartment, they are put in asylum homes. The largest asylum home in Sweden has 400 asylum seekers living together.
They are served everything like its a freaking hotel !! Meals cooked from scratch from restaurants, cleaning service, Wifi, TV etc... and yet, they complain. Food isnt good, its dirty and isolated and so on... (IMO they have all the time in the world to clean themselves...)
There has been alot of food strikes by the seekers, cause they want more... for FREE.
Every food strike I read about makes my blood boil... it's so ungrateful. They claim to have fled war, then comes to a country that gives them roof over their heads, food in their stomachs, smartphones, expensive clothing (I'm serious) and Wifi... for absolutely FREE. They even get a small amount of money everyday, like an "allowence". In addition to that, free dental care and health care... things we working swedes have to pay for ourselves...
Sometimes they even set the buildings on fire, so they can move to a "better" asylum home.

You can read about an example here:
Forty asylum seekers refuse to get off the bus for 24 hours after arriving at picturesque Swedish village where they were being housed… because they wanted to live in a city

Most of them lie and claim to be under 18 yrs of age... that will give them a guarantee to stay in the country. And of course the migration center swallow the lie.
You be the judge, does these "children" look under 18 to you?

The crime rate has gone up dramatically, as well as the amount of rapes. Sweden is THE worst country in all of europe when it comes to rape, and comes in second place of the entire world.

Everyday, theres something awful happening... What used to be a rarity in crimes are now something that happens on a daily basis. Nobody is even shocked over such crimes anymore, we have gotten used to it.

The betrayal
Media has betrayed us. They try their hardest to withold the fact that (almost)all these horrible crimes are commited by MENA. They never mention skin color, for example. When they pixalite the criminals face, they make the pigments lighter, so you can't tell if the persons skin color is dark. They never mention names, or what language they were speaking... at best they write "spoke swedish with an accent".
When crimes happen, they write in a way thats obvious that they're making the crime less serious.

The Police has also betrayed us. Since fall of 2015, they have been keeping a secret register over crimes commited by asylum seekers. It is referred to as "code 291". The police decided to come clean, and released part of the register to the public. We citizens DESERVE to know whats going on in our country.
You can read more about this secret register here: Swedish Cops Had a Special "Code 291" to Cover Up Migrant Crimes

I couldn't find the list of crimes in english, so I will translate the swedish one.

During the course of 4 months, in JUST asylum homes, this has happened:
450 fights
559 registered cases of abuse
37 suicide attempts
two bomb threats
four rapes
58 fires
96 missing persons
nine robberies
26 cases of disease
42 cases registered as "mentally ill"
three deaths
239 cases of automatic fire alarm
161 police operations
912 "security mission"
109 cases of "investigation"
869 controls of person or vehicle

A policeman then commented:
- I can tell you that it involves more cases than the numbers you've gotten out.

This was also part of the code 291: Migrant boy from Somalia arrested over murder of Swedish social worker
That "child" has been age tested, turns out he is 18 yrs or older!!

To me, this list is unbelievable... I'm still waiting for the rest of the register, I will update you when/if they release it.
Recently there was a riot at one of the homes... because one of the "children" was denied to purchase candy!! This child got TWENTY of his friends and started attacking the staff!! *facepalm*... What kind of people does that?!
Upplopp på boende för ensamkommande flyktingbarn – personalen tvingades låsa in sig
In addition to the code 291. There are other crimes...
The IKEA murders for example: IKEA murders: Details of horror emerge from witnesses

The rapes
You have all heard about the taHarrush gamea in Cologne/Köln on new years. But did you know that it's been happening in Sweden too, for YEARS. The police and/or media decided to keep it a secret.
CLAIM: Swedish Police Covered Up Migrant Sex Assaults Of Teenage Girls For YEARS - Breitbart

Theres also gangrapes occuring. Media can't cover the fact that it is exclusively MENA.
When a brutal gangrape happened on a party ferry, where a middle aged woman was raped by four men, the media wrote:

"Four swedes arrested on suspicion of rape".

You can read more about it here: Disclosure: The Four ”Swedes” in Custody For Gang Rape Are Somali Citizens

Recently a gangrape came to light. A girl below the age of 15 yrs, was gangraped by EIGHT "boys", all of the boys claim to be under 18, two of them below 15.
I can't find any information in english, so heres the swedish news article for those who wish to read about it.
Åtta pojkar misstänkta för gruppvåldtäkt

Another type of rapes occur in bath houses...
A few years ago, an 11 yr old girl was raped by TWENTY asylum seekers in a bath house.

There has been many, many rapes and different sexual assaults happening in bath houses. They always seem to target really young girls/women, and they always attack in groups.

The politicians
Swedens population has more or less been brainwashed. If anyone, ever, says something critical about immigration they will be labeled as a racist. Which is a very serious accusation... In Sweden, people don't dare to talk about it, cause they risk losing their friends or even their jobs!! It's crazy.

There's only one political party in Sweden that wants to decrease immigration, the Sweden Democrats (SD). I've been voting for them since I was 18.
The other political parties refuse to work with them, though they got enough votes to be part of the parliament. The other parties got together to completely close them out, that group of parties became known as "the seven-clover" .
The seven-clover and media has made sure that SD is hated. Media twists everything against SD. The party leader, Jimmie Åkesson, has had to sustain numerous threats, even death threats. And it's medias and the seven-clovers fault...
Does that seem like democracy to you? I think not!
And yet, the seven-clover has had to adapt their immigration politics due to the acute situation, it's becoming more and more similar to that of SD. And yet, it's still only SD that is being called "racists".

Swedens current Prime Minister (PM) is Stefan Löfven. Last fall he made a statement that upset me...
He said that the mass immigration of asylum seekers would be a "slight effort" for Sweden. And today, the country is close to collapsing. I'm ashamed to have him as the PM...
Read more about Swedens collapse here: Swedish Foreign Minister says country is 'collapsing' due to migrants

Personal opinion
To me, it seems like MENA has a really twisted view on women... and because of that, I never leave my apartment without my defense spray.
Across the street, theres an asylum home. Last summer when I was out on the balcony in a crop-top, I could see them standing in the windows, looking at me!! I told my neighbor who was also outside, when he looked, they disappeared from the window. But they came back later... It was really uncomfortable to be outside...
When I go grocery shopping, they stare. It's unbelievable... seems like they don't know how to be subtle... cause they are looking right at you, in your FACE, and they follow you with their eyes. Especially when wearing a summer dress, they look from head to toe.
Because of this, I stay indoors as much as possible... I don't feel safe anymore...

This isn't about being racist!! It's about their culture... their twisted culture... they just simply doesn't fit in here.

I'm hoping this thread will get noticed... because what's happening in Sweden is really serious... and I fear for the future.
This thread might be all over the place, but what I wish to discuss is the fall of Sweden, a general discussion about whats going on here.

And I beg of you... Please make sure that american media writes more about Swedens immigration... The world needs to know what a mass psychosis this country is having...

(I'm sorry if there's any spelling errors, my english isn't perfect)

I visited Stockholm a few years back, it was a really nice place.

Quite disturbing to hear what is really going on there. The progressives seem to be in complete power there. Progressives have an Agenda to destroy everything that is white and Christian. They claim to believe in women's rights, and religious freedom, yet the defend Islam no matter how barbaric they are. Islam is the most oppressive ideology, it's followers are the most bigoted and intolerant people on the planet. Islam is just as bad as Nazism, if not worse. Just point that out anytime some idiot progressive defends them.

I'm a twenty-something woman from Sweden. I'm writing on an american forum as I'm desperate to reach out to the world. Something has happened to my country...

When I was a child, Sweden was very peaceful. You didn't even have to lock the door in the neighborhood, small children could be outdoors after dark, girls could safely walk home from partys without fear of being raped. Rapes, shootings, bombs or murders were rare. And when it happened, media would cover every little detail of the story, huge headlines, people were shocked over such news.
Sweden was rich and a safe place to live.

That has changed.

As you all are probably familiar with, is that Sweden has taken in hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan, Irac, Iran, Eritrea and more... They are referred to as "MENA" = Middle East, North Africa.
While they wait to either get approved to stay, or while waiting for an apartment, they are put in asylum homes. The largest asylum home in Sweden has 400 asylum seekers living together.
They are served everything like its a freaking hotel !! Meals cooked from scratch from restaurants, cleaning service, Wifi, TV etc... and yet, they complain. Food isnt good, its dirty and isolated and so on... (IMO they have all the time in the world to clean themselves...)
There has been alot of food strikes by the seekers, cause they want more... for FREE.
Every food strike I read about makes my blood boil... it's so ungrateful. They claim to have fled war, then comes to a country that gives them roof over their heads, food in their stomachs, smartphones, expensive clothing (I'm serious) and Wifi... for absolutely FREE. They even get a small amount of money everyday, like an "allowence". In addition to that, free dental care and health care... things we working swedes have to pay for ourselves...
Sometimes they even set the buildings on fire, so they can move to a "better" asylum home.

You can read about an example here:
Forty asylum seekers refuse to get off the bus for 24 hours after arriving at picturesque Swedish village where they were being housed… because they wanted to live in a city

Most of them lie and claim to be under 18 yrs of age... that will give them a guarantee to stay in the country. And of course the migration center swallow the lie.
You be the judge, does these "children" look under 18 to you?

The crime rate has gone up dramatically, as well as the amount of rapes. Sweden is THE worst country in all of europe when it comes to rape, and comes in second place of the entire world.

Everyday, theres something awful happening... What used to be a rarity in crimes are now something that happens on a daily basis. Nobody is even shocked over such crimes anymore, we have gotten used to it.

The betrayal
Media has betrayed us. They try their hardest to withold the fact that (almost)all these horrible crimes are commited by MENA. They never mention skin color, for example. When they pixalite the criminals face, they make the pigments lighter, so you can't tell if the persons skin color is dark. They never mention names, or what language they were speaking... at best they write "spoke swedish with an accent".
When crimes happen, they write in a way thats obvious that they're making the crime less serious.

The Police has also betrayed us. Since fall of 2015, they have been keeping a secret register over crimes commited by asylum seekers. It is referred to as "code 291". The police decided to come clean, and released part of the register to the public. We citizens DESERVE to know whats going on in our country.
You can read more about this secret register here: Swedish Cops Had a Special "Code 291" to Cover Up Migrant Crimes

I couldn't find the list of crimes in english, so I will translate the swedish one.

During the course of 4 months, in JUST asylum homes, this has happened:
450 fights
559 registered cases of abuse
37 suicide attempts
two bomb threats
four rapes
58 fires
96 missing persons
nine robberies
26 cases of disease
42 cases registered as "mentally ill"
three deaths
239 cases of automatic fire alarm
161 police operations
912 "security mission"
109 cases of "investigation"
869 controls of person or vehicle

A policeman then commented:
- I can tell you that it involves more cases than the numbers you've gotten out.

This was also part of the code 291: Migrant boy from Somalia arrested over murder of Swedish social worker
That "child" has been age tested, turns out he is 18 yrs or older!!

To me, this list is unbelievable... I'm still waiting for the rest of the register, I will update you when/if they release it.
Recently there was a riot at one of the homes... because one of the "children" was denied to purchase candy!! This child got TWENTY of his friends and started attacking the staff!! *facepalm*... What kind of people does that?!
Upplopp på boende för ensamkommande flyktingbarn – personalen tvingades låsa in sig
In addition to the code 291. There are other crimes...
The IKEA murders for example: IKEA murders: Details of horror emerge from witnesses

The rapes
You have all heard about the taHarrush gamea in Cologne/Köln on new years. But did you know that it's been happening in Sweden too, for YEARS. The police and/or media decided to keep it a secret.
CLAIM: Swedish Police Covered Up Migrant Sex Assaults Of Teenage Girls For YEARS - Breitbart

Theres also gangrapes occuring. Media can't cover the fact that it is exclusively MENA.
When a brutal gangrape happened on a party ferry, where a middle aged woman was raped by four men, the media wrote:

"Four swedes arrested on suspicion of rape".

You can read more about it here: Disclosure: The Four ”Swedes” in Custody For Gang Rape Are Somali Citizens

Recently a gangrape came to light. A girl below the age of 15 yrs, was gangraped by EIGHT "boys", all of the boys claim to be under 18, two of them below 15.
I can't find any information in english, so heres the swedish news article for those who wish to read about it.
Åtta pojkar misstänkta för gruppvåldtäkt

Another type of rapes occur in bath houses...
A few years ago, an 11 yr old girl was raped by TWENTY asylum seekers in a bath house.

There has been many, many rapes and different sexual assaults happening in bath houses. They always seem to target really young girls/women, and they always attack in groups.

The politicians
Swedens population has more or less been brainwashed. If anyone, ever, says something critical about immigration they will be labeled as a racist. Which is a very serious accusation... In Sweden, people don't dare to talk about it, cause they risk losing their friends or even their jobs!! It's crazy.

There's only one political party in Sweden that wants to decrease immigration, the Sweden Democrats (SD). I've been voting for them since I was 18.
The other political parties refuse to work with them, though they got enough votes to be part of the parliament. The other parties got together to completely close them out, that group of parties became known as "the seven-clover" .
The seven-clover and media has made sure that SD is hated. Media twists everything against SD. The party leader, Jimmie Åkesson, has had to sustain numerous threats, even death threats. And it's medias and the seven-clovers fault...
Does that seem like democracy to you? I think not!
And yet, the seven-clover has had to adapt their immigration politics due to the acute situation, it's becoming more and more similar to that of SD. And yet, it's still only SD that is being called "racists".

Swedens current Prime Minister (PM) is Stefan Löfven. Last fall he made a statement that upset me...
He said that the mass immigration of asylum seekers would be a "slight effort" for Sweden. And today, the country is close to collapsing. I'm ashamed to have him as the PM...
Read more about Swedens collapse here: Swedish Foreign Minister says country is 'collapsing' due to migrants

Personal opinion
To me, it seems like MENA has a really twisted view on women... and because of that, I never leave my apartment without my defense spray.
Across the street, theres an asylum home. Last summer when I was out on the balcony in a crop-top, I could see them standing in the windows, looking at me!! I told my neighbor who was also outside, when he looked, they disappeared from the window. But they came back later... It was really uncomfortable to be outside...
When I go grocery shopping, they stare. It's unbelievable... seems like they don't know how to be subtle... cause they are looking right at you, in your FACE, and they follow you with their eyes. Especially when wearing a summer dress, they look from head to toe.
Because of this, I stay indoors as much as possible... I don't feel safe anymore...

This isn't about being racist!! It's about their culture... their twisted culture... they just simply doesn't fit in here.

I'm hoping this thread will get noticed... because what's happening in Sweden is really serious... and I fear for the future.
This thread might be all over the place, but what I wish to discuss is the fall of Sweden, a general discussion about whats going on here.

And I beg of you... Please make sure that american media writes more about Swedens immigration... The world needs to know what a mass psychosis this country is having...

(I'm sorry if there's any spelling errors, my english isn't perfect)

I visited Stockholm a few years back, it was a really nice place.

Quite disturbing to hear what is really going on there. The progressives seem to be in complete power there. Progressives have an Agenda to destroy everything that is white and Christian.

Progessive types are who in real. No answer me on other topic about this types.

I'm a twenty-something woman from Sweden. I'm writing on an american forum as I'm desperate to reach out to the world. Something has happened to my country...

When I was a child, Sweden was very peaceful. You didn't even have to lock the door in the neighborhood, small children could be outdoors after dark, girls could safely walk home from partys without fear of being raped. Rapes, shootings, bombs or murders were rare. And when it happened, media would cover every little detail of the story, huge headlines, people were shocked over such news.
Sweden was rich and a safe place to live.

That has changed.

As you all are probably familiar with, is that Sweden has taken in hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan, Irac, Iran, Eritrea and more... They are referred to as "MENA" = Middle East, North Africa.
While they wait to either get approved to stay, or while waiting for an apartment, they are put in asylum homes. The largest asylum home in Sweden has 400 asylum seekers living together.
They are served everything like its a freaking hotel !! Meals cooked from scratch from restaurants, cleaning service, Wifi, TV etc... and yet, they complain. Food isnt good, its dirty and isolated and so on... (IMO they have all the time in the world to clean themselves...)
There has been alot of food strikes by the seekers, cause they want more... for FREE.
Every food strike I read about makes my blood boil... it's so ungrateful. They claim to have fled war, then comes to a country that gives them roof over their heads, food in their stomachs, smartphones, expensive clothing (I'm serious) and Wifi... for absolutely FREE. They even get a small amount of money everyday, like an "allowence". In addition to that, free dental care and health care... things we working swedes have to pay for ourselves...
Sometimes they even set the buildings on fire, so they can move to a "better" asylum home.

You can read about an example here:
Forty asylum seekers refuse to get off the bus for 24 hours after arriving at picturesque Swedish village where they were being housed… because they wanted to live in a city

Most of them lie and claim to be under 18 yrs of age... that will give them a guarantee to stay in the country. And of course the migration center swallow the lie.
You be the judge, does these "children" look under 18 to you?

The crime rate has gone up dramatically, as well as the amount of rapes. Sweden is THE worst country in all of europe when it comes to rape, and comes in second place of the entire world.

Everyday, theres something awful happening... What used to be a rarity in crimes are now something that happens on a daily basis. Nobody is even shocked over such crimes anymore, we have gotten used to it.

The betrayal
Media has betrayed us. They try their hardest to withold the fact that (almost)all these horrible crimes are commited by MENA. They never mention skin color, for example. When they pixalite the criminals face, they make the pigments lighter, so you can't tell if the persons skin color is dark. They never mention names, or what language they were speaking... at best they write "spoke swedish with an accent".
When crimes happen, they write in a way thats obvious that they're making the crime less serious.

The Police has also betrayed us. Since fall of 2015, they have been keeping a secret register over crimes commited by asylum seekers. It is referred to as "code 291". The police decided to come clean, and released part of the register to the public. We citizens DESERVE to know whats going on in our country.
You can read more about this secret register here: Swedish Cops Had a Special "Code 291" to Cover Up Migrant Crimes

I couldn't find the list of crimes in english, so I will translate the swedish one.

During the course of 4 months, in JUST asylum homes, this has happened:
450 fights
559 registered cases of abuse
37 suicide attempts
two bomb threats
four rapes
58 fires
96 missing persons
nine robberies
26 cases of disease
42 cases registered as "mentally ill"
three deaths
239 cases of automatic fire alarm
161 police operations
912 "security mission"
109 cases of "investigation"
869 controls of person or vehicle

A policeman then commented:
- I can tell you that it involves more cases than the numbers you've gotten out.

This was also part of the code 291: Migrant boy from Somalia arrested over murder of Swedish social worker
That "child" has been age tested, turns out he is 18 yrs or older!!

To me, this list is unbelievable... I'm still waiting for the rest of the register, I will update you when/if they release it.
Recently there was a riot at one of the homes... because one of the "children" was denied to purchase candy!! This child got TWENTY of his friends and started attacking the staff!! *facepalm*... What kind of people does that?!
Upplopp på boende för ensamkommande flyktingbarn – personalen tvingades låsa in sig
In addition to the code 291. There are other crimes...
The IKEA murders for example: IKEA murders: Details of horror emerge from witnesses

The rapes
You have all heard about the taHarrush gamea in Cologne/Köln on new years. But did you know that it's been happening in Sweden too, for YEARS. The police and/or media decided to keep it a secret.
CLAIM: Swedish Police Covered Up Migrant Sex Assaults Of Teenage Girls For YEARS - Breitbart

Theres also gangrapes occuring. Media can't cover the fact that it is exclusively MENA.
When a brutal gangrape happened on a party ferry, where a middle aged woman was raped by four men, the media wrote:

"Four swedes arrested on suspicion of rape".

You can read more about it here: Disclosure: The Four ”Swedes” in Custody For Gang Rape Are Somali Citizens

Recently a gangrape came to light. A girl below the age of 15 yrs, was gangraped by EIGHT "boys", all of the boys claim to be under 18, two of them below 15.
I can't find any information in english, so heres the swedish news article for those who wish to read about it.
Åtta pojkar misstänkta för gruppvåldtäkt

Another type of rapes occur in bath houses...
A few years ago, an 11 yr old girl was raped by TWENTY asylum seekers in a bath house.

There has been many, many rapes and different sexual assaults happening in bath houses. They always seem to target really young girls/women, and they always attack in groups.

The politicians
Swedens population has more or less been brainwashed. If anyone, ever, says something critical about immigration they will be labeled as a racist. Which is a very serious accusation... In Sweden, people don't dare to talk about it, cause they risk losing their friends or even their jobs!! It's crazy.

There's only one political party in Sweden that wants to decrease immigration, the Sweden Democrats (SD). I've been voting for them since I was 18.
The other political parties refuse to work with them, though they got enough votes to be part of the parliament. The other parties got together to completely close them out, that group of parties became known as "the seven-clover" .
The seven-clover and media has made sure that SD is hated. Media twists everything against SD. The party leader, Jimmie Åkesson, has had to sustain numerous threats, even death threats. And it's medias and the seven-clovers fault...
Does that seem like democracy to you? I think not!
And yet, the seven-clover has had to adapt their immigration politics due to the acute situation, it's becoming more and more similar to that of SD. And yet, it's still only SD that is being called "racists".

Swedens current Prime Minister (PM) is Stefan Löfven. Last fall he made a statement that upset me...
He said that the mass immigration of asylum seekers would be a "slight effort" for Sweden. And today, the country is close to collapsing. I'm ashamed to have him as the PM...
Read more about Swedens collapse here: Swedish Foreign Minister says country is 'collapsing' due to migrants

Personal opinion
To me, it seems like MENA has a really twisted view on women... and because of that, I never leave my apartment without my defense spray.
Across the street, theres an asylum home. Last summer when I was out on the balcony in a crop-top, I could see them standing in the windows, looking at me!! I told my neighbor who was also outside, when he looked, they disappeared from the window. But they came back later... It was really uncomfortable to be outside...
When I go grocery shopping, they stare. It's unbelievable... seems like they don't know how to be subtle... cause they are looking right at you, in your FACE, and they follow you with their eyes. Especially when wearing a summer dress, they look from head to toe.
Because of this, I stay indoors as much as possible... I don't feel safe anymore...

This isn't about being racist!! It's about their culture... their twisted culture... they just simply doesn't fit in here.

I'm hoping this thread will get noticed... because what's happening in Sweden is really serious... and I fear for the future.
This thread might be all over the place, but what I wish to discuss is the fall of Sweden, a general discussion about whats going on here.

And I beg of you... Please make sure that american media writes more about Swedens immigration... The world needs to know what a mass psychosis this country is having...

(I'm sorry if there's any spelling errors, my english isn't perfect)

I visited Stockholm a few years back, it was a really nice place.

Quite disturbing to hear what is really going on there. The progressives seem to be in complete power there. Progressives have an Agenda to destroy everything that is white and Christian.

Progessive types are who in real. No answer me on other topic about this types.

Sorry but I have no idea what you are trying to say.
I found a great article on Daily Mail. The website has earlier been accused(by swedish media) of conspiracy against Sweden... for writing the truth, I guess...
Here they are writing the truth again. This is Sweden today...
Migrant attacks and a conspiracy to hide the truth in Sweden

They mentioned that many swedish women have been molested. When I was 16-17 yrs old, I was molested on the bus by an arabic man (between 30-35 yrs of age). He tried to persuade me to come with him to his home country, he said that he would purchase everything I wanted if I did. He tried to kiss me on the lips, forced me to hold hands with him and he put his hand on the inside of my thigh and held it there for a long time... I was wearing a skirt and I tried to squeeze my thighs together to keep his hand from migrating up.
He stalked me for hours after finally arriving in the city before he gave up... I stayed in areas where there was alot of people to be on the safe side. I was so scared and didn't know what to do... :(

I wish I would have had my defense spray back then... Maybe I would have had the guts to tell him off if I did.
Who knows what he was planning on doing if I had followed him to his home country?

I've experience a few more alarming incidents involving arabic men, I might write about that later.
I found a great article on Daily Mail. The website has earlier been accused(by swedish media) of conspiracy against Sweden... for writing the truth, I guess...
Here they are writing the truth again. This is Sweden today...
Migrant attacks and a conspiracy to hide the truth in Sweden

They mentioned that many swedish women have been molested. When I was 16-17 yrs old, I was molested on the bus by an arabic man (between 30-35 yrs of age). He tried to persuade me to come with him to his home country, he said that he would purchase everything I wanted if I did. He tried to kiss me on the lips, forced me to hold hands with him and he put his hand on the inside of my thigh and held it there for a long time... I was wearing a skirt and I tried to squeeze my thighs together to keep his hand from migrating up.
He stalked me for hours after finally arriving in the city before he gave up... I stayed in areas where there was alot of people to be on the safe side. I was so scared and didn't know what to do... :(

I wish I would have had my defense spray back then... Maybe I would have had the guts to tell him off if I did.
Who knows what he was planning on doing if I had followed him to his home country?

I've experience a few more alarming incidents involving arabic men, I might write about that later.

Women should be allowed more than spray to defend themselves. Is it legal to carry a switchblade?
I found a great article on Daily Mail. The website has earlier been accused(by swedish media) of conspiracy against Sweden... for writing the truth, I guess...
Here they are writing the truth again. This is Sweden today...
Migrant attacks and a conspiracy to hide the truth in Sweden

They mentioned that many swedish women have been molested. When I was 16-17 yrs old, I was molested on the bus by an arabic man (between 30-35 yrs of age). He tried to persuade me to come with him to his home country, he said that he would purchase everything I wanted if I did. He tried to kiss me on the lips, forced me to hold hands with him and he put his hand on the inside of my thigh and held it there for a long time... I was wearing a skirt and I tried to squeeze my thighs together to keep his hand from migrating up.
He stalked me for hours after finally arriving in the city before he gave up... I stayed in areas where there was alot of people to be on the safe side. I was so scared and didn't know what to do... :(

I wish I would have had my defense spray back then... Maybe I would have had the guts to tell him off if I did.
Who knows what he was planning on doing if I had followed him to his home country?

I've experience a few more alarming incidents involving arabic men, I might write about that later.

Women should be allowed more than spray to defend themselves. Is it legal to carry a switchblade?

I've got guns, from revolvers to shotguns, they're in my home nation of course....but as Mr. Lucy and I belong to a Gun Club in England, we also have guns here.

Millions of Austrians have guns, also Sweden has about 4 million people who own a gun, I'm not sure where the Swedes must keep their guns though ie. Gun Club or where?
I found a great article on Daily Mail. The website has earlier been accused(by swedish media) of conspiracy against Sweden... for writing the truth, I guess...
Here they are writing the truth again. This is Sweden today...
Migrant attacks and a conspiracy to hide the truth in Sweden

They mentioned that many swedish women have been molested. When I was 16-17 yrs old, I was molested on the bus by an arabic man (between 30-35 yrs of age). He tried to persuade me to come with him to his home country, he said that he would purchase everything I wanted if I did. He tried to kiss me on the lips, forced me to hold hands with him and he put his hand on the inside of my thigh and held it there for a long time... I was wearing a skirt and I tried to squeeze my thighs together to keep his hand from migrating up.
He stalked me for hours after finally arriving in the city before he gave up... I stayed in areas where there was alot of people to be on the safe side. I was so scared and didn't know what to do... :(

I wish I would have had my defense spray back then... Maybe I would have had the guts to tell him off if I did.
Who knows what he was planning on doing if I had followed him to his home country?

I've experience a few more alarming incidents involving arabic men, I might write about that later.

Women should be allowed more than spray to defend themselves. Is it legal to carry a switchblade?

I've got guns, from revolvers to shotguns, they're in my home nation of course....but as Mr. Lucy and I belong to a Gun Club in England, we also have guns here.

Millions of Austrians have guns, also Sweden has about 4 million people who own a gun, I'm not sure where the Swedes must keep their guns though ie. Gun Club or where?

In my opinion, is not a good idea to gun laws.

1. The assailant is remove from your hand the gun, and it attack to you with the your gun.

2. Idiots can not use it function properly.

For example: Russian Roulette with semi-automatic gun leaves 1 teen shot in head, 1 teen jailed

.... that day when a group of teens were hanging out in front of an apartment talking about playing Russian Roulette with a semi-automatic handgun.

Tuscaloosa Metro Homicide Lt. Kip Hart said 19-year-old Trizell Spencer pulled out a gun, pointed it at a 16-year-old boy and pulled the trigger, according to the victim and witnesses.

The victim, who said he didn't want to play, was shot in the head and is still recovering from significant injuries. Hart said he is expected to survive.

Spencer is charged with attempted murder. He is in the Tuscaloosa County...

Russian Roulette with semi-automatic gun leaves 1 teen shot in head, 1 teen jailed
I found a great article on Daily Mail. The website has earlier been accused(by swedish media) of conspiracy against Sweden... for writing the truth, I guess...
Here they are writing the truth again. This is Sweden today...
Migrant attacks and a conspiracy to hide the truth in Sweden

They mentioned that many swedish women have been molested. When I was 16-17 yrs old, I was molested on the bus by an arabic man (between 30-35 yrs of age). He tried to persuade me to come with him to his home country, he said that he would purchase everything I wanted if I did. He tried to kiss me on the lips, forced me to hold hands with him and he put his hand on the inside of my thigh and held it there for a long time... I was wearing a skirt and I tried to squeeze my thighs together to keep his hand from migrating up.
He stalked me for hours after finally arriving in the city before he gave up... I stayed in areas where there was alot of people to be on the safe side. I was so scared and didn't know what to do... :(

I wish I would have had my defense spray back then... Maybe I would have had the guts to tell him off if I did.
Who knows what he was planning on doing if I had followed him to his home country?

I've experience a few more alarming incidents involving arabic men, I might write about that later.

Women should be allowed more than spray to defend themselves. Is it legal to carry a switchblade?

Sadly, all potentionally deadly weapons are illegal. That includes guns, brass knuckles, knifes... anything sharp really. Even a pocket knife is illegal to carry.
Swedes are only allowed to have defense sprays, and that is not even pepperspray... which is also illegal to carry, btw. Only police are allowed to carry pepperspray. The defense sprays just irritate the eyes and color the skin bright red, the red paint wont wash off for days so the attacker should be easier to find.
So we are pretty much defenseless should somebody attack with a weapon. :(

Yesterday a 16-year old girl was attacked and brutally beaten by 3 men. Totally unprovoked... !!
She describes them as 20-25 yrs of age and with a "foreign appearance".
She was so severly injured that she now has lost sense in both her legs.
Sophie, 16, överfölls av tre okända män

I hope she recovers fully... :(
Last edited:
I found a great article on Daily Mail. The website has earlier been accused(by swedish media) of conspiracy against Sweden... for writing the truth, I guess...
Here they are writing the truth again. This is Sweden today...
Migrant attacks and a conspiracy to hide the truth in Sweden

They mentioned that many swedish women have been molested. When I was 16-17 yrs old, I was molested on the bus by an arabic man (between 30-35 yrs of age). He tried to persuade me to come with him to his home country, he said that he would purchase everything I wanted if I did. He tried to kiss me on the lips, forced me to hold hands with him and he put his hand on the inside of my thigh and held it there for a long time... I was wearing a skirt and I tried to squeeze my thighs together to keep his hand from migrating up.
He stalked me for hours after finally arriving in the city before he gave up... I stayed in areas where there was alot of people to be on the safe side. I was so scared and didn't know what to do... :(

I wish I would have had my defense spray back then... Maybe I would have had the guts to tell him off if I did.
Who knows what he was planning on doing if I had followed him to his home country?

I've experience a few more alarming incidents involving arabic men, I might write about that later.

Women should be allowed more than spray to defend themselves. Is it legal to carry a switchblade?

Sadly, all potentionally deadly weapons are illegal. That includes guns, brass knuckles, knifes... anything sharp really. Even a pocket knife is illegal to carry.
Swedes are only allowed to have defense sprays, and that is not even pepperspray... which is also illegal to carry, btw. Only police are allowed to carry pepperspray. The defense sprays just irritate the eyes and color the skin bright red, the red paint wont wash off for days so the attacker should be easier to find.
So we are pretty much defenseless should somebody attack with a weapon. :(

Yesterday a 16-year old girl was attacked and brutally beaten by 3 men. Totally unprovoked... !!
She describes them as 20-25 yrs of age and with a "foreign appearance".
She was so severly injured that she now has lost sense in both her legs.
Sophie, 16, överfölls av tre okända män

I hope she recovers fully... :(

Holy crap, not even knives or pepper spray? Sounds like women should leave the country until politicians pull their heads out of their ass.

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