Sweden is falling apart

Do you think Sweden will fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters
This is more tragic news from increasingly messed up Sweden, you know Freja if we could we'd help you in some way, I just wanted you to know this darling :smiliehug:

The Bacha Bazi, what WE refer to as Paedophiles, this is ancient old practice from these 7th Century savages, if there's just one reason why no Afghan should be allowed into Europa THIS is it. In a just society these Satanic perverts would have their testicles sliced off and pronto.

Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sexually abused dancing boys of Afghanistan - BBC News

Thank you, it is very kind of you to say that! :smiliehug:
I am very worried how fast its gone down hill since last year... Sweden needs all help one can get!

Bacha bazi is so disgusting... I agree they shouldn't be let in into Europe. Their religion and values seems barbaric overall. Adding to the punishment of slicing their testicles.... I think they should get a taste of their own medicine - Bacha bazi! :FIREdevil:

If I find out what the verdict is after he has been to court, I will update you on it. I'm hoping they will kick him out... Sweden doesn't need more of the likes of him...

6-year old boy raped in an asylum home! :(
19-åring misstänks ha våldtagit 6-årig pojke på asylboende

I will translate some of the text:
A 19-yr old man is under arrest for raping a 6-yr old boy in an asylum home. The rape is labeled as "complete" and has happened indoors.
The man and the boy were staying at the same asylum home, where the man and the parents of the victim were acquaintences and from the same country. It was the parents that called the police.

My guess would be that those involved are from Afghanistan, since theres a thing there called Bacha bazi where underage boys are dressed as girls and forced to dance... then the men will rape them. At least thats the short explaination of it. You can read more in the link, or google it yourself.
Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not the first time underage boys have been raped at asylum homes and probably not the last.
Such horrible betrayal from the 19 yr old to first of all rape a child, and second rape a child of people he knew and had traveled with.
When a rape is labeled "complete" in Sweden means there has been penetration of the penis and ejaculation involved...

Of course this man should immediatly be kicked out of the country!! But this is Sweden... he will probably get a few years in our luxery prisons and then be set free again.
If I got to decide this mans fate... his penis should be cut off and force fed to him!!!!!! Then kicked out out Sweden, head first into the ocean!! :mad:

In Islamic countries it is quite normal for men to rape boys. They don't count that as homosexuality. What else should we expect from the religion of the Pedophile Prophet? It's another reason why none of them should be allowed to immigrate to a Western countries.

Indeed it is. If a woman/girl isn't around when a horny muslim wants sex, little boys are good enough. Don't they have even a little common sense?! So extremely selfish to let a child go through that for his own personal desire... Rape in itself is horrible and selfish, but raping a child takes it to a whole nother level.
There probably wouldn't be so much rape in that culture if masturbation wasn't haram...

They don't count raping a boy as homosexuality as long as you are not the reciever. Sometimes I wonder how their mind works... :cuckoo:

Freja your reports from on the front line in Sweden are greatly appreciated :thup:

I'm glad you guys think so! :woohoo:
Sorry I'm late with updating the thread. Here comes the news I feel like you should know:

In the EU-meeting in Bryssel, Stefan Löfvén (Swedens prime minister) wanted to discuss the possibility of distributing the refugees(that has come to Sweden) across Europe, equally. As Sweden is currently having problems with financing taking care of all the 160 000 refugees that came last year.
Already the request has been declined. They are not even going to discuss it in the meeting.
EU-förslag: Sverige får inte omfördela flyktingar

I have to admit that the decision to not approve Swedens request is right. It's the swedish politicians that has brought the refugees here, indirectly. Isn't it tempting to get everything served for free? And the refugees knows it. It's the politicians fault, swedens populations fault (by voting for this shit) and LÖFVÉNS fault.
Now we are stuck with more people than we can take care of, and that has already affected the society greatly. Crime and rape rates has gone through the roof, so much the police even had to hide it from the swedish citizens.
So... we are kind of screwed, guys. Remember that the wellfare has to finance the refugees housing, food, medical care, dental care, school and pocket money. We don't have that kind of money to take care of 160 000 people!!

Many refugees isn't even thankful for the help they recieve. Today I heard on the radio that theres yet ANOTHER food strike at an asylum home. Appearantly a family on the asylum home went to the next door neighbours and asked for food, as they were hungry(?)
I quote the refugees words:
This food might only be served to pigs.
The potatoes looks gross and smell bad.
The cucumbers are not fresh, they're soft.
I wouldn't serve this food to anyone.
We get too little daily allowance money. We can't do anything for it. (they get around 4-5$ daily for doing NOTHING)
Granne till asylboende slår larm om oätlig mat - P4 Örebro

If they think the food they are served is gross, then they should have seen the food we got when I was in school. And did we do a hunger strike, even though our parents were PAYING for the gross food? NOPE...
This kind of ungratefulness makes my blood boil. Do they think they live in a 4 star hotel or something?!
And, why would they complain in the first place for stuff they recieve for FREE?
It's laughable that these grown men are whining about SOFT CUCUMBERS AND SMELLY POTATOES when they are in a safe place, away from WAR?! :cuckoo:
(btw, when they are complaining like this, it makes me doubt they have really fled. Cause they must to be comparing Sweden to something, right? Did they have it better in their home country?)

I'm sad it has come to this...

They need to put them on boats and send them back to the steaming shitholes they came from. Otherwise all of Sweden is going to become like their home countries. Liberals have already done this to America's inner cities. Just look at what happened to Detroit. Yet they still believe in these policies and want to keep doing the same thing, as if it will have a different outcome.

Detroit failed because of Syrian refugees?

Racism is a major problem among Swedish people. Swedish government to its credit recognizes that and tries to curb it through various means including filtering of news items. It is never a good idea to fan bigotry because it can lead to civil unrest.
Racism is a major problem among Swedish people. Swedish government to its credit recognizes that and tries to curb it through various means including filtering of news items. It is never a good idea to fan bigotry because it can lead to civil unrest.

Suppressing the truth to keep the people uninformed about real issues is a good thing?

Racism is a major problem among Swedish people. Swedish government to its credit recognizes that and tries to curb it through various means including filtering of news items. It is never a good idea to fan bigotry because it can lead to civil unrest.

Suppressing the truth to keep the people uninformed about real issues is a good thing?


You got it wrong.

There is an effort on the part of Swedish government to present Sweden as a tolerant society in a hope that people will start to live up to that expectation. This national character flaw is not limited to Sweden. As a matter of fact, Sweden compared to some other European countries such as Germany, UK, etc is far more tolerant.

The refugee crisis that we are seeing across Europe has same root cause. It is embedded in the belief system of the European governments that their societies are intrinsically tolerant and embrace human ideals. This is where the breakdown occurs because this is not the reality. Racism and bigotry is rampant throughout Europe. This is reflected in poor treatment of refugees that were brought in by these governments. There have been incidents where refugees were housed in open fields which lacked water, electricity and food. Keep in mind there were small children among these refugees. There have been numerous incidents where refugees were assaulted.

European governments are highlighting the isolated incidents of refugees misbehaving to justify the mistreatment and possibly conceal European societal character flaws.

This is what I was alluding to when I talked about filtering the news.
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Racism is a major problem among Swedish people. Swedish government to its credit recognizes that and tries to curb it through various means including filtering of news items. It is never a good idea to fan bigotry because it can lead to civil unrest.

Suppressing the truth to keep the people uninformed about real issues is a good thing?


You got it wrong.

There is an effort on the part of Swedish government to present Sweden as a tolerant society in a hope that people will start to live up to that expectation. This national character flaw is not limited to Sweden. As a matter of fact, Sweden compared to some other European countries such as Germany, UK, etc is far more tolerant.

The refugee crisis that we are seeing across Europe has same root cause. It is embedded in the belief system of the European governments that their societies are intrinsically tolerant and embrace human ideals. This is where the breakdown occurs because this is not the reality. Racism and bigotry is rampant throughout Europe. This is reflected in poor treatment of refugees that were brought in by these governments. There have been incidents where refugees were housed in open fields which lacked water, electricity and food. Keep in mind there were small children among these refugees. There have been numerous incidents where refugees were assaulted.

European governments are highlighting the isolated incidents of refugees misbehaving to justify their mistreatment and possibly conceal their societal character flaws.

This is what I was alluding to when I talked about filtering the news.

The initial german response to Cologne was cover up of immigrant "misbehaving".

In the UK the police and government turned a blind eye to immigrants committing mass rape against white girls for years, because they were afraid of being called racist.

YOur position is the opposite of what we have been seeing.
Racism is a major problem among Swedish people. Swedish government to its credit recognizes that and tries to curb it through various means including filtering of news items. It is never a good idea to fan bigotry because it can lead to civil unrest.

Suppressing the truth to keep the people uninformed about real issues is a good thing?


You got it wrong.

There is an effort on the part of Swedish government to present Sweden as a tolerant society in a hope that people will start to live up to that expectation. This national character flaw is not limited to Sweden. As a matter of fact, Sweden compared to some other European countries such as Germany, UK, etc is far more tolerant.

The refugee crisis that we are seeing across Europe has same root cause. It is embedded in the belief system of the European governments that their societies are intrinsically tolerant and embrace human ideals. This is where the breakdown occurs because this is not the reality. Racism and bigotry is rampant throughout Europe. This is reflected in poor treatment of refugees that were brought in by these governments. There have been incidents where refugees were housed in open fields which lacked water, electricity and food. Keep in mind there were small children among these refugees. There have been numerous incidents where refugees were assaulted.

European governments are highlighting the isolated incidents of refugees misbehaving to justify their mistreatment and possibly conceal their societal character flaws.

This is what I was alluding to when I talked about filtering the news.

The initial german response to Cologne was cover up of immigrant "misbehaving".

In the UK the police and government turned a blind eye to immigrants committing mass rape against white girls for years, because they were afraid of being called racist.

YOur position is the opposite of what we have been seeing.

Your views are a product of what I call a concerted effort at social engineering. You are supposed to react that way. As I outlined in my previous post, the objective behind bringing to the fore Cologne incident and similar incidents elsewhere is to portray refugees in bad light. This tactfully detracts the attention from maltreatment of refugees and protects the false European narrative which portrays Europe as the bastion of human ideals.

As far as the pimping of young girls in UK is concerned, that was carried out by UK born men of Asian (Pakistani) origin. It had nothing to do with refugees. I do not think UK has admitted significant number of refugees to begin with.
Racism is a major problem among Swedish people. Swedish government to its credit recognizes that and tries to curb it through various means including filtering of news items. It is never a good idea to fan bigotry because it can lead to civil unrest.

Suppressing the truth to keep the people uninformed about real issues is a good thing?


You got it wrong.

There is an effort on the part of Swedish government to present Sweden as a tolerant society in a hope that people will start to live up to that expectation. This national character flaw is not limited to Sweden. As a matter of fact, Sweden compared to some other European countries such as Germany, UK, etc is far more tolerant.

The refugee crisis that we are seeing across Europe has same root cause. It is embedded in the belief system of the European governments that their societies are intrinsically tolerant and embrace human ideals. This is where the breakdown occurs because this is not the reality. Racism and bigotry is rampant throughout Europe. This is reflected in poor treatment of refugees that were brought in by these governments. There have been incidents where refugees were housed in open fields which lacked water, electricity and food. Keep in mind there were small children among these refugees. There have been numerous incidents where refugees were assaulted.

European governments are highlighting the isolated incidents of refugees misbehaving to justify their mistreatment and possibly conceal their societal character flaws.

This is what I was alluding to when I talked about filtering the news.

The initial german response to Cologne was cover up of immigrant "misbehaving".

In the UK the police and government turned a blind eye to immigrants committing mass rape against white girls for years, because they were afraid of being called racist.

YOur position is the opposite of what we have been seeing.

Your views are a product of what I call a concerted effort at social engineering. You are supposed to react that way. As I outlined in my previous post, the objective behind bringing to the fore Cologne incident and similar incidents elsewhere is to portray refugees in bad light. This tactfully detracts the attention from maltreatment of refugees and protects the false European narrative which portrays Europe as the bastion of human ideals.

As far as the pimping of young girls in UK is concerned, that was carried out by UK born men of Asian (Pakistani) origin. It had nothing to do with refugees. I do not think UK has admitted significant number of refugees to begin with.

Except you just ignored my point, that the initial response to Cologne was a coverup by the government. It had to be dragged out of the government, it was not pushed by the government.

The fact that the rapists in the UK were native born pakistanis, does not challenge my use of it as a counter to your claim of widespread racism in Europe, and instead the presence of the exact OPPOSITE policy and agenda.
Racism is a major problem among Swedish people. Swedish government to its credit recognizes that and tries to curb it through various means including filtering of news items. It is never a good idea to fan bigotry because it can lead to civil unrest.

Suppressing the truth to keep the people uninformed about real issues is a good thing?


You got it wrong.

There is an effort on the part of Swedish government to present Sweden as a tolerant society in a hope that people will start to live up to that expectation. This national character flaw is not limited to Sweden. As a matter of fact, Sweden compared to some other European countries such as Germany, UK, etc is far more tolerant.

The refugee crisis that we are seeing across Europe has same root cause. It is embedded in the belief system of the European governments that their societies are intrinsically tolerant and embrace human ideals. This is where the breakdown occurs because this is not the reality. Racism and bigotry is rampant throughout Europe. This is reflected in poor treatment of refugees that were brought in by these governments. There have been incidents where refugees were housed in open fields which lacked water, electricity and food. Keep in mind there were small children among these refugees. There have been numerous incidents where refugees were assaulted.

European governments are highlighting the isolated incidents of refugees misbehaving to justify their mistreatment and possibly conceal their societal character flaws.

This is what I was alluding to when I talked about filtering the news.

The initial german response to Cologne was cover up of immigrant "misbehaving".

In the UK the police and government turned a blind eye to immigrants committing mass rape against white girls for years, because they were afraid of being called racist.

YOur position is the opposite of what we have been seeing.

Your views are a product of what I call a concerted effort at social engineering. You are supposed to react that way. As I outlined in my previous post, the objective behind bringing to the fore Cologne incident and similar incidents elsewhere is to portray refugees in bad light. This tactfully detracts the attention from maltreatment of refugees and protects the false European narrative which portrays Europe as the bastion of human ideals.

As far as the pimping of young girls in UK is concerned, that was carried out by UK born men of Asian (Pakistani) origin. It had nothing to do with refugees. I do not think UK has admitted significant number of refugees to begin with.

Except you just ignored my point, that the initial response to Cologne was a coverup by the government. It had to be dragged out of the government, it was not pushed by the government.

The fact that the rapists in the UK were native born pakistanis, does not challenge my use of it as a counter to your claim of widespread racism in Europe, and instead the presence of the exact OPPOSITE policy and agenda.

It is your imagination working overtime that lets you believe that German government tried to suppress the news about Cologne. There was no such effort. As a matter of fact, it was propagated gleefully by the elites in European societies. I would grant however that my "gleeful" characterization may be somewhat subjective in nature but the point is Cologne incident and similar incidents were amply aired by European news outlets. You need to ask yourself why European media is not covering news about maltreatment of refugees throughout Europe with the same vigor it covered Cologne incident.

As far as the abuse of young girls in UK is concerned, you cannot lay it solely on Pakistani men. This is a societal problem in UK. I have posted quite a bit about this subject already in few threads that are still around. You just have to search for them. Even Theresa May (British politician) came out with a statement that pedophilia is deeply rooted in the fabric of British society. I have posted a link to her statement in that thread. Let me know if you are unable to find it; I will find it for you.

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Pakistani pimps but you do not hear so much about British politicians and royals and other elites who committed pedophilia?

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Cologne incident but you never hear about little refugee children who were housed in open fields in freezing winters of Europe?

The answer lies in what I have already said in my earlier posts: It is to preserve a false narrative that Europe is the bastion of human ideals.

Your personal thoughts and similar personal thoughts of others give an insight into the game-plan of European elites. This also tells me that they have succeeded in their game-plan.
Suppressing the truth to keep the people uninformed about real issues is a good thing?


You got it wrong.

There is an effort on the part of Swedish government to present Sweden as a tolerant society in a hope that people will start to live up to that expectation. This national character flaw is not limited to Sweden. As a matter of fact, Sweden compared to some other European countries such as Germany, UK, etc is far more tolerant.

The refugee crisis that we are seeing across Europe has same root cause. It is embedded in the belief system of the European governments that their societies are intrinsically tolerant and embrace human ideals. This is where the breakdown occurs because this is not the reality. Racism and bigotry is rampant throughout Europe. This is reflected in poor treatment of refugees that were brought in by these governments. There have been incidents where refugees were housed in open fields which lacked water, electricity and food. Keep in mind there were small children among these refugees. There have been numerous incidents where refugees were assaulted.

European governments are highlighting the isolated incidents of refugees misbehaving to justify their mistreatment and possibly conceal their societal character flaws.

This is what I was alluding to when I talked about filtering the news.

The initial german response to Cologne was cover up of immigrant "misbehaving".

In the UK the police and government turned a blind eye to immigrants committing mass rape against white girls for years, because they were afraid of being called racist.

YOur position is the opposite of what we have been seeing.

Your views are a product of what I call a concerted effort at social engineering. You are supposed to react that way. As I outlined in my previous post, the objective behind bringing to the fore Cologne incident and similar incidents elsewhere is to portray refugees in bad light. This tactfully detracts the attention from maltreatment of refugees and protects the false European narrative which portrays Europe as the bastion of human ideals.

As far as the pimping of young girls in UK is concerned, that was carried out by UK born men of Asian (Pakistani) origin. It had nothing to do with refugees. I do not think UK has admitted significant number of refugees to begin with.

Except you just ignored my point, that the initial response to Cologne was a coverup by the government. It had to be dragged out of the government, it was not pushed by the government.

The fact that the rapists in the UK were native born pakistanis, does not challenge my use of it as a counter to your claim of widespread racism in Europe, and instead the presence of the exact OPPOSITE policy and agenda.

It is your imagination working overtime that lets you believe that German government tried to suppress the news about Cologne. There was no such effort. As a matter of fact, it was propagated gleefully by the elites in European societies. I would grant however that my "gleeful" characterization may be somewhat subjective in nature but the point is Cologne incident and similar incidents were amply aired by European news outlets. You need to ask yourself why European media is not covering news about maltreatment of refugees throughout Europe with the same vigor it covered Cologne incident.

As far as the abuse of young girls in UK is concerned, you cannot lay it solely on Pakistani men. This is a societal problem in UK. I have posted quite a bit about this subject already in few threads that are still around. You just have to search for them. Even Theresa May (British politician) came out with a statement that pedophilia is deeply rooted in the fabric of British society. I have posted a link to her statement in that thread. Let me know if you are unable to find it; I will find it for you.

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Pakistani pimps but you do not hear so much about British politicians and royals and other elites who committed pedophilia?

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Cologne incident but you never hear about little refugee children who were housed in open fields in freezing winters of Europe?

The answer lies in what I have already said in my earlier posts: It is to preserve a false narrative that Europe is the bastion of human ideals.

Your personal thoughts and similar personal thoughts of others give an insight into the game-plan of European elites. This also tells me that they have succeeded in their game-plan.

1. YOur characterization of the government response to the COlogne attacks is just not true. The government had to be dragged to the story by social media and public outcry.

2. Strawman. I did not claim that only Pakistani men abuse young girls. The reaction of the government there was the exact opposite of the racist response you are claiming.
You got it wrong.

There is an effort on the part of Swedish government to present Sweden as a tolerant society in a hope that people will start to live up to that expectation. This national character flaw is not limited to Sweden. As a matter of fact, Sweden compared to some other European countries such as Germany, UK, etc is far more tolerant.

The refugee crisis that we are seeing across Europe has same root cause. It is embedded in the belief system of the European governments that their societies are intrinsically tolerant and embrace human ideals. This is where the breakdown occurs because this is not the reality. Racism and bigotry is rampant throughout Europe. This is reflected in poor treatment of refugees that were brought in by these governments. There have been incidents where refugees were housed in open fields which lacked water, electricity and food. Keep in mind there were small children among these refugees. There have been numerous incidents where refugees were assaulted.

European governments are highlighting the isolated incidents of refugees misbehaving to justify their mistreatment and possibly conceal their societal character flaws.

This is what I was alluding to when I talked about filtering the news.

The initial german response to Cologne was cover up of immigrant "misbehaving".

In the UK the police and government turned a blind eye to immigrants committing mass rape against white girls for years, because they were afraid of being called racist.

YOur position is the opposite of what we have been seeing.

Your views are a product of what I call a concerted effort at social engineering. You are supposed to react that way. As I outlined in my previous post, the objective behind bringing to the fore Cologne incident and similar incidents elsewhere is to portray refugees in bad light. This tactfully detracts the attention from maltreatment of refugees and protects the false European narrative which portrays Europe as the bastion of human ideals.

As far as the pimping of young girls in UK is concerned, that was carried out by UK born men of Asian (Pakistani) origin. It had nothing to do with refugees. I do not think UK has admitted significant number of refugees to begin with.

Except you just ignored my point, that the initial response to Cologne was a coverup by the government. It had to be dragged out of the government, it was not pushed by the government.

The fact that the rapists in the UK were native born pakistanis, does not challenge my use of it as a counter to your claim of widespread racism in Europe, and instead the presence of the exact OPPOSITE policy and agenda.

It is your imagination working overtime that lets you believe that German government tried to suppress the news about Cologne. There was no such effort. As a matter of fact, it was propagated gleefully by the elites in European societies. I would grant however that my "gleeful" characterization may be somewhat subjective in nature but the point is Cologne incident and similar incidents were amply aired by European news outlets. You need to ask yourself why European media is not covering news about maltreatment of refugees throughout Europe with the same vigor it covered Cologne incident.

As far as the abuse of young girls in UK is concerned, you cannot lay it solely on Pakistani men. This is a societal problem in UK. I have posted quite a bit about this subject already in few threads that are still around. You just have to search for them. Even Theresa May (British politician) came out with a statement that pedophilia is deeply rooted in the fabric of British society. I have posted a link to her statement in that thread. Let me know if you are unable to find it; I will find it for you.

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Pakistani pimps but you do not hear so much about British politicians and royals and other elites who committed pedophilia?

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Cologne incident but you never hear about little refugee children who were housed in open fields in freezing winters of Europe?

The answer lies in what I have already said in my earlier posts: It is to preserve a false narrative that Europe is the bastion of human ideals.

Your personal thoughts and similar personal thoughts of others give an insight into the game-plan of European elites. This also tells me that they have succeeded in their game-plan.

1. YOur characterization of the government response to the COlogne attacks is just not true. The government had to be dragged to the story by social media and public outcry.

2. Strawman. I did not claim that only Pakistani men abuse young girls. The reaction of the government there was the exact opposite of the racist response you are claiming.

News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimps grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.
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The initial german response to Cologne was cover up of immigrant "misbehaving".

In the UK the police and government turned a blind eye to immigrants committing mass rape against white girls for years, because they were afraid of being called racist.

YOur position is the opposite of what we have been seeing.

Your views are a product of what I call a concerted effort at social engineering. You are supposed to react that way. As I outlined in my previous post, the objective behind bringing to the fore Cologne incident and similar incidents elsewhere is to portray refugees in bad light. This tactfully detracts the attention from maltreatment of refugees and protects the false European narrative which portrays Europe as the bastion of human ideals.

As far as the pimping of young girls in UK is concerned, that was carried out by UK born men of Asian (Pakistani) origin. It had nothing to do with refugees. I do not think UK has admitted significant number of refugees to begin with.

Except you just ignored my point, that the initial response to Cologne was a coverup by the government. It had to be dragged out of the government, it was not pushed by the government.

The fact that the rapists in the UK were native born pakistanis, does not challenge my use of it as a counter to your claim of widespread racism in Europe, and instead the presence of the exact OPPOSITE policy and agenda.

It is your imagination working overtime that lets you believe that German government tried to suppress the news about Cologne. There was no such effort. As a matter of fact, it was propagated gleefully by the elites in European societies. I would grant however that my "gleeful" characterization may be somewhat subjective in nature but the point is Cologne incident and similar incidents were amply aired by European news outlets. You need to ask yourself why European media is not covering news about maltreatment of refugees throughout Europe with the same vigor it covered Cologne incident.

As far as the abuse of young girls in UK is concerned, you cannot lay it solely on Pakistani men. This is a societal problem in UK. I have posted quite a bit about this subject already in few threads that are still around. You just have to search for them. Even Theresa May (British politician) came out with a statement that pedophilia is deeply rooted in the fabric of British society. I have posted a link to her statement in that thread. Let me know if you are unable to find it; I will find it for you.

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Pakistani pimps but you do not hear so much about British politicians and royals and other elites who committed pedophilia?

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Cologne incident but you never hear about little refugee children who were housed in open fields in freezing winters of Europe?

The answer lies in what I have already said in my earlier posts: It is to preserve a false narrative that Europe is the bastion of human ideals.

Your personal thoughts and similar personal thoughts of others give an insight into the game-plan of European elites. This also tells me that they have succeeded in their game-plan.

1. YOur characterization of the government response to the COlogne attacks is just not true. The government had to be dragged to the story by social media and public outcry.

2. Strawman. I did not claim that only Pakistani men abuse young girls. The reaction of the government there was the exact opposite of the racist response you are claiming.

News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimp grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.

1. POlice reports are released by the government. The government resisted collecting and releasing the mass assault reports.

2. The media rarely digs up street crime news by itself.

3. Most of the customers of those Asian pimps were other Asians.
Your views are a product of what I call a concerted effort at social engineering. You are supposed to react that way. As I outlined in my previous post, the objective behind bringing to the fore Cologne incident and similar incidents elsewhere is to portray refugees in bad light. This tactfully detracts the attention from maltreatment of refugees and protects the false European narrative which portrays Europe as the bastion of human ideals.

As far as the pimping of young girls in UK is concerned, that was carried out by UK born men of Asian (Pakistani) origin. It had nothing to do with refugees. I do not think UK has admitted significant number of refugees to begin with.

Except you just ignored my point, that the initial response to Cologne was a coverup by the government. It had to be dragged out of the government, it was not pushed by the government.

The fact that the rapists in the UK were native born pakistanis, does not challenge my use of it as a counter to your claim of widespread racism in Europe, and instead the presence of the exact OPPOSITE policy and agenda.

It is your imagination working overtime that lets you believe that German government tried to suppress the news about Cologne. There was no such effort. As a matter of fact, it was propagated gleefully by the elites in European societies. I would grant however that my "gleeful" characterization may be somewhat subjective in nature but the point is Cologne incident and similar incidents were amply aired by European news outlets. You need to ask yourself why European media is not covering news about maltreatment of refugees throughout Europe with the same vigor it covered Cologne incident.

As far as the abuse of young girls in UK is concerned, you cannot lay it solely on Pakistani men. This is a societal problem in UK. I have posted quite a bit about this subject already in few threads that are still around. You just have to search for them. Even Theresa May (British politician) came out with a statement that pedophilia is deeply rooted in the fabric of British society. I have posted a link to her statement in that thread. Let me know if you are unable to find it; I will find it for you.

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Pakistani pimps but you do not hear so much about British politicians and royals and other elites who committed pedophilia?

Ask yourself: why do you hear so much about Cologne incident but you never hear about little refugee children who were housed in open fields in freezing winters of Europe?

The answer lies in what I have already said in my earlier posts: It is to preserve a false narrative that Europe is the bastion of human ideals.

Your personal thoughts and similar personal thoughts of others give an insight into the game-plan of European elites. This also tells me that they have succeeded in their game-plan.

1. YOur characterization of the government response to the COlogne attacks is just not true. The government had to be dragged to the story by social media and public outcry.

2. Strawman. I did not claim that only Pakistani men abuse young girls. The reaction of the government there was the exact opposite of the racist response you are claiming.

News reporting is done by news outlets not by governments. European media was right on top of it. They even interviewed victims of the incident right next morning. So I am not sure why you are imagining that media tried to hide Cologne incident. Media did try to hide something but it was not the Cologne incident; it was the maltreatment of refugees. This was exposed by social media.

UK just like other European countries attempts to hide news that present it in poor light. The fact that pedophilia is deeply woven into the fabric of British society was masked by news of Pakistani pimp grooming young British girls. Ask yourself: who were the customers of these pimps? Answer is: British men with money, that is elites.

I hate to hammer my point again and again but you fail to realize that you and your ilks are nothing but the pawns in the game of European supremacy. Ask yourself: do you want a Europe which embraces human ideals or you want a Europe which degenerates humanity? In the defense of your elites, at least, they try to maintain a semblance of humanity. On the other hand, you and your ilks don't even want that. This has serious implications for all humans in Europe and perhaps worldwide.

1. POlice reports are released by the government. The government resisted collecting and releasing the mass assault reports.

2. The media rarely digs up street crime news by itself.

3. Most of the customers of those Asian pimps were other Asians.

I think the root of your quandary lies either in the lack of information about the issues you are attempting to come to terms with or your intrinsic bigotry. Let me explain why I said that; I have repeated quite a few times that pedophilia in UK is a societal problem. I even pointed you to the statement issued by Theresa May but you still keep harping on "Asian" men.

German government promptly investigated and prosecuted all men who were accused of sexually assaulting German women/girls. However, I am still waiting for German and other European governments to prosecute those officials and civilians who abused refugees.
This is more tragic news from increasingly messed up Sweden, you know Freja if we could we'd help you in some way, I just wanted you to know this darling :smiliehug:

The Bacha Bazi, what WE refer to as Paedophiles, this is ancient old practice from these 7th Century savages, if there's just one reason why no Afghan should be allowed into Europa THIS is it. In a just society these Satanic perverts would have their testicles sliced off and pronto.

Bacha bazi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The sexually abused dancing boys of Afghanistan - BBC News

Thank you, it is very kind of you to say that! :smiliehug:
I am very worried how fast its gone down hill since last year... Sweden needs all help one can get!

Bacha bazi is so disgusting... I agree they shouldn't be let in into Europe. Their religion and values seems barbaric overall. Adding to the punishment of slicing their testicles.... I think they should get a taste of their own medicine - Bacha bazi! :FIREdevil:

If I find out what the verdict is after he has been to court, I will update you on it. I'm hoping they will kick him out... Sweden doesn't need more of the likes of him...

In Islamic countries it is quite normal for men to rape boys. They don't count that as homosexuality. What else should we expect from the religion of the Pedophile Prophet? It's another reason why none of them should be allowed to immigrate to a Western countries.

Indeed it is. If a woman/girl isn't around when a horny muslim wants sex, little boys are good enough. Don't they have even a little common sense?! So extremely selfish to let a child go through that for his own personal desire... Rape in itself is horrible and selfish, but raping a child takes it to a whole nother level.
There probably wouldn't be so much rape in that culture if masturbation wasn't haram...

They don't count raping a boy as homosexuality as long as you are not the reciever. Sometimes I wonder how their mind works... :cuckoo:

Freja your reports from on the front line in Sweden are greatly appreciated :thup:

I'm glad you guys think so! :woohoo:
Sorry I'm late with updating the thread. Here comes the news I feel like you should know:

In the EU-meeting in Bryssel, Stefan Löfvén (Swedens prime minister) wanted to discuss the possibility of distributing the refugees(that has come to Sweden) across Europe, equally. As Sweden is currently having problems with financing taking care of all the 160 000 refugees that came last year.
Already the request has been declined. They are not even going to discuss it in the meeting.
EU-förslag: Sverige får inte omfördela flyktingar

I have to admit that the decision to not approve Swedens request is right. It's the swedish politicians that has brought the refugees here, indirectly. Isn't it tempting to get everything served for free? And the refugees knows it. It's the politicians fault, swedens populations fault (by voting for this shit) and LÖFVÉNS fault.
Now we are stuck with more people than we can take care of, and that has already affected the society greatly. Crime and rape rates has gone through the roof, so much the police even had to hide it from the swedish citizens.
So... we are kind of screwed, guys. Remember that the wellfare has to finance the refugees housing, food, medical care, dental care, school and pocket money. We don't have that kind of money to take care of 160 000 people!!

Many refugees isn't even thankful for the help they recieve. Today I heard on the radio that theres yet ANOTHER food strike at an asylum home. Appearantly a family on the asylum home went to the next door neighbours and asked for food, as they were hungry(?)
I quote the refugees words:
This food might only be served to pigs.
The potatoes looks gross and smell bad.
The cucumbers are not fresh, they're soft.
I wouldn't serve this food to anyone.
We get too little daily allowance money. We can't do anything for it. (they get around 4-5$ daily for doing NOTHING)
Granne till asylboende slår larm om oätlig mat - P4 Örebro

If they think the food they are served is gross, then they should have seen the food we got when I was in school. And did we do a hunger strike, even though our parents were PAYING for the gross food? NOPE...
This kind of ungratefulness makes my blood boil. Do they think they live in a 4 star hotel or something?!
And, why would they complain in the first place for stuff they recieve for FREE?
It's laughable that these grown men are whining about SOFT CUCUMBERS AND SMELLY POTATOES when they are in a safe place, away from WAR?! :cuckoo:
(btw, when they are complaining like this, it makes me doubt they have really fled. Cause they must to be comparing Sweden to something, right? Did they have it better in their home country?)

I'm sad it has come to this...

They need to put them on boats and send them back to the steaming shitholes they came from. Otherwise all of Sweden is going to become like their home countries. Liberals have already done this to America's inner cities. Just look at what happened to Detroit. Yet they still believe in these policies and want to keep doing the same thing, as if it will have a different outcome.

Detroit failed because of Syrian refugees?


No, Africans.
Thank you, it is very kind of you to say that! :smiliehug:
I am very worried how fast its gone down hill since last year... Sweden needs all help one can get!

Bacha bazi is so disgusting... I agree they shouldn't be let in into Europe. Their religion and values seems barbaric overall. Adding to the punishment of slicing their testicles.... I think they should get a taste of their own medicine - Bacha bazi! :FIREdevil:

If I find out what the verdict is after he has been to court, I will update you on it. I'm hoping they will kick him out... Sweden doesn't need more of the likes of him...

Indeed it is. If a woman/girl isn't around when a horny muslim wants sex, little boys are good enough. Don't they have even a little common sense?! So extremely selfish to let a child go through that for his own personal desire... Rape in itself is horrible and selfish, but raping a child takes it to a whole nother level.
There probably wouldn't be so much rape in that culture if masturbation wasn't haram...

They don't count raping a boy as homosexuality as long as you are not the reciever. Sometimes I wonder how their mind works... :cuckoo:

Freja your reports from on the front line in Sweden are greatly appreciated :thup:

I'm glad you guys think so! :woohoo:
Sorry I'm late with updating the thread. Here comes the news I feel like you should know:

In the EU-meeting in Bryssel, Stefan Löfvén (Swedens prime minister) wanted to discuss the possibility of distributing the refugees(that has come to Sweden) across Europe, equally. As Sweden is currently having problems with financing taking care of all the 160 000 refugees that came last year.
Already the request has been declined. They are not even going to discuss it in the meeting.
EU-förslag: Sverige får inte omfördela flyktingar

I have to admit that the decision to not approve Swedens request is right. It's the swedish politicians that has brought the refugees here, indirectly. Isn't it tempting to get everything served for free? And the refugees knows it. It's the politicians fault, swedens populations fault (by voting for this shit) and LÖFVÉNS fault.
Now we are stuck with more people than we can take care of, and that has already affected the society greatly. Crime and rape rates has gone through the roof, so much the police even had to hide it from the swedish citizens.
So... we are kind of screwed, guys. Remember that the wellfare has to finance the refugees housing, food, medical care, dental care, school and pocket money. We don't have that kind of money to take care of 160 000 people!!

Many refugees isn't even thankful for the help they recieve. Today I heard on the radio that theres yet ANOTHER food strike at an asylum home. Appearantly a family on the asylum home went to the next door neighbours and asked for food, as they were hungry(?)
I quote the refugees words:
This food might only be served to pigs.
The potatoes looks gross and smell bad.
The cucumbers are not fresh, they're soft.
I wouldn't serve this food to anyone.
We get too little daily allowance money. We can't do anything for it. (they get around 4-5$ daily for doing NOTHING)
Granne till asylboende slår larm om oätlig mat - P4 Örebro

If they think the food they are served is gross, then they should have seen the food we got when I was in school. And did we do a hunger strike, even though our parents were PAYING for the gross food? NOPE...
This kind of ungratefulness makes my blood boil. Do they think they live in a 4 star hotel or something?!
And, why would they complain in the first place for stuff they recieve for FREE?
It's laughable that these grown men are whining about SOFT CUCUMBERS AND SMELLY POTATOES when they are in a safe place, away from WAR?! :cuckoo:
(btw, when they are complaining like this, it makes me doubt they have really fled. Cause they must to be comparing Sweden to something, right? Did they have it better in their home country?)

I'm sad it has come to this...

They need to put them on boats and send them back to the steaming shitholes they came from. Otherwise all of Sweden is going to become like their home countries. Liberals have already done this to America's inner cities. Just look at what happened to Detroit. Yet they still believe in these policies and want to keep doing the same thing, as if it will have a different outcome.

Detroit failed because of Syrian refugees?


No, Africans.

Keep guessing, dimwit.
Freja your reports from on the front line in Sweden are greatly appreciated :thup:

I'm glad you guys think so! :woohoo:
Sorry I'm late with updating the thread. Here comes the news I feel like you should know:

In the EU-meeting in Bryssel, Stefan Löfvén (Swedens prime minister) wanted to discuss the possibility of distributing the refugees(that has come to Sweden) across Europe, equally. As Sweden is currently having problems with financing taking care of all the 160 000 refugees that came last year.
Already the request has been declined. They are not even going to discuss it in the meeting.
EU-förslag: Sverige får inte omfördela flyktingar

I have to admit that the decision to not approve Swedens request is right. It's the swedish politicians that has brought the refugees here, indirectly. Isn't it tempting to get everything served for free? And the refugees knows it. It's the politicians fault, swedens populations fault (by voting for this shit) and LÖFVÉNS fault.
Now we are stuck with more people than we can take care of, and that has already affected the society greatly. Crime and rape rates has gone through the roof, so much the police even had to hide it from the swedish citizens.
So... we are kind of screwed, guys. Remember that the wellfare has to finance the refugees housing, food, medical care, dental care, school and pocket money. We don't have that kind of money to take care of 160 000 people!!

Many refugees isn't even thankful for the help they recieve. Today I heard on the radio that theres yet ANOTHER food strike at an asylum home. Appearantly a family on the asylum home went to the next door neighbours and asked for food, as they were hungry(?)
I quote the refugees words:
This food might only be served to pigs.
The potatoes looks gross and smell bad.
The cucumbers are not fresh, they're soft.
I wouldn't serve this food to anyone.
We get too little daily allowance money. We can't do anything for it. (they get around 4-5$ daily for doing NOTHING)
Granne till asylboende slår larm om oätlig mat - P4 Örebro

If they think the food they are served is gross, then they should have seen the food we got when I was in school. And did we do a hunger strike, even though our parents were PAYING for the gross food? NOPE...
This kind of ungratefulness makes my blood boil. Do they think they live in a 4 star hotel or something?!
And, why would they complain in the first place for stuff they recieve for FREE?
It's laughable that these grown men are whining about SOFT CUCUMBERS AND SMELLY POTATOES when they are in a safe place, away from WAR?! :cuckoo:
(btw, when they are complaining like this, it makes me doubt they have really fled. Cause they must to be comparing Sweden to something, right? Did they have it better in their home country?)

I'm sad it has come to this...

They need to put them on boats and send them back to the steaming shitholes they came from. Otherwise all of Sweden is going to become like their home countries. Liberals have already done this to America's inner cities. Just look at what happened to Detroit. Yet they still believe in these policies and want to keep doing the same thing, as if it will have a different outcome.

Detroit failed because of Syrian refugees?


No, Africans.

Keep guessing, dimwit.

No Klingons? How many guesses are you allowing?
Freja your reports from on the front line in Sweden are greatly appreciated :thup:

I'm glad you guys think so! :woohoo:
Sorry I'm late with updating the thread. Here comes the news I feel like you should know:

In the EU-meeting in Bryssel, Stefan Löfvén (Swedens prime minister) wanted to discuss the possibility of distributing the refugees(that has come to Sweden) across Europe, equally. As Sweden is currently having problems with financing taking care of all the 160 000 refugees that came last year.
Already the request has been declined. They are not even going to discuss it in the meeting.
EU-förslag: Sverige får inte omfördela flyktingar

I have to admit that the decision to not approve Swedens request is right. It's the swedish politicians that has brought the refugees here, indirectly. Isn't it tempting to get everything served for free? And the refugees knows it. It's the politicians fault, swedens populations fault (by voting for this shit) and LÖFVÉNS fault.
Now we are stuck with more people than we can take care of, and that has already affected the society greatly. Crime and rape rates has gone through the roof, so much the police even had to hide it from the swedish citizens.
So... we are kind of screwed, guys. Remember that the wellfare has to finance the refugees housing, food, medical care, dental care, school and pocket money. We don't have that kind of money to take care of 160 000 people!!

Many refugees isn't even thankful for the help they recieve. Today I heard on the radio that theres yet ANOTHER food strike at an asylum home. Appearantly a family on the asylum home went to the next door neighbours and asked for food, as they were hungry(?)
I quote the refugees words:
This food might only be served to pigs.
The potatoes looks gross and smell bad.
The cucumbers are not fresh, they're soft.
I wouldn't serve this food to anyone.
We get too little daily allowance money. We can't do anything for it. (they get around 4-5$ daily for doing NOTHING)
Granne till asylboende slår larm om oätlig mat - P4 Örebro

If they think the food they are served is gross, then they should have seen the food we got when I was in school. And did we do a hunger strike, even though our parents were PAYING for the gross food? NOPE...
This kind of ungratefulness makes my blood boil. Do they think they live in a 4 star hotel or something?!
And, why would they complain in the first place for stuff they recieve for FREE?
It's laughable that these grown men are whining about SOFT CUCUMBERS AND SMELLY POTATOES when they are in a safe place, away from WAR?! :cuckoo:
(btw, when they are complaining like this, it makes me doubt they have really fled. Cause they must to be comparing Sweden to something, right? Did they have it better in their home country?)

I'm sad it has come to this...

They need to put them on boats and send them back to the steaming shitholes they came from. Otherwise all of Sweden is going to become like their home countries. Liberals have already done this to America's inner cities. Just look at what happened to Detroit. Yet they still believe in these policies and want to keep doing the same thing, as if it will have a different outcome.

Detroit failed because of Syrian refugees?


No, Africans.

Keep guessing, dimwit.

It wasn't a guess.

It's been progressive policy to flood America with immigrants, and keep minorities on welfare and broke. Cities end up with high crime, drugs, property rates plummeting . Then they just blame everything on whites and republicans, and promise more handouts to the unemployed, uneducated minorities.
I'm glad you guys think so! :woohoo:
Sorry I'm late with updating the thread. Here comes the news I feel like you should know:

In the EU-meeting in Bryssel, Stefan Löfvén (Swedens prime minister) wanted to discuss the possibility of distributing the refugees(that has come to Sweden) across Europe, equally. As Sweden is currently having problems with financing taking care of all the 160 000 refugees that came last year.
Already the request has been declined. They are not even going to discuss it in the meeting.
EU-förslag: Sverige får inte omfördela flyktingar

I have to admit that the decision to not approve Swedens request is right. It's the swedish politicians that has brought the refugees here, indirectly. Isn't it tempting to get everything served for free? And the refugees knows it. It's the politicians fault, swedens populations fault (by voting for this shit) and LÖFVÉNS fault.
Now we are stuck with more people than we can take care of, and that has already affected the society greatly. Crime and rape rates has gone through the roof, so much the police even had to hide it from the swedish citizens.
So... we are kind of screwed, guys. Remember that the wellfare has to finance the refugees housing, food, medical care, dental care, school and pocket money. We don't have that kind of money to take care of 160 000 people!!

Many refugees isn't even thankful for the help they recieve. Today I heard on the radio that theres yet ANOTHER food strike at an asylum home. Appearantly a family on the asylum home went to the next door neighbours and asked for food, as they were hungry(?)
I quote the refugees words:
This food might only be served to pigs.
The potatoes looks gross and smell bad.
The cucumbers are not fresh, they're soft.
I wouldn't serve this food to anyone.
We get too little daily allowance money. We can't do anything for it. (they get around 4-5$ daily for doing NOTHING)
Granne till asylboende slår larm om oätlig mat - P4 Örebro

If they think the food they are served is gross, then they should have seen the food we got when I was in school. And did we do a hunger strike, even though our parents were PAYING for the gross food? NOPE...
This kind of ungratefulness makes my blood boil. Do they think they live in a 4 star hotel or something?!
And, why would they complain in the first place for stuff they recieve for FREE?
It's laughable that these grown men are whining about SOFT CUCUMBERS AND SMELLY POTATOES when they are in a safe place, away from WAR?! :cuckoo:
(btw, when they are complaining like this, it makes me doubt they have really fled. Cause they must to be comparing Sweden to something, right? Did they have it better in their home country?)

I'm sad it has come to this...

They need to put them on boats and send them back to the steaming shitholes they came from. Otherwise all of Sweden is going to become like their home countries. Liberals have already done this to America's inner cities. Just look at what happened to Detroit. Yet they still believe in these policies and want to keep doing the same thing, as if it will have a different outcome.

Detroit failed because of Syrian refugees?


No, Africans.

Keep guessing, dimwit.

It wasn't a guess.

It's been progressive policy to flood America with immigrants, and keep minorities on welfare and broke. Cities end up with high crime, drugs, property rates plummeting . Then they just blame everything on whites and republicans, and promise more handouts to the unemployed, uneducated minorities.

I hope you don't think that kind of whiny nonsense makes you a Republican, because it doesn't.
They need to put them on boats and send them back to the steaming shitholes they came from. Otherwise all of Sweden is going to become like their home countries. Liberals have already done this to America's inner cities. Just look at what happened to Detroit. Yet they still believe in these policies and want to keep doing the same thing, as if it will have a different outcome.

Detroit failed because of Syrian refugees?


No, Africans.

Keep guessing, dimwit.

It wasn't a guess.

It's been progressive policy to flood America with immigrants, and keep minorities on welfare and broke. Cities end up with high crime, drugs, property rates plummeting . Then they just blame everything on whites and republicans, and promise more handouts to the unemployed, uneducated minorities.

I hope you don't think that kind of whiny nonsense makes you a Republican, because it doesn't.

Another incoherent post. Why don't you go back to eating turds "unkotare"?
Swedish news "Sundsvalls Tidning" published an article about unnaccompanied minors wanting to play icehockey. It's a very touching story....

Sundsvalls Tidning writes:
They called by themselves and wanted to try icehockey. Now their wish becomes reality as the unaccompanied minors were invited to tonights game against Borlänge. When the children heard of the good news they became very happy.
- They were so kind, there has been so much "shit-talk" about asylum seekers lately, but these were so polite, shook our hands and bowed before leaving, says Daniel Nilsson.

Sundsvall Hockey bjuder in 50 flyktingbarn till kvällens match: "Folk pratar skit, men de är inte mer än människor"

Heres a picture that shows these happy children.


When people started pointing out that these MEN are not children, they quickly changed the article so that it is not about "minors" anymore. Haha! (I'm not even sure they can even call these "youths"... :p)
That is why I can only offer a cached version of the article.

Once again, swedish media at its finest! :rolleyes:
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