Sweden is falling apart

Do you think Sweden will fall?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 53.8%
  • No

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters
The media in Sweden (and Germany and other countries in Eurabia, once called Europe) only follow instructions of their globalized, totalitarian governments...they would not care less about those who are not Muslims.....

The Islamic hordes first....after that, if they are lucky, come the Swedes.

Horrible and very disturbing situation.
Stabbed twice in the face after refusing sex


Two Swedish teenage girls were partying with so-called refugee children at an asylum accommodation in southern Stockholm. It ended with one of the girls being stabbed in the face after refusing to have sex. The prosecutor wants the assailant deported from Sweden, and now the question of the man's age, his real name, and where he actually is from, is examined by the Supreme Court.
The refugee "children" were very interested in the Swedish girls, especially one of them, who according to his asylum application is named Karim Ageri, is 16 years old and comes from Algeria. Karim grabbed the 17-year-old girl's butt, tried to kiss her on the mouth and made it clear that he wanted to have sex with her. When he did not accept the 17-year-old's refusal, the two Swedish girls chose to sneak away from the asylum accommodation by climbing out a window.
But Karim followed them. He pulled out a knife and cut the 17-year-old girl twice in the face, while shouting something to her in a language she did not understand.

Prosecutor Marie Skeppstedt Törnström, which initially was responsible for the case, considers Karim Ageri to be an at least 21 year old man who should be tried as an adult and be expelled from Sweden after serving his sentence.

Stabbed twice in the face after refusing sex

I have not heard of this news? Media might have covered it up. Horrible crime... that poor girl... :(
Despicable this man should do some hard time and then deported. I hope the girl who was stabbed can have some reconstructive surgery to hide any trace of what the creep did.

A sensible immigration policy would have prevented her from being stabbed in the face.
It has been proven over and over that alot of muslims have a sick mind. This man thought it was OK so stab her in the face twice for being denied sex. He is a dangerous idiot and should be deported to some desolated island.
I hope as well she will get some reconstructive surgery and that it heals up nicely. I can imagine being heavily marked in the face from a crime would be devastating for a young girl. I would be devastated, personally... :(

The media in Sweden (and Germany and other countries in Eurabia, once called Europe) only follow instructions of their globalized, totalitarian governments...they would not care less about those who are not Muslims.....

The Islamic hordes first....after that, if they are lucky, come the Swedes.

Horrible and very disturbing situation.
That's exactly how it is!

The elderly are treated very poorly as well... it makes my heart ache. :(
Homes for the elderly are constantly being shut down, and forcing the elderly to move out. It is just to make room for asylum seekers. It's nuts!
Girl shows her breasts in school photo

Recently, a swedish girl was going graduate high school and took her last school/class photo. And she decided to show her tits to "stand up for feminism". She says "we need to desexualize womens breasts". She was celebrated in the swedish media, of course.


Why should we desexualize womens breasts?! Fücking feminists... :eusa_wall:

I wanted to show you a debate about feminism between Sweden and Denmark.
I encourage you to watch most of the clip with english subtitles, and you will see what nutjobs swedish feminists are.

For example: One swedish woman talks about the birth of her child. She didn't tell her family what gender her child turned out, she just tells them "it was a human". Because she wants to raise her child as a human, and let the child "choose his/her gender identity by own free will".

Eh..? The phychiatrist that is part of the show says that doing so could damage the person for life and cause serious confusion. I agree.

I'm completely on Denmarks side here, they have a healthy view on equal rights. The swedes are extremists and hate white men.
They have invented a new word in sweden, "Hen". Hen is a cross between "han/hon" which means him/her. Hen is a word that only exist in the swedish language and thats why the danish woman doesn't understand the word.
The swedish feminist woman in bright purple/pink is talking to the danes like they are retarded children, and that annoys me. Such disrespect.
Sweden is one of the most equal countries in the world, the feminists have nothing to complain about so they have to make up things, like the gender identity, as a problem. Then they also keep bringing up history as something present, though it has changed for the better.

At the same time, nobody brings up how Islam is threatening womens rights. Interesting, huh?
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Heres another debate between Sweden and Denmark. This one is about immigration. Once again, I encourage you to watch most of the clip with english subtitles and you will be able to see how stupid the swedes are in general.

The danish has a healthy view on immigration, they know the costs to take in so many people and issues with Islam. The swedes just deny it all, as usually.
Do you know what a Shisha is..? Not exactly something to think positively about IMO...

And btw, a few days ago, they reported that Malmö is about to collapse. They need to raise taxes for the Malmö citizens to be able to keep going. They are going to raise the taxes with 6.41 SEK for every 100 SEK. In US dollars, 0.77$ for every 12$.
Since most people who works makes about 22 000 SEK (2640$) every month, that means they have to pay 1410 SEK (170$) additional to the already 33% taxes.

In US dollars:
2640 - 33% = 1769$
1769 - 170 = 1599$

So, out of one persons salary of 2640$, only 1599$ is left after taxes are paid.

Chockhöjd skatt hotar Malmöborna
Do you know what a Shisha is..? Not exactly something to think positively about IMO...

And btw, a few days ago, they reported that Malmö is about to collapse. They need to raise taxes for the Malmö citizens to be able to keep going. They are going to raise the taxes with 6.41 SEK for every 100 SEK. In US dollars, 0.77$ for every 12$.
Since most people who works makes about 22 000 SEK (2640$) every month, that means they have to pay 1410 SEK (170$) additional to the already 33% taxes.

In US dollars:
2640 - 33% = 1769$
1769 - 170 = 1599$

So, out of one persons salary of 2640$, only 1599$ is left after taxes are paid.

Chockhöjd skatt hotar Malmöborna
Do you know what a Shisha is..? Not exactly something to think positively about IMO...

And btw, a few days ago, they reported that Malmö is about to collapse. They need to raise taxes for the Malmö citizens to be able to keep going. They are going to raise the taxes with 6.41 SEK for every 100 SEK. In US dollars, 0.77$ for every 12$.
Since most people who works makes about 22 000 SEK (2640$) every month, that means they have to pay 1410 SEK (170$) additional to the already 33% taxes.

In US dollars:
2640 - 33% = 1769$
1769 - 170 = 1599$

So, out of one persons salary of 2640$, only 1599$ is left after taxes are paid.

Chockhöjd skatt hotar Malmöborna
In that case you are very lucky to have these people coming to Malmo,opening up businesses,paying taxes and creating employment.
Do you know what a Shisha is..? Not exactly something to think positively about IMO...

And btw, a few days ago, they reported that Malmö is about to collapse. They need to raise taxes for the Malmö citizens to be able to keep going. They are going to raise the taxes with 6.41 SEK for every 100 SEK. In US dollars, 0.77$ for every 12$.
Since most people who works makes about 22 000 SEK (2640$) every month, that means they have to pay 1410 SEK (170$) additional to the already 33% taxes.

In US dollars:
2640 - 33% = 1769$
1769 - 170 = 1599$

So, out of one persons salary of 2640$, only 1599$ is left after taxes are paid.

Chockhöjd skatt hotar Malmöborna
In that case you are very lucky to have these people coming to Malmo,opening up businesses,paying taxes and creating employment.

The arguments there will be essentially the same as here. Immigration is fine ... IF the outcome to the host nation is a good one. That's to say ... if they make a good and positive contribution to the society they join .. if they integrate, rather than create opportunities for cultural friction and disruption. If, in fact, the social infrastructure can truly and comfortably cope with the numbers of them.

Tommy, I've repeatedly asked you for an estimate of the maximum number of immigrants the UK can take, and you've never answered me. So ... perhaps you WILL answer me, when it comes to Sweden ? Tell us of the limits Sweden should be expected to take, by your estimation, beyond which taking them in becomes counterproductive and ultimately damaging to their whole society.

.. Because sheer commonsense dictates that such limits MUST exist for every country on earth ... no country has infinite resources, infinite room, and infinite tolerance to culture shift (nor should it have !) !
Do you know what a Shisha is..? Not exactly something to think positively about IMO...

And btw, a few days ago, they reported that Malmö is about to collapse. They need to raise taxes for the Malmö citizens to be able to keep going. They are going to raise the taxes with 6.41 SEK for every 100 SEK. In US dollars, 0.77$ for every 12$.
Since most people who works makes about 22 000 SEK (2640$) every month, that means they have to pay 1410 SEK (170$) additional to the already 33% taxes.

In US dollars:
2640 - 33% = 1769$
1769 - 170 = 1599$

So, out of one persons salary of 2640$, only 1599$ is left after taxes are paid.

Chockhöjd skatt hotar Malmöborna
In that case you are very lucky to have these people coming to Malmo,opening up businesses,paying taxes and creating employment.
May I point out that the citizens of Malmö are over 50% immigants. Malmö is the only city in Sweden with that many with a foreign background. You don't see any connection to that and the fact that the city is close to collapsing, do you..?
Christian asylum seekers are threatened to death by muslims in asylum homes

"You have left Islam, then you know we have the right to kill you."

Khaled, a christian refugee from Syria, sometimes buys a six-pack of beer. He hides the bag from his muslim room mates and drinks the beer in the bathroom. One of his room mates became very upset and threatened to slit his throat after finding out.
Every morning at 05:00 the alarm clock goes off... sometimes it takes a long time before his room mates turn it off. It's time for the muslim morning prayers. Khaled himself tries to show his muslim room mates patience and respect, he even bought a prayer mat for his room mate.
The muslim room mate tore down a calender from the wall, as it contained pictures of people. "Humans are not allowed to be pictured within Islam", he says... instead, he put up verses from the Quran on the wall.
Khaled avoids wearing his necklace with a cross pendant to not upset the others. The threats and stress proved to be too much for Khaled, as he broke down in tears during the interview.

Khaled is not the only christian refugee that has been threatened. This happens in asylum homes all over Sweden.

”Du har lämnat islam, då vet du att vi har rätt att döda dig”

So much for the religion of peace...
Sweden has already fallen.

There is no hope anymore, too late to save it. :(

Islam owns that nation.
Man pushed infront of incoming train

"Help! Somebody pushed my husband infront of the train!"
- A woman screamed.

Even though the 30 yr old man that was pushed was run over by the train, he survived. He is currently in a medically induced coma and treated for severe injuries, the injuries he has suffered has not been revealed to the public.
The police has identified the perpretrator through a surveillance camera. It's a 34 yr man old who is originally from Lebanon, he was located by police in Rinkeby.
They still don't know why he did it and theres an ongoing investigation. He is suspected of murder.
This is not the first time he has gotten in trouble with the law on train stations.

Knuffades framför tunnelbanetåg – polisen söker man på övervakningsfilm
T-banemannen står åtalad för andra brott

Poor guy... I hope he did not loose any limbs or got damaged for life in any way... :(
Groups of men encircle young girls on buses to molest them and take pictures of their intimate parts

This has happened numerous times in the city of Borlänge. Now the police wants surveillance cameras on the buses for prevention.

Unga flickor omringas och fotograferas av män

Disgusting MFs.
Woman gangraped by 3 men

The rape took place indoors in an apartment building in the city of Timrå. The woman had followed the men home after a night out, she was intoxicated when this took place. The men took advantage of her vulnerable state.

Anmäld gruppvåldtäkt i Timrå
Two rape attempts in a week in Visby

Two seperate cases of rape attempts just a few days apart in the city of Visby.
The first attempt took place in the middle of the day, around 14:00, in the middle of the city.
The second attempt took place out in the woods few days later.

1 - Misstänkt våldtäkt mitt på dagen – polisen söker vittnen
2 - Polisen: Har någon sett något?

The summer is here... and has barely begun before rapes/gangrapes/rape attempts started popping up on a daily basis. I'm staying indoors this summer... I knew this would happen...
What's going to happen to Sweden???

How are the authorities going to protect you and your countrymen, Freja?

Things can not continue the way they are ..the inner structure of Sweden is collapsing under the weight of the criminal Islamic hordes!!!:(
Body of a 16 yr old girl found in the woods near Stockholm

Outside of Stockholm, the body was found by a man who was out walking his dog. She has not died a natural death and the police are investigating murder. The girl had been missing for two months.

A report says that somebody called the police after seeing "a girl being dragged into the woods by a man", but appearantly, the police never showed up.

The girl was an asylum seeker from Afghanistan. Speculations are honour murder within the family or family friends.
Witnesses says that she was married to a much older man, who might still be in Afghanistan, and she had a boyfriend in Sweden. Her boyfriend is the one who called her in missing.

Misstänkt mord i Stockholm
Död 16-åring var ensamkommande flicka - DN.SE

I would also guess it's some kind of family honour.
What's going to happen to Sweden???

How are the authorities going to protect you and your countrymen, Freja?

Things can not continue the way they are ..the inner structure of Sweden is collapsing under the weight of the criminal Islamic hordes!!!:(
I don't know what is going to happen! :(
Thank you for caring, I wish our authorities cared about us as well... I believe this summer might be what really makes people open up their eyes.
Like you said, it's too late to restore Sweden to what it once was...

I'm worried sick over it... Only time will tell... Only the Sweden Democrates can help us now. I'm looking out for their party leader, Jimmie Åkesson, and follow their debates. And he is kicking their asses in every debate!
So... small steps forward, I guess.

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