Sweden's Coronavirus Strategy Will Soon Be The Worlds

Herd immunity is the way to go.

"Herd immunity" is an argument of lazybones who don't want to fight against Corona.

Natural immunity is exponentially better than any vaccines which have contaminated animal seed lines.

(1) Still everyone thinks a so called "herd immunity" is possible also in case of the new virus Corona-2 - but still no one knows this for sure. In general a herd immunity will come - if it is possible, then this is a kind of automatism. But the important question in this context is the price, which has to be payed in the hardest of all possible currencies: the currency "life".

(2) If a vaccination is possible - what also no one knows for sure now in the moment - then an artificial method (with "boosts") will be much more efficient than a natural process, which has damned high unknown risks.

No thanks dude.


Y'all can pump yourself full of that cell damaging junk.

Are you sure you know what you try to speak about? You sound like a Trump now.

Again, Ill trust my own immune system over vaccinations that have contaminated animal tissue seed lines. They actually do damage the cell in the body. I've had the MMR and DTP vaccine in the 1970's but wouldnt take any contaminated vaccine today.
Swedens Corona strategy is to do on the own free will, what others do because they have to be forced. This will not work in most cases in other nations. And it works also not very good in Sweden itself, if someone compares Sweden with all other countries in the North of Europe. Only in England is the situation more worse than in Sweden.

Great Britain 49.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Sweden 32.5 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Netherlands 32 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Germany 9.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Poland 2.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Norway 4.3 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Finland 5 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Iceland 2.8 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Estonia 4.6 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Lithuania 1.8 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Latvia 0.9 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
... (May 13th 2020)

And the strategy in Sweden never had anything to do with "herd immunity" = the strategy to do nothing and to let die everyone in the gutter. For a virus (or the nature in general) it is for example not any problem to extinct a complete species and to die out on the own afterwards. A virus has nothing what we could call self-preservation capacity. A virus is insensitive. If Corona-2 mutates - and the more Corona-2 viruses exist the higher is the chance of mutations - then in a worst case scenario a descendant of the Corona-2 virus could in theory erase all mankind within a month. Sure this virus would die out afterwards too - but who cares, if not we now? The virus about itself? For sure life adapts itself very easily if all Corona-viruses and all human beings will die out. That's no problem for our planet.

Let's all join together and wish the cock roaches the best of luck!
Swedens Corona strategy is to do on the own free will, what others do because they have to be forced. This will not work in most cases in other nations. And it works also not very good in Sweden itself, if someone compares Sweden with all other countries in the North of Europe. Only in England is the situation more worse than in Sweden.

Great Britain 49.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Sweden 32.5 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Netherlands 32 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Germany 9.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Poland 2.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Norway 4.3 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Finland 5 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Iceland 2.8 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Estonia 4.6 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Lithuania 1.8 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Latvia 0.9 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
... (May 13th 2020)

And the strategy in Sweden never had anything to do with "herd immunity" = the strategy to do nothing and to let die everyone in the gutter. For a virus (or the nature in general) it is for example not any problem to extinct a complete species and to die out on the own afterwards. A virus has nothing what we could call self-preservation capacity. A virus is insensitive. If Corona-2 mutates - and the more Corona-2 viruses exist the higher is the chance of mutations - then in a worst case scenario a descendant of the Corona-2 virus could in theory erase all mankind within a month. Sure this virus would die out afterwards too - but who cares, if not we now? The virus about itself? For sure life adapts itself very easily if all Corona-viruses and all human beings will die out. That's no problem for our planet.

Let's all join together and wish the cock roaches the best of luck!

And you'll be living in your mothers basement with the other cockroaches.

You better see if you can find some tiny masks for them.

You are voicing opinions. Being closed indefinitely is an opinion. Many believe we need only close until a cure or vaccine is discovered and or complete testing and tracing is available.

Same question as above. Why do you assume a cure or vaccine will ever be discovered? Furthermore, most consensus is that if they do come up with one it won't be for another 18 to 24 months. Staying shut down for that amount of time will literally result in a societal collapse, so as I said before, we will all be using the Swedish model. There is no way around it.
We are developing new mitigating methods and discovering promising treatments for lowering death rates' As we learn more about C-19 we are able to make safe and responsible adjustments.

Lot's of places made those adjustments from the start.

Published an article on Washington County, Utah.

They never shut down (nail solons were declared essential businesses).

No huge glut of cases or deaths.

Not being stuffed in the same square mile with 2,000,000 other people is the biggest factor.

Rather than declare a lockdown or a state of emergency, Sweden asked its citizens to practice social distancing on a mostly voluntary basis. Swedish authorities imposed some restrictions designed to flatten the curve: no public gatherings of more than 50 people, no bar service, distance learning in high schools and universities, and so on. But they eschewed harsh controls, fines, and policing. Swedes have changed their behavior, but not as profoundly as the citizens of other Western democracies. Many restaurants remain open, although they are lightly trafficked; young children are still in school. And in contrast to neighboring Norway (and some Asian countries), Sweden has not introduced location-tracing technologies or apps, thus avoiding threats to privacy and personal autonomy.

Swedish authorities have not officially declared a goal of reaching herd immunity, which most scientists believe is achieved when more than 60 percent of the population has had the virus. But augmenting immunity is no doubt part of the government’s broader strategy—or at least a likely consequence of keeping schools, restaurants, and most businesses open. Anders Tegnell, the chief epidemiologist at Sweden’s Public Health Agency, has projected that the city of Stockholm could reach herd immunity as early as this month. Based on updated behavioral assumptions (social-distancing norms are changing how Swedes behave), the Stockholm University mathematician Tom Britton has calculated that 40 percent immunity in the capital could be enough to stop the virus’s spread there and that this could happen by mid-June.


Fuck this lockdown.

Sweden has made some mistakes...but

we are truly sorry that we tried to minimize deaths due to the virus that we knew so little about.

we apologize.

go right ahead and get back to business and let us know if you get the virus and die....or not....

we are quite interested to see how this affects you.

i can truly understand why you hate people who were trying to keep you alive when confronted with a virus that could have killed you!

and next time you see an unmarked bottle of.....something?....go right ahead and drink it! who cares what it is! don't let any namby pamby liberals keep you from committing suicide.....
Perhaps any restrictions should be more specific then generalized after some standard ones for all of us. A whole state may have different types of areas from very urban to very rural. From very industrialized to very little industrialization. From very populated to little population. Factor in age, sex, immunity levels and other factors. And if some of this falters then deal with it. Do you truly understand the death of economies and what happens?
Herd immunity is the way to go.

"Herd immunity" is an argument of lazybones who don't want to fight against Corona.

Natural immunity is exponentially better than any vaccines which have contaminated animal seed lines.

(1) Still everyone thinks a so called "herd immunity" is possible also in case of the new virus Corona-2 - but still no one knows this for sure. In general a herd immunity will come - if it is possible, then this is a kind of automatism. But the important question in this context is the price, which has to be payed in the hardest of all possible currencies: the currency "life".

(2) If a vaccination is possible - what also no one knows for sure now in the moment - then an artificial method (with "boosts") will be much more efficient than a natural process, which has damned high unknown risks.

No thanks dude.


Y'all can pump yourself full of that cell damaging junk.

Are you sure you know what you try to speak about? You sound like a Trump now.

Again, Ill trust my own immune system over vaccinations

The method "vaccination" is "trust in immune system"

that have contaminated animal tissue seed lines. They actually do damage the cell in the body. I've had the MMR and DTP vaccine in the 1970's but wouldnt take any contaminated vaccine today.

It's wrong what you say here. And be happy that you got the MMR vaccine. My wife did not get it and got measles. She nearly died. Everyone underestimates this damned dangerous measles. Measles for example had killed 20% of the population of Hawaii in the 1850ies.
I ll explain since you’re dumb.

say there are 100 of us. 75 are vibrant and strong and 25 are feeble and or old like you. We isolate and the protect the 25. 75 of us go out at the same time and get the virus. We recover and all 75 have antibodies and are immune. Virus has no where to go and dies out and then the 25 rejoin us. Now you’re piece releasing the 75 a few at a time and we prolong the lockdown and the 25 remain at risk longer.

Hopefully this explains it since you’re very stupid.

And what about to isolate and protect the 75% and let the other 25% live free?
Swedens Corona strategy is to do on the own free will, what others do because they have to be forced. This will not work in most cases in other nations. And it works also not very good in Sweden itself, if someone compares Sweden with all other countries in the North of Europe. Only in England is the situation more worse than in Sweden.

Great Britain 49.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Sweden 32.5 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Netherlands 32 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Germany 9.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Poland 2.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Norway 4.3 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Finland 5 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Iceland 2.8 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Estonia 4.6 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Lithuania 1.8 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
Latvia 0.9 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants
... (May 13th 2020)

And the strategy in Sweden never had anything to do with "herd immunity" = the strategy to do nothing and to let die everyone in the gutter. For a virus (or the nature in general) it is for example not any problem to extinct a complete species and to die out on the own afterwards. A virus has nothing what we could call self-preservation capacity. A virus is insensitive. If Corona-2 mutates - and the more Corona-2 viruses exist the higher is the chance of mutations - then in a worst case scenario a descendant of the Corona-2 virus could in theory erase all mankind within a month. Sure this virus would die out afterwards too - but who cares, if not we now? The virus about itself? For sure life adapts itself very easily if all Corona-viruses and all human beings will die out. That's no problem for our planet.
Wrong. Belgium, Netherlands, France, Spain, Italy and the UK all of records worse than Sweden's
Wrong? What's wrong?

Belgium is not clear. I heard there exists a chaos in the ways they count. And Netherlands and Great Britain are at the top of my little list of the North European nations. France, Spain and Italy I count to the mediteranian nations. Not a good situation in this three coutries too. Wished it would be better. Italy for example took not very serios the problems in the beginning. They made once nice jokes about Corona. Then they had to react very hard and no one likes to laugh about Corona any longer.
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"Herd immunity" is an argument of lazybones who don't want to fight against Corona.

Define what the fight against Corona entails.

I don't use this form of Cartesian philosophy. I never define anything. We are able to win or to lose. In a best case scenario I hope everyone will always be able to get a place in a clinic, who needs medical help. Step by step we will understand Corona-2 better and we will find special medicaments and vaccines. In a worst case scenario the virus mutates and is able to kill everyone so all mankind will die out within a few weeks.

You don’t think it will fade away?

This depends on us

Because it has nowhere to go?

It's a virus. As far as I can see it is clear now that it came from bats. This doesn't mean its bat-ancestor is not existing any longer. So "to go" is not really a clear description in case of a virus. The positive thing: A virus is not able move, because it has no own body. So as long as no one carries the virus to others we have no problem.
Herd immunity is the way to go.

"Herd immunity" is an argument of lazybones who don't want to fight against Corona.

Natural immunity is exponentially better than any vaccines which have contaminated animal seed lines.

(1) Still everyone thinks a so called "herd immunity" is possible also in case of the new virus Corona-2 - but still no one knows this for sure. In general a herd immunity will come - if it is possible, then this is a kind of automatism. But the important question in this context is the price, which has to be payed in the hardest of all possible currencies: the currency "life".

(2) If a vaccination is possible - what also no one knows for sure now in the moment - then an artificial method (with "boosts") will be much more efficient than a natural process, which has damned high unknown risks.

No thanks dude.


Y'all can pump yourself full of that cell damaging junk.

Are you sure you know what you try to speak about? You sound like a Trump now.

Again, Ill trust my own immune system over vaccinations

The method "vaccination" is "trust in immune system"

that have contaminated animal tissue seed lines. They actually do damage the cell in the body. I've had the MMR and DTP vaccine in the 1970's but wouldnt take any contaminated vaccine today.

It's wrong what you say here. And be happy that you got the MMR vaccine. My wife did not get it and got measles. She nearly died. Everyone underestimates this damned dangerous measles. Measles for example had killed 20% of the population of Hawaii in the 1850ies.

They actually do damage the cell and many are contaminated. I wouldn't take any vaccine today. Agree with you on measles. It is highly contagious.
Herd immunity is the way to go.

"Herd immunity" is an argument of lazybones who don't want to fight against Corona.

Natural immunity is exponentially better than any vaccines which have contaminated animal seed lines.

(1) Still everyone thinks a so called "herd immunity" is possible also in case of the new virus Corona-2 - but still no one knows this for sure. In general a herd immunity will come - if it is possible, then this is a kind of automatism. But the important question in this context is the price, which has to be payed in the hardest of all possible currencies: the currency "life".

(2) If a vaccination is possible - what also no one knows for sure now in the moment - then an artificial method (with "boosts") will be much more efficient than a natural process, which has damned high unknown risks.

No thanks dude.


Y'all can pump yourself full of that cell damaging junk.

Are you sure you know what you try to speak about? You sound like a Trump now.

Again, Ill trust my own immune system over vaccinations

The method "vaccination" is "trust in immune system"

that have contaminated animal tissue seed lines. They actually do damage the cell in the body. I've had the MMR and DTP vaccine in the 1970's but wouldnt take any contaminated vaccine today.

It's wrong what you say here. And be happy that you got the MMR vaccine. My wife did not get it and got measles. She nearly died. Everyone underestimates this damned dangerous measles. Measles for example had killed 20% of the population of Hawaii in the 1850ies.

They actually do damage the cell and many are contaminated. I wouldn't take any vaccine today. Agree with you on measles. It is highly contagious.

I don't have any idea, where the nonsense comes from, which you say. In context Corona every member of a risk group should seriosly think about to make an influenza vaccination this year. An influenza is not a cold (wrongly often called "flu"). It is on its own very dangerous. I'm sure a combination of influenza and covid-19 together is a problem, no one likes to suffer.
The strategy of no strategy. Sweden is #15 in the world on the coronavirus death chart.
Herd immunity is the way to go.

"Herd immunity" is an argument of lazybones who don't want to fight against Corona.

Natural immunity is exponentially better than any vaccines which have contaminated animal seed lines.

(1) Still everyone thinks a so called "herd immunity" is possible also in case of the new virus Corona-2 - but still no one knows this for sure. In general a herd immunity will come - if it is possible, then this is a kind of automatism. But the important question in this context is the price, which has to be payed in the hardest of all possible currencies: the currency "life".

(2) If a vaccination is possible - what also no one knows for sure now in the moment - then an artificial method (with "boosts") will be much more efficient than a natural process, which has damned high unknown risks.

No thanks dude.


Y'all can pump yourself full of that cell damaging junk.

Are you sure you know what you try to speak about? You sound like a Trump now.

Again, Ill trust my own immune system over vaccinations

The method "vaccination" is "trust in immune system"

that have contaminated animal tissue seed lines. They actually do damage the cell in the body. I've had the MMR and DTP vaccine in the 1970's but wouldnt take any contaminated vaccine today.

It's wrong what you say here. And be happy that you got the MMR vaccine. My wife did not get it and got measles. She nearly died. Everyone underestimates this damned dangerous measles. Measles for example had killed 20% of the population of Hawaii in the 1850ies.

They actually do damage the cell and many are contaminated. I wouldn't take any vaccine today. Agree with you on measles. It is highly contagious.

I don't have any idea, where the nonsense comes from, which you say. In context Corona every member of a risk group should seriosly think about to make an influenza vaccination this year. An influenza is not a cold (wrongly often called "flu"). It is on its own very dangerous. I'm sure a combination of influenza and covid-19 together is a problem, no one likes to suffer.

I know what corona viruses are. I've had them before and they're not influenza. There are no vaccines for common colds because they aren't caused by one singular virus. I haven't had a flu shot since the 1970's. I haven't had the flu since then and have never taken another flu shot.
The strategy of no strategy. Sweden is #15 in the world on the coronavirus death chart.
View attachment 336797

This table makes not a big sense. Example: USA ~330 million people, 88,603 deaths. Sweden ~10 million people, 3,647 deaths. Compared with the USA the faktor is 33 => If 330 million Swedes would live then it would be 3,647*33=121,242 deaths. Compared with "new cases" => 470*33 = 15,150 new cases (if 330 million Swedes would live). The USA has 2,791 new cases. So the USA has relatively 18.5% of new cases compared with Sweden (100%) and the death rate in the USA is 73% compared with Sweden (100%). So the situation is now in the moment in Sweden more worse than it is in the USA.
I ll explain since you’re dumb.

say there are 100 of us. 75 are vibrant and strong and 25 are feeble and or old like you. We isolate and the protect the 25. 75 of us go out at the same time and get the virus. We recover and all 75 have antibodies and are immune. Virus has no where to go and dies out and then the 25 rejoin us. Now you’re piece releasing the 75 a few at a time and we prolong the lockdown and the 25 remain at risk longer.

Hopefully this explains it since you’re very stupid.

And what about to isolate and protect the 75% and let the other 25% live free?
That doesn’t make logical sense. The 75% are the ones working and earning and producing.
Dale Smith

And why do you laugh now? What is funny in my words here? I tried to speak about a very serious theme with very serios words.
Go back and read my response, moron......was it too difficult for you to understand? Too many multi-syllable words? Use the internet to find an on-line dictionary.

Hope this helps!

You demonstrate with this words here: Whoever trusts in your ability to survive is an idiot.

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