Swedes Beginning to Stand Up Against the Muslims in Their Midst

Sweden will soon become an Islamic state and be governed by Sharia law. ...... :thup:
Sweden will soon become an Islamic state and be governed by Sharia law. ...... :thup:

You would really be happy with that, wouldn't you?

Another culture totally destroyed and driven back to the 8th century.
Doubtful the rest of Europe wont allow it
Too late.......it's already happening. ..... :thup:

Nope the Europeans are fighting back using the law, which means they spend a long time in prison and then are deported without right of appeal. In most cases they are just deported before any appeal can be lodged. Millions lined up to be deported by plane back to their country of origin. New laws in the UK mean they cant get a Job, a home, welfare, health care or education so find themselves destitute and starving. When they go to the authorities they are arrested as illegal immigrants and deported without any help.

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