Swedish Nationalists’ popularity on the rise as Syrians flood into Sweden; unemployment rises


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Swedish Nationalists’ popularity on the rise as Syrians flood into Sweden; unemployment rises
Posted by Ann Corcoran on August 22, 2014
Swedish Nationalists 8217 popularity on the rise as Syrians flood into Sweden unemployment rises Refugee Resettlement Watch
This is how it progresses, the UK knows and so does France, as non-assimilating migrant populations flow into “welcoming” Western European countries in ever increasing numbers, those political parties that want to curtail immigration gain popularity. The question for those who want to save Sweden for Swedes, or France for the French, must be asking themselves, is it too late already?


Jimmie Aakesson, leader of the Sweden Democrats: “…mass unemployment is primarily imported.”

From Bloomberg (Swedish elections are next month). Emphasis below is mine:

The Sweden Democrats, a nationalist party that targets deep cuts to immigration, is poised to double its support in elections next month as Swedes prepare for a change of government.

Several polls show the party garnering more than 10 percent of votes, enough to ensure that neither the government of Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt nor the Social Democrat-led opposition can win a majority on Sept. 14. Both blocs have refused to collaborate with the Sweden Democrats, even as the electorate tries to drag the group into the mainstream.

Support for the party, which came into being in the 1980s following a merger of political movements including a group called Keep Sweden Swedish, has swelled as the country absorbs a growing number of immigrants and asylum seekers from the Middle East. The development casts a shadow over Sweden’s reputation as an open society that has regularly topped United Nations rankings in accepting asylum seekers.


Sweden expects more than 80,000 asylum seekers this year, after a 70 percent jump in the first six months. Refugees are entering the country at a pace not seen since the breakup of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, according to the Migration Board in Stockholm.


Party leader Jimmie Aakesson, who has sought to reinvent the Sweden Democrats to make it more palatable to the broader electorate, says he wants to cut asylum immigration by 90 percent. A poll done by television broadcaster SVT in May showed 44 percent of Swedes think their country has accepted too many immigrants, up from 37 percent a year earlier. Only 10 percent want a more open policy toward foreigners.


In European Parliament elections in May, the Sweden Democrats won 9.7 percent of the vote, matching a surge across the region for parties opposed to immigration and skeptical toward the European Union. The U.K. Independence Party and French National Front this year became their countries’ biggest political groups in the European parliament.

Swedish unemployment extremely high especially among the immigrant population. So who is going to be working to provide the social “safety net?”

Swedish unemployment is the highest in Scandinavia, even as a report today showed joblessness dropped to 7.1 percent last month from 9.2 percent the previous month. The figures aren’t adjusted for seasonal swings. A year earlier, the jobless rate was 7.2 percent. About 16 percent of people born abroad didn’t have a job last year, compared with 6.3 percent for ethnic Swedes. Finance Minister Anders Borg said this month developments in Iraq and Syria mean there’ll be a “significant” increase in costs that will “hit public finances.”


Aakesson said in an interview in May that Sweden’s “mass unemployment is primarily imported.”

Immigration risks destroying the welfare state by creating “parallel societies” of people “that don’t think of themselves as part of Swedish society,” he said.

Aakesson is now trying to replicate the success of other Nordic parties set on tightening immigration. In Norway, the Progress Party joined the government for the first time last year while the Danish People’s Party has been a power-broker for more than a decade, shaping some of Europe’s toughest immigration standards.
These countries populations are waking up and starting to fight for their future! Too bad America won't.

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