Sweida Residents Fight Back Against ISIS: Terrorist Group Suffers Heavy Losses


Nov 14, 2012
No week has passed without western media puppets celebrating the end of the Druze support for the government but as you rightly guessed, all these reports were propaganda hoaxes. May those media puppets recover from their pseudologia.

"The predominately Druze population of the Al-Sweida Governorate have not only resisted repeated attacks by the Syrian Al-Qaeda group ā€œJabhat Al-Nusraā€, but also, the terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS), who have assaulted the desolate land in the northern countryside of this province.

Recently, the residents of Al-Sweida have found themselves under attack by a number of ISIS contingents near the town of Al-Qasr, where the aforementioned terrorist group has harassed the local population with random abductions and executions, while also plundering their provisions and resources for their own gain.

However, the tide turned in late June of this year, when the Syrian Government began to supply the residents of Al-Sweida with the necessary weapons they needed to combat this looming threat; it grew into a mutually beneficial situation, as the Syrian Druze formed a large and powerful contingent in the National Defense Forces (NDF).

The civilians in Al-Sweida alleviated the Syrian Arab Armyā€™s (SAA) exhaustion by taking up arms to protect their holy land in Jabal Al-ā€˜Arab; this display of loyalty to the Syrian Arab Army infuriated many of the Jihadist groups that attempted to strain the ties between the Sweida Druze and the Syrian Government.

On Friday morning, the National Defense Forces surprised the ISIS terrorists with a powerful assault on Al-Muā€™az Hill in northern Al-Sweida, killing 26 enemy combatants from the terrorist group, while also destroying 3 armored vehicles that were mounted with 23mm anti-aircraft machine guns.

According to a military source in the province, the National Defense Forces are attempting to cutoff ISISā€™ main supply route to the province, while recapturing the hilltops in northern Al-Sweida that the terrorist group controls.

In other news, sources in the Al-Sweida Governorate informed SANA about the kidnapping of the Head of Secretary of for the Al-Baath Arab Socialist Party branch in Al-Sweida, Shibli Jannoud.

The sources added that investigations proved that Jannoud was kidnapped by terrorists and taken to an unknown area."

Sweida Residents Fight Back Against ISIS: Terrorist Group Suffers Heavy Losses
Al-Qaeda and Israel renewed attacks on Syrian forces.

Islamist Rebels Rebuff Reconciliation Offer and Launch an Offensive in the Golan Heights

"On Saturday morning, the Islamist rebel fighters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group ā€œJabhat Al-Nusraā€ launched a fresh offensive inside the Golan Heights of the Al-Quneitra Governorate after the latter rebuffed the reconciliation offer from the National Defense Forcesā€™ predominately Druze contingent ā€œFouj Al-Joulanā€ (Golan Regiment).

The Islamist rebel fighters of the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra attacked Fouj Al-Joulanā€™s defensive positions at the strategic hilltops of Tal Al-Ahmar and Tal Al-Qabaā€™a, where they engaged one another in a series of fierce firefights that stretched from 10:00 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. (Damascus Time) on Saturday evening.

According to a military source in Al-Quneitra, the Islamist rebel fighters of the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra have been unsuccessful in breaching the Syrian Armed Forcesā€™ frontline defenses at Tal Al-Ahmar and Tal Al-Qabaā€™a; this has resulted in the death of over 25 enemy combatants from the Islamist rebel units.

Recently, the Druze of Hadar offered the tribes of Jabatha Al-Khasheb and Beit Jinn a reconciliation agreement to end all hostilities between each other; this offer was originally met with optimism, but later was rejected by the Islamist rebels.

With no reconciliation agreement in place, the Islamist rebels look to capture the remaining hills near the town of Hadar in order to take control of the remaining areas in the Golan Heights."

Islamist Rebels Rebuff Reconciliation Offer and Launch an Offensive in the Golan Heights

Israeli Missiles Strike the Syrian Army in the Golan Heights

"On Sunday morning, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) fired a number of missiles into the Syrian Golan Heights in response to three missiles that were indiscriminately fired into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

According to a local activist in Khan Arnabeh, the Israeli Defense Forces fired 6 missiles into the village of Mahyress located near the besieged hills of Tal Al-Ahmar and Tal Al-Qabaā€™a inside the predominately Druze town of Hadar in the Golan Heights.

The missiles did minimal damage to the Syrian Armed Forcesā€™ defensive positions; however, the soldiers protecting the strategic hilltops of Tal Al-Ahmar and Tal Al-Qabaā€™a believe that these IDF missile strikes were an attempt to propel the Islamist rebels of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group ā€œJabhat Al-Nusraā€ past their fortifications.

This is not the first time that the Israeli Armed Forces have attacked the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) inside the Golan Heights: in early August, the Israeli Air Force repeatedly struck the Syrian Army in the towns of Hadar and Khan Al-Sheih after the IDF Spokesperson reported that a missile entered Upper Galilee from the Syrian border.

Last year, the Israeli Defense Forces struck the Syrian Arab Army at the U.N. Ceasefire Border-Crossing after they alleged a rocket entered Israel from Al-Quneitra; this paved the way for Jabhat Al-Nusra to take full-control of this border-crossing."

Israeli Missiles Strike the Syrian Army in the Golan Heights
Islamist Rebels Launch a Major Offensive in the Golan With the Help of Israel

"The Islamist rebels of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Syrian Al-Qaeda group ā€œJabhat Al-Nusraā€ have launched a new offensive to capture the remaining villages inside the Syrian Golan Heights after a back-and-forth battle along the southern perimeter of the strategic hilltop at Tal Taranjah in the Al-Quneitra Governorate.

On Monday morning, the Islamist rebel fighters of the Free Syrian Army and Jabhat Al-Nusra stormed the National Defense Forcesā€™ (NDF) frontline positions at Tal Taranjah, Mazraā€™a Al-Amil, Tal Hamriyah, and Tal Al-Ahmar, resulting in a series of intense firefights that consumed most of the morning and afternoon before they dissipated due to the coming nightfall.

Protecting these imperative aforementioned hilltops and farms in the Golan Heights are the predominately Druze militias of Fouj Al-Joulan (Golan Regiment) and Liwaa Suqour Al-Quneitra (Al-Quneitra Hawks Brigade); these NDF units are working side-by-side with the Syrian Arab Armyā€™s 90th Brigade of the 9th Armored Division to prevent the enemy combatants from taking control of this area.

The Islamist rebels received a boost from their Israeli allies on Sunday after the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) alleged that three rockets struck an open field in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights ā€“ the Syrian Arab Army confirmed to Al-Masdar News that they did not fire any rockets into Israel.

According to a military source in Damascus, the Islamist rebels have become notorious for firing indiscriminate rockets into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights in order to prompt an aggressive response from the Israeli Defense Forces; however, these reprisals are always targeted towards the Syrian Armed Forces."

Islamist Rebels Launch a Major Offensive in the Golan With the Help of Israel

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