Swiss vote may cap CEO pay at 12X lowest worker's salary


If firing people to maintain the company is what he has to do, and he does it successfully, then why shouldnt he be compensated for it? What about all those jobs he saved doing it? Companies dont fire people because they want to, they do it because they have to. All your prissy statist catterwalling doesnt change that simple fact.

And your logic in the first line is the logic of thugs and tyrants.

If the company is struggling so badly they have to fire people, then no one in leadership should get a raise.

And most companies fire people because they think they can get away with it, and then they hire a bunch of new people at lower wages.

This is the sort of shit we really need to stop tolerating.

Then form your own company, and do it better than them.

Or organize a boycott of companies you dont like. Dont go running to mommy government and do it your damn self.

So if the people voted to re-introduce slavery, it would be just fine by you?

The will of the people is tempered in a republic by consitutional protections, if not what you have is mob rule.

So if the will of the people is to confiscate YOUR property, you would just accept that?

I wouldn't have much of a choice, would I?

What you fail to get is that most of what you call "rights" or "Freedoms" are things everyone else agrees you should have.

Until, of course, you abuse them.

I would say when these greedy CEO's crashed the world economy, went to the rest of us to insist they were "too big to fail" and had to be bailed out, and then stated that if you dared criticize them for keeping their 7 figure bonuses, it was just like a lynch mob...

well, bring on the mob!

[ame=]Black Sabbath - The Mob Rules (Heavy Metal) - YouTube[/ame]

So not only are you a progressive statist, you also go to default mob rule when you dont get your way.

What a petulant child.

If firing people to maintain the company is what he has to do, and he does it successfully, then why shouldnt he be compensated for it? What about all those jobs he saved doing it? Companies dont fire people because they want to, they do it because they have to. All your prissy statist catterwalling doesnt change that simple fact.

And your logic in the first line is the logic of thugs and tyrants.

If the company is struggling so badly they have to fire people, then no one in leadership should get a raise.

And most companies fire people because they think they can get away with it, and then they hire a bunch of new people at lower wages.

This is the sort of shit we really need to stop tolerating.

Then form your own company, and do it better than them.

Or organize a boycott of companies you dont like. Dont go running to mommy government and do it your damn self.

Why not?

Fuck, if it works, why not do it.

I mean, I don't think a woman can stop rape by putting on a strap-on dildo and doing it herself.

You do it by using the power of state to lock up the rapists.

If we all decide, "This behavior is no longer going to be tolerated", then guess what, it won't be tolerated.

All we have to get past are the bible thumping, gun clinging morons who squeal "Freedom" when they are being boned in the ass.

So not only are you a progressive statist, you also go to default mob rule when you dont get your way.

What a petulant child.

Quite the contrary, guy.

I firmly believe in the rule of law.

I know that I won't get my arm chopped off by a faulty machine today because the fear of OSHA has made my employer keep it in good repair.

and I know I won't get cancer from a chemical because the EPA requires them to store them properly with proper markings.

I firmly believe we need strong government because the kinds of people who run business are such bastards they need a very short leash.

One we can hang them from once in a while.

So not only are you a progressive statist, you also go to default mob rule when you dont get your way.

What a petulant child.

Quite the contrary, guy.

I firmly believe in the rule of law.

I know that I won't get my arm chopped off by a faulty machine today because the fear of OSHA has made my employer keep it in good repair.

and I know I won't get cancer from a chemical because the EPA requires them to store them properly with proper markings.

I firmly believe we need strong government because the kinds of people who run business are such bastards they need a very short leash.

One we can hang them from once in a while.

There is a large step between safety rules and dictating how much someone can be paid as a maximum. And as for your hanging threat, you first you fascist asshole.
If the company is struggling so badly they have to fire people, then no one in leadership should get a raise.

And most companies fire people because they think they can get away with it, and then they hire a bunch of new people at lower wages.

This is the sort of shit we really need to stop tolerating.

Then form your own company, and do it better than them.

Or organize a boycott of companies you dont like. Dont go running to mommy government and do it your damn self.

Why not?

Fuck, if it works, why not do it.

I mean, I don't think a woman can stop rape by putting on a strap-on dildo and doing it herself.

You do it by using the power of state to lock up the rapists.

If we all decide, "This behavior is no longer going to be tolerated", then guess what, it won't be tolerated.

All we have to get past are the bible thumping, gun clinging morons who squeal "Freedom" when they are being boned in the ass.

Comparing criminal acts and laws that deny a person thier right to run thier life as they see fit is not a real comparison, but what I come to expect from you.

Again, you advocate mob rule over everything, as the thug you are.

Also, typical you think you know what people want more than they do. It seems you are a consitent fucking asshole at least.
This society is insane to grant corporations the power they already have.

So in answer to the question

Swiss vote may cap CEO pay at 12X lowest worker's salary
Should the same thing be done in the US?

I'm here to tell you that's not ever going to be possible in the system we have right now.

You really want to start solving western civilization's flawed character, START BY CHANGING THE CHARTERS OF CORPORATIONS.

Those are granted by society, after all , so they be changed without in ANY way violating the US Const.
Why don't we just set a maximum wage like the minimum wage?

I vote for 50K a year for everyone.
There seems to be very little correlation between a CEO's salary and his effectiveness. At the present salaries, 100's of times that of even a skilled worker, what we are seeing is grand theft from the stockholders of the companies, and consumers that purchase the products of the companies. Time for society to address this issue.
Why don't we just set a maximum wage like the minimum wage?

I vote for 50K a year for everyone.

If you peg the CEO's salary to that of the workers within the company, you are going to raise the wages of those workers. After all, the CEO's greed will not change one bit from the passage of the law, but the means of attaining some satisfaction of that greed will.
This society is insane to grant corporations the power they already have.

So in answer to the question

Swiss vote may cap CEO pay at 12X lowest worker's salary
Should the same thing be done in the US?

I'm here to tell you that's not ever going to be possible in the system we have right now.

You really want to start solving western civilization's flawed character, START BY CHANGING THE CHARTERS OF CORPORATIONS.

Those are granted by society, after all , so they be changed without in ANY way violating the US Const.

One change that I would be fine with and would be perfect consitutional is require that the board members be 1) stockholders above a certain percent and 2) limit thier membership in a board to one board at a time. For pension funds and investment funds and such limit them to say membership in 5-10 boards only if they are the top stockholders.
Why don't we just set a maximum wage like the minimum wage?

I vote for 50K a year for everyone.

If you peg the CEO's salary to that of the workers within the company, you are going to raise the wages of those workers. After all, the CEO's greed will not change one bit from the passage of the law, but the means of attaining some satisfaction of that greed will.

The minute you put limits on income is the minute you stifle the economy.

So not only are you a progressive statist, you also go to default mob rule when you dont get your way.

What a petulant child.

Quite the contrary, guy.

I firmly believe in the rule of law.

I know that I won't get my arm chopped off by a faulty machine today because the fear of OSHA has made my employer keep it in good repair.

and I know I won't get cancer from a chemical because the EPA requires them to store them properly with proper markings.

I firmly believe we need strong government because the kinds of people who run business are such bastards they need a very short leash.

One we can hang them from once in a while.

There is a large step between safety rules and dictating how much someone can be paid as a maximum. And as for your hanging threat, you first you fascist asshole.

Why? Because you say so?

Stifling the economy by taking profit that rightfully should be more evenly shared is pretty much as bad as a machine that chops off someone's hand.

And it effects more people..
Why don't we just set a maximum wage like the minimum wage?

I vote for 50K a year for everyone.

If you peg the CEO's salary to that of the workers within the company, you are going to raise the wages of those workers. After all, the CEO's greed will not change one bit from the passage of the law, but the means of attaining some satisfaction of that greed will.

The minute you put limits on income is the minute you stifle the economy.

That's a load of crap.

The minimum wage had absolutely no cooling effect on the economy.

Quite the contrary, guy.

I firmly believe in the rule of law.

I know that I won't get my arm chopped off by a faulty machine today because the fear of OSHA has made my employer keep it in good repair.

and I know I won't get cancer from a chemical because the EPA requires them to store them properly with proper markings.

I firmly believe we need strong government because the kinds of people who run business are such bastards they need a very short leash.

One we can hang them from once in a while.

There is a large step between safety rules and dictating how much someone can be paid as a maximum. And as for your hanging threat, you first you fascist asshole.

Why? Because you say so?

Stifling the economy by taking profit that rightfully should be more evenly shared is pretty much as bad as a machine that chops off someone's hand.

And it effects more people..

Aint we the dainty little socialist.

Government should not be able to dictate willy nilly how people do business, there has to be a compelling reason and "I am jealous about people who have more money than me" is not a compelling reason.

also, your entire statment can be replied with "why, because you say so?" as well.
I would just love to see more corporations leave the US. China is calling, India is beckoning. Pass nonsense laws and it will happen.
If you peg the CEO's salary to that of the workers within the company, you are going to raise the wages of those workers. After all, the CEO's greed will not change one bit from the passage of the law, but the means of attaining some satisfaction of that greed will.

The minute you put limits on income is the minute you stifle the economy.

That's a load of crap.

The minimum wage had absolutely no cooling effect on the economy.


The minimum wage is not a limit on income........
If you peg the CEO's salary to that of the workers within the company, you are going to raise the wages of those workers. After all, the CEO's greed will not change one bit from the passage of the law, but the means of attaining some satisfaction of that greed will.

The minute you put limits on income is the minute you stifle the economy.

That's a load of crap.

The minimum wage had absolutely no cooling effect on the economy.


Where did I mention minimum wage?

The minimum wage is not a limit on income.

A limit is when you tell someone they can't make more than X .

See the difference?
This society is insane to grant corporations the power they already have.

So in answer to the question

Swiss vote may cap CEO pay at 12X lowest worker's salary
Should the same thing be done in the US?

I'm here to tell you that's not ever going to be possible in the system we have right now.

You really want to start solving western civilization's flawed character, START BY CHANGING THE CHARTERS OF CORPORATIONS.

Those are granted by society, after all , so they be changed without in ANY way violating the US Const.

If minimum wage doesn't violate the constitution, maximum wage doesn't. Besides, it would not be setting a specific maximum wage; it would be setting a maximum wage per company of 12x the lowest paid worker. That's not a national specific maximum wage.

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