Swiss vote may cap CEO pay at 12X lowest worker's salary

If proggressives want to cap salaries for ceo's. Then i also say we go to the other side of the spectrum. If you are abled bodied and can work no welfare. There is no reason you cannot work. Handouts are getting out of hand. They say a person who is on welfare and with all the other programs, they are making 17 dollars an hour. Who would want to work? Max congress pay at $50,000 a year. Goverment is to protecf and serve not dictate.

works for me...
folks better remember, Government with POWER over the people, can giveth and taketh away

but I'm afraid we are beyond the people today caring about's all giveth giveth giveth and they are happy little government campers
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Which just means all the lowest paid people will be fired and the company will outsource/contract out that work so those people won't be considered apart of that company.

Hurray for more people losing jobs thanks to progressives forcing their ideas on everyone else.


Cool. You read the article. You should cite it when you copy it, genius.

Did it tell you that the employees who get fired will just go to work for the contractor.....whose CEO will also have the pay limit? Did it also tell you that having to hire the contractor puts the original company at a logistical disadvantage?

The article glosses over the idea of outsourcing. As if ignoring the possibility is going to make it go away.

Serving the common good used to be a requirement for a corporation to get a charter. Charters were for a limited time only and could easily be revoked. Looks like the founders didn't much like corporations. Maybe now's the time to put the corporations back in their places. Pull their citizenship rights given them by the supreme court also.
Funny how liberals don't have a problem with President Obama making roughly 22 times what the lowest GS employee makes: $17,800 vs his $400,000.

General Schedule Pay Calculator

But please, continue on with the phoney outrage.

No but I have trouble with republican politicians having taxpayer provided health care while they are the reason we don't have national health care the same as other advanced countries.
There is a large step between safety rules and dictating how much someone can be paid as a maximum. And as for your hanging threat, you first you fascist asshole.

Why? Because you say so?

Stifling the economy by taking profit that rightfully should be more evenly shared is pretty much as bad as a machine that chops off someone's hand.

And it effects more people..

Aint we the dainty little socialist.

Government should not be able to dictate willy nilly how people do business, there has to be a compelling reason and "I am jealous about people who have more money than me" is not a compelling reason.

also, your entire statment can be replied with "why, because you say so?" as well.

Cool beans.

Then no more government protection for business.

If a worker wants to use his right to bear arms and walk into the boss's office and blow his fucking brains out for cheating him out of the good life.

So be it.

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