Swiss vote may cap CEO pay at 12X lowest worker's salary

Why 12x? Why not 2x, or maybe 3x? Wouldn't that be more "fair"? Since we're arbitrarily deciding how much someone is allowed to make, why not just say the same wage for everyone? Whats the problem there?
Which just means all the lowest paid people will be fired and the company will outsource/contract out that work so those people won't be considered apart of that company.

Hurray for more people losing jobs thanks to progressives forcing their ideas on everyone else.


Cool. You read the article. You should cite it when you copy it, genius.

Did it tell you that the employees who get fired will just go to work for the contractor.....whose CEO will also have the pay limit? Did it also tell you that having to hire the contractor puts the original company at a logistical disadvantage?

The article glosses over the idea of outsourcing. As if ignoring the possibility is going to make it go away.
The ideal situation, of course, would be one where executives considered the effect that there personal greed has on the economy.....and thus there company's future. I once worked for a 500 million dollar Japanese manufacturer of tooling. The President of the company had a desk in the same room as the sales staff. It was a nice desk....and he was hardly ever there, but the point was made. Soon after I was hired, they held a welcome party for me. I sat right there next to the Prez. He was very proud of the fact that his salary was only about 7 times that of mine. He had been to the US dozens of times.....and he knew that Presidents of companies that size here made way more.

I am not sure how things are for Japanese CEO's now......but this dude was motivated......extremely his desire to do well by his employees.
He was not working hard only for himself.

That is due to culture and tradition, not due to government forcing them how to do buisiness. If you want to change the corporate culture work at it, and dont make government do your dirty work for you.

I think you are putting words into my mouth nutter. I never said that the government should do anything in this respect.....unless it is the will of the people. What nutters ALWAYS that anything that our duly elected legislators do.....provided it is, like it or not, the will of the people. The fucking problem with corporate culture here is that CORPORATIONS ARE VIEWED AS PEOPLE.......lots and lots of people.....when it comes to their influence on legislators.

We....the people.....need to take the reigns of government back from corporations. Then we.....the people.....will do what Avg Joe suggested above and what you have suggested here.

I think you are missing an important fact regarding the Swiss proposal. IT IS BEING VOTED ON BY THE PEOPLE. If it is the will of the people.

You mean like how the people of California voted to not recognize gay marriage?

Yea, you liberals are all about the will of the people, only when it conforms to your progressive agenda.
This society is insane to grant corporations the power they already have.

So in answer to the question

Swiss vote may cap CEO pay at 12X lowest worker's salary
Should the same thing be done in the US?

I'm here to tell you that's not ever going to be possible in the system we have right now.

You really want to start solving western civilization's flawed character, START BY CHANGING THE CHARTERS OF CORPORATIONS.

Those are granted by society, after all , so they be changed without in ANY way violating the US Const.

If minimum wage doesn't violate the constitution, maximum wage doesn't. Besides, it would not be setting a specific maximum wage; it would be setting a maximum wage per company of 12x the lowest paid worker. That's not a national specific maximum wage.

Even if something doesnt violate the consituion, it does not automatically make it a good idea.

Also a minimum wage is not a direct cap on how much a person can make imposed by the government. It is a different situation.
Why 12x? Why not 2x, or maybe 3x? Wouldn't that be more "fair"? Since we're arbitrarily deciding how much someone is allowed to make, why not just say the same wage for everyone? Whats the problem there?

Red herring. This is not an issue. Those who write and propose the bill determine that, and the people vote on it. Worrying now if it is 12 or 3 or whatever is off topic. Has nothing to do with the essense of the discussion.
That is due to culture and tradition, not due to government forcing them how to do buisiness. If you want to change the corporate culture work at it, and dont make government do your dirty work for you.

I think you are putting words into my mouth nutter. I never said that the government should do anything in this respect.....unless it is the will of the people. What nutters ALWAYS that anything that our duly elected legislators do.....provided it is, like it or not, the will of the people. The fucking problem with corporate culture here is that CORPORATIONS ARE VIEWED AS PEOPLE.......lots and lots of people.....when it comes to their influence on legislators.

We....the people.....need to take the reigns of government back from corporations. Then we.....the people.....will do what Avg Joe suggested above and what you have suggested here.

I think you are missing an important fact regarding the Swiss proposal. IT IS BEING VOTED ON BY THE PEOPLE. If it is the will of the people.

You mean like how the people of California voted to not recognize gay marriage?

Yea, you liberals are all about the will of the people, only when it conforms to your progressive agenda.

The hypocrites keep forgetting about that one.
Why 12x? Why not 2x, or maybe 3x? Wouldn't that be more "fair"? Since we're arbitrarily deciding how much someone is allowed to make, why not just say the same wage for everyone? Whats the problem there?

Red herring. This is not an issue. Those who write and propose the bill determine that, and the people vote on it. Worrying now if it is 12 or 3 or whatever is off topic. Has nothing to do with the essense of the discussion.

There is no red herring about it. You want to know if we should do this in the USA and I'm asking an important question. You simply defer to "authority" because you lack any critical thinking skills.

Duly noted.
Why 12x? Why not 2x, or maybe 3x? Wouldn't that be more "fair"? Since we're arbitrarily deciding how much someone is allowed to make, why not just say the same wage for everyone? Whats the problem there?

Red herring. This is not an issue. Those who write and propose the bill determine that, and the people vote on it. Worrying now if it is 12 or 3 or whatever is off topic. Has nothing to do with the essense of the discussion.

There is no red herring about it. You want to know if we should do this in the USA adn I'm asking an important question. You simply defer to "authority" because you lack any critical thinking skills.

Duly noted.

Baloney. You are the one not thinking logically. The point of the discussion is putting a cap on the salaries of CEOs of big corporations. How much that cap would be is another discussion, a completely different issue. We are not talking about how much the cap should be but if there should be one at all. Try to keep up.
You poor Loons of the Left.

The reason we have such high CEO comp for Mega Corps in the U.S. is that the tax code was rigged to punish high the comp was changed to include a high ratio of stock options. Given the money printing policy of our federal government, stocks inflate as currency is debased.

And given the influence Big Banks and The Fed have on the Federal Gubmint, good luck doing anything which affects stock appreciation and option comp (not that this would be a good idea in the first place).
There are more holes in this than a dingbat's brain. It doesn't take much to envision the ways companies would take to attract top-flight executives beyond 12 x minimum. Fringe benefits would be expanded to housing, transportation, holidays, communications and pretty much whatever the hell they wanted except wages. Communism or Socialism was exactly the same. No one in the countries like the one in which I live ever thought that the difference between haves and have-nots was limited. Some lived in shantytowns and others in palaces. Some rode in limos and others on horses or bicycles. That's just the way things were and will always be.
Red herring. This is not an issue. Those who write and propose the bill determine that, and the people vote on it. Worrying now if it is 12 or 3 or whatever is off topic. Has nothing to do with the essense of the discussion.

There is no red herring about it. You want to know if we should do this in the USA adn I'm asking an important question. You simply defer to "authority" because you lack any critical thinking skills.

Duly noted.

Baloney. You are the one not thinking logically. The point of the discussion is putting a cap on the salaries of CEOs of big corporations. How much that cap would be is another discussion, a completely different issue. We are not talking about how much the cap should be but if there should be one at all. Try to keep up.

OK, so you're so dull you only want a yes or no answer? No, then.
Another 'Great Leveling'?

Mixed feelings about that, and I haven't thought it through yet, either.

My first knee-jerk reaction is 'Yes'.

But the Rational Man within - such as he is - is whispering 'No'.

I dunno.
I think you are putting words into my mouth nutter. I never said that the government should do anything in this respect.....unless it is the will of the people. What nutters ALWAYS that anything that our duly elected legislators do.....provided it is, like it or not, the will of the people. The fucking problem with corporate culture here is that CORPORATIONS ARE VIEWED AS PEOPLE.......lots and lots of people.....when it comes to their influence on legislators.

We....the people.....need to take the reigns of government back from corporations. Then we.....the people.....will do what Avg Joe suggested above and what you have suggested here.

I think you are missing an important fact regarding the Swiss proposal. IT IS BEING VOTED ON BY THE PEOPLE. If it is the will of the people.

You mean like how the people of California voted to not recognize gay marriage?

Yea, you liberals are all about the will of the people, only when it conforms to your progressive agenda.

The hypocrites keep forgetting about that one.


Not at all.

The Civil Rights Act was not favored by a majority of Americans.

And there's a difference between rights of people..and the rights of corporations.

Which by the way..are not people.
Another 'Great Leveling'?

Mixed feelings about that, and I haven't thought it through yet, either.

My first knee-jerk reaction is 'Yes'.

But the Rational Man within - such as he is - is whispering 'No'.

I dunno.

They are both right.

Yes it needs to be done.

And no, it cannot be done carelessly.
There are more holes in this than a dingbat's brain. It doesn't take much to envision the ways companies would take to attract top-flight executives beyond 12 x minimum. Fringe benefits would be expanded to housing, transportation, holidays, communications and pretty much whatever the hell they wanted except wages. Communism or Socialism was exactly the same. No one in the countries like the one in which I live ever thought that the difference between haves and have-nots was limited. Some lived in shantytowns and others in palaces. Some rode in limos and others on horses or bicycles. That's just the way things were and will always be.

CEO pay is just a more limited case of what FDR did to health care. In order to get around wage controls imposed by FDR, companies added health care fringe benefits to attract and retain employees. The result: our horrible health care system (which Obama is determinedly working to make even worse).
You mean like how the people of California voted to not recognize gay marriage?

Yea, you liberals are all about the will of the people, only when it conforms to your progressive agenda.

The hypocrites keep forgetting about that one.


Not at all.

The Civil Rights Act was not favored by a majority of Americans.

And there's a difference between rights of people..and the rights of corporations.

Which by the way..are not people.

The people who run them are people, something you seem to keep forgetting.
I'd bet all those agreeing with this don't own a business

scratch a liberal find a fascist who has no problem taking money away from others if they fweeel it, right

these people are scary
People who advocate to control the income and wealth of others are just thugs and grifters.
If proggressives want to cap salaries for ceo's. Then i also say we go to the other side of the spectrum. If you are abled bodied and can work no welfare. There is no reason you cannot work. Handouts are getting out of hand. They say a person who is on welfare and with all the other programs, they are making 17 dollars an hour. Who would want to work? Max congress pay at $50,000 a year. Goverment is to protecf and serve not dictate.

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