Switzerland proposes barbed wire along border with Italy

The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

Italians are beautiful.

Some Italians are beautiful, some are not so beautiful, also the Italian men have bad habits, such as scratching their balls in public, I've witnessed this, also most Italians cannot drive a car correctly.

When driving in Roma for example, it's an insane experience, the Romans are out of control of their own roads.

True story; I was standing waiting to cross a street in Naples when a nun in a little fiat gave me some abusive language; and I don't even speak Italian. She wanted to cut the corner I was waiting on.


Once when we were in Roma, two situations with terrible Roman driving. The first we were heading toward the Galleria Borghese, a car came so close it look a side mirror off our car. The second we were heading toward the Castel Sant' Angelo, a car shot in front of us, much beeping of their horn and also arm out of the window performing hand gestures :lol:

I have never been to Italy or Europe for that matter. If I ever go to Italy I would have to go the Pantheon and see the oculus and then see the Isle of Capri.

Well I hope that you come and visit us in Europa, when things have calmed down. The Pantheon is exceptional, especially the interior.

the pantheon interior rome - Google-Suche
This is for you :uhoh3:

That's why I pointed out that the Italians defeated the Austrians and occupied Innsbruck in 1918. :banana:

WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.

I have forgotten more about Europa than you will ever learn. Grow up you little Nazi.

The recourse of the bounder you sick Stalinist useful idiot!!


I like the way it comments about nations that have nothing to do with it, it's a typical busy-body talking out of it's ass. It's also advocated violence against women, saying some woman who it disagreed with such have a brick smashed in her face, the other day it commented that it wished some English person I've never heard of before, Paul something, it wished him dead.

It's a Xenophobe, it's bad-mouthed Americans, most of European nationals, also commented how much it hates the English and also had a swipe at the Irish and referred to the British Queen as either a slag or a bitch. So of course it would side against Britain and the British people. It likes the EU as Wales isn't wealthy and cannot survive without EU handouts.

Who does it LIKE? Africans and ANYONE who's Muslim. It's also a Welsh Nationalist, being Far Left and the Welsh Nationalists being Leftist that's okay.

Leftists think they can be Nationalists and there's never been a Leftist Dictator that Leftists have never loved. So Nationalism to them is okay as long as it's Left-Wing Nationalism.

Left Wing Nationalism as in Totalitarian Despotic Tyrants. The natural consequence of Socialism!!

Italians are beautiful.

Some Italians are beautiful, some are not so beautiful, also the Italian men have bad habits, such as scratching their balls in public, I've witnessed this, also most Italians cannot drive a car correctly.

When driving in Roma for example, it's an insane experience, the Romans are out of control of their own roads.

True story; I was standing waiting to cross a street in Naples when a nun in a little fiat gave me some abusive language; and I don't even speak Italian. She wanted to cut the corner I was waiting on.


Once when we were in Roma, two situations with terrible Roman driving. The first we were heading toward the Galleria Borghese, a car came so close it look a side mirror off our car. The second we were heading toward the Castel Sant' Angelo, a car shot in front of us, much beeping of their horn and also arm out of the window performing hand gestures :lol:

I have never been to Italy or Europe for that matter. If I ever go to Italy I would have to go the Pantheon and see the oculus and then see the Isle of Capri.

Well I hope that you come and visit us in Europa, when things have calmed down. The Pantheon is exceptional, especially the interior.

the pantheon interior rome - Google-Suche

My wife and I did a "Grande Tour" in 2005; loved it so much that we went to England t live for a year. When in Rome we did the usual; Sistine Chapel, St Peters, etc etc. Had a lovely walk along the Tiber at about 1am; saw some otters in the water seemingly playing. Fantastic. Also saw some homeless people from North Africa who spoke English...haltingly. I had a long chat with one. I hope he came good; as one does. It was a magnificent clear moonlit night...amazing experience. I went for a run full of the "joi de vivre"...and fell into a great bloody hole where the brick(?) pavement had sunk. Bruised but laughing loudly I got up, brushed myself off and walked amazed by the fact of being in the "Eternal City".

My wife and I have promised to return one day.

Switzerland doesn't want muslim sandniglets in their country? Well, as any good leftard or liberal will tell ya, the Swiss are just RACIST!!!!

The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

What do you think the Romans, were Chinese? And, which army occupied Innsbruck in November of 1918. Shut your trap, the Italians may get pissed off and occupy half of Austria again.

The Italians FOLDED and frankly I don't blame them. They even hanged their leader; not all bad but I doubt they'll be invading anyone this century.

Meanwhile your gibberish is wrong on every level. Are you really as ridiculous as you present here??


You haven't even figured out which war was being discussed. LOL
This is for you :uhoh3:

That's why I pointed out that the Italians defeated the Austrians and occupied Innsbruck in 1918. :banana:

WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.

I have forgotten more about Europa than you will ever learn. Grow up you little Nazi.

Somehow, you just don't impress me much......

The Muslims don't use toilet paper, they use their right hand, my goodness the pro-Islamic Trolls would eagerly lick the Muslim bottoms clean and lap it all up and beg for seconds.

They're pathetic, they spend all day on their knees.

Muslims do not use their right hand to clean their asses, that's why it is heresy to use one's left hand at a Muslim meal.

I am far from pro-Islamic, quite the opposite. I believe there is a Muslim invasion of Europe taking place. I believe overt Muslim religious symbols like wearing a Hijab should be banned in the West. And, I believe that Muslims are not capable of integrating in the West if they maintain adherence to Islam.
That's why I pointed out that the Italians defeated the Austrians and occupied Innsbruck in 1918. :banana:

WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.

I have forgotten more about Europa than you will ever learn. Grow up you little Nazi.

Somehow, you just don't impress me much......

The Muslims don't use toilet paper, they use their right hand, my goodness the pro-Islamic Trolls would eagerly lick the Muslim bottoms clean and lap it all up and beg for seconds.

They're pathetic, they spend all day on their knees.

Muslims do not use their right hand to clean their asses, that's why it is heresy to use one's left hand at a Muslim meal.

I am far from pro-Islamic, quite the opposite. I believe there is a Muslim invasion of Europe taking place. I believe overt Muslim religious symbols like wearing a Hijab should be banned in the West. And, I believe that Muslims are not capable of integrating in the West if they maintain adherence to Islam.
Switzerland doesn't want muslim sandniglets in their country? Well, as any good leftard or liberal will tell ya, the Swiss are just RACIST!!!!

The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

What do you think the Romans, were Chinese? And, which army occupied Innsbruck in November of 1918. Shut your trap, the Italians may get pissed off and occupy half of Austria again.

The Italians FOLDED and frankly I don't blame them. They even hanged their leader; not all bad but I doubt they'll be invading anyone this century.

Meanwhile your gibberish is wrong on every level. Are you really as ridiculous as you present here??


You haven't even figured out which war was being discussed. LOL

Idiot. I moved from Romans and WW1 to a later effort, birdbrain!!

A Country has the obligation and legal right to protect it's borders from illegal Immigrants, Just because the US does nothing doesn't mean other Countries should follow suit.

Except that Switzerland voluntarily joined the Schengen Zone.
A Country has the obligation and legal right to protect it's borders from illegal Immigrants, Just because the US does nothing doesn't mean other Countries should follow suit.

Except that Switzerland voluntarily joined the Schengen Zone.

Nobody cares about Schengen anymore, if you lived in Europa you'd know that, the only people who are bothered are the EU Commission. Schengen is half off the cliff already.

It means nothing, Hungary for example are in Schengen and they went hardcore with razor wire fences in 2015 and it's all but stopped the disgraceful scenes we witnessed with the feral savages getting into Hungary pre-razor wire fences.

Across Mitteleuropa Schengen has all but collapsed, we're back to border patrols and passport controls, which is good, also Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway are back to border patrols and passport controls.

This is the collapse of Schengen, nations now will never go back to no border patrols and no passport controls.
They better check with obama first, he might not like that. Especially if it hinders him getting to the denmark bath houses.

"The eurofags"

You have no manners.

"Eurofags"....I'm putting you on ignore. I was brought up to respect nations and their peoples, but it being alright to criticise a nations political leaders and a nations politics.

You have no manners.
^lucy was brought up to respect nations and their peoples.

result just in this thread:

"The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland."

"Thank goodness that Slovakia is having the EU Presidency for the month, thank goodness it's not the fucking French."

A Country has the obligation and legal right to protect it's borders from illegal Immigrants, Just because the US does nothing doesn't mean other Countries should follow suit.

Except that Switzerland voluntarily joined the Schengen Zone.

Nobody cares about Schengen anymore, if you lived in Europa you'd know that, the only people who are bothered are the EU Commission. Schengen is half off the cliff already.

It means nothing, Hungary for example are in Schengen and they went hardcore with razor wire fences in 2015 and it's all but stopped the disgraceful scenes we witnessed with the feral savages getting into Hungary pre-razor wire fences.

Across Mitteleuropa Schengen has all but collapsed, we're back to border patrols and passport controls, which is good, also Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway are back to border patrols and passport controls.

This is the collapse of Schengen, nations now will never go back to no border patrols and no passport controls.

What does "nobody cares about Schengen anymore" mean exactly? Except for the fact that you can cross most borders within the Schengen Zone right now without showing your passport??? There are 6 countries with controls.

Wire fences with Hungary means what?


The Schengen Zone has rules that dictate that border controls can be imposed anyway.
A Country has the obligation and legal right to protect it's borders from illegal Immigrants, Just because the US does nothing doesn't mean other Countries should follow suit.

Except that Switzerland voluntarily joined the Schengen Zone.

Nobody cares about Schengen anymore, if you lived in Europa you'd know that, the only people who are bothered are the EU Commission. Schengen is half off the cliff already.

It means nothing, Hungary for example are in Schengen and they went hardcore with razor wire fences in 2015 and it's all but stopped the disgraceful scenes we witnessed with the feral savages getting into Hungary pre-razor wire fences.

Across Mitteleuropa Schengen has all but collapsed, we're back to border patrols and passport controls, which is good, also Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway are back to border patrols and passport controls.

This is the collapse of Schengen, nations now will never go back to no border patrols and no passport controls.

What does "nobody cares about Schengen anymore" mean exactly? Except for the fact that you can cross most borders within the Schengen Zone right now without showing your passport??? There are 6 countries with controls.

Wire fences with Hungary means what?


The Schengen Zone has rules that dictate that border controls can be imposed anyway.

Read up on what's been happening in Eastern Europa, then I'll respond further, that picture you choose is not a representation of what measures have been implemented in Hungary.

I know you're a Leftist, so you're going to be Open Borders and pro-Muslim.

Also are you in Europa? I notice you have much to comment about Brexit.
WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.

I have forgotten more about Europa than you will ever learn. Grow up you little Nazi.

Somehow, you just don't impress me much......

The Muslims don't use toilet paper, they use their right hand, my goodness the pro-Islamic Trolls would eagerly lick the Muslim bottoms clean and lap it all up and beg for seconds.

They're pathetic, they spend all day on their knees.

Muslims do not use their right hand to clean their asses, that's why it is heresy to use one's left hand at a Muslim meal.

I am far from pro-Islamic, quite the opposite. I believe there is a Muslim invasion of Europe taking place. I believe overt Muslim religious symbols like wearing a Hijab should be banned in the West. And, I believe that Muslims are not capable of integrating in the West if they maintain adherence to Islam.
Switzerland doesn't want muslim sandniglets in their country? Well, as any good leftard or liberal will tell ya, the Swiss are just RACIST!!!!

The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

What do you think the Romans, were Chinese? And, which army occupied Innsbruck in November of 1918. Shut your trap, the Italians may get pissed off and occupy half of Austria again.

The Italians FOLDED and frankly I don't blame them. They even hanged their leader; not all bad but I doubt they'll be invading anyone this century.

Meanwhile your gibberish is wrong on every level. Are you really as ridiculous as you present here??


You haven't even figured out which war was being discussed. LOL

Idiot. I moved from Romans and WW1 to a later effort, birdbrain!!


Address the comment, dimwit!
That's why I pointed out that the Italians defeated the Austrians and occupied Innsbruck in 1918. :banana:

WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.

I have forgotten more about Europa than you will ever learn. Grow up you little Nazi.

Somehow, you just don't impress me much......

The Muslims don't use toilet paper, they use their right hand, my goodness the pro-Islamic Trolls would eagerly lick the Muslim bottoms clean and lap it all up and beg for seconds.

They're pathetic, they spend all day on their knees.

Muslims do not use their right hand to clean their asses, that's why it is heresy to use one's left hand at a Muslim meal.

I am far from pro-Islamic, quite the opposite. I believe there is a Muslim invasion of Europe taking place. I believe overt Muslim religious symbols like wearing a Hijab should be banned in the West. And, I believe that Muslims are not capable of integrating in the West if they maintain adherence to Islam.

So we should agree on this stuff then. The Open Borders crowd who are pro-Muslim, one of their modus operandi is to attempt to divide and conquer the opposition to their destructive plan.

We have people who are in general Liberal, they are now joining forces with us, simply because of what's been occuring, what we have in common is a love of our Continent and a wish to preserve our Continent from the destructive plan of Multiculturism and Open Borders.
WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.

I have forgotten more about Europa than you will ever learn. Grow up you little Nazi.

Somehow, you just don't impress me much......

The Muslims don't use toilet paper, they use their right hand, my goodness the pro-Islamic Trolls would eagerly lick the Muslim bottoms clean and lap it all up and beg for seconds.

They're pathetic, they spend all day on their knees.

Muslims do not use their right hand to clean their asses, that's why it is heresy to use one's left hand at a Muslim meal.

I am far from pro-Islamic, quite the opposite. I believe there is a Muslim invasion of Europe taking place. I believe overt Muslim religious symbols like wearing a Hijab should be banned in the West. And, I believe that Muslims are not capable of integrating in the West if they maintain adherence to Islam.

So we should agree on this stuff then. The Open Borders crowd who are pro-Muslim, one of their modus operandi is to attempt to divide and conquer the opposition to their destructive plan.

We have people who are in general Liberal, they are now joining forces with us, simply because of what's been occuring, what we have in common is a love of our Continent and a wish to preserve our Continent from the destructive plan of Multiculturism and Open Borders.

The difference is that I see the border as Europe's border, not individual EU state's borders. I think that the border states should be allowed to turn back all boats and safely return the migrants to where the boat was launched, by force if necessary. As of now the border states are obliged, by international law, to not only save the migrants, but also to bring them to Europe.

Italy's Navy and Coast Guard, which pick up these migrant boats closer to Libya than Italy, could bring them back to Libya under cover of one of their aircraft carriers if necessary.
They better check with obama first, he might not like that. Especially if it hinders him getting to the denmark bath houses.

"The eurofags"

You have no manners.

"Eurofags"....I'm putting you on ignore. I was brought up to respect nations and their peoples, but it being alright to criticise a nations political leaders and a nations politics.

You have no manners.
^lucy was brought up to respect nations and their peoples.

result just in this thread:

"The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland."

"Thank goodness that Slovakia is having the EU Presidency for the month, thank goodness it's not the fucking French."


Also, "sterilize Africa."

Though, in fairness, Africa isn't a nation.

So I guess it's OK.

FTR I do agree with her on the French.
They better check with obama first, he might not like that. Especially if it hinders him getting to the denmark bath houses.

"The eurofags"

You have no manners.

"Eurofags"....I'm putting you on ignore. I was brought up to respect nations and their peoples, but it being alright to criticise a nations political leaders and a nations politics.

You have no manners.
^lucy was brought up to respect nations and their peoples.

result just in this thread:

"The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland."

"Thank goodness that Slovakia is having the EU Presidency for the month, thank goodness it's not the fucking French."


Also, "sterilize Africa."

Though, in fairness, Africa isn't a nation.

So I guess it's OK.

FTR I do agree with her on the French.
wasn't it "sterilize blacks"? i cannot keep up with her myriad of bigoted, racist, xenophobic, and/or plain nazi statements.
A Country has the obligation and legal right to protect it's borders from illegal Immigrants, Just because the US does nothing doesn't mean other Countries should follow suit.

Except that Switzerland voluntarily joined the Schengen Zone.

Nobody cares about Schengen anymore, if you lived in Europa you'd know that, the only people who are bothered are the EU Commission. Schengen is half off the cliff already.

It means nothing, Hungary for example are in Schengen and they went hardcore with razor wire fences in 2015 and it's all but stopped the disgraceful scenes we witnessed with the feral savages getting into Hungary pre-razor wire fences.

Across Mitteleuropa Schengen has all but collapsed, we're back to border patrols and passport controls, which is good, also Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway are back to border patrols and passport controls.

This is the collapse of Schengen, nations now will never go back to no border patrols and no passport controls.

What does "nobody cares about Schengen anymore" mean exactly? Except for the fact that you can cross most borders within the Schengen Zone right now without showing your passport??? There are 6 countries with controls.

Wire fences with Hungary means what?


The Schengen Zone has rules that dictate that border controls can be imposed anyway.

The ACTUAL Hungarian razor-wire fencing looks like this, whatever that UNDOCUMENTED PHOTOGRAPH you posted isn't accurate.

The razor-wire fence is FULLY patrolled by the Hungarian police and army, with guns.





Here's some Economic Migrant feral savages who were detained, they look dejected, heads down, GOOD that's how it should be, the Hungarian's have shown them who's the Boss and who's in charge, this is what Patriotic Leadership does, restores Order and Discipline and shows lesser beings who's the Boss.


In Hungary pre-razor wire fence, pre-wall, up to 6,000 a DAY of the feral savages were invading Hungary....now it's 60-90 a DAY, these 60-90 are immediately arrested and taken to secure installations and kept there, they can either be imprisoned in Hungary for two years or deported back to nation of origin, either way they don't get released into the Hungarian population as Hungary has a Patriotic government and like many the Hungarian people don't want these Economic migrant savages.

Hungary now taking added measures, because of the incompetent Greeks closing the Idomeni camp.

Hungary bolsters anti-migrant fence on Serbia border

Szeged (Hungary) (AFP) - Hungary said Monday it had begun reinforcing its anti-migrant fence on the Serbian border following an increase in arrivals after the evacuation of Idomeni camp on the Greece-Macedonia frontier.

- Snip -

"Following last week's closure of the Idomeni refugee camp, the number of migrants trying to cross Hungary's barrier has increased," said Gyorgy Bakondi, chief advisor of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban."

The daily number of illegal entries had risen from 70 to 90 people, to between 100 and 150 since Idomeni was evacuated, Bakondi told national Kossuth radio.

As a result, the government will install "permanent barriers" in places where the barbed wire is considered "no longer sufficient" to keep the migrants out, he said.

- Snip -

Around 300,000 migrants and refugees passed through Hungary last year before the rightwing government sealed off the southern borders with Serbia and Croatia in the autumn.

The measures -- together with tight border patrols and tough new laws punishing illegal entry and vandalism of the fences -- slowed the flow to a trickle as Europe grapples with its worst migration crisis since World War II."

Here's the rest of the article.

Hungary bolsters anti-migrant fence on Serbia border

In the below article, János Lázár and Viktor Orbán are correct about Obama and George Soros, the latter is funding at our last count 48 NGO's DEVOTED to flooding Europa with these Economic Migrant feral savages through his Open Foundation.

Hungary: US Wants to Fill Europe With Muslim Migrants

"President Barack Obama and the United States favor illegal migration in Europe because they want to fill it up with Muslims, the chief of staff of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Thursday.

Janos Lazar also described Hungarian-born American financier George Soros as a standard-bearer for Obama's immigration policies for Europe and said "certain American groups" want Europe to be "diluted ... so Europe and America can cooperate without restraint."

- Snip -

"Not so long ago while visiting Europe, President Obama clearly spoke out in favor of the importance of migration, settlement and even the forced settlement (of migrants)," Lazar said at a news conference. Obama and America "are following a very strong pro-migration, pro-illegal migration policy in the interests of having as many Muslims as possible in Europe."

Orban has said that he wants no immigration from outside Europe and that Hungary will solve its demographic problems and dwindling workforce with policies like higher subsidies for families with children.

- Snip -

"Our conviction is that the borders of Europe have to be defended," Lazar said. "If the countries of Europe need immigration, it can be possible only in a limited, controlled manner."

The government is also sponsoring a referendum expected to be held by October against a plan by the European Union to resettle refugees in Italy and Greece to other countries in the bloc."

Here's the rest of the article.

Hungary: US Wants to Fill Europe With Muslim Migrants

Hungary's constitution 'bans Islamisation and forces its government to oppose mass migration to protect our culture' declares country's prime minister

  • Viktor Orban said that 'Islamisation is constitutionally banned in Hungary'
  • Remark made at event marking anniversary of Hungary's new constitution
  • Hungary maintains that migrant issue is a matter of national sovereignty

"Hungary's constitution bans 'Islamisation' because the document aims to protect Hungarian language and culture, the country's prime minister has declared.

Viktor Orban said the constitution forces the government to oppose any kind of mass migration that would endanger those principles.

'To be clear and unequivocal, I can say that Islamisation is constitutionally banned in Hungary,' Orban said in parliament at an event celebrating the fifth anniversary of Hungary's new constitution, now known as the Basic Law.

Orban was quoting from the National Avowal, the Basic Law's preamble, which details the country's commitment 'to promoting and safeguarding our heritage, our unique language, Hungarian culture' and the protection of 'the living conditions of future generations.'

Hungary maintains that the migrant issue is a matter of national sovereignty.

'We have the right to choose whom we want and don't want to live with,' Orban said."

Here's the rest of the article.

Hungary's PM Orban: 'Islamisation' banned by constitution

Viktor Orbán gave the below speech on 15th March 2016, it's already a historic speech....The Time For Resistence on FORCED mass immigration, FORCED, nobody has been asked, not one nation on the European Continent has been asked about this, the population of Europa hasn't been asked about this, all these feral savages are being FORCED upon this Continent and many millions of European people are saying no we don't want them and thank goodness Europa has Patriotic leaders such as Viktor Orbán and he's not alone.


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