Switzerland proposes barbed wire along border with Italy

WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.
Italy has given the world far more than Austria.The problem for you is that ,more and more, Austria is being associated with vile Nazi monsters. How that happened is a puzzlement to me.

Couldn't have been any Nazis without the elites from England, America, the Dutch, etc, etc. Churchill had high praise for Hitler. USA.INC took in as many as 2,000 high ranking Nazis, scrubbed their backgrounds and put them in positions of high rank in the OSS that later became the CIA. The Bank of London is holding Nazi gold that was stolen from the Jews.

Might want to clean out your own closet before attacking others.

"Might want to clean out your own closet"

There's probably like 20,000 back issues of Pink News in it :eek-52:
That's why I pointed out that the Italians defeated the Austrians and occupied Innsbruck in 1918. :banana:

WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.
Italy has given the world far more than Austria.The problem for you is that ,more and more, Austria is being associated with vile Nazi monsters. How that happened is a puzzlement to me.

Couldn't have been any Nazis without the elites from England, America, the Dutch, etc, etc. Churchill had high praise for Hitler. USA.INC took in as many as 2,000 high ranking Nazis, scrubbed their backgrounds and put them in positions of high rank in the OSS that later became the CIA. The Bank of London is holding Nazi gold that was stolen from the Jews.

Might want to clean out your own closet before attacking others.
I just hate listening to nazi loons wanking off.

I haven't seen any Nazis here.......
Your eyes are closed Dale.
Switzerland doesn't want muslim sandniglets in their country? Well, as any good leftard or liberal will tell ya, the Swiss are just RACIST!!!!

The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

Italians are beautiful.

Some Italians are beautiful, some are not so beautiful, also the Italian men have bad habits, such as scratching their balls in public, I've witnessed this, also most Italians cannot drive a car correctly.

When driving in Roma for example, it's an insane experience, the Romans are out of control of their own roads.

I think Italians are gorgeous :)
WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.
Italy has given the world far more than Austria.The problem for you is that ,more and more, Austria is being associated with vile Nazi monsters. How that happened is a puzzlement to me.

Couldn't have been any Nazis without the elites from England, America, the Dutch, etc, etc. Churchill had high praise for Hitler. USA.INC took in as many as 2,000 high ranking Nazis, scrubbed their backgrounds and put them in positions of high rank in the OSS that later became the CIA. The Bank of London is holding Nazi gold that was stolen from the Jews.

Might want to clean out your own closet before attacking others.

"Might want to clean out your own closet"

There's probably like 20,000 back issues of Pink News in it :eek-52:
That's why I pointed out that the Italians defeated the Austrians and occupied Innsbruck in 1918. :banana:

WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.
Italy has given the world far more than Austria.The problem for you is that ,more and more, Austria is being associated with vile Nazi monsters. How that happened is a puzzlement to me.

Couldn't have been any Nazis without the elites from England, America, the Dutch, etc, etc. Churchill had high praise for Hitler. USA.INC took in as many as 2,000 high ranking Nazis, scrubbed their backgrounds and put them in positions of high rank in the OSS that later became the CIA. The Bank of London is holding Nazi gold that was stolen from the Jews.

Might want to clean out your own closet before attacking others.
I just hate listening to nazi loons wanking off.

I haven't seen any Nazis here.......

That Troll is a broken record, it's either posting pro-Islamic Propaganda to support the Islamofascist Agenda or pro-LGBT Propaganda to support the Perverts Agenda.
Italy has given the world far more than Austria.The problem for you is that ,more and more, Austria is being associated with vile Nazi monsters. How that happened is a puzzlement to me.

Couldn't have been any Nazis without the elites from England, America, the Dutch, etc, etc. Churchill had high praise for Hitler. USA.INC took in as many as 2,000 high ranking Nazis, scrubbed their backgrounds and put them in positions of high rank in the OSS that later became the CIA. The Bank of London is holding Nazi gold that was stolen from the Jews.

Might want to clean out your own closet before attacking others.

"Might want to clean out your own closet"

There's probably like 20,000 back issues of Pink News in it :eek-52:
WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.
Italy has given the world far more than Austria.The problem for you is that ,more and more, Austria is being associated with vile Nazi monsters. How that happened is a puzzlement to me.

Couldn't have been any Nazis without the elites from England, America, the Dutch, etc, etc. Churchill had high praise for Hitler. USA.INC took in as many as 2,000 high ranking Nazis, scrubbed their backgrounds and put them in positions of high rank in the OSS that later became the CIA. The Bank of London is holding Nazi gold that was stolen from the Jews.

Might want to clean out your own closet before attacking others.
I just hate listening to nazi loons wanking off.

I haven't seen any Nazis here.......
Your eyes are closed Dale.

Nope, not at all..........
Switzerland doesn't want muslim sandniglets in their country? Well, as any good leftard or liberal will tell ya, the Swiss are just RACIST!!!!

The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

Italians are beautiful.

Some Italians are beautiful, some are not so beautiful, also the Italian men have bad habits, such as scratching their balls in public, I've witnessed this, also most Italians cannot drive a car correctly.

When driving in Roma for example, it's an insane experience, the Romans are out of control of their own roads.

I think Italians are gorgeous :)

Monica Bellucci is gorgeous and Franco Nero is gorgeous.
Couldn't have been any Nazis without the elites from England, America, the Dutch, etc, etc. Churchill had high praise for Hitler. USA.INC took in as many as 2,000 high ranking Nazis, scrubbed their backgrounds and put them in positions of high rank in the OSS that later became the CIA. The Bank of London is holding Nazi gold that was stolen from the Jews.

Might want to clean out your own closet before attacking others.

"Might want to clean out your own closet"

There's probably like 20,000 back issues of Pink News in it :eek-52:
Italy has given the world far more than Austria.The problem for you is that ,more and more, Austria is being associated with vile Nazi monsters. How that happened is a puzzlement to me.

Couldn't have been any Nazis without the elites from England, America, the Dutch, etc, etc. Churchill had high praise for Hitler. USA.INC took in as many as 2,000 high ranking Nazis, scrubbed their backgrounds and put them in positions of high rank in the OSS that later became the CIA. The Bank of London is holding Nazi gold that was stolen from the Jews.

Might want to clean out your own closet before attacking others.
I just hate listening to nazi loons wanking off.

I haven't seen any Nazis here.......
Your eyes are closed Dale.

Nope, not at all..........

The pro-Islamic Far Left can't handle anyone having a different opinion, they rapidly lose it and usually resort to name calling. The Far Left are the Fascists.

Wanting to control your own borders and protect and preserve your own culture and heritage isn't Fascist, Patriotism isn't Fascist either.

The MSM across the planet, in general being Leftist is full of Propaganda, for instance they have no problem with the Far Left and they have no problem with the violent Marxist thugs the Antifa....but Patriotism and wanting to protect your nation, it's people, the culture and the heritage, well that's just evil :rolleyes-41:
Couldn't have been any Nazis without the elites from England, America, the Dutch, etc, etc. Churchill had high praise for Hitler. USA.INC took in as many as 2,000 high ranking Nazis, scrubbed their backgrounds and put them in positions of high rank in the OSS that later became the CIA. The Bank of London is holding Nazi gold that was stolen from the Jews.

Might want to clean out your own closet before attacking others.

"Might want to clean out your own closet"

There's probably like 20,000 back issues of Pink News in it :eek-52:
Italy has given the world far more than Austria.The problem for you is that ,more and more, Austria is being associated with vile Nazi monsters. How that happened is a puzzlement to me.

Couldn't have been any Nazis without the elites from England, America, the Dutch, etc, etc. Churchill had high praise for Hitler. USA.INC took in as many as 2,000 high ranking Nazis, scrubbed their backgrounds and put them in positions of high rank in the OSS that later became the CIA. The Bank of London is holding Nazi gold that was stolen from the Jews.

Might want to clean out your own closet before attacking others.
I just hate listening to nazi loons wanking off.

I haven't seen any Nazis here.......
Your eyes are closed Dale.

Nope, not at all..........

What Switzerland does is NONE of these people's business, what Switzerland does is our shared business, which is why I've been posting in this thread since page one.
Italy has given the world far more than Austria.The problem for you is that ,more and more, Austria is being associated with vile Nazi monsters. How that happened is a puzzlement to me.

You are easily confused, not that big a leap.

Also nations such as Italy, those who have a massive debt and are struggling to pay their own public sector workers and their old people their pensions. These nations NEED the EU NOT to collapse, because as they're in dire straits, they need those EU hand-out's more than ever before.

Spain, Portugal and The Republic of Ireland are also in that boat, and of course smaller nations such as Cyprus and Malta, Greece is already sunk. The British they have a massive debt also, the British too are heavily dependent on EU hand-out's.

We WANT the EU to collapse, we're not poor like those others, we don't have the begging bowl.
Switzerland doesn't want muslim sandniglets in their country? Well, as any good leftard or liberal will tell ya, the Swiss are just RACIST!!!!

The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

What do you think the Romans, were Chinese? And, which army occupied Innsbruck in November of 1918. Shut your trap, the Italians may get pissed off and occupy half of Austria again.

The Italians FOLDED and frankly I don't blame them. They even hanged their leader; not all bad but I doubt they'll be invading anyone this century.

Meanwhile your gibberish is wrong on every level. Are you really as ridiculous as you present here??

The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

What do you think the Romans, were Chinese? And, which army occupied Innsbruck in November of 1918. Shut your trap, the Italians may get pissed off and occupy half of Austria again.

This is for you :uhoh3:

That's why I pointed out that the Italians defeated the Austrians and occupied Innsbruck in 1918. :banana:

WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.

I have forgotten more about Europa than you will ever learn. Grow up you little Nazi.

The recourse of the bounder you sick Stalinist useful idiot!!

That's why I pointed out that the Italians defeated the Austrians and occupied Innsbruck in 1918. :banana:

WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.
Italy has given the world far more than Austria.The problem for you is that ,more and more, Austria is being associated with vile Nazi monsters. How that happened is a puzzlement to me.

Couldn't have been any Nazis without the elites from England, America, the Dutch, etc, etc. Churchill had high praise for Hitler. USA.INC took in as many as 2,000 high ranking Nazis, scrubbed their backgrounds and put them in positions of high rank in the OSS that later became the CIA. The Bank of London is holding Nazi gold that was stolen from the Jews.

Might want to clean out your own closet before attacking others.

"Might want to clean out your own closet"

There's probably like 20,000 back issues of Pink News in it :eek-52:
This is for you :uhoh3:

That's why I pointed out that the Italians defeated the Austrians and occupied Innsbruck in 1918. :banana:

WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.
Italy has given the world far more than Austria.The problem for you is that ,more and more, Austria is being associated with vile Nazi monsters. How that happened is a puzzlement to me.

Couldn't have been any Nazis without the elites from England, America, the Dutch, etc, etc. Churchill had high praise for Hitler. USA.INC took in as many as 2,000 high ranking Nazis, scrubbed their backgrounds and put them in positions of high rank in the OSS that later became the CIA. The Bank of London is holding Nazi gold that was stolen from the Jews.

Might want to clean out your own closet before attacking others.
I just hate listening to nazi loons wanking off.

You like looking in your mirror doing same!!

You're a jerk!!!
Switzerland doesn't want muslim sandniglets in their country? Well, as any good leftard or liberal will tell ya, the Swiss are just RACIST!!!!

The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

Italians are beautiful.

Some Italians are beautiful, some are not so beautiful, also the Italian men have bad habits, such as scratching their balls in public, I've witnessed this, also most Italians cannot drive a car correctly.

When driving in Roma for example, it's an insane experience, the Romans are out of control of their own roads.

True story; I was standing waiting to cross a street in Naples when a nun in a little fiat gave me some abusive language; and I don't even speak Italian. She wanted to cut the corner I was waiting on.

Switzerland doesn't want muslim sandniglets in their country? Well, as any good leftard or liberal will tell ya, the Swiss are just RACIST!!!!

The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

Italians are beautiful.

Some Italians are beautiful, some are not so beautiful, also the Italian men have bad habits, such as scratching their balls in public, I've witnessed this, also most Italians cannot drive a car correctly.

When driving in Roma for example, it's an insane experience, the Romans are out of control of their own roads.

True story; I was standing waiting to cross a street in Naples when a nun in a little fiat gave me some abusive language; and I don't even speak Italian. She wanted to cut the corner I was waiting on.


The hen rules the roost and not the rooster. I got cussed at by a black woman in an Atlanta liquor store and I just said excuse me.
Switzerland doesn't want muslim sandniglets in their country? Well, as any good leftard or liberal will tell ya, the Swiss are just RACIST!!!!

The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

Italians are beautiful.

Some Italians are beautiful, some are not so beautiful, also the Italian men have bad habits, such as scratching their balls in public, I've witnessed this, also most Italians cannot drive a car correctly.

When driving in Roma for example, it's an insane experience, the Romans are out of control of their own roads.

True story; I was standing waiting to cross a street in Naples when a nun in a little fiat gave me some abusive language; and I don't even speak Italian. She wanted to cut the corner I was waiting on.


The hen rules the roost and not the rooster. I got cussed at by a black woman in an Atlanta liquor store and I just said excuse me.

I didn't even know nuns swore.

What do you think the Romans, were Chinese? And, which army occupied Innsbruck in November of 1918. Shut your trap, the Italians may get pissed off and occupy half of Austria again.

This is for you :uhoh3:

That's why I pointed out that the Italians defeated the Austrians and occupied Innsbruck in 1918. :banana:

WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.

I have forgotten more about Europa than you will ever learn. Grow up you little Nazi.

The recourse of the bounder you sick Stalinist useful idiot!!


I like the way it comments about nations that have nothing to do with it, it's a typical busy-body talking out of it's ass. It's also advocated violence against women, saying some woman who it disagreed with such have a brick smashed in her face, the other day it commented that it wished some English person I've never heard of before, Paul something, it wished him dead.

It's a Xenophobe, it's bad-mouthed Americans, most of European nationals, also commented how much it hates the English and also had a swipe at the Irish and referred to the British Queen as either a slag or a bitch. So of course it would side against Britain and the British people. It likes the EU as Wales isn't wealthy and cannot survive without EU handouts.

Who does it LIKE? Africans and ANYONE who's Muslim. It's also a Welsh Nationalist, being Far Left and the Welsh Nationalists being Leftist that's okay.

Leftists think they can be Nationalists and there's never been a Leftist Dictator that Leftists have never loved. So Nationalism to them is okay as long as it's Left-Wing Nationalism.
The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

Italians are beautiful.

Some Italians are beautiful, some are not so beautiful, also the Italian men have bad habits, such as scratching their balls in public, I've witnessed this, also most Italians cannot drive a car correctly.

When driving in Roma for example, it's an insane experience, the Romans are out of control of their own roads.

True story; I was standing waiting to cross a street in Naples when a nun in a little fiat gave me some abusive language; and I don't even speak Italian. She wanted to cut the corner I was waiting on.


The hen rules the roost and not the rooster. I got cussed at by a black woman in an Atlanta liquor store and I just said excuse me.

I didn't even know nuns swore.


Hey many nuns swear and most nuns like to have a drink. The priests like to have a drink, I remember our old priest, he used to visit each Friday and used to down many Cognacs.
This is for you :uhoh3:

That's why I pointed out that the Italians defeated the Austrians and occupied Innsbruck in 1918. :banana:

WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING you maniac?

The Italians are NOTHING, they've got a massive debt and are on their third appointed not elected Prime Minister in as many years, not to mention the crippling wage freezes and almost being unaable to pay their pensioners their pensions.

Italy’s Quick Austerity Fixes Return to Plague Renzi’s Finances

Your comments are as moronic as if you were talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal and once again you add nothing either intelligent of relevant to yet another thread.

You ought to stick to the Palestinian comments you make, you're out of your depth on the subject of Europa.

I have forgotten more about Europa than you will ever learn. Grow up you little Nazi.

The recourse of the bounder you sick Stalinist useful idiot!!


I like the way it comments about nations that have nothing to do with it, it's a typical busy-body talking out of it's ass. It's also advocated violence against women, saying some woman who it disagreed with such have a brick smashed in her face, the other day it commented that it wished some English person I've never heard of before, Paul something, it wished him dead.

It's a Xenophobe, it's bad-mouthed Americans, most of European nationals, also commented how much it hates the English and also had a swipe at the Irish and referred to the British Queen as either a slag or a bitch. So of course it would side against Britain and the British people. It likes the EU as Wales isn't wealthy and cannot survive without EU handouts.

Who does it LIKE? Africans and ANYONE who's Muslim. It's also a Welsh Nationalist, being Far Left and the Welsh Nationalists being Leftist that's okay.

Leftists think they can be Nationalists and there's never been a Leftist Dictator that Leftists have never loved. So Nationalism to them is okay as long as it's Left-Wing Nationalism.

If O leads the last name like O'Connel the O means bastard so told to me by an Irishman.
Switzerland doesn't want muslim sandniglets in their country? Well, as any good leftard or liberal will tell ya, the Swiss are just RACIST!!!!

The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

Italians are beautiful.

Some Italians are beautiful, some are not so beautiful, also the Italian men have bad habits, such as scratching their balls in public, I've witnessed this, also most Italians cannot drive a car correctly.

When driving in Roma for example, it's an insane experience, the Romans are out of control of their own roads.

True story; I was standing waiting to cross a street in Naples when a nun in a little fiat gave me some abusive language; and I don't even speak Italian. She wanted to cut the corner I was waiting on.


Once when we were in Roma, two situations with terrible Roman driving. The first we were heading toward the Galleria Borghese, a car came so close it look a side mirror off our car. The second we were heading toward the Castel Sant' Angelo, a car shot in front of us, much beeping of their horn and also arm out of the window performing hand gestures :lol:
Switzerland doesn't want muslim sandniglets in their country? Well, as any good leftard or liberal will tell ya, the Swiss are just RACIST!!!!

The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

Italians are beautiful.

Some Italians are beautiful, some are not so beautiful, also the Italian men have bad habits, such as scratching their balls in public, I've witnessed this, also most Italians cannot drive a car correctly.

When driving in Roma for example, it's an insane experience, the Romans are out of control of their own roads.

True story; I was standing waiting to cross a street in Naples when a nun in a little fiat gave me some abusive language; and I don't even speak Italian. She wanted to cut the corner I was waiting on.


Once when we were in Roma, two situations with terrible Roman driving. The first we were heading toward the Galleria Borghese, a car came so close it look a side mirror off our car. The second we were heading toward the Castel Sant' Angelo, a car shot in front of us, much beeping of their horn and also arm out of the window performing hand gestures :lol:

I have never been to Italy or Europe for that matter. If I ever go to Italy I would have to go the Pantheon and see the oculus and then see the Isle of Capri.
Switzerland doesn't want muslim sandniglets in their country? Well, as any good leftard or liberal will tell ya, the Swiss are just RACIST!!!!

The Italians are historical cowards, they essentially are a weak nation with historical weak flip-flopping leadership. We have no respect for Italy, neither do our cousins in Switzerland.

Also the Swiss don't want any of these Muslim savages, why should they, NOBODY wants them, only Traitors who despise their own culture want them.

Oberwil-Lieli in Bezirk Bremgarten (this is the District), Aargau (Kanton) have voted No to ANY of the "refugees"....the Leftist Agitators called Amnesty International, not to anyone's surprise have called the place "racist"....to which the population of Oberwil-Lieli certainly would say Fuck Off Amnesty International.

The crime rate in this beautiful place is ZERO, only Traitors would want to filth up such a beautiful, peaceful place as this.

The "refugees" only belong in one place, in OTHER Middle Eastern Muslim nations. The foot needs putting down and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the UAE need telling, these are YOUR fellow Muslims, YOU take them because Europa doesn't WANT them.

What do you think the Romans, were Chinese? And, which army occupied Innsbruck in November of 1918. Shut your trap, the Italians may get pissed off and occupy half of Austria again.

The Italians FOLDED and frankly I don't blame them. They even hanged their leader; not all bad but I doubt they'll be invading anyone this century.

Meanwhile your gibberish is wrong on every level. Are you really as ridiculous as you present here??


You should read his pro-Palestinian stuff and almost suggesting Israel is a terrorist rogue nation. He mainly posts in the Israel-Palestine section, he has some type of on-going feud with Rowdy, whom he refers to as a ZioNazi, whatever that is.

I've only ever seen him out of that section twice, both times to post hate comments about my nation and my people.

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