Sydney [Muslim] protesters call for beheadings


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Sydney [Muslim] protesters call for beheadings

HUNDREDS of protesters have clashed with police in Sydney as a wave of unrest against a film that mocks Islam spread to Australia.

Protesters hurled bottles and shoes hurled outside the US consulate in Sydney. Police responded using tear gas and police dogs to contain the crowd.

Furious protests targeting symbols of US influence flared in cities across the Muslim world on Friday in retaliation for a crude film made in the United States by a right-wing Christian group that ridicules the Prophet Mohammed.

At least six protesters died in Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon and Sudan as police there battled to defend American missions from mobs of stone-throwers, and Washington deployed US Marines to protect its embassies in Libya and Yemen.

In Sydney, shoppers looked on in surprise as protesters, including children, shouted "Down, down USA" and waved banners such as "Behead all those who insult the prophet".
Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

This is the shit that the idiots on the left are defending outright and wanting to come into our countries by the millions :eusa_shhh:. Let's think logically for a second; what do you thinks going to happen if we allow millions of these people into our nations? I'd think it would be quite simple to answer and once they're here they WILL take away our freedoms and rights away. Islam is a disease that must be banned throughout the western world. Us or them. I choose us!

You gay lovers=No rights under Islam
Woman rights=forget it! You won't vote, drive or take a shit without permission.
Freedom of speech=Well, you're seeing how they feel about it on fox, cnn, ect. Not going to have it. Sorry mr.leftist you can't protest for gay, women, equal, ect rights.
If you're Christian. Well, you will live in fear. It isn't us peace loving Christians that want to cut peoples heads off.

Muslims are the nightmare you been telling us about over and over again!. It isn't so much the Christians. :eusa_boohoo: Of course, I'm thinking 3-4 generations into the future or maybe sooner when the bill comes due. Your grandchildren depend on you making the right choices today!
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What was it that Obama's press secretary said...
These protests are not aimed at the Unites States?.....
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Leftist think about it. You can mock Christianity all you want within our countries, but you can't point out anything within islam or you're killed for it. This isn't something someone that loves freedom supports!!!
Let's stay focus here shall we. Take off our partisan blinders for a minute.

If the Catholics are 200 years behind the times, I think it's fair to say that Islam is 1000 years behind the times.
You're wasting your breath on the liberal zombie herd.. They're insane. They support America's enemies. Why do you think they want to re-elect a man who has nearly detroyed our country? Because they think like him.. These are the peace lovin hippies who spat upon solidiers as they returned home from Vietnam. They were smacked in the head most of the time using any drugs they could get their hands on.. They despise the military, hate what America stands for ( including the flag) and are at heart, OLD WINDBAG Socialists. They're not worth your spit much less wasting time on trying to reason with them. Fuck liberals..
You're wasting your breath on the liberal zombie herd.. They're insane. They support America's enemies. Why do you think they want to re-elect a man who has nearly detroyed our country? Because they think like him.. These are the peace lovin hippies who spat upon solidiers as they returned home from Vietnam. They were smacked in the head most of the time using any drugs they could get their hands on.. They despise the military, hate what America stands for ( including the flag) and are at heart, OLD WINDBAG Socialists. They're not worth your spit much less wasting time on trying to reason with them. Fuck liberals..

What the hell are you smoking, bath salts? Liberal Zombie herd lol.

The truth is they hate us! For reason's you won't admit too. because we kiss up to Israel too much.

I do not excuse their actions at all.
Leftist think about it. You can mock Christianity all you want within our countries, but you can't point out anything within islam or you're killed for it. This isn't something someone that loves freedom supports!!! Muslim gave a shit about the film in this country until all of this started. People in this country understand freedom of speech....over in the ME? Not so much.

Expecting them to understand it.....especially when they are drilled every day that America wants to destroy Islam by their own extremists....THEN a film like this comes out....Well, you can understand the anger....not CONDONE it, mind you....
but understand.

It would be like if over here....the only source of information was Rachel Maddow, and the entire nation listened to every word she said.... and she spewed the worst kind of hate towards Conservatives....then a broadcast of Michael Savage said that everything she said is a lie and we're all going to hell for believing it....

Just trying to give a perspective...reverse the names as you see fit....even throw religion into the mix..... but that's what we're dealing with.
You're wasting your breath on the liberal zombie herd.. They're insane. They support America's enemies. Why do you think they want to re-elect a man who has nearly detroyed our country? Because they think like him.. These are the peace lovin hippies who spat upon solidiers as they returned home from Vietnam. They were smacked in the head most of the time using any drugs they could get their hands on.. They despise the military, hate what America stands for ( including the flag) and are at heart, OLD WINDBAG Socialists. They're not worth your spit much less wasting time on trying to reason with them. Fuck liberals..

What the hell are you smoking, bath salts? Liberal Zombie herd lol.

The truth is they hate us! For reason's you won't admit too. because we kiss up to Israel too much.

I do not excuse their actions at all.

Go read your KKK manifesto, lick your Iron Cross and shove your BULLSHIT up your gnarled asshole. Using Israel to excuse the violent rampage of barbaric loons is typical of bigots.
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You're wasting your breath on the liberal zombie herd.. They're insane. They support America's enemies. Why do you think they want to re-elect a man who has nearly detroyed our country? Because they think like him.. These are the peace lovin hippies who spat upon solidiers as they returned home from Vietnam. They were smacked in the head most of the time using any drugs they could get their hands on.. They despise the military, hate what America stands for ( including the flag) and are at heart, OLD WINDBAG Socialists. They're not worth your spit much less wasting time on trying to reason with them. Fuck liberals..

What the hell are you smoking, bath salts? Liberal Zombie herd lol.

The truth is they hate us! For reason's you won't admit too. because we kiss up to Israel too much.

I do not excuse their actions at all.

Go read your KKK manifesto, lick your Iron Cross and shove your BULLSHIT up your knarled asshole. Using Israel to excuse the violent rampage of barbaric loons is typical of bigots.

Again you make false assumptions based on nothing but your imagination. Use a broad brush often?
But it's not about the's just because they're evil.....right boys?

The fact that they want to cut peoples heads off over our freedoms of speech=evil. Think about it. It's fucking insanity.

You have people in your camp who want to start global thermonuclear war over this shit.

But nope, that's being a good Christian.
Sydney [Muslim] protesters call for beheadings

HUNDREDS of protesters have clashed with police in Sydney as a wave of unrest against a film that mocks Islam spread to Australia.

Protesters hurled bottles and shoes hurled outside the US consulate in Sydney. Police responded using tear gas and police dogs to contain the crowd.

Furious protests targeting symbols of US influence flared in cities across the Muslim world on Friday in retaliation for a crude film made in the United States by a right-wing Christian group that ridicules the Prophet Mohammed.

At least six protesters died in Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon and Sudan as police there battled to defend American missions from mobs of stone-throwers, and Washington deployed US Marines to protect its embassies in Libya and Yemen.

In Sydney, shoppers looked on in surprise as protesters, including children, shouted "Down, down USA" and waved banners such as "Behead all those who insult the prophet".
Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

This is the shit that the idiots on the left are defending outright and wanting to come into our countries by the millions :eusa_shhh:. Let's think logically for a second; what do you thinks going to happen if we allow millions of these people into our nations? I'd think it would be quite simple to answer and once they're here they WILL take away our freedoms and rights away. Islam is a disease that must be banned throughout the western world. Us or them. I choose us!

You gay lovers=No rights under Islam
Woman rights=forget it! You won't vote, drive or take a shit without permission.
Freedom of speech=Well, you're seeing how they feel about it on fox, cnn, ect. Not going to have it. Sorry mr.leftist you can't protest for gay, women, equal, ect rights.
If you're Christian. Well, you will live in fear. It isn't us peace loving Christians that want to cut peoples heads off.

Muslims are the nightmare you been telling us about over and over again!. It isn't so much the Christians. :eusa_boohoo: Of course, I'm thinking 3-4 generations into the future or maybe sooner when the bill comes due. Your grandchildren depend on you making the right choices today!

Sorry, who did you say is defending this?
I don't suppose a link could be forthcoming.
Sydney [Muslim] protesters call for beheadings

HUNDREDS of protesters have clashed with police in Sydney as a wave of unrest against a film that mocks Islam spread to Australia.

Protesters hurled bottles and shoes hurled outside the US consulate in Sydney. Police responded using tear gas and police dogs to contain the crowd.

Furious protests targeting symbols of US influence flared in cities across the Muslim world on Friday in retaliation for a crude film made in the United States by a right-wing Christian group that ridicules the Prophet Mohammed.

At least six protesters died in Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon and Sudan as police there battled to defend American missions from mobs of stone-throwers, and Washington deployed US Marines to protect its embassies in Libya and Yemen.

In Sydney, shoppers looked on in surprise as protesters, including children, shouted "Down, down USA" and waved banners such as "Behead all those who insult the prophet".
Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

This is the shit that the idiots on the left are defending outright and wanting to come into our countries by the millions :eusa_shhh:. Let's think logically for a second; what do you thinks going to happen if we allow millions of these people into our nations? I'd think it would be quite simple to answer and once they're here they WILL take away our freedoms and rights away. Islam is a disease that must be banned throughout the western world. Us or them. I choose us!

You gay lovers=No rights under Islam
Woman rights=forget it! You won't vote, drive or take a shit without permission.
Freedom of speech=Well, you're seeing how they feel about it on fox, cnn, ect. Not going to have it. Sorry mr.leftist you can't protest for gay, women, equal, ect rights.
If you're Christian. Well, you will live in fear. It isn't us peace loving Christians that want to cut peoples heads off.

Muslims are the nightmare you been telling us about over and over again!. It isn't so much the Christians. :eusa_boohoo: Of course, I'm thinking 3-4 generations into the future or maybe sooner when the bill comes due. Your grandchildren depend on you making the right choices today!

Sorry, who did you say is defending this?
I don't suppose a link could be forthcoming.

many left wads around here are blaming US policies, support of Israel, Copts and the film itself and not placing the blame for the violence on the actual perpetrators.

I'm not digging around on the forum to "prove" it to you. If you have not seen what I describe you haven't been paying attention or you are in denial.

PS look at some of TMs posts.

TM is a proud liberal
Sydney [Muslim] protesters call for beheadings

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian

This is the shit that the idiots on the left are defending outright and wanting to come into our countries by the millions :eusa_shhh:. Let's think logically for a second; what do you thinks going to happen if we allow millions of these people into our nations? I'd think it would be quite simple to answer and once they're here they WILL take away our freedoms and rights away. Islam is a disease that must be banned throughout the western world. Us or them. I choose us!

You gay lovers=No rights under Islam
Woman rights=forget it! You won't vote, drive or take a shit without permission.
Freedom of speech=Well, you're seeing how they feel about it on fox, cnn, ect. Not going to have it. Sorry mr.leftist you can't protest for gay, women, equal, ect rights.
If you're Christian. Well, you will live in fear. It isn't us peace loving Christians that want to cut peoples heads off.

Muslims are the nightmare you been telling us about over and over again!. It isn't so much the Christians. :eusa_boohoo: Of course, I'm thinking 3-4 generations into the future or maybe sooner when the bill comes due. Your grandchildren depend on you making the right choices today!

Sorry, who did you say is defending this?
I don't suppose a link could be forthcoming.

many left wads around here are blaming US policies, support of Israel, Copts and the film itself and not placing the blame for the violence on the actual perpetrators.

I'm not digging around on the forum to "prove" it to you. If you have not seen what I describe you haven't been paying attention or you are in denial.

PS look at some of TMs posts.

TM is a proud liberal

So Liberals have been supporting beheadings and violence against Western Embassies?
No wonder you hate them!
The Muslims in Australia are using their freedom of speech to protest someone else's freedom of speech and I bet the don't see the irony.

I think most of us support freedom of speech but not violence. I'd like to see the OP prove his claim that the left supports violence, if that is what his claim is.
The Muslims in Australia are using their freedom of speech to protest someone else's freedom of speech and I bet the don't see the irony.

I think most of us support freedom of speech but not violence. I'd like to see the OP prove his claim that the left supports violence, if that is what his claim is.

I'm pretty sure that's what the claim is.

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