Symptoms Of A Totalitarian Police State. Does The USA Fit The Description?

What Are The Symptoms Of A Police State? (Unlimited Poll Choices)

  • Censorship

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Indoctrination

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Persecution Of Political Opponents

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Discouraging Religious Liberty

    Votes: 17 73.9%
  • Banana Republic

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • Kangaroo Courts

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Mass Surveillance

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Dictatorship or Oligarchy

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • Excessive Policing

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • Stifling Public Descent

    Votes: 12 52.2%
  • Banning Public Assemblage

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • Disarming The Populace

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 21.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
We're showing early signs of it but we're not there yet.

It's mostly due to people going a long with it.

They don't care their lives are slowly being digitized into their phone and put online. Ease of use making people compliant to being tracked because they are lazy they are willing to accept paying bills online, tying their bank accounts to everything, using their phones to pay, and so on. Hell I had a yard sale and quite a few people wanted to venmo me like 3 dollars. Facial recognition is another thing people accept to make things easier.

People also are too willing to support and call for laws and rules everytime something bad happens. Like a shooting happens and people want more gun control and more gun laws instead of wanting to get rid of the bad people in society they want more laws that only effect decent and honest people.

Everything done in the name of climate change is all about taking away from people and controlling them as well.

Even this big push for rental properties lately is about control. Millions and millions of Americans have less money and own less. Renting means your trapped and controlled. Rental properties keep being built in clustered locations pushing people together where all they do is work and pay bills, they can't expand or become independent because they are stuck.

Once our system switches to a digital currency then we will really see a police state begin. We will be trapped then and it will be too late.
I bet you wore your mask; social distanced; got the jab; and obeyed all the other totalitarian edicts. Obedience to despots is a disease.
These prominent anti-vaxxers died. Darwin at work.
Private companies are free to censor anyone who is not compliant with their standards, dupe.
Authoritarians wouldn’t bother with private companies.

Really? Would you consider China an authoritarian government? There are private companies in China now. Years ago they realized they needed to open up their markets. These companies are private, but they are under the supervision of the CCP. You are unable to see a correlation in that and what the FBI did by colluding with Facebook and Twitter to censor ONE side of the political spectrum?
You are unable to see a correlation in that and what the FBI did by colluding with Facebook and Twitter to censor ONE side of the political spectrum?
That’s not accurate at all.

The FBI went after disinformation and illegal election interference by foreign actors.

That happened to he more prevalent on the right but was not exclusive to it.
Are the marauding groups looting stores in "flash mobs" Conservatives?
Since the acid test for conservatives, according to the Mel Gibson wanna be there was subverting authority and breaking the law...yeah...I guess.

It sure was on 1/6 since all of those guys were waving Trump banners. As for the flash Biden signs your guess is as good as mine as to their politics.

Time for you to play the race card.
yes , but DBA's point was the government coercing them to do so Hutch>

“This is the worst First Amendment violation in our nation’s history. We look forward to dismantling Joe Biden’s vast censorship enterprise at the nation’s highest court,” Missouri’s Attorney General Andrew Bailey said in a statement.

A dubious claim at best.
Certainly the govt has an interest in protecting public health and safety.
Is it coercion to have standards disallowing nudity and vulgar language on broadcast networks?
I bet you wore your mask; social distanced; got the jab; and obeyed all the other totalitarian edicts. Obedience to despots is a disease.
You can do what you want. You can believe what you want. You also have to follow the standards set by those whose services you are using.
Really? Would you consider China an authoritarian government? There are private companies in China now. Years ago they realized they needed to open up their markets. These companies are private, but they are under the supervision of the CCP. You are unable to see a correlation in that and what the FBI did by colluding with Facebook and Twitter to censor ONE side of the political spectrum?
You call it one side of the political spectrum but in reality it was to reduce the amount of dangerous mis and disinformation that was being propagated. If that affected “ your side” then maybe some self reflection is in order.
Why does everything have to have a political ideology for you?
You were the one that did that when you said something to the effect of Conservatives were the ones causing violence….
Because it was conservatives causing the violence.

Cmon man.
So, I’ll ask again, is it conservatives looting stores in flash mobs? Was it conservatives during the “summer of love” taking over an area in Seattle and calling it CHOP?
That’s not accurate at all.

The FBI went after disinformation and illegal election interference by foreign actors.

That happened to he more prevalent on the right but was not exclusive to it.
This is wishful thinking at best.
So, I’ll ask again, is it conservatives looting stores in flash mobs? Was it conservatives during the “summer of love” taking over an area in Seattle and calling it CHOP?
Nope! What’s your point?

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